IMPACT Wrestling LD for 10.4.12 is LIVE!

So it wasn't personal when they targeted your daughter, but not letting you in a tag match made it personal? Really?
I thought the same thing writing my response to his comment. The place was dead after the Sting vs Hogan match. I hope they can organize the card a bit more this time around

That's what I'm suggesting. I mean, I'm old school too in how much I think the World Title should mean, but if the title is clearly not as big as your other story, you have to adjust accordingly.
Has anybody mentioned that Sting could be the guy behind it all? It won't be, but I'm just surprised it hasn't been mentioned, with how much Hogan has been putting him over as the guy to rid TNA of Aces & Eights.
Has anybody mentioned that Sting could be the guy behind it all? It won't be, but I'm just surprised it hasn't been mentioned, with how much Hogan has been putting him over as the guy to rid TNA of Aces & Eights.

It's been mentioend.
God damn, keeping Bully long term is the smartest thing TNA has done in a long time. Imagine Bullt going to wwe and getting the Tensai treatment
Bully Ray is epic.. hands down.. give this man the title already.. no more excuses.. no fuckin more... DO YOU KNOW WHO HE IS!!!!!!
YES, Bully in the most important match of BFG.
If they add a decent x division match, I will order the ppv. They deserve it after the buildup so far
I'm going to be really upset if this leads to Bully turning in that match to cost TNA and become part (he's not going to be the leader) of Aces and Eights. I hate when any company does the thing where you take a heel, make them face for a show or two, and then turn them heel again and hope it shocks people. Why should we be shocked when that person was evil up until a week prior?
Someone PLEASE mute the fans. this is a big moment.
The Impact Zone doesn't even know what they actually want. Bully Ray's just so damn good at being hated, they think they want Devon more. But as evidenced in his matches, they clearly do not. Devon gets more of a pop when they're booing Bully than he does in his own matches. Leave it to the Impact Zone to ruin a big moment with a "we want an irrelevant former mid-card champion who barely mattered" chant.

Good to see Bully Ray is going to be the focus of BFG afterall. He'll turn, as I think most people expect. And it's not really a turn...he's the biggest heel in the company. But maybe, just maybe they'll use this to actually make him a face, and keep him on Sting's side. I'm not altogether sure this is a good idea though.
Devon chant in final segment of the show before your biggest PPV, a segment that overshadowed the World title match, a match that is much more anticipated than an angle that needed a conclusion about a month ago. Wrestling really takes a hit during the fall.

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