IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.10.14 — Wolves v. 3D v. Hardyz Round II and Much More!

I don't hate the company. THe rest of it has actually been working for me lately. You can overcome a lack of story with good action but the main event doesn't get that great most of the time. It doesn't help that Lashley barely even cheats and there isn't much of a reason to boo him.

Funny enough, Lashley is exactly the type of guy I'm talking about getting behind and pushing to dethrone... Lashley.

James Storm is being wasted as a heel.

Also this, though I do love him as a heel like this.
Obviously the Hardys will pick a ladder match when they get a win in the series. I can't think of what the Wolves will pick.
I don't care what anyone says, Robbie plays his role to perfection.

Bromans make me want to see someone beat them up and keep them quiet.

In a good way though. They're good heels.

I don't want to see the Menagerie do it tonight though because they suck character wise.

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