IMPACT Wrestling LD for 08.23.12

Hey KB on your review you gave the overall rating a .

Overall Rating: . The show was good overall for the most part although there were some weak areas. For one, the AJ/Daniels/Kaz thing was pretty terrible, but if it means they’re pulling out of the thing once and for all, I’m all for it. The Aces and 8′s stuff was interesting and it’s pretty clear they’re heading to BFG with this angle. TNA is doing a great job at making you want to watch next week, which is the whole point of a TV show. Good stuff again here.

Edit: Fixed it now.
The reveal for the leader is going to have to be HUGE for this to not seem like a disappointment.
Jeff Jarrett would make sense IMO. He is the founder of TNA and has lost pretty much all control of it. It would make sense that he would try to take it back. This is assuming they haven't gone this rout before.
I am really curious who the hell are in this group.

Any idea who the guy with the bloody mouth was in the begining of the show?
Jeff Jarrett would make sense IMO. He is the founder of TNA and has lost pretty much all control of it. It would make sense that he would try to take it back. This is assuming they haven't gone this rout before.

I could live with Jarrett. If it's Bischoff, I'll be disappointed.
The ending needed to do more. It was all set up from the opening for something big to happen and nothing big happened. That might be fine for this week but this has been going almost 2 months and we've gotten no progression really. These guys attack people and we don't know who they are. I get that this is going to BFG (I think the reveal comes at the next PPV), but they should be progressing the story somehow. At this point it's just in coast mode until the reveal.
Jeff Jarrett would make sense IMO. He is the founder of TNA and has lost pretty much all control of it. It would make sense that he would try to take it back. This is assuming they haven't gone this rout before.

Seems too predictable though.. TNA has been playing against predictablity lately.. lots thought it would be hulk hogan tonight an look what happend as an example? I don't think its Jarrett..
(Jarrett > Bischoff) < Both

Though I'm fine with any of those solutions. Both men make perfect sense and are great mic workers.
(Jarrett > Bischoff) < Both

Though I'm fine with any of those solutions. Both men make perfect sense and are great mic workers.

True but I think both scenrios are too predictable. I really don't think TNA will take this route with both of them. They have been so unpredictable lately that falling in line wouldn't seem right because everyone is expecting it.
Everyone is expecting everything. People have thus far called James Storm, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett as being behind the attacks. Whatever the solution, unless they do something completely off the wall and go with Claire Lynch, people are going to insist they worked it out in advance and that it was predictable.
I'd rather it not be Bischoff for a few reasons.

1. He's only been gone what, four months? That's almost a long time but it would feel like "oh he's back" instead of "HOKEY SMOKE ERIC BISCHOFF IS BACK!"

2. We've seen Eric as the evil boss how many times now? It's been done.

3. This is a big chance to give someone a huge rub. Someone like Joe or Morgan or someone new to the roster would get a huge push as the leader of the group, so why use it on Bischoff?
Everyone is expecting everything. People have thus far called James Storm, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett as being behind the attacks. Whatever the solution, unless they do something completely off the wall and go with Claire Lynch, people are going to insist they worked it out in advance and that it was predictable.

If people realized that predicable does not always equal bad, the IWC would be a much better place.
If people realized that predicable does not always equal bad, the IWC would be a much better place.

I'd much rather this reveal be someone we know where it would make sense than to be unpredictable just for the sake of swerving people, leaving the story with immense plotholes.

For instance, making it Roode would be a bad idea. He was champ when this stuff started and didn't need the group. He only lost the title AFTER they were around for a bit. Thus, him being leader or even involved wouldn't make sense. It would be a swerve, but it wouldn't be good.

Someone like Jarrett would make sense as he has a motive for being angry at TNA. People would have "called it" but at least it would make sense.
I wouldn't have a problem if the leader is an "unknown" I might actually prefer it to be that way but I expect most would call it a dissapointment if there isn't a BIG leader revealed
I'd much rather this reveal be someone we know where it would make sense than to be unpredictable just for the sake of swerving people, leaving the story with immense plotholes.

For instance, making it Roode would be a bad idea. He was champ when this stuff started and didn't need the group. He only lost the title AFTER they were around for a bit. Thus, him being leader or even involved wouldn't make sense. It would be a swerve, but it wouldn't be good.

Someone like Jarrett would make sense as he has a motive for being angry at TNA. People would have "called it" but at least it would make sense.

Yep. Russo has instilled this idea of "out of nowhere means good", which is ridiculous. It could be revealed that Newt Gingrich was behind it and while it would be a surprise, that wouldn't make it a good idea.

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