IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.30.14 — Who is the New Investor?

Seeing reports of how they get 300 to 1200 at other events in the US, this arena looks in no way to be that number, that's a lot of people than what we're used to seeing weekly.
There's reports saying TNA at the least met their initial ticket sales objective.
The top tier of the building is tarped off, but while he expected the second level to be tarped off, it was filling up quickly prior to bell time.

It's good that it has more people than here in the States, just stating that it's unfortunate that it's not as full as it could be.
What do you mean? Represent what old guard?

Dixie and company want to get rid of the dinosaurs of TNA. The new investor helped Sting and Joe last week. I just don't want it to be some young person standing up for the old guys while old Dixie is standing up for the new ones. It's all backwards. Granted I don't want this storyline at all but it's TNA so you can't escape the idea.
Dixie and company want to get rid of the dinosaurs of TNA. The new investor helped Sting and Joe last week. I just don't want it to be some young person standing up for the old guys while old Dixie is standing up for the new ones. It's all backwards. Granted I don't want this storyline at all but it's TNA so you can't escape the idea.
To be honest if it is a new guy, it would be Kurt, Joe, the investor and The Wolves. Kurt would be the only old guy around.

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