IMPACT Wrestling LD for 02.06.14 — Monsters Ballin'!

I'm going to research this as I'd be interested to know if there is a timeframe with that. Would help to know for other talents with law troubles.

According to an interview he did in 2008 he wasn't allowed in Japan at the time. That has obviously changed.

He said for other countries he had to get permits and at some places he gets pulled to the side and they talk about his past and make sure he hasn't been in trouble since.

From a quick search I did it looks like for the UK 10 years have to pass before your criminal history doesn't count against you.

It seems different based on where in the world you go. Everyone has their own set of rules.
Anyone who says Dixie isn't very funny and smart in how she carries herself in those types of backstage segments really doesn't get it.

The facial expressions and non-verbal communications were very well done, and the "see I can speak your wrestling independent carnie language" line was hilarious.
Anyone who says Dixie isn't very funny and smart in how she carries herself in those types of backstage segments really doesn't get it.

The facial expressions and non-verbal communications were very well done, and the "see I can speak your wrestling independent carnie language" line was hilarious.

True. However, she's been on TV four times in the first hour. That's why people don't like her, among other reasons.
Yay! I'm home? What I miss? Besides JGKU screaming out wrestlers names as if he were Christy Hemme.
I really wish they'd fix up how Lethal Lockdown is nowadays. The match looked crappy last year and it did on the Hardcore Justice 3 PPV.

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