I'm gonna jerk off in front of all ya'll

I'm just glad this thread has completely evolved away from its original... well i'd like to say 'purpose' but i can't find what the 'purpose' would be other than 'emphasizing the fact that RCK thinks jakking off is funny', and moved on to people debating whether one of the Big Guns can be taken down in a battle of words.

And i totally agree with Justin (for once), NSL, and everyone else who found nothing of merit in the initial post of this thread.

Now watch as this thread dies a slow painful death, now that i've given my 2 cents
Nah, I omit parts that become redundant and/or foolish. Like the debate I had with you over..umm..someone in the WZ tournament. Oh yeah, it was Steiner and Lynn.

What I do is focus on the parts that I feel deserve the most focus. When debates get to be incredibly long, I see no reason to spend 40 minutes (usually) picking apart one post, so I go for the main parts I want to discuss.

But, I'm glad to see at least that you admit I won our debate.

I wasn't referring specifically to our debate, no, just your general modus operandi. I was also pointing out the fact that you would have thought you won, but you really really didn't. Funnily enough, you have omitted the part here that is thing you do most often, the straw man. Your arguments often rest on premises that nobody opposing you actually makes.
I knew it! I fuckin' knew it! As soon as i make light of the fact that i often end up being the last person to comment in a thread before it's closure, somebody posts within seconds of me doing so!!!!!

Guess i won't change name to 'The Thread Killer' after all......

Tastycles, get a solid argument together, because if Sly deems it worthy, he's going to rain down on you now (omitting what he considers irrelevant of course). You'll never convince him, but you may convince others. Stand strong brother!

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