I'm extremely bored.

The Rock should have been number one on that list.

LOL at the people in that thread claiming Cena doesn't deserve to be on it.
Yes indeed. It's made him my second favorite wrestler, after Bryan. Before, it was Kofi Kingston. That man is a main event waiting to happen.
Not sure about Kofi.

To make it to the main event he would need to be chasing a dastardly heel champion much like Orton was during Legacy.

In a way it is a pity that he is not on RAW at the moment because I think he would be a perfect foil for a Cena-backed Barrett's first title defense should he prevail at Bragging Rights
I have to agree on all counts. It's a shame Kofi's push with Randy Orton didn't lead anywhere. I thought for sure he'd be in the main event about now, especially since he's on Smackdown. :(
On a side note to the Smackdown main event, could the Miz cash in on Taker after Buried Alive?

I understand that he is major player on RAW but I do not see how he fits in with the whole Orton/CeNexus affair, especially if it leads to Cena going heel in the long run
Барбоса;2537021 said:
On a side note to the Smackdown main event, could the Miz cash in on Taker after Buried Alive?

I understand that he is major player on RAW but I do not see how he fits in with the whole Orton/CeNexus affair, especially if it leads to Cena going heel in the long run
While I also don't think he really fits, the MITB case he carries is specifically for the RAW brand.
Top 3 all time Polish Ambassador songs, check it out Doc, it's a masterpiece.

Wow, AWESOME. Man, so many good artists releasing new albums lately...

Also, math sucks. Or at least, the class I'm in and the chapter I'm on makes me want to bang my head against a wall repeatedly. So tedious. Fuck math.
It was pretty great. Let's just say she was your type, lol. Tits are overrated, though.

Also, Jose! Feedback? I tried posting SCW to another forum with a more active BT section, but Megatron reported to the mod that it was "plagiarized" and so it got locked, and I have to get 25 posts before I can PM the dude and tell him it wasn't. :lmao:
I didn't expect it to be so easy to digest. It's outlandish and odd it's own way, but it still felt like a show that could easily be produced in real life, as opposed to fantasy booking. The characters for the most part felt real and very well fleshed out, from the double entendre laden characterizations of the Dudebusters to show stealing heel Alex Riley who not only carries a top tier feud for the belt but enables a mid card angle with others, essentially giving them a rub while getting a push of his own in at the same time.

Goldust as champ is what brought me to the dance, and it was worth it. I like the shedding of some of the more obvious quirks of his in favor of a return to the more stalker-ish aspects of the persona. I got that old "Sunset Boulevard" feeling that I hadn't really felt since some of his earlier work in the gimmick.

In short, I loved it. Keep up the awesome work, Doc.
:blush: Thanks, man.

Man, today wasn't that great, because I hate math so much and I was having loads of trouble with that today, but the ending was just awesome. :D
Well, we'll just have to see one day.

I mean, it's not that they weren't nice...
Yes, indeed.

Dude who here ever played the Sly Cooper games? They were so awesome.
So is this your new unofficial thread, man? lol.

I've played the Sy Cooper games tho. They're bomb.Though last time I played them was over 5 years ago.
Yeah, same here. Now I really want to play them again. I remember playing the third one while I was in Italy. I lived an hour away from Venice, and it was SO fucking AWESOME to go into the videogame Venice and see that it was actually completely accurate.
That's dope.

The third one is where Sly gets the help of that one previous enemy, the panda right?

I remember in the ending sequence Sly looses his memmory and is with that one detective chick. But it turns out that he never did loose his memory and just wanted to be with her.

And then...fuck, I can't remember. What was that one metal hawk or what-ever's name that was the main boss for the first two games...
Clockwerk was the boss for the first game. He comes back in the second, but actually just as a metal shell possessed by the real boss of the second game.

Lol, from sex to videogames. Such is the life of me.

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