I'm Back. And I still hate you, Thunder Dave.

I was going to say that D-Man is being ever so slightly hypocritical here and then I realised something. That I was about to be even more so of one. I was going to rail against flamming and being nasty to other posters and in the same post, critique D-Man. Its not nice finding your inner hypocrite :(
Everyone's bringing their best lolage to this thread. It's beautiful.

Except Nita. She's bringing me down...
I was going to say that D-Man is being ever so slightly hypocritical here and then I realised something. That I was about to be even more so of one. I was going to rail against flamming and being nasty to other posters and in the same post, critique D-Man. Its not nice finding your inner hypocrite :(

I'm just wondering where I've been hypocritical. Unless I'm reading this post wrong, it appears I'm being called out.
"Calling you out"? :D I don't really call people out D-Man- I don't know what I would do if they actually showed up. And calling a mod out is the equivalent of me and Beth Phoenix. Or CM Punk apparently.

But no it was really only going to be a minor point- nothing serious. You mentioned in your post about not taking these boards serious and yet created a thread a while ago quite annoyed at people for not being themselves and playing a role instead. So yes as I said- only a minor point.

Remember guys to ignore all of what I have said above and know that Forum Fires make the forest bear sad :D
But no it was really only going to be a minor point- nothing serious. You mentioned in your post about not taking these boards serious and yet created a thread a while ago quite annoyed at people for not being themselves and playing a role instead. So yes as I said- only a minor point.

I guess you missed the sarcasm when I mentioned that.

I still stand by the thread that I created last week. I was merely poking fun at it, since it became such an issue when people such as yourself were disagreeing with my points.

Even I should be able to have fun on these forums, sometimes...
I guess you missed the sarcasm when I mentioned that.

I still stand by the thread that I created last week. I was merely poking fun at it, since it became such an issue when people such as yourself were disagreeing with my points.

Even I should be able to have fun on these forums, sometimes...

Completely missed the sarcasm I am afraid :) A little bit confused but I think you are talking about your post above- though initially I thought you meant about your thread last week. You fooled me though and I give you credit for that. Just really wish I hadn't posted now- as Razor might say I think I got a double dosage of fail there :p
Completely missed the sarcasm I am afraid :) A little bit confused but I think you are talking about your post above- though initially I thought you meant about your thread last week. You fooled me though and I give you credit for that. Just really wish I hadn't posted now- as Razor might say I think I got a double dosage of fail there :p

A green rep for the lady :)

And this is for Macca:

I got the frosted ones. They're amazing.

Damn you Macca for messing up the squad. Consider your cheerios shat upon.

I was considering bumping the Squad thread but then I thought of the amount of red rep I would receive.
I will feed you a skullfuck sandwich. I hope a squirrel the size of an elephant sits on your birthday cake.
Anyone who has spoken ill of Macca in this thread, I have written down your name and you are on my list. That is all.
I've been in X's list for over a year. My world hasn't ended yet.

Hi, X!!

You do realize how bad of an omen your sig is for you right now, right?

Hey D-Man, a few of the G-Mods and admins were thinking of this awesome promotional thing you'd be perfect for. You're comfortable with harnesses, right?
It's a big risk though. Hmm, stop hating the douche that is Macca. Or be on X's good side. Or at least not be on his bad. Hmm. Macca is a fucking bag of shit.
Badmouthing Macca puts you on my badside.

I'm watching you Leafy. Like a homeless man eyeballing a meatball sandwich.
You do realize how bad of an omen your sig is for you right now, right?

Hey D-Man, a few of the G-Mods and admins were thinking of this awesome promotional thing you'd be perfect for. You're comfortable with harnesses, right?

HAHAHAAHHA that actually reminds me, did you see Dave's sig and what I wrote about that? I still feel like I'm going to hell for it.

X, I love you.

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