I'm a horrible poster....

secret titan

Death from above
I see so many threads about who is the worst poster. I figured I'd put my name in the pot. It's not that I am a bad speller or use computer talk, it's that I just don't care enough to pay attention to what I'm typing. I can start out completely fine, but then I start thinking about something unrelated. By the time I get back to what I was trying to reply about, I lost my thought. My mind is like a damn pinball machine. Even at work, it's hard to concentrate on what needs to be done.

That's the main reason I stick to spam-friendly sections. I also just don't have an opinion either way about 99% of the topics here, so I just sit and lurk. True, I will chime in from time to time, only to get ignored. I'm not funny, I don't post enough to be known here. I don't give a shit though. Perhaps I wrote this to let people know me a bit, maybe I'm fishing for trolls.

Flame me if you want, if I can collect a straight thought, I may be able to think of a comeback. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched...

All for now... perhaps more to come later.
You and most of the other people here, I include myself in that of course
I don't see the need to flame anybody for being unable to keep concentrated to post in the non spam section, nothing wrong with that.
Usually I just chime in with a quick one liner, I know it pisses some people off. I just don't see a need to write an essay to reply to a post... like I've noticed some people seem to do.

I like to TRY to be straight to the point, even when my mind won't let me. Maybe I'm crazy!
You can't be too bad to be honest, I don't know who you are.

and you have a brain.

Gunnz used to be a horrible non spam poster, he would be banned every other week. great guy to talk too but yeah. NorCal and I told him to stay out of the non spam sections for a while and he hasn't been banned since. (that I know of) and he has gone back to posting non spam now he has got used to it.
hey man, don't be too hard on yourself. you're not alone. and you don't stand out to me as "horrible poster." i'm sure you're better than me. i have been a member since July 2008. you are not the only one who prefers spam friendly sections.
If I remember correctly, I joined to play the in the arcade. I only started posting in the past year, but have been a wrestling fan for most of my life.

Ooh... on a side note, I found out I'm going to be moving to Germany for a while. That should be fun...
My brother lives in Germany and I visited there. Nice place.

Italy is better though. :p
I don't really have a choice, since the military is more or less making me move. It's an assignment that "nobody" ever gets.
That's where my brother is stationed. Maybe you'll run into him. What's your field?

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