If You Were in Control of TNA...


Dark Match Winner
This is my first thread so be easy on me.

If you were in control of TNA, and selling the company wasn't an option. Getting someone like Paul Heyman or Jim Cornette to run the company for you, wasn't an option. And making a partnership with The WWE wasn't an option.

What would you do?

Now I don't want to know how you would book TNA. But what I want to know is who would you hire/fire? How would you rebuild the X Divison? or would you get rid of the X Divison? Would you get rid of any championships? or would you get new championships? I want to know.
Well, it's quite simple really. The minute I enter TNA is the minute I give them an ultimatum: In about one month you give me a compelling storyline that puts TNA-made stars OVER or you're gone.

I'll give Hardy 2 months to clean up his act and take some acting classes or he's gone.
I'll let Matt Hardy go.
I'll drop the Jarrett/Angle feud
I'll let Hogan, Flair and all the other old guys go right then and there unless Russo gives me a storyline where they all put over TNA talent.
I'll hire actors, not high profile one's but decent actors who teach acting and I'll put everyone on notice: You're either a good to decent promo worker or you're gone, you either show up for each event or you're gone, you either work good or you're gone, you either stop complaining or you're gone. Basically everyone in TNA should become as hard of a worker as Cena backstage.

Next thing. Drop TNA. TNA sounds stupid. Give it a better name, giveit a more urban look with urban songs. Give it a youth feel. If WWE is offering big bad men, offer them unpredictable, unbelievable high fliers, tag teams and divas. Don't even mention 'E on TNA programming again. Get a new broadcast team. Get talent scouts and pick some serious talent.

Make TNA the alternative to WWE. Start with ads, make it go mainstream. Stop having writers. Writers should old control a template storyline with a template script. Bookers do the rest.

Go live.

And finally, bring in all the divas in my room and have sex with each and every one of them individually.
Get Hogan out
Move Flair backstage. let him teach guys how to give a promo.
Buyout what little stake Jarrett has left so he no longer has any claim to the company.
Get out of the Impact Zone
Go live at least every other week
get rid of Steiner, Matt hardy,Orlando, rob terry,and as much as i hate to say it Eric.
make XDivision focal point of the show
partner with ROH and NJPW
make Lockdown the "big" ppv every year instead of BFG
hire a new creative team
make joe get into shape or leave
ok to mention wwe just stop making them out as the best wrestling company ever
raise the production value of the shows and ppv's
market the shit out of the company. advertise on everything.
I'd institute a clear ranking system for all the divisions.

Each and every member of the roster has to make a decision as to which division they want to be classified in. It's one or the other. No double dipping.

If you want to work your way up the ladder to the champion, you have to defeat the very next guy ahead of you and take his spot. Not only that, but you have to defend your own position from the challenger below you.

Hopefully with such a system in place, feuds can develop naturally through competition and any championship wins will feel truly earned.

Basically, I'm trying to differentiate the company from WWE's soap opera approach and return it to a sport. Case in point, everyone loved it when Kurt Angle worked his way through the top 10 to become number one contender and downright hated it when ridiculous booking took over and threw the rankings out the window.

I'm sick and tired of people randomly being named number one contender simply because they decided to feud with the champion.
Everything I would do in TNA are simple things.

1. Simplify storylines. Don't need a bunch of cheap stuff.

2. Make the TV Championship worth something, make it the stepping stone to the Championship. Doug Williams, Matt Morgan, Kazarian, Hernandez, Rob Terry, Matt Hardy, Abyss, Eric Young, RVD, and Jeff Jarrett. Not everyone can be in the main event, give them a reason to be on the roster.

3. Give Fourtune the ball. When Crockette Promotions took off they had the same types of fans TNA do, then the Four Horsemen were formed. I would push Fourtune to the moon, make them the baddest of the bad. WCW took off with the NWO, Crockette with the Horsemen, WCCW with the Freebirds and Von Erich's. Make Fourtune your horses and run them.

These are very easy things to do and would make a big difference. I wish TNA was smart enough to do this.
If I controlled TNA... hmm

first off I'd do the obvious and fire Vince Russo
Put Jeff Harve....Hardy into rehab or fire him
Have Impact live at arenas other than the impact zone
whack Matt Hardy, Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, Scott Steiner, and Eric Bischoff
elimate the Knockouts Tag Title, the (insert name of title here) championship (Legends, Global, and TV title).
Promote the hell out of the X-Division and bring prestige back to the X-Division Title
hire a new creative team
join deals with New Japan, All Japan, AAA, and ROH
End the pointless Jarrett/Angle feud
stop with ripoff storylines from WWE
Advertise the hell out of TNA merchandise
Release Hulk Hogan and his buddies
Have Ric Flair moved to backstage (to help the young guys out)
I have to get in on this because the posters have made some amazing suggestions that would work. Here is my list.

- NEVER mention WWE or any wrestler that works there that is in TNA
-out of the Impact Zone and Travel between 4 Cities similar to ROH
-Tape all my Impact Shows on the Road with a Real Audience

Roster Changes

- Get rid of Rob Terry,Orlando Jordan, Gunner, Murphy, Robbie E
- Take the Title off Madison Immediately
- Hire ODB, Alyssa Flash, Roxie , Ms Chif, Sara Del Rey, The Chick with the Tats [ The one that tried out for the show but never was hired ] and Give Zombie Hot a Real Push
- Demote Matt Hardy , Jeff Hardy to supporting Talent that gets the new talent over = Generation Me
-Hire The Super Smash Brothers, Osirian Portal, Dark City Fight Club, KINGS of Wrestling and the Briscoes = The Tag Division would automatically be the best in recent History

TNA Direction Changes

- Put the Tag Teams, X Division and Knockouts as the Focus of the Show
- Have the wrestlers doing Charity work ALL the Time
- Make Jeff , Matt and Ric Flair TNA Ambassadors and pimp them out at every Red Neck Event in the South
- Demote Hogan and Make him do TNA Ambassador work Only. He would be a limited use on air GM
- Use the Docu-Shoot [ Reaction Style ] to Film the Shows
- Hire Acting Coaches and Require all TNA Talent to perfect the craft
- I would tape a FREE TNA Show for Online Only to Get the Talent Not on TV noticed


- I would give 3 undercard PPV matches free on Spike TV [ Like UFC ]to get last minute sales
- I would stream the PPV's Live Online
- Each PPV would get serious marketing
- I would NEVER give PPV matches on Free TV
- I would sue the crap out of Justin.TV , UStream and any site stealing my stuff
- I would limit PPVS to 6 Per Year instead of 12
- I would lower the price of the DVD's and T Shirts to make them affordable and sell more

These changes would make a great difference in the product

Yeah i forgot FIRE VINCE RUSSO IMMEDIATELY And hire some a up and coming sitcom writer, and young indy booker to craft the storyline
1. I'd release the following:
Abyss, Brother Devon, "Bully" Ray, Eric Bischoff, Eric Young, 'Gunner & Murphy' and another excess 'TNA Security' for that matter, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarret, Kiyoshi, Matt Hardy, Mike Tenay, Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, Scott Steiner, Shark Boy, Suicide, and Vince Russo.

2. I'd put Don West with The Amazing Red again as a manager.

3. I'd try to rebuild the X-Division by hiring good, athletic light-weight wrestlers such as Delirious, El Generico, or Jack Evans.

4. Everyone would either have to be able to cut a good promo, or have a great manager to speak for them. I'd also hire acting coaches to help some of the struggling wrestlers behind the scenes.

5. I'd change the World Title back to the way it was before Jeff Hardy's reign.

6. I'd also get rid of the Television and Knockout's Tag Team titles.

7. I wouldn't mention WWE in the programming ever again.

8. Trying to move out of the iMpact! Zone sounds like a great idea, I'd definitely try that.

9. I'd dissolve all of this group warfare they have going on, I absolutely hate it. Focus more on the individuals, not a whole big group.

10. I'd try to sign some new tag teams, possibly from the indys or even Mexico or Japan.

11. More advertising, and not just some internet video. I mean actual TV and media advertisements.

12. Only allow writers to focus on storylines, have the wrestlers be told what they need to get out to the audience, but in their own words. Let the bookers workout everything else.
And finally, bring in all the divas in my room and have sex with each and every one of them individually.

I'd like to begin by saying that TNA has knockouts, not divas.

Secondly, back to the thread. First off, I would "future endeavor" Russo, Hogan, and Jarrett (don't know the situation w/him since he started the co., but eventually, bye bye). I'd keep Bischoff around for a while (if he'd even stay w/out Hogan there) because he could still prove useful.

I would hire some creative members, such as maybe Dave Lagana, or a couple of television writers. I'd put one guy as head of creative w/myself having final say over any storylines. I may even be inclined to bring in Shane Douglas as a creative consultant.

I would keep Flair employed, provided he toed the line and didn't pull any of those temper tantrums like he did on that European tour. Quite simply you're old, you're pretty expendable, and no matter what your legacy we don't need that kind of unprofessional nonsense.

Then I would go through the roster and "trim some fat". I would definitely get some people to work w/talent as far as promo ability (probably delegate that to Flair in the beginning). I would change around the production team as far as camera angles and that kind of thing. I would add a 3rd member to the commentary team. I would tell Taz that he could stay on commentary as long as he never used the phrase "Let the Pigeons Loose" or anything remotely as annoying again.

The way I would tweak storylines is by keeping the constant mention of how huge/shocking/unbelievable/historic is going to be non-existent. You do not have to overindulge in self-promotion to pound the importance of something home to the crowd. It not only shows desperation and lack of confidence in your booking abilities, but also the story itself needs to be what is compelling, not your constant shilling of the fact that it is. In moderation is fine, but nothing remotely as close as when Hogan kept coming out week after week saying TNA is the greatest, so-and-so raised the bar, we're raising the bar again, blah blah blah. Let the product do the talking and add a little garnish. Sheeeesh.

Also a little more coherency, time for stories to develop, and closure to certain storylines. I think that one needs no further explanation.

I'd have a great time being in control of TNA, and I don't think I'd be too shabby personally. Call it delusions of grandeur, call it extreme arrogance, but I think I could get TNA some higher ratings. Come on, Dixie. Send me a PM.
If I was in control of TNA it would probably go out of business real soon because I have no idea how to Run a Professionally Wrestling company and I have no desire to because Its not something that I have ability to do and I also don't think I could do it better than the People that do run TNA.
I would keep the PPVs at four, I think anything more than that is ridiculous. I would also accept that fact that TNA is will not be WWE any time soon, if ever. The business has changed so much since the WWF buyout of WCW. WWE is synonymous with professional wrestling and for people that knock TNA and accuse it of failing because of having "WWE rejects" and "old timers".

While TNA doesn't blow me away, I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as the detractors on the internet want to make them out to be. I think they can stay in business and continue to work well as a smaller promotion. Vince has changed the business going back to the 80s, with eliminating the territory system. With the Brand Extension era the RAW and SmackDown division I think gives any competing company an uphill battle.

While I do agree that a lot of TNA's anti-WWE stance should cease and desist, I definitely don't think it's the biggest problem TNA has. Again they've been around for eight years and the ratings have looked pretty decent lately. They could be doing a lot worse.

I think they still have a better shot than most pundits want to give them credit for.
I'd have a ppv of vets vs young guys with all matches being loser gets fired.. Would keep a few old wwe rejects but mostly have the TNA orginals win with the main event being AJ Styles vs Hogan with hogan getting the boot..

Would keep
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Kurt Angle

Would Can
Dudleys, Hogan, Bishoff, Flair, Foley, Mr Anderson etc..

Would have
World Champion
X Division Champion
TV Champion
Tag Team Champs

Would add some real divas who can wrestle and have divas titles
Tag Team Champs

and add a mixed tag champs...

Would build it around AJ Styles
If I was running TNA, I would go on a firing spree. Bully Ray, Devon, Gunner, Murphy, Eric Young, Shannon Moore, Jesse Neal, Matt Hardy, Rob Terry, Scott Steiner, Robbie E, Cookie, Taz and Amazing Red would all be gone. According to TNA's website, I would also need to fire Shark Boy and Orlando Jordan.

Naturally after firing so many people, I'd have to recruit some new talent. I'd attempt to sign Bobby Lashley, Paul London, Haas & Benjamin and Kenny Dykstra.

I would get rid of Vince Russo. I would use Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair to do PR for the company, and keep them off TV, except for an occasional special appearance. Neither one of them have done much for ratings. I'd try to use their name recognition to help market the company via public appearances, instead of using them on tv.

I would use Bischoff as an "Authority Figure" on tv, but take away any power he may have behind the scenes. AND KEEP Dixie Carter off TV at all costs!!!

I'd desperately try to lure both Jim Ross and Joey Styles away from the WWE. They both have a lot to offer on screen and behind the scenes.

I would use Mick Foley on the creative team.

I would hire a team to create wrestling gear for the talent. I think the "generic" tights that most of these guys have, make it seem like they should be wrestling in a high school gym - not on television. If you want to be a star, you have to look like a star. Appearance is very important. It's the key to good marketing.

I would film Impact, somewhere other than the Impact Zone. I would keep the "Impact Zone", however, and use it to tape matches that could air exclusively on TNAWrestling.com. A partnership with Universal Studios is a good opportunity to reach new viewers, and could lead to future projects. I wouldn't walk away from that partnership completely. That's just bad business.

I would create new SETS for Impact and Pay Per View events.

I would re-name a few of the pay per view events.

I would try to establish TNA as an alternative to the WWE. Since WWE is PG, I would try to push the envelope in TNA, but not just for the sake of pushing the envelope. I would use blood, foul language and T & A - but subtly, and when it's appropriate. There's no such thing as "shock value" - when "shock value" is the norm.

I would also recruit fresh young talent - to revamp the X-Division Tag Division and the Knockouts. WWE seems to be lacking in all of those areas - so I would try to capitalize on their mistake.

I'd try to market TNA as old school wrestling, with a modern flair. The Glitz and Glamour of "entertainment" - but old school, smash mouth 'rasslin.
If I was in control of TNA it would probably go out of business real soon because I have no idea how to Run a Professionally Wrestling company and I have no desire to because Its not something that I have ability to do and I also don't think I could do it better than the People that do run TNA.

And the same would happen to me if I was in control of TNA. But what I want to know is who would you like to see TNA sign, who would you like to see TNA push ect. If you were in control. It dosen't have to be a signing that would draw money for TNA. I mean so far posts have said get rid of Hogan, would that be the right thing to do? hell no. Hogan is the most popular wrestler ever. But if a poster dosen't like him then they can get rid of him. It's not about improving TNA's ratings or anything like that. Just what would you like to see TNA do differently.
Get Hogan out
Move Flair backstage. let him teach guys how to give a promo.
Buyout what little stake Jarrett has left so he no longer has any claim to the company.
Get out of the Impact Zone
Go live at least every other week
get rid of Steiner, Matt hardy,Orlando, rob terry,and as much as i hate to say it Eric.
make XDivision focal point of the show
partner with ROH and NJPW
make Lockdown the "big" ppv every year instead of BFG
hire a new creative team
make joe get into shape or leave
ok to mention wwe just stop making them out as the best wrestling company ever
raise the production value of the shows and ppv's
market the shit out of the company. advertise on everything.

You will be broke overnight.

If you are in TNA, the home grown talent is where you need to be pumping in your money not trying to go find the WWE guys. Guys like Beer Money, AJ Styles, Kazarian, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal (yes I know some of these guys are ROH talent brought up) and yes bringing in guys like The Pope is a good step for TNA but trying to bring names in for the sake of name power isn't going to draw in new fans.

TNA needs to get back into what it did when it was first conceived. The X-Division was the hottest thing going and really showed the no-limits aspect. TNA Heavyweight division was good and stood on it's own but the X-Division is what made TNA into the ability to get onto National TV and it is what can carry them to the next level.

TNA also built itself on it's Tag Team division back when Triple X and America's Most Wanted would tear the house down in their matches. TNA should bring back Latin American Xchange and between Beer Money, LAX, bringing in a great tag team like the Briscoes or Kings of Wrestling or even something like the Havana Pitbulls of Ricky Romero and Rocky Reyes.

That is what TNA needs to to, and maybe once or twice a year go out on tour during Impact Events and try to get some new fans. You can't afford to go around all the time but you can afford to a couple times a year, same with live Impacts a few times a year maybe once every three months would be good. Until you can be financially 100% sure that you can be profitable year round doing shows on the road every week.

Using big names like Sting can help to continue to put over the younger talent and even tho guys like the Hardy's can be head cases their names and followings will help a lot put over talent and build them up above the midcard level such as for a guy like Crimson, or if they can go out and get someone, I would say go out and get a guy like Colt Cabana who is great on the stick and can really go in the ring, as well as some talent from NJPW and do a talent exchange with them as the do with ROH. Using MVP in TNA eventually would be a good thing also.

Use of managers would be good also that were great mouth pieces such as James Mitchell but you don't want to overdue it, but bringing back Judas Mesias and James Mitchell would be great as a mouthpiece to anyone on the roster.
Here's what I'd do.

1) I'd release each and every member of my roster with name recognition

It's vitally important for TNA to be built on a foundation of it's own success and not off the success of others. How in the world is anybody supposed to take TNA seriously if they keep pushing people who we've actually heard of?

If Ring of Honour has proved anything it's that simple in ring action is a massive draw in its own right and that having established stars is simply a waste of perfectly good capital.

Sorry Team 3D, your hugely over internationally, bring immediate credibility to the tag division and never fail to get a fantastic crowd response, but that whole period in the WWE has made you totally unsuitable. In addition, Bubba looks fat, and whilst it is perfectly logical for a 5ft skinny gymnast to be a champion in a combat sport, the idea that a larger gentleman could succeed is simply not credible.

Hogan and Flair, you guys are the most recognisable names from your generation, but that generation is over. Nobody who watched wrestling during the days of WCW still has an interest in the product and catering to that large and easily defined cross section of fans is totally illogical. Now if you had a big internet fan base like Colt Cabana it would be a different matter, but neither of you knows how to use a computer so your out on your ear.

2) I would move the show out of the Impact zone immediately.

I'm sure we can afford it. That multi-million dollar company with an army of shareholders can afford to tour constantly, so I see no possible reason why TNA (with it's crowds in the thousands) couldn't. I remember reading that it costs TNA close to £100,000 to film a PPV outside of Orlando, but that's only around £5,000,000 a year which is not nearly enough to bankrupt the company.

In exchange for that minute pile of money you get a whole host of benefits. Suddenly talent have to live their lives on the road, which will help drive those lazy former WWE guys like Kurt Angle out of the company.
You also manage to get away from the Impact zone crowd everyone hates and replace them with die-hard wrestling fans from all across the country, who I guarantee will not be similar to the Orlando fan-base in any way.

There are a whole host of other benefits to getting out of Orlando such as... well... if you can't think of them yourself then you clearly don't understand business.

3) I would demand TV ratings growth and randomly fire people if I don't get it.

I don't care if my company is profitable. I don't care if I'm retaining my audience whilst all other wrestling broadcasts are bleeding fans. A 1.3 is simply embarrassing and I wont have it any more. I think a 3.0 is a much more appropriate rating, so I'm going to decide that as of next week I want my product to draw that. If it doesn't then I'm going to start firing the booking staff.

I know some people say that in the modern era expecting a constantly running weekly TV show to grow by more than a fraction of its audience over a twelve moth period is totally unrealistic, but that kind of reasoning sounds like the recourse of TNA apologists and homosexuals to me. The WWE can draw big numbers so so can TNA. THATS EXACTLY HOW THESE THINGS WORK.

4) I would get rid of almost all the backstage crap, false finishes and other bullshit.

People don't want a soap opera, they want pro wrestling. I want people to buy my PPV broadcasts, and standard logic dictates that the best way to get them to do that is to give them exactly the same thing on free TV every week.
If people get regular PPV quality action on Impact then it will hype them up so much that they won't be able to stop themselves from paying quite a lot of money for more of the same. Sensible and sustainable business if ever I heard it.

5) I would build the show around what actually draws

The knockouts always get the highest rated segments. I suspect it's because they have nice tits (actually they all have horrible tits, but I'm in character here and my character likes mutilated women) and always have they segments around commercial break time.

Nevertheless, you can't argue with success. Women draw, and as such it is no leap of imagination to believe that they will continue to draw over the whole of a 90 minute broadcast. Ratings don't lie.

If I can't fit knockouts onto the show then I'll use the time for X-Division guys. Those spotty high flying matches always get the best internet reviews, and guys jumping off ladders gets the pop of the night at every PPV. Once again, I can think of no possible reason why having more of this wouldn't improve my broadcast (it's not like there's any risk of it devaluing high spots or anything) and history is definitely on my side when it comes to high flying wrestlers drawing money... just look at Antonio Rocca.

That's me done for now. I can think of quite a lot of other things as well. More original storylines would be nice. Similarly, can all this edgy-real-life crap and get back to the fundamentals that made wrestling great. Stop pushing guys who can't go in the ring at the same level as Daniel Bryan, and similarly get rid of anyone who can't cut a promo like John Cena. Be an alternative to the WWE in every way whilst copying their business model where-ever possible.

I'd also bad chair shots to the head, because that's not fucking ******ed at all.

Pick the sarcasm out of this one bitches.
First and formost. I'd fire that knob who runs the intro music, and try to find some local indie rock bands to get real theme music.

Get the hell out of the Impact Zone, and as far away from possible from all those IWC Dirball marks that inhabit it.

Shut down TNA for a month or 2 while finding a fresh new booking team.
First off, I'd get rid of Russo, or at least demote him to a role where he can help talent with their gimmicks but stay far away from actual plotting. His writing can be hit and miss, but overall the plot holes and inconsistencies are just too big to overlook. Wrestling fans have been told for years (much to the chagrin of many purists) that the soap opera aspect of pro-wrestling is necessary to get the product over with a mainstream audience, yet whenever anyone points out poor writing in wrestling, the general reaction is "meh, it's only wrestling." This is unacceptable. Either writing is valuable, or it's not. When all other options have been exhausted with little improvement (changing the ring, changing the timeslot, bringing in new talent, bringing in established stars, etc), it's time to replace the writing team.

In the process, I'd do away with (or minimize) scripted promos, and do away with overbooked matches. Give wrestlers a degree of creative control in their promos and matches and let wrestlers take responsibility over putting themselves over, just like all the greats once did. For those with considerable in-ring skills but little mic skills, acting coaches should be provided and, more importantly, MANAGERS.

I would attempt to reinvigorate the various divisions in TNA, in hopes of providing something for everyone. First of all, bring back Scott D'amore and let him work with the Knockouts division again. Bring in (or rehire) knockouts who can work in the ring. Reestablish the X division title as a major belt within TNA by highlighting it as the main event on some pay per views and Impacts, and awarding it only to skilled in-ring workers (ie: Not comedy acts), and create more tag teams. In the case of a mid-card title like the TV title, I'd try to find a rational and interesting purpose for it's existence; for example, make it necessary for a wrestler to hold the TV title before they can enter the championship division and potentially compete for the TNA title.

I would immediately institute a strict drug policy (a real one), and expect all talents to behave appropriately while they are affiliated with the company. No more whining about the company to dirt-sheets, or taking credit for ratings increases you had nothing to do with (I'm looking at you, Matt Hardy and RVD). If wrestlers can't play nice and get along with their co-workers, they should be terminated, just like they would in any other business.

Most importantly, I'd make more of an attempt to take the product on the road. It's the only real way that TNA can get accurate feedback on what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. There's no way they can accurately gauge what's going to get over with the majority of wrestling fans based on the reactions in the Impact Zone alone. And when you do find out what works, put it over, regardless of personal bias.
Future Endeavored: The Dudleyz, Eric Young, Gunner & Murphy, Jeff Jarret, Mike Tenay, Robbie E, Vince Russo, Orlando Jordan, Shark Boy, Matt Hardy.

Hogan and Bischoff out of Creative and off tv. Hogan, Flair and any other old classic wrestlers being used on something similar to a WWE Legends contract with only sporadic appearances. With Bischoff being used as a consultant.

Take TNA off the air for 3-4 months and Reboot with a New Logo for TNA, possibly even a new name. Circulate between 3-4 cities for Impact tapings. Different Sets and also hiring a better music composer to make more exciting and unique intro music. Hire new and upcoming writers and bookers from both TV and Indy wrestling. 3-Man commentary team with Jim Ross, Taz and Jim Cornette with Chrisy Hemme and Jonathan Coachman being used for backstage interviews. Impacts would be on Wednesday nights and live. DIXIE CARTER OFF TV. Promote the shit out of TNA or whatever the new name is.

Have 6 Titles:
Knockouts Title
X-Division Title
Hardcore Title
Tag Team Title
All-American Title (For Upper-Mid Cards)
World Title
The very first thing I would do if I was running TNA is call up Chris Jericho and give him whatever amount of money he wants over a two year contract. I would not fire a single wrestler in the company. I don't understand why everybody wants to can all the scrubs. To be a successful company you need to have jobbers. I would absolutely hold onto Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and every other stiff on the roster to help build other guys.

The Heavyweight title picture would consist of the recently hired Jericho as my primary heel and champion. I would leave the strap on Jericho for at least six months while Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD, AJ, and Anderson all chase him for the gold.

The next move would be to finally give the Global/TV/Legends title some clout. Throw it on Samoa Joe for a long period of time and let him feud with the next tier of guys like Desmond Wolfe, Pope, Morgan, Steiner, Double J, Hernandez, and Matt Hardy.

Next up on the agenda is to rebuild the X-Division. Bring back Daniels and use Jay Lethal, Douglas Williams, Amazing Red, Max Buck, Jeremy Buck, Kazarian, Kendrick, Shelley, and Sabin to steal the show every single night.

I would definitely keep Hogan, Flair, and Bischoff around. However I would use Flair and Hogan as managers and mouthpieces only (like Harley Race was w/Vader). Bischoff would remain in place as a heel GM/Authority figure. Managers would be brought back to help get guys without strong mic skills over better.

The final thing I would do is split Beer Money up in a creative way and push Robert Roode to the moon. I believe Roode is a main eventer just waiting to blow up. He has the in ring ability to go with anyone on the roster. Let him loose and watch TNA's stock rise.
The first thing I would do is kick the Hardys out of the company. Those two think their crap dont stink and it probably stinks worse than anyone. Then i would get rid of hogan and bischoff. enough said there. I would start puttng together better storylines that ACTUALLY make sense. Give the stars that deserve airtime and push that they deserve. Then take Impact out of the impact zone and stop losing money hand over fist cuz im not selling tickets
my idea for fixing TNA is this...

i would restart/re brand the company

i would finish the power struggle angle where bischoff and hogan get control/ownership of the company, but have it play out where panda energy pulls all funding from the company. basically stating that they have control of nothing. dixie then announces that she is starting a "new company it would be the same, but you could have a new name new set etc etc...

this would allow them to start over fresh without really doing anything... they could advertise the heck out of the show and when people see a new look and a new name all of the negative associations with the company will be gone.

i would use the "reset" as a chance to actually do things differently. all of the people that needed to be released would side with hogan and bischoff explaining their absence in the "new" company. focus on what has worked in the past... the x division younger stars give it a more indie style feel.

the people who see this "new" company will be amazed by this "different" style of wrestling compared to wwe. and you build your fan base from there.

because when it all boils down that's the only thing that TNA can compete with WWE on is in ring talent. so i say focus on that
Roster change:
Fire- gunner, Murphy, bischoff, and Russo and his writing team.
Hire- lashley, Paul London, briscoe bros, haas n Benjamin, and lure j.r. and Joey styles
Add jr, Joey styles, Kurt angle, sting, Mick foley and Jim cornette to the creative team w/ me having the final say so
Talent would have the right to pitch/ditch ideas of matches and feuds by having a meeting with creative.

Talent change- make. Everyone take acting lessons,
use taz and team 3D's wrestling school to build younger talent
Revamp x division, tag division, and knockout division
Move taz off the table and bring back don west and place a hired jr on the table (love 3 man announce teams)
Flair, hogan, and Kurt angle would be used as tna ambassadors
Aj styles and pope would be the biggest stars and I would push the hell outta them.
Samoa Joe will lose weight or be fired
Kurt angle, RVD, Jeff hardy, sting, and team 3D will put over new/younger talent
Flair would be used backstage as well as hogan
Partner with roh, njpw, all japan, and aaa.

Tv change:
6-7 matches weekly with promos only used to actually build feuds and stories.
Four major feuds: tna whc, 2nd ME, Global Title feud, and X division feud
No run ins in every match. More clean finishes.
All shows will build up the next ppv
45 different stories won't be told in one show.
Matches get 10-15 minutes and x division won't be spotfests
Take impact on the road every other week with the road shows filmed live
Promote impact on different networks and look to find a bigger network
Cut the 24/7 f-bombs and restrict language to son of a bitch and ass. Cut unnecessary sexual content
Rare use of blood.
Return 6 sides!!
All stars have attention grabbing songs and gear. Cut the cheap laser lights show and sparkle fireworks.

Ppv changes:
6 a year with all 6 on the road.
8 matches of built up stories and feuds. No unnecessary gimmick bouts. Mainly clean finishes unless adding to the story.
Bfg, slammiversary, lockdown and victory road as the big four.
10-15 minutes for lower to upper-mid carders, 20 minutes for two ME's
Heavy promotions for bfg and slammiversary, ex: tours and access events.
Have a 24 man tournament, with the final four competing in a 30 min iron man fatal four way at victory road, to get a shot to ME bfg.

Cut pay for wrestlers, if they aren't with it they can leave.
Use revenue of Orlando tapings to build for 100% live shows weekly
Create more business relationships with bigger companies
Start creating/pushing tna created stars instead of bringing in big names ( which fails time and time again)
Require every tna superstar attends weekly/monthly charity events. Hope Tht aj and pope woul reach deep into make a wish like cena/rey mysterio.

Push for pope/aj toto appear on espn, political events, major sporting events,and talk shows to increase viewership for impact.

Finally accept nthn less than a 2.9 rating within my first year. 3.0+ forever more.
Some good suggestions I've seen.

As for me? Re-organize the PPV schedule, so there are 4 big PPVs and 8 events that I'd move to iPPV. The 4 big ones would be LockDown, Bound For Glory, Destination X, and Slammiversary - these are rearranged so LockDown is in spring, Destination X in the summer, Slammiversary in the fall, and Bound For Glory to close out the year. I don't know how much money these events bring in on Pay-Per-View, but I hear the iPPVs bring in more money than standard-PPVs (lower production costs, online distribution, cheaper price for fans). The big 4 events take place outside the iMPACT Zone, as does at least one iMPACT taping a month.

If I'm in charge tomorrow, the whole Immortal angle ends with Hogan & Bischoff being removed in reality from TNA. They do need to go, but I'm willing to let their departures be the big payoff to an angle that has overtaken TV.

Re-invigorate the X-Division and take a good hard look at what guys you have in the mix. The X-Division should be the young guys that can pull off the amazing feats but still tell great in-ring stories. I think Kaz, GenMe, Doug Williams to a certain degree, both the MCMGuns.... these guys can all get it done. Give them more time to shine, with at least 10-minute bouts. and Rob Van Dam should be in the X-Division. This one just makes sense.

Brian Kendrick
Christy Hemme (WTF does she do?)
Gunner & Murphy (part of the Immortal pay-off, but the first to fall)
Hulk Hogan (Immortal end payoff)
Eric Bischoff (Immortal end payoff)
Karen Jarrett
Orlando Jordan (SO FAST)
Rob Terry
So Cal Val (SERIOUSLY what the f*** DOES Val do?)

ADDITIONS? Well, I'd spend a good 3 months with no additions whatsoever. There's a roster in place. Let's see show the world what they're capable of. In time though, I'd make power plays for:
Kevin Steen
Super Smash Brothers
Kenny Omega
Caylen Croft
Jimmy Jacobs
Luke Gallows

The company is called "Total Nonstop Action", so I'd stick with the ReAction-style backstage stuff. It's different and helps set the company's programming apart from the rest. However, a big emphasis is placed on in-ring competition. Most of the roster should be seen in-ring every week.

Wins & losses matter. I'm not saying everyone should have a Bill Goldberg winning streak, but if we've been booking a guy to win alot, then he should be vying for a title soon. Everyone is in title contention this way.

Put an emphasis on the Knockouts division as THE place for women's wrestling. TNA's become known for this and that's something you should play up. Bring in ladies like Alissa Flash, Sara del Rey, MsChif, Serena Deeb, and Daizee Haze to work with your Knockouts like Mickie James, Madison Rayne, Angelina Love, and Velvet Sky. I'm not saying you should necessarily sign them to two-year contracts, but bring them in for matches and see how it goes.

I don't know that I'd future endeavor the creative team outright as much as I'd say, "Pitch me ten angles to convince me that you're right for where we're going." Again, if I come in to power say tomorrow, I do everything I can to ensure that there is an endgame in place for the Immortal angle, probably culminating at Bound For Glory.

Whatever reason they're putting off Desmond Wolfe's return for? Throw it out the window. Get him back, STAT. He seems to be putting off any plans for Magnus as well and that's roster getting paid for not doing work.

You're the #2 wrestling company, so act like it. TNA used to have ties to the indy scene like ROH and I'd bring that back. Bring in guys from ROH, CHIKARA, DragonGate USA, and IWA for potential dream matches (Beer Money vs The Briscoe Brothers? The MCMGuns vs The Osirian Portal?). Do not mention WWE since you're in direct competition with them, but I would allow for one or two references to where these imports come from. It's not like a constant plug for CHIKARA if Quackenbush is in an X-Division Title match with Max Buck, but maybe note that Quack is coming from CHIKARA, another company and it's good to have him there.

Ditch Jeff Hardy's face-belt and get back to using Eric Young's TNA World Title. I wouldn't be opposed to billing Young as some sort of "people's champion" for a few months, but eventually, THAT belt needs to return to the top of the mountain.

I don't know what TNA's drug-testing policy is, but I would adopt one similar to WWE's.

At TNA, it's not a "country club". You're there to work. If you've got ideas, great. We'll listen, but you won't get full "creative control". Guys like Ric Flair or Scott Steiner will be encouraged to give the younger guys advice on what TO and what NOT to do.

The tag team division is great, but there's not that many actual teams. Maybe a focus on sustaining life in the division? You can only go to the "Beer Money vs MCMGuns" well so many times, guys...
the 1st thing i would do if i was in control of tna is get rid of hulk hogan, Eric Bisoff and Ric flair. thery really think that they making tna better when they not there making it wrost! ok everyone has to eat and everyone has to work and make a living but these guys r messing up dis company by been on tv way to much, nobody wants to see them any more ur time is up give up! the next thing i would do is bring back da x divison thats a mus also da 6 sided ring thats wat made tna in da 1st place

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