If you were Vince McMahon...

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- I would have all the cruiserweights on the roster (crazy, psicosis, london, etc.) invade TNA during an X-divison bout and set-up a dream elimination style match to see who really can be high-flying and dominant.
- I would drop King Booker's character and replace it with the old and put him as a high mid-carder.
- If i were to keep smackdown! I would place stars like orton and kane onto the show and move it to thursdays so the people do not have to stay in.
- And finally i would bring back vince's corporation to give DX an excellent feud.
Either End the Brand Extintion or focus on making Smackdown better. Give Kurt Angle, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, Matt Striker, Rob Conway and when spirit Squad breaks up (Mitch & Nicky as a tag team)

On Smackdown I'd turn the Cruiserweights into a X-Division type setting with more competition. Move Kennedy up to main event level. I'd start a Batista/Angle feud for the no. 1 contendership. Have Booker T./Batista feud after, until that Kane and Booker for title.

On Raw I'd break up DX and let Michaels heal. Take the McMahons off TV and let a new GM take over. I'm thinking Rick Steamboat or Dusty Rhodes. Some 80's star...Ted Dibiase would sooo own. Then turn Cena turn heel. I'd have Triple H feud with Orton and Cena through fall. Edge would feud with Carlito to build him up. Then move to a Edge Triple H main event at Survivor Series.

Bring in Harry Smith and other stand outs on indi scene. Colt Cabana would rock on Mondays

Beef up Women's division and make Tag Division a focus. I'd sign a few more talents from indy/TNA. Make Johnny Jeter and Kenny Doane the new top tag. I'd make Mike Mondo the comic wreslter and watch his popularity sky rocket.

ECW- I'd actually continue the Heyman anti-old ECW storyline. I actually think it will turn into gold when RVD returns.

:- Put ECW out of business.
:- Make raw 3 Hours long.
:- Get new GM's for RAW and SMACKDOWN.
:- Leave DX alone, its been the same storyline for months now.
:- Bring a new brand out, and let Heyman run it so he can make a bit more money, because ECW doesn't make that much money because its to horrific for children to watch lmao! Blood everywere people getting thrown in barbed wire :|.
hell no, you can't fire edge he is an awesomw wwe champion, and the only rated r superstar who looks like it's a true reflection to a side of his personality. it suits him like it suited austin, rock and cena being themselves.
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