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If you hate WWE so much, WHY WATCH IT?

I think I told this story before here but I did stoped watching in 2011. Product was stale, we had awfull Mania 27 and I just choosed not to watch again. Didnt even bothered to look results. Comed back year later(had enthusiasm to watch again after a while) so I had to watch reruns to see "Summer of Punk" and other things I missed in meantime. Point is, its nothing that you cant live without. If you hate the product that much, sure, stop to watch it.

But OP should learn the difference beetween criticizing product and hate the product. Most fans dont hate it, they just watch it with more critique then others. And thats a good thing sometimes, not everyone can and should enjoy same stuff. Its like having to critique your favorite show. You will not stop watching it but you will see some stuff you dont like it.

Though I understand OPs point a bit, lot of IWC just bitches about stuff and should enjoy more. After all, point is to have fun in watching the product. :)
Oh, that's easy - i don't. I check out a few sites which give some info, enough to let me know things are still as dumb as ever, but I quit watching wwe a long time ago. Doesn't mean my opinion isn't valid - I don't need to watch to know putting Taker over someone is a bad idea since he a part timer who is on his last run or to know that that this League of Nations is going to fail since wwe never gave a decent push to anyone in it before. If i read anything that actually grabbed my attention in a positive way, i might start watching again.
Its simple. WWE has put all its competition out of business and has taken over the video libraries of all our memories. A lot of us so-called fans dont actually enjoy todays product or even the product of the past 10 years. What we enjoy is the WWE network and the history of wrestling. We enjoy tuning into watching NXT at 3am or watching some of the documentaries. But we dont enjoy the wrestling monopoly or the overly PG and PC programming..Nothing bores me more than the slow monotone script reading or the charisma-lacking carbon copy pretty boys. Hey but at least some of the haters do waste hours of their time and give WWE an audience. Most of the wrestling audience of 15 years ago abandoned wrestling altogether and these people dont even bother wasting time being overly critical. If it wasnt for posting on these threads, I dont know if I would even be paying one second of attention. Most of what I know about anything comes from reading the threads, columns and news articles. I dont feel like there is a point wasting one second of my Monday night unless somebody I respect here convinces me there is something to youtube the next day. Anyway long story short I believe fans loyal enough to have continued watching in hopes of things improving eventually. They are justified in being overly critical because WWE programming could be a kazillion times better..I mean I give kudos to any human being who could actually sit through 3 hours a week of RAW being exposed to about 8 -this is awesome chants- a week..Ill tell ya..it takes a special sort of person..
It's no different than being a sports fan, and if you're a Leafs fan you'll get the metaphor... Oh God will you ever get the metaphor. My Leafs have been shit for about a decade now, yet I still sit through every heart-wrenching, agonizing game because I'm a die-hard Leafs fan. I still scream and have the urge to throw my TV every 5 minutes, but they're still my team. I sat through the Blue Jays 22 year playoff drought with the hopes that things would get better. And guess what? They did. That's why I still watch WWE. So that when things start getting better, I can say that I was there through the thick and thin of it. Some may find that ridiculous, but it's what a fan does.

But I also don't hate the product. I'm getting there to be honest, but there's still enough good from Raw to keep me watching. I think the fact that I don't watch Smackdown might help with that too. And there's other wrestling companies that keep my faith in the business alive.
Because I can?

I watch bad movies, TV shows and sometimes even read bad books, but there is usually a reason I checked them out to begin with. I like certain kinds of genres, so will likely be willing to experience them even if the quality is low. I happen to like wrestling right now, so I watch the product. TNA isn't available for me right now and...well, I also watch NXT.

For the record, I actually think most episodes of RAW and Smackdown are serviceable. Even if the booking and writing is awful, the roster is good enough to put on enjoyable matches. If they failed to do that on a consistent basis, I probably wouldn't watch. With that said, "Survivor Series" was such a horrendous experience that I actually skipped the following Raw and Smackdown.
Also most are watching because it practically free for people who subscribe to the Network. I think this is what isn't being discussed if you are a Wrestling fan and even if you don't really follow the current product, $9.99 is still a very good deal due to the archival footage the Network has.
I think people enjoy complaining. And the more they like something, or used to like something, the more people like complaining. What do people complain about the most? The sports team they supposedly support. The game series or band that used to be so much better. And yes, the way a TV show has lost its way.

There have been detractors during every phase of wrestling. Plenty of Thesz and Sammartino purists hated the Hogan era. Plenty of Hogan fans hated the New Generation guys for being small and overly flamboyant. New generation fans hated the Attitude era for being vulgar and melodramatic. It goes on and on.

But due to all the new stupid smark fans created in the Attitude Era, it feels like there's a lot more people bitching about the current product. Many of them were never around during low points in WWE history. Hell, many of them have very different ideas of what pro wrestling should be based on the Attitude Era.

I am a wrestling fan. I like all kinds of wrestling, including the current WWE style. Sure, it has its fair share of flaws. I would probably say that the main even scene was better in the Attitude Era, but that was because two once-in-a-lifetime stars came along at once in Austin and the Rock.

But the midcard was pretty poor for most of the Attitude Era. I don't know about y'all, but I'll take Kevin Owens, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro and co. over the likes of Val Venis, the Godfather, and D'Lo Brown, who were all freakin' Intercontinental champions in 1999. Jesus, and people say the belt is devalued now...
It's the most accessible game in town, with a hell of a lot of polish to it.

I mean, I dip into TNA occasionally (usually when KB reviews a good match) and ROH a little more frequently (when they do a PPV or what have you), and NJPW is definitely getting more of my time with each passing month...

But the WWE has multiple video libraries of some of the biggest and best promotions in North American history. Smokey Mountain Wrestling, American Wrestling Association, Jim Crockett Promotions, World Championship Wrestling, World Class Championship Wrestling, Georgia Championship Wrestling, Championship Wrestling From Florida, Extreme Championship Wrestling...

Granted, it's not all gold mines and they've not made it all available through the Network, but the fact that they can present you with all that and do another eight or nine hours of first run television week in and week out is a level of provision no other wrestling company can do.

Sure, you won't actually watch most of it week to week and certainly not with a smile on your face, but the appeal is there, as is the quality, brand recognition and fan loyalty.

Even if they do piss on it week in and week out.
I'm a Colts fan and I was watching the team during 2011 when they were horrible. Peyton Manning was injured, then released, and it was clear that I was going to have to sit through 17 weeks of terrible football. But I kept watching because I'm a Colts fan and I was looking for the time when they'd turn things around.

That's exactly how I feel about the WWE right now. There were times when things were really bright this year, but now it's just...meh. Survivor Series was awful, IMO of course. If someone liked it, I'm happy for you! The last couple of Raws have been hard to get through. Usually I watch Gotham at 8 and something else at 9, so I can start Raw at 10 and fast forward through the parts I don't want to see. I never did that until this year. I don't really complain online like some people and while I may enjoy very little about the current product, I'm not going to shut it off, not come on here, and unsubscribe from the Network. I'm still waiting for it to turn around. Until WWE gives the fans the middle finger with something unacceptable, I'll probably stick around.
let me tell you something brother! you are saying that if we hate the WWE product these days then why watch it. right? but you are not following the news. don't you see that there are ratings dropping week after week. that means people are not watching. so how can you say that "why are you people watching, when you don't like it". how can you say we are not watching. Drop in ratings and peoples disinterest in wwe is increasing. which proves that people are not watching. I am a big wwe fan, but when I come home from office and at late night I think what to watch on TV. I think of WWE first. But then I talk to my self that "oh man! it is boring now a days. I will check wrestlezone.com tomorrow for the latest news." thus I don't watch it. when there is proof in ratings that people don't watch it then why are you asking.
Been a wrestling fan since the old days of Maple Leaf Wrestling at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. I did take a break for about 10 years and my son got me back into it about 10 years ago.

Unfortunately a lot of viewers have already taken the OP's advice and just simple stopped watching. RAW numbers are down to historic lows, and they've lost 25% of their viewers. There is really no reason for it.

They have a great roster and can still be up there. Yes injuries have taken their toll, but this is a business where injuries can happen in a blink of an eye. Unfortunately they have been hit hard this year and the wrestlers in question will be out for quite some time. That is no excuse though for not moving others up in their absence, and that's what we're seeing now. Only problem is fans don't want them.

I don't watch SD anymore just RAW, and what I complain about is the fact that it's the same format every week. We don't need a 20 minute promo each week, that time could be spent with another match or two. If you are a wrestling show then put out some wrestling. Start using the undercard, get these guys on TV more. In other words change it up a little.

Also the unpredictability factor is gone. Take this week for example. If they had left the Reigns and Sheamus match as it was, Reigns had to win in under 5:15 that would have been fine. What they did was overkill. As soon as they put the Uso's and Ambrose into the mix, and made it so he had to win or they wouldn't have matches at TLC, you know right away he was going to win. I mean we knew he would win by DQ or something else, but the inclusion of the Uso's and Ambrose matches pretty much sealed the deal. They gave away the ending to their main event right at the beginning of the show.

That's the kind of stuff I have a problem with. Not the WWE as a whole, just when they make decisions like that. You want to keep your viewers hooked and sitting there for that 3 hours, not turning the TV off because they know what the final outcome is for a show that lasts three hours.
I would bet a large sum of money that I will be the only person to post the following reason.

Its because my wife is a habitual viewer.

If it wasn't for her, I would happily watch RAW later in the week on my computer while fast forwarding through 75% of it like I do when I am out traveling on business or before I was married.

I did and still would watch the PPVs for the possibility of good matches or major angle advancements, but that would be it.
If the people who are complaining stopped watching, the company would fold, so be careful what you wish for.

No, it won't.

I don't know if you know this, but the people who post here would be less than 10% of the total wrestling audience.

Besides, many people might be happy with the product. But people generally don't post when they like something, only when they hate something. Besides, those who say they like wrestling are treated badly on these boards (I can attest to that) so many won't post, out of fear of being trolled mercilessly. I am a bit more bold, and don't give a damn what any of you think of me, so I am the exception.

But I feel WWE is has made enough money over the years and got enough goodwill over the years, that it can drop a little of its audience and still survive. Besides, they might find a way to draw in new fans, to replace those who don't like it now (like how WWE replaced the Attitude Era audience with focusing on the kiddie market instead). Money is money, and Vince doesn't care where or from who it comes from.

Anyway, I dare you to follow through. Don't watch WWE again.

But I bet that I see another post from you here, complaining about WWE, within one month.
1. There are plenty of positive comments regarding wrestling and WWE on this board. If you can't find them you aren't looking or do not care to engage those posts.

2. Irony - if you don't like the posts coming from this forum take you own advice and leave.

I can name two posters who bag everything WWE does: wwesux and WorstWrestlingExcrement (one is clearly the alt of another.

Please name one other poster who bags everything WWE does. Just one.

And again if this forum is so awful, take your own advice and FUCK OFF and find one one with unicorns and daisies that will provide reach arounds in perpetuity.

Careful there, playing mod may get you banned internet policeman.

If you think so many posters do nothing but shit on WWE provide evidence.

1. Nielsen
2. www.wrestlezone.com
3. Simple math

First day on the internet sir?

Finally something we can agree on.

And wrestlezone forums will take your clicks no matter how much you shit on their members.

In summary, please provide an example of someone who hates everything WWE does and explain why you post here if the posts and posters are so horrible.

Or possibly consider that silence equals a mix of apathy and approval.

Why should I leave? This is a wrestling site, here to talk about wrestling. It is not an anti-WWE site. Start a facebook page and write anti-WWE diatribe and lies on it for all I care.

If you don't like my posts, don't read them. Don't reply to them.

You should want positive discussion on this board, not criticise it.

I can name plenty who bag everything WWE does. You, for one, DarkLady for another. In fact, most posts aren't about "what a great match X v Y was last week", it is "John Cena sux", "Roman Reigns sux", "Vince McMahon sux", "WWE sux". Over and over.

What evidence? Use your eyes, and read how often the same points are made over and over. I would even welcome a new point of view, rather than posters parroting other's points.

I think TV stations are more powerful than Nielsen. Wrestlezone has an agenda, and don't get as many hits from positive WWE stories. What math?

Why do I post here? Firstly, to discuss something I love, something that has been part of my life for over twenty-five years, to discuss wrestling topics. Secondly, to pop the delusional bubble that a lot of you here have that the wrestling world revolves around what you want, and to bring a few of you down a few hundred pegs from your exalted and self-entitled position, when all you are doing is paying money for something you CHOOSE to pay for, so why should you be patted on the back for that, for paying for something that you get something in return. You only pay for it because you want to, so that doesn't make you a hero.
I would bet a large sum of money that I will be the only person to post the following reason.

Its because my wife is a habitual viewer.

If it wasn't for her, I would happily watch RAW later in the week on my computer while fast forwarding through 75% of it like I do when I am out traveling on business or before I was married.

I did and still would watch the PPVs for the possibility of good matches or major angle advancements, but that would be it.

I hope it is not THAT large. Would not want to see you homeless and hungry. My wife WORSHIPS Roman Reigns, and not only watches Raw, but she DVRs it for later watching. I had to drag her, kicking and screaming in Tagalog, to a PWS show. And, she got a nice picture with PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) and PWS regular, Craig Steele. While Raw and SD are on, I am on the internet, looking for good matches while the crap promos and matches are on.

That said, I think the problem is that those of us who are fans of pro wrestling are finding that we finding other promotions, and are comparing WWE to those promotions. We are finding that WWE has ONLY the peripherals that are superior: Sets, lighting, production value, glitz and glamour. But, when it comes to ACTION and general FUN factor, your average Indy promotion, Japan, Mexico and RoH towers above. That is because WWE tries to be all things to all people. When you do that, you become nothing to nobody. This is what we are seeing now. They are trying to serve so many masters that WWE has become almost incoherent. They have Western Unioned storylines that even Helen Keller could see right through. Tommy Dreamer showing up at Raw was a breath of fresh air in what was a massive sewage chamber of a Raw.

So, why do we watch? We watch to hope that someone, anyone, can make this interesting. We watch so that if our favorites do get Future Endeavored, we can go out of our way to support them in the Indies. We watch so we got something to compare it to. And, some of us watch because we are just to damn lazy to search for good pro wrestling elsewhere. As for some on this board? Some of them are Sports Entertainment fans and not pro wrestling fans. If you put WWE in a PWS set, how many of them WOULD stop watching? If you took PWS, and declared it another branch of WWE, how many on this board would demand that Starman, The Drunken Swashbuckler, and Habib from the Car Wash get pushed right to the Main Event at Wrestlemania? You would be surprised how powerful those three letters, WWE, are in the eyes of those who watch TV of wrestling.

D_Henderson, you say we should be praising McMahon for all he has done. If anything, he has made it better for the PERFORMERS who are at the top of the business. There was a time when wrestlers were horrifically abused and taken advantage of. MVP once mentioned on Impact about the "hot dog and a handshake". Well, that was reality back in the days of the territories. Capt. Lou Albano once talked about going to Washington D.C. for a match, and getting paid $5, just enough for gas and a six pack. Look at former WWF stars like Bob Backlind and Tito Santana? Tito is teaching in New Jersey, and is 6 years from collecting a pension from it. What does he have from WWF? Bupkis. Backlund had to go back in the 90's to make money, period. Look at Kamala? Has no legs and in f-ing poverty. Iron Sheik needs a hip replacement and is has never shaken his demons. If those four broke into the business today, they would be rich beyond belief. Do you think Adam Rose, Sandow, Ryback, Zack Ryder and Heath Slater would be making money in the Territorial Era? The hell they would. If I give McMahon any credit at all, it was to make conditions better for performers.

Ad for the actual PRODUCT? McMahon has hurt the industry in ways that most here could not fathom. The Territories allowed for a greater distribution of talent. You guys cry about Ryback not getting a push. He would be getting it in California. Daniel Bryan would be at Don Owen's hip in Portland. Adam Rose would have had his matches called by Gordon Solie in Florida. CM Punk and Nick Bockwinkel (May he rest in Peace) would be dropping pipe bombs on each other in the AWA. Jerry Lawler would be ruling Memphis, and Afa and Sika would be introducing Roman Reigns, and he would be under the tutelage of Capt. Lou Albano (May he Rest in Peace). What I am saying? They would ALL have had a chance in the Territorial Era because the talent was far more spread out than it is now. Every federation got TV time. Did not matter if it was WWWF, CWF, CWA, Mid-Atlantic, Portland Wrestling. You saw a TV Guide, and in it would be some listing for the weekly showing of XYZ Wrestling.

What the territories also did was give a new jack what he needed: ring time and reps. Today, you are lucky to get a match a month. Maybe 4 matches a month. But, in the Territorial Era, you were a new jack, you wrestled every goddamned night. And, you had to get yourself there in your old, broken down, jalopy of a car. You bathed in rest rooms. You slept in your car. Your meals included cold baked beans, sardines, Spam, and maybe a soggy hot dog. You had to travel 4-500 miles in a single night from this one horse town to another. Performing in gyms before 100-200 fans in towns that are usually passed through on the Interstate. It was a hard and brutal life. It also instilled a love for the business. Because only those who loved the business could survive. The business that was pro wrestling was a calling.

Today, most see it as a job and not a calling. You see that on Raw, SD, and to a lesser extent on Impact. And, we as fans see it. We see many times wrestlers phoning in matches and promos. Take a look at the promos cut in the Territorial Era? You'd think that if they screwed up the promo, the World would open up and swallow them whole. Promos were brilliantly thought out. Delivered from the heart. They felt it. You felt it. You wanted to go to wherever that match was, come hell or high water. Forget Dusty Rhodes (May he Rest in Peace), Ric Flair and Bockwinkel. Even a lower mid-carder like Bobby Jaggers could cut a promo that would put the entire WWE roster to shame. Nobody on today's roster could cut a heart-felt promo that would make you buy a ticket. Why? they are getting $8K a week whether they cut one or not. So?

Sorry for the rant, but in closing, VKM only deserves credit in making PERFORMERS lives better. Nothing else. As for why we still watch and post on this board? Because we want to see the product get better, with the hope that it actually will. And, we wish to share that experience with each other on this board. That is, in the end, our choice.
I don't hate WWE. It isn't great like it once was, but it isn't terrible. It's just decent. The main problem WWE has is that they can't accomplish anything that has long-term effects. I'll use the Survivor Series PPV as an example.

Undertaker and Kane vs. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper was a really good match, but what did it accomplish? Taker got a win that he didn't need. Wyatt, who desperately needs to win a feud, loses again. And Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman were at ringside. (Although they got involved, they should have been in the actual match).

So what would have been great?

Taker, Kane, Sting, and Finn Balor vs. the Wyatts. That would have been awesome and something people would have been talking about for a long time (for the right reasons). In the match, Sting turns heel by taking out Taker and giving the Wyatts the win. This sets up 4 months of great buildup for their highly anticipated WM32 match. Wyatt gets a big win and is FINALLY a credible main eventer. Finn Balor has an awesome debut and will be a very strong addition to the mid-card.

Am I asking for too much? Maybe, but the ratings are an indication that a lot of fans aren't satisfied, so WWE has to do something.
Why should I leave? This is a wrestling site, here to talk about wrestling. It is not an anti-WWE site. Start a facebook page and write anti-WWE diatribe and lies on it for all I care.

Because based on the premise of your post, you believe that people should not subject themselves to something that they do not enjoy. You also made it clear that you do not enjoy the comments on this forum. Are you too stupid to see your hypocrisy?

If you don't like my posts, don't read them. Don't reply to them.

But I like your posts. They are funny in their stupidity and make me feel better about myself. It is you I do not like. I would not spend time with you in person but I'm happy to keep reading your posts.

You should want positive discussion on this board, not criticise it.

Positive discussion exists on this forum. What I find is that your posts are generally so stupid, misguided and occassionally racist that they lead to a breakdown in positive discussion and just lead to criticism of your posts.

I can name plenty who bag everything WWE does. You, for one, DarkLady for another.

Liar. Do you know that this forum has a search function? That you can view another poster's post history. Dark Lady can provide very constructive and positive discussion. She states in this thread that WWE has many talented wrestlers. Again, I think you are mistaking people constantly shitting on your posts with people shitting constantly on WWE.

And it is funny that one poster can call me a WWE apologist and then read you telling me the opposite.

But you lied about two posters. Now name one more that you are referring to. BuriedbyCena? I would give you that one. He is a douche bag.

In fact, most posts aren't about "what a great match X v Y was last week", it is "John Cena sux", "Roman Reigns sux", "Vince McMahon sux", "WWE sux". Over and over.

No it's not. And again, if you don't like why come here? Take your own advice and find something else to do or somewhere else to discuss wrestling.

What evidence? Use your eyes, and read how often the same points are made over and over. I would even welcome a new point of view, rather than posters parroting other's points.

I assure you that there is a lot of good discussion here. If you can't find it, you are not trying, or you're stupid or maybe you're just full of shit.

I think TV stations are more powerful than Nielsen.

Please elaborate. Are you saying that TV stations are manipulating Neilsen ratings?

Wrestlezone has an agenda, and don't get as many hits from positive WWE stories.

Wrestlezone provides ratings data every week whether the news is good or bad. It just happens to be really bad right now.

What math?

Face palm. The simple math that today's ratings are less than they have been in a long time. (i.e. 2 < 3 < 4)

Why do I post here? Firstly, to discuss something I love, something that has been part of my life for over twenty-five years, to discuss wrestling topics. Secondly, to pop the delusional bubble that a lot of you here have that the wrestling world revolves around what you want, and to bring a few of you down a few hundred pegs from your exalted and self-entitled position,

You are failing miserably.

when all you are doing is paying money for something you CHOOSE to pay for, so why should you be patted on the back for that, for paying for something that you get something in return. You only pay for it because you want to, so that doesn't make you a hero.

Um, ok. Not sure who you are talking to, not sure who said any of these things or gave you the impression they felt this way but best of luck to you on your quest.
Why should I leave? This is a wrestling site, here to talk about wrestling.

I can name plenty who bag everything WWE does. You, for one, DarkLady for another. In fact, most posts aren't about "what a great match X v Y was last week", it is "John Cena sux", "Roman Reigns sux", "Vince McMahon sux", "WWE sux". Over and over.

Oh and how did I know my name along with GSB's would be mentioned. Could it be because we are the only two that actually stand up to you when you post?

Please show me posts where I used the expressions, "John Cena sux", "Roman Reigns sux", "Vince McMahon sux" and "the WWE sux". Go ahead please use the search function and try to find a post where I have used any of those expressions.

What I did say was John Cena's gimmick is stale. Roman Reigns got pushed too quickly. Vince McMahon is out of touch, and the product is suffering for it. But please go ahead and show me where I said what you said I did.

You want to promote discussion on a wrestling forum, but only if we all follow along and subscribe to your opinion. God forbid that we have our own. If you can't take dissenting opinions to the one you have, then maybe you should put those posters, me and GSB on ignore. That way you won't have to read our posts where we go on indefinitely about how everyone "sux".

Meanwhile I will go on enjoying the product as it is. I will criticize it when necessary and praise it when it warrants it. And it you can't take it then it "sux" to be you.
Oh and how did I know my name along with GSB's would be mentioned. Could it be because we are the only two that actually stand up to you when you post?

I mean...it's not like I shut this troll down almost immediately or anything. Don't worry, I don't blame you for not seeing it through all of the other bullshit he's posted
I mean...it's not like I shut this troll down almost immediately or anything. Don't worry, I don't blame you for not seeing it through all of the other bullshit he's posted

I'm sorry I didn't see your post. He has this odd habit of taring all WWE fans with the same brush. Either we see everything the WWE does in a positive light, and never issue a complaint, or we are pricks. If you look at a history of his posts, they all run along the same vein.

He doesn't seem to realize that we all view this product through different eyes, with different likes and dislike, and most important of all, have a right to an opinion. Our own opinions not others. I feel that if you have an opinion on this product positive or negative you are within your rights to say it. If it doesn't agree with mine that's okay, we are not expected to agree on everything.
This entire thread reads as a spam worthy thread. Others have said it better than I could ever. A paying consumer has every right to complain about the product they consume. When you have loved something for so long and see it going down the tubes its okay to critique. So many people these days confuse being critical with hatred. D_Henderson has gotten called out on his bullshit in this thread.
Thats not a very sound comparison. Its not like we can go to WWE headquarters and personally tell Vince that he undercooked the steak. Nobody is emotionally invested in how good a steak is cooked. Nobodies been a "fan" of steak since they were 4 years old, watching steak go from being little filet medallions all the way up to being the undisputed steakhouse champion of the world

I'll relay you back to my Sixer comparison. They are ungodly and historically terrible. They're are times where I still cheer, but the product just isnt what it used to be. But I love that team. Im not a glutton for punishment. Im a glutton for basketball.

Yes, there may be fans that watch only to complain. I call those people weirdos. Theres plenty of other stuff to watch on Monday nights. Hell, depending on where you live, going out may be a better option. But if its something they love and have loved for a long time, it hard to give up. Divorces dont just happen. It tends to happen after years of unhappiness and arguing. The complaining will eventually force you to divorce, but its never something that people are dying to do

The exact same thing I was goin go say about his analogy. It's more like a marriage than a restaurant with a bad steak. In a marriage you fight, disagree, cry, laugh etc...we love the product as a whole but there are times when it's lacking and letting us down. We have a right to complain about it. People vent in different ways...sometimes we go overboard. The fact that others take such offense to it is a bit ridiculous though. I don't even complain much, but when I have in the past, some select people jumped on me for it like this. Would you tell your friend to divorce his wife if he had a difference of opinion on a particular matter with her and didn't like the way she handled something? Way too far.
Clearly the OP is new to wrestling or at least I hope so. Since he clearly doesn't get it.

It didn't really dawn on me until they started releasing this Undertaker video and I said holy hell I remember when I was a kid and brother love brought him to the stage. I losted it he was just a machine.

30+ years of watching raw, the only time I missed it was the 1 tour in Iraq and my 2 westpacs. I did dress up like taker for wog day (if you know kudos, if you don't sucks to be you)

So think about anything over a 30 year span, every show can't be heroic. So days will suck and worse. People who say they hate the WWE they have to have a cause, meaning they don't hate the WWE (Well unless it is one of those dummy parents who have lost a kid and want to blame someone else for thier crappy parenting.) Fans on the other hand hate the current product or storylines for use of simpler words.
However they are ignorant and learning is tough so instead of saying what they mean they ramble hate and stupid WWE comments. When truly they are upset with the storyline or how thier favorite is not getting enough love or TV time.

These are the clueless fans that underatand TV and nothing beyond it. They have no clue that live events run almost everyday somewhere. They fail to realize thier fav might be getting time off so they slowly write them out.

Great Example is Kevin Owens who went home sick from an event. Doubt many care for him but there is someone. This is the lame job they have where they can hop on forums and rape the keyboard talking crap. Wrestling is a year round job with few days off, those days are are spent doing other things like promos, news, interviews, working out, learning etc. They don't work 8 hours a day and take the weekend off stuffing thier face and sleeping in.

So I personally hate lots of storylines mae young hand birth, Mark Henry transsexual moments, Every lame Wyatt family squash.....or the break up. Hating WWE is far different.

But people love to beach and moan about anything, just know they are morons and move on.
So a guy or gal spends their hard earned money on a product that they're not happy about and they don't have the rite to complain? I don't see the logic.

BUT...the facts are people have stopped watching. The ratings don't lie.

The sad state is, that this is the worst wwe has been in years. Why do people keep watching? I'm my opinion....HOPE.

Every so often the last couple of years the wwe have pulled of some great moments (Seth Rollins cash in at mania to name just one)...and "fans" tune in with the hope that this week there may be another well booked moment, that could possibly lead to something even better. The problem is these are few and far between.

The booking is so out of touch and the fans at live events have "hijacked" shows on many occasions to highlight this (Daniel Bryan chants in build up to Cena/Orton best highlight of this in most recent memory).

The suggestion of "don't watch" is insulting. Why should I....it's almost like following a sports team...they are your team and win or lose you follow them, BUT you don't just stand for poor performance, you question it and demand improvement, why? Because you want the best for your team. And let's be frank....ITS YOUR MONEY PAYING FOR IT. No fans spending money....no wwe. The major differnce is, whe a sports team is doing poor it often replaces its manager...this won't happen in wwe.

So to the original post and those who agree....would this forum exist if all that was on here was positive feedback?

I doubt it. The Fans money fund the product. They have a rite to complain.
No one is calling for exclusively positive feedback. But when most of the posts even on this forum are about the WWE failing (it isn't), the ratings mattering (they don't), or Vince losing it (he's not), then it becomes an issue of how many times can you watch something you hate before you stop trying to ruin it for everyone who currently enjoys it?

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