If you could pick your own WWE Champions, who would you pick, and why?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
If you could decide who the champions in WWE are (based on who is currently assigned to each brand, it can't be someone who got released) then who would you pick for each championship? No bringing back any old titles or unifying current ones, use the existing ones but you can move them to other brands if you want.

You also have to say why you would pick them, don't just list names.

I'll start. Here is who all I would pick.

World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena
I picked John Cena for the World Heavyweight Title because he is the face of the company and one of my favorites. Although the title is currently with Edge on Smackdown, in my scenario Cena would win it back for Raw and could move on to feud with Orton after Mania.

Intercontinental Champion: CM Punk
I think Punk is a great IC champion and would keep the belt on him, but I would want him to defend it more. He's not ready for another world title reign yet but he is perfect for the midcard titles right now in my opinion.

Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix
Beth Phoenix is the best diva in WWE, no questions asked. I would keep her as the champion until she has feuded with every other diva. Like the IC title though, the womens title would need to be defended a lot more often.

World Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
I picked them because they had a great run as tag champs and should have another. I think that it'd also be a great start towards bringing in new talent if they did tag matches against Rhodes and DiBiase, maybe have them go on ECW sometimes to have matches against the guys from the talent initiative, I dunno it's an idea.

WWE Champion: Edge
All of Edge's world title reigns on Smackdown have been great. That seems to be when Smackdown is at its best, so I would keep Edge on top. He's been main eventing on Smackdown for a long time but there are still a lot of great feuds he could have for the title.

United States Champion: Brian Kendrick
Kendrick should have stuck to singles competition instead of becoming a tag team with Zeke, I think he would make a great midcard champ because (similar as my reasons for Punk as IC champ) it would help prepare him for becoming a main eventer.

Divas Champion: Michelle McCool
She is not as good as Beth Phoenix, but she clearly dominates the divas division on Smackdown and should be the champion again.

WWE Tag Team Champions: John Morrison & The Miz
They appear on every show lately and I would put a stop to that by making them the WWE Tag Team Champions so that they only appear on one show. Awesome tag team though and the best in the WWE right now.

ECW Champion: Christian
Christian got my vote here because although he can do a lot better than ecw, the show would be centered around him like it was with Matt Hardy before he went back to Smackdown. It'd help Christian get prepared for moving to one of the two bigger brands too.

So there's who all I would pick.

Who would you pick, and why?

World Champ: John Cena
He's just the best man for the job at this point. He's a great wrestler, he's charismatic, and he's capable of carrying the belt for a very long time. He's got 3 great heels in Orton, Jericho and JBL to feud with, not to mention HBK and maybe even Punk. Keep him there.

IC: CM Punk
Again, he's just the right buy. Punk is ridiculously over, and has been a main event/upper card player for a while, so he gives lots of credibility to a belt that hasn't had much for a few years. Now if only they'd let him defend it at Mania, I'd be really happy.

Womens: Kelly Kelly
Kelly's push seems to have sorta stalled as of late, but she's gotten a lot better in-ring and I think it's time to see what she can do with the belt. She could probably have some good underdog type matches with Beth, and they could possibly turn Mickie heel again to feud with her. It's not like the Women's belt has been very prestigous ever since Lita left, so why not?

Tag Belts: John Morrison and The Miz
It's been said a million times by every one, they're the best team in the WWE, and possibly in the world, today. They're both good as singles guys, but together their chemistry, gimmick, and work on the mic and in the ring mesh so well. They deserve a LONG run with the belts.

WHC: Undertaker
I'd like to see Taker finally get the long reing he deserves, he's been screwed out of it by injury or storyline purposes the last few times. He could be a very dominant champion, and I think that if he dropped the belt clean to Jeff it'd be the final bit of credibility Jeff needs to become a true main eventer.
US: Kennedy
Kennedy has really stalled since he left SD, due to a combination of injury, suspension and making a crappy movie. I still think he has what it takes to be a world champion, and in my mind it's inevitable that one day he will be, but right now he needs to get his momentum back. The other thing is, I want him heel again. He's like Orton, he's a marginal face but an amazing heel. A solid 4-5 month reign might put him back into the title scene if he's made to look strong.

Divas: The Bella Twins
Really, anything to get it off Maryse. I think it could be a good angle if they had a triple threat where one Bella gets the pin, but then they both claim to be the one who won the belt. They could feud for a few months over it before a decisive winner is found, or until someone like Michelle wins it in another 3-way so that they don't have to break up the pairing.

Tag Team: Miz and Morrison
Unify the belts. Nuff said.

ECW: Swagger
There's no point in having Christian win it, he'll just be heading back to Raw or SD at the draft. Let Swagger keep his momentum, Christian should be a heel anyways so turn him heel with his frustration that he can't quite beat Swagger.

WWE Champ: Randy Orton
This man it`s awesome, he is maybe the best wrestler of this decade. Plus, he isn`t the young guy that we saw after his first reign. He can wrestle, he can runaway, he is taking mic clases so, what else do you want.

IC: Evan Bourne
Call me crazy, but I don`t care about the brands anymore. He is a guy that the people love and they can make money with him. He is very athetic and got a lot of charisma.

Womens: Beth Phoenix
I don`t have to support this right. This girl is incredible powerful, I Think that she is stronger than Chyna, more gifted that Lita and can do better matches than Trish Stratus. I can watch women in wrestling just because of her.

Tag Belts: Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes
They're improving very good as single wrestlers and they did very good job as a tag team. I think that we got a lot to see of these two as a tag team but Ted Have to live to film The Marine. Plus, I`m a very huge fan of Legacy and I can`t wait to see Randy with the WWE title and ted and cody with the tag team championship.

WHC: Edge
I'd like to see Edge as a real champion again. He is argubly the best heel in this business today. Man I like the heels but this man I hate him and when he join the ring I can`t not stop to watch him all over again. Plus He can screw more guys, imagine, big show, kane, christian, undetaker (again), jeff or even John Cena or Batista.
US: William Regal/Santino Marella/Carlito/Chavo
I would like to see again the WCW story that Lance Storm got in WWE. Someone that isn`t american carrying the United States championship it`s something very funny. And more if this guy it`s a heel and an oportunist like Edge.

Divas: Candice
I mean, come on the divas division really sucks, what good does they have a canadian that thinks that she`s french just because she grew up in quebec, or the ****e of the biggest legends on the road (Undetaker). Candice it`s a model, she screwed up. But Jeff Hardy made mistakes all time and he got a WWE championship reign. This girl had improve in this years and trained hard in her rehabilitation and this demanding competition give it please.

Tag Team: Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston
Call me crazy, I don`t care about the brands, but this guys would help the smackdown ratings. Plus they would make a better job than primo.

ECW: Kennedy
If this guy doesn`t get injured again, and again and again, I hoped to see him a battle of egos and laughing and cocking. Imagine jack sssssssswager against miisssssssterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kennedy kennedy
Well, here goes with my choices:

World: Chris Jericho
Not to ake anything away from Randy Orton, becasue he would be my second choice. Jericho right now exemplifies what a heel should be. It has been, I daesay, decades since a heel has gotten his heat. With his abilities, he would have fans comping at the bit to see someone take the title away. A lengthy reign would have people watching to see who would finally take him down. When that finally happens, it could be a great way to elevate someone.

Intercontinental: C.M. Punk
As others have said, he is the right guy right now. A lengthy reign for him could prove a great way to get him really ready for the main event scene.

Women's: Beth Phoenix
Again, she is the best female wrestler out there right now when it comes to in the ring. I am not a big fan of hers, but I give credit where it is due.

Tag Team: Miz & Morrisson
As others have said, the best team going today. their in ring chemistry and promos are great.

WWE: Undertaker
His career is getting close to ending, maybe a couple more years. He really has gotten the short end of things in his last couple of reigns. He deserves to get the lengthy reign that he has earned and never gotten.

US: Chavo Guerrero
He is one of the most underrated guys out there becasue they keep having him play the role of Edge and Vickie's lackey. Let him break away from them and let his in ring abilities show for themselves.

Diva's: Maria
Sorry, but when I hear the phrase "Diva" I think of someone that is there becasue they look good and aren't neccessarily that great in the ring. I think my main reason for saying Maria is that she realy isn't that good in the ring, but she has the right attitude and the looks to go with it.

Tag Team: MVP & R-Truth
I know this one is coming out of left field. R-Truth is starting to get over with the fans as some are starting to remember who he is. MVP is new at being a face and pairing them would work to build that. their styles contrast each other, which usually makes for a better team combination. Letting them team for a while and have a good 6 or 7 month reign would strengthen MVP as a face and maybe get them both noticed to compete in the US title ranks down the road.

ECW: Evan Bourne
He is getting over with the crowd. This would be a good way to give him some championship experience before sending him to Raw or Smackdown. It would also give him a chance to show whether or not he can carry the ball.
Alright, I haven't made many posts in the past, but I'm bored, so here goes:


World Title - Personally, I'd like to see CM Punk get the title back, especially since he never lost it. But, that's not going to happen anytime soon, so of the actual contenders, I'd go with Randy Orton, who is just terrific nowadays. Put him in a program with Punk where Punk is continuously beat-down, outwitted and upset by Legacy, and it could go for months.

World Tag Team - Priceless, Rhodes and DiBiase. They need to step out of the role of Orton's lackeys. But convincingly. They're great, and will probably be big time players in the future, but they need to have their own feuds outside of Orton's, so putting the titles back on them would provide that. They could feud with Miz & Morrison (M&M would be the faces, so that'd be different).

Intercontinental - CM Punk. Remember back in the late 80's/early 90's when the IC champ was one of the top contenders for the main title? They should start doing that every once in a while. Have matches with both belts on the line. Not often. Rarely.

Women's - Who cares? I'm all for equality in the workplace, but anytime there's a women's match, that just means I get to channel surf for a few minutes. Get rid of the women's titles, get rid of the women's division. Valets need to make a comeback. Men and women valets. We need a new Jimmy Hart. A new Sunny. People who put together a stable of heavies to go after the good guy. Or manage the new hot tag team. How much better would Mike Knox be if he had a mouthpiece guiding him?


WWE - Big Show. A evil, dominant, cheating, bone breaking, no-knockout punch, Big Show, not the Big Show who just does Vickie's bidding. The best big man in the history of the business, yet he hasn't had a good run with a title ever. And he's a great actor. So he could pull off being THE MAN. Give him the title for a year. Let him beat opponent after opponent, faces and heels. Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Kozlov, Edge, Umaga....until Wrestlemania 2010. After 12 months of dominance, he puts the title on the line against the Undertaker.

WWE Tag Team - R-Truth and Vladimir Kozlov. What? Not a real tag team you say? Well, some of the best tag teams are two guys who are just thrown together. It would be an entertaining sight. Think Head Cheese (Al Snow & Steve Blackman), but with skills and credibility. The rapping, dancing, acrobatic R-Truth paired with the serious, menacing, Russian nightmare Kozlov. R-Truth would always try to get Kozlov to loosen up, dance even, call Kozlov K-Love, but Kozlov would maintain his resolve. Fans would eat it up.

U.S. - DH Smith. Dead serious. And have him HATE that he's the US champ. Hate the belt. Hate America. Hate American wrestlers. Similar to Lance Storm in WCW, but no renaming the belt. But he will refuse to lose the belt, just because he doesn't want to lose the match. Have him win matches, look disgusted when the ring announcer says "and still United States champion..." and leave the belt at ringside. Make the referees have to run up the ramp to give him the belt he left. If you want to make a heel, there's a definite way to do it.

Divas - See Women's.


ECW - Jack Swagger. He's impressive thus far. Keeping the belt on him will only raise his game, especially with a quality contender like Christian chasing him for it. Add Tommy Dreamer into the mix, and it's a decent little title chase.

TV - Tyson Kidd. I know it doesn't exist. But they need a second belt, and they don't have enough tag teams. They've got plenty of singles wrestlers, and plenty in FCW waiting to get called up. Have Tyson (who is really impressive in just a few appearances) just introduce the title, sorta like Booker T and the TNA Legends title. It'd give Ricky Ortiz, DJ Gabriel, Burchill and others something to do while they build themselves up. They can't all go for the ECW title.

Well, there ya go. Oh, and in case any of you want to complain, I don't care about your thoughts on the Women's divisions. So save your time and don't bother commenting on that.
WWE champion

randy orton
hes just the best right now
ic champ
cm punk
i HATE punk but he does bring prestige back to the ic title
woman's champ
beth pheonix hands down
tag champs
the miz and john morison
unified tag titles
world heavy weight champion
jeff hardy
the only one who DESERVES it
us champ
kizarny lol jk mvp
just because it will help his face run
divas champ
only cause she needs to have it aleast once
evan bourne
i predict christan wining mitb then that night after edge beats cena he cashes it in
im new to this whole forum thing and this is my first post so add me to topics and stuff but my champs would be

wwe champion The Undertaker just cuz the fact hes one of my all time favorites and cuz he deserves more title opportunities then he recieves

world heavyweight champion

not edge to tell u the truth i really never saw edge as world title material hes good but him as champ is sick to me matter of fact yea not seven damn times already hes one of the reasons wrestling is dissatifiying to me world champ to me would be randy orton hes one of the reasons wrestling is barely hanging on he could legend material

ic champ
cm punk or kofi kingston those guys are really good

world tag champions cryme tyme

there crowd favorites and there really good inside and outside of the ring i think they deserve a bigger role in the tag division and a couple title reigns in there future money money yeah yeah

wwe tag champs

i dont care really

ecw champion

Christian not caused he just returned but he'd be the best look for ecw champion since bobby lashley and somewhat matt hardy ecw now is wack and its dead basically its a joke that show needs some flare and i dont think christian is enough

womens champion kelly kelly just because shes hot

divas champion

maria because shes hot

u.s champion

MR.Kennedy although shelton is great in the ring mr.kennedy is good his whole persona reminds me of what wrestling used to be and needs to make a comeback and be a main eventer i love kennedy cause hes really good
Ok. My picks


WWE Title: Randy Orton
The future of WWE and a new type of heel. He needs this.

IC: Punk/Kofi/Rey/Bourne

These guys can put on a high-flying show, ladder matches abound.

World Tag: Priceless
Legacy dominates the titles.

Women: Beth Phoenix
Dominant Diva with skills


WHC: Undertaker
'Taker needs a nice long run with the title before he retires. He can then lose to Matt Hardy to be the guy who transitions Matt to the top.

US: Christian
Bring him to SD and let him work his thing. Let him feud with Shelton/Kennedy/MVP to build them up to the main event.

WWE Tag: Miz and Morrison
These guys have great potential as singles wrestlers, but as of now, arent quite ready

ECW: who cares?
Well I Will Begin With Smackdown... Right Now Both World Titles Are On That Brand Soo....

World Heavyweight Champion: Edge.. No Doubt The Best, The No. 1 In The Business Today, The Bes Heel, The Best Big Match Wrestler And (don't Tell Me Shawn Michaels Is Better "big Match" Wrestler Than Edge At This Point Of His Career, Cause Michael's Time Is In The Past) Edge Is The Man. He Can Feud With Anyone And Has Made Smackdown A Phenomenal Brand....

Wwe Champion: Randy Orton Will Win The Gold At Wm 25, He Should Be Champion For At Least 4 Or 5 Months Then Someone Else Taking It, And Then Randy Getting It Back. Depends On Who Lands On Raw After The Draft.

United States Champion: I Think Shelton Is The Man To Have The Title Yet.. But Ever Since Mvp Became Such A Good Popped Star I Think It Will Be Great For The Company In Terms Of Rating And Pops, To Have Mvp Win His 2nd Us Title..... In Lower Level I Think Maybe Umaga Or Chavo Would Be A Good Transitional Champion Between Shelton And Mvp Or Shelton And Someone Else....

Wwe Tag Team: Carlito And Primo Are Great... But Ahhh I Think A Change Should Be Made... New Champions....maybe A Reunion Of Kane And Undertaker To Make Them Tag Champs Why Not? Or A New Team Like R-truth And Mvp... Or Hawkins And Ryder As Champs Again.....

World Tag Team Champions: Miz And Morrison Should Keep The Gold For Some Months To Come, There Is No Tag Team Near Them Right Now.... So They Should Become Undisputed Tag Team Champions This Friday On Smackdown

Divas Champion: I Always Wanted Natalya To Be The Girl To Have The Title From The Very Beginning Not Michelle Mccool, So Natalya Some Way Beat Maryse For The Gold, She's A Phenomenal Wrestler And Has The Family Tradition Of The "harts"

Intercontinental Champion: Cm Punk Is A Great Champ, I Think The First "true" Good Champion In The Intercontinental Title History In The Last Few Years.... After The Jokes Of Santino And Kofi....... Who Should Be The One Who Takes The Gold Away From Punk? Mhhh I Will Loveeee To See Ted Dibiase As Champion, With Randy As Wwe Champ After Wrestlemania 25 And Well Cody Will Have To Wait.....

Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix Should Get Her Title Back.....or The One Who Should Be The Passing Torch Girl On Raw's Women's Division For The Coming Years... Kelly Kelly

Ecw Champion: I Think Finlay Will Be A Great Champion To Have The Title For A Couple Of Months And Then Tommy Dreamer Getting It For A Final Time For 1 Month And Finally Jack Swagger Getting It Back From Dreamer And Retiring Tommy For Good, Representating The Passing Of The Torch
World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton
--He's improving at an almost breakneck rate, give him a long reign and build him up stronger than he already looks. This will solidify that he is the "future" of the company as well as give whoever takes the title off him (hopefully Punk) immediate credibility. A strong champion would also benefit those who do well in matches against him.

Intercontinental Champion: CM Punk
--This title would be perfect for Punk provided they let him defend it once in a while. I'd take this cutthroat situation we have going on with the WWE/WHC titles and apply it to the IC title instead. Bring credibility back and also help elevate young talents. When Punk is ready to be a true M.E. contender, slap the belt on Bourne or some other hot up and comer and start all over again.

Womens Champion: Melina
--While Beth Phoenix is easily the strongest and most believable Women's Champ, she lacks one MAJOR thing that is mandatory to any championship reign. Competition. Again, titles should be used to build new stars and keep fresh faces in the title picture without the belt changing hands every 2 months. Keep the belt on Melina for a while and make her look solid in the ring, then have her lose the belt to (for the sake of simplicity) the likes of Mickie James or some already credible female, have James drop the belt to Phoenix eventually, Melina challenges again and so on/so forth.

World Tag Team Champions: Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne
--Priceless seems to be the easy answer here but let's face it, at this point in time they don't have the momentum or the experience to pull off a solid reign. Continuing with this development of talent trend, this should be the first step to moving up to midcard singles careers since obviously the tag division is no where near as big as it used to be. Kofi and Bourne has bright futures in singles competition and are damn entertaining enough to breathe a little life into the stagnant pool that is the tag division.

WWE Champion: John Cena
--I just threw up in my mouth a little for even mentioning this. I despise Cena, I really do but he is a bigger draw than Edge and more reliable than Jeff Hardy. While I'd love to see the title on Hardy for a good long while, his last reign didn't deliver like I'd hoped. Give Cena the belt, get Edge out of the Vickie storyline and let him and Jeff tear the house down fighting tooth and nail for the next chance to face Cena. Make things a little more interesting than letting so and so win the belt for a few months just to have Edge win it back underhandedly.

United States Champion: John Morrison
--Miz and Morrison are a great team, but I can't help but believe Morrison is carrying that team on his shoulders. I don't find Miz that entertaining to be honest. With that said, it's getting extremely obvious that the shining star that is John Morrison is burning hard and bright. It's time for WWE to turn him loose and let Morrison start making his way to the top. We all know that it's coming so why bother denying it?

Divas Champion: Natalya
--Enough of putting the Divas title on a pretty face. I'd give the title to Nattie and let her proceed to demolish everything in sight. She's the daughter of "The Anvil" and a product of Stu Hart's dungeon so obviously she should be able to get the job done in the ring. This would force those "pretty faces" to step up their in ring game in order to compete. Thus bringing a little excitement to Smackdown's Diva division.

WWE Tag Team Champions: Carlito & Primo
--I've found nothing negative to say about either of them in the ring or on the mic. I am very content letting the Colon brothers do what they've been doing and that is be a solid team. My only complaint about Smackdown's tag division is again lack of competition. Strong champions build strong challengers for the simple fact that the stronger the champs look, the better it makes someone look after beating them.

ECW Champion: Doesn't really matter IMO
--I liked the direction ECW title was going in when Punk/Morrison/Miz were battling over it. Three relatively unknown young stars that have since started climbing to greater heights. The idea of putting the belt on a veteran and having them put over new stars doesn't really work so well because the belt generally will stay on the veteran. How exactly does that increase a newcomer's credibility? In a cutthroat situation between all the young guns trying to outshine one another, whoever may be the champ at the time will look damn good considering the fierce competition for his title.
WWE Champion Orton: How many heels have won the title at Wrestlemania? Sure he retained last year, but regaining would be some sort of surprise. Plus the man is a proven champion.

IC The Big Show: He has won many titles but this isnt one of them. He is too good of an asset to the company to be Edge's "bodyguard." Plus he has never feuded with CM Punk, which would give him tons of heat because of all the Punk fans and Show works best as a heel.

Women's Melina: She and Beth are the best women wrestlers on Raw, but Beth has a great storyline going on with Glamorella. As result she doesnt need the title as much as Melina does.

World Tag Team Champions Miz and Morrison: Like people say they have great chemistry in the ring and on the mic plus they are capable wrestlers.

World heavyweight Champion Edge: You dont get the nickname Ultimate Opportunist because you're boring and uncreative.

Divas Champion Maryse: She has an attitude and is very talented. Not to mention she has the looks!!

WWE Tag Team Champions The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel: They contrasting styles would be a nice change to the way the Colons wrestle together.

United States Champion Chris Jericho: He too has won many titles, but this is one he has never won. He would have many new people to feud with including MVP. It would be interesting to have a US champion who doesnt pander to the crowd face someone who panders to the crowd as well as anyone.

ECW CHAMPION KANE: Raw has been misusing Kane for a long time now and he deserves a change. He would bring better ratings to the show and help out Swagger. Jack who is already a great athlete has been beating his opponents cleanly by out wrestling them. If he were to fight Kane it would be that a "fight." Swagger would be forced to fight more powerfully then technically. Both men would win and lose equally so their legacy wont be tarnished. Their feud would bring back some EXTREME matches to ECW, which should have at least one EXTREME match per week!!!
World - I'd go with Jericho on this one. He's on top of his game right now. Might as well make the most of it.
Tag - How bout a tag team of Regal and Knox.
Intercontinental - Toss up between Santino and Punk. I would love to see a program between these two. Throw in Koffi here too.
Woman - Beth Phoenix. Only choice for me.


WWE - Kozlov. I would really love to see him get a run.
US - MVP. My favorite feud over the last couple of years was him and Matt Hardy, It would be cool to see this feud with the roles reversed.
Tag - Matt Hardy and MVP. See US Title scenario.
Diva - Natalia Niedhart.

World - Evan Bourne. I would make ECW like TNA's X-Division. Size isn't the issue so much as agility. That would be cool and my favorite wrestling program.
TV - I'm gonna steal Ruc_a_Buc's idea here. Petey Williams or Sonjay Dutt. The question didn't say it had to be a current WWE talent.
WWE Champion: Randy Orton: Orton is the hottest heel on RAW today...and is on a roll! The man is only improving each week, both in the ring and on the mic, and I would love to see what he could do with the WWE title.

Intercontinental Champion: CM Punk: I think a prolonged title reign for Punk, with multiple defenses and tooth and nail matches (Ladder Match, Cage Match) would help elevate the prestige of this title back where it belongs!

Women's Champion: Kelly Kelly: I honestly think Kelly's heading in the right direction as far as character. She's working her ass off to improve in the ring, and a title reign would prove her to be more than just a pretty face...lets not forget Trish Stratus was only a valet to start...

World Tag Team Champions: Cryme Tyme: Shad and JTG are insanely over with the live crowd, despite being jobbers. The WWE needs to keep these two popular before the continuous losses make them the next to receive the well wishes in future endeavors...

Million Dollar Champion: JBL: Have JBL "buy" this title from McMahon, become self-declared Million Dollar Champion, then claim to be the best Champion of the WWE's history. However, have JBL chicken out every time someone challenges him for the belt. This could eventually set up a feud between JBL and Ted DiBiase Jr. for the Million Dollar Championship with Ted DiBiase Sr. in his son's corner (this would mean a face turn for DiBiase...but it's possible...)

World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho: His heel character has evolved dramatically in the last year...and bringing Jericho to SmackDown! would let him feud with a bunch of new "hypocrites"...Jericho/Kennedy, Jericho/Hardy, Jericho/Taker, Jericho/MVP...so many great feuds could come from Jericho holding the title.

United States Champion: Christian: Unfortunately, Christian's return is beginning to simmer down and not quite worthy of a main event title...but giving the the United States Championship can put him back in the people's eye as a fighting champion...or a deceitful champion...I personally would love the Peepulation to get behind Christian.

Diva's Championship: Candice Michelle: Being a Milwaukee native, I gotta choose my own city's Diva...lol...plus many think of her as "sloppy", but she was named 2007 Most Improved Wrestler for a reason...let her get back in the ring and keep improving!

WWE Tag Team Champions: John Morrison and The Miz: Best tag team in the business today...Be Jealous!!

ECW Champion: Tommy Dreamer: With Tommy being ready to retire soon, old school ECW fans could get behind an old school ECW Original. Tommy Dreamer could bring back plenty of ECW Rules matches, and fight tooth and nail to defend a title that other ECW Originals have bled and sweat for...fans love nostalgia!

ECW Television Champion: Evan Bourne: This title needs brought back...ECW lower tier wrestlers (Bourne, Tyson Kidd, DJ Gabriel, Burchill, Ortiz) need a title to feud over...Evan Bourne is one of the most popular wrestlers, and a feud for a championship between him and Tyson Kidd would be amazing!

However...WWE needs to put more emphasis on these titles. More defenses, more detailed feuds over the belts, and a telling of the title's history could bring some prestige back to these belts.
World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho
I would pick him because I think he has the talent. I am so sick of seeing John Cena with that title. It seems like every time I turn around he has it, and it is sickening. I believe they should let Jericho go back to being a face, and funny. Like classic Jericho. I LOVED the old Jericho, even as a heel you had to love watching him. I would give him the title in hopes of that Jericho returning.

Intercontinental Champion: John Morrison.
This guy is easily my favorite wrestler today. He has so much talent it is crazy. I believe they are underusing him. Yes, he is Tag champion, and two time slammy winner. However, I don't think they use him like they could. I think he should go solo for a while, and be able to show off his talent. I feel like they are pushing him in a comedy act, and when that happens you are easily forgotten.

Womens Champion: Mickie James.
Don't ge me wrong, Beth is an awesome champion and very powerful. I just feel like with her Rosa and Santino thing, she has her own thing to worry about. I am a huge Melina fan as well, but I just hate the baby face on her. I think Mickie has some incrediable skills, and should be able to showcase them more often. I am waiting for a heel turn with her again, she was wondefrul as a heel. Even though she was odd, you had to love her. I think she is getting pushed to the back of the line, when she should be upfront and center. Especially over some of the other divas.

World Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
I love theses guy. Correction: LoveD. I believe they are very talented men, and should have the chance to show it off. This whole "Legacy" thing is bringing them way down. They went from being awesome to being lackies. They have those Heel attitudes, but bow down to Randy Orton like he is God. Someone with those attitudes wouldn't do that.

WWE Champion: Edge
I am not sure why I want to pick him, but I do. He is just interesting to watch. He has the talent, and he sure can make you hate him. Which is a sign of a good heel. As much as I hate Vickie, I like them together for some odd reason. She is easily the most hated person in WWE, ever. I like how he always gets the title, he just is playing thinsg VERY smart.

United States Champion: Brian Kendrick
He is so talented it makes me sick. He is awesome as a tag team (w/ London) or solo. I adore him. I love his gimmick, and I actually get excited to see him come out. He is fun to watch, his entrance and his matches. He has some wonderful moves, and he should get the chance to prove himself.

Divas Champion: Maryse.
I have never been a big Maryse fan, until recently. I remeber when she first started it was all about being half naked. But somewhere along the way she learned how to wrestle. I think she is a million times better than anyone else on Smackdown! with the exception of Natalya, who I believe moved to ECW. They make me sick, not using her either. Back to Maryse, I really feel like she has a lot to offer, and I hope she gets to prove that.

WWE Tag Team Champions: John Morrison & The Miz
I love Morrison, and still think he should go solo for a while, but I love them together at the same time. The Dirt Sheet is so funny. I am just worried they are taking him down that comedy street (Santino) and he won't be able to get out of it. Miz has actually improved greatly. I love them together, and would love to see them have both Tag Team Titles, honestly.

ECW Champion: Christian.
Christian has been an all time favorite of mine since his non-speaking Brood days. I have never not liked him. I even watched TNA at times to see him. I agree with someone on here, he does deserve better than ECW. But then again he may could make ECW better. I think the show being centered around him, would be wonderful. I think this may be the first rung up the ladder to success in his second WWE run. I hope they use him well this time!

WWE Chmpionship-Randy Orton
-Orton gets the title after defeating Trips at WM and Trips heads to Raw in the draft to further the feud.

Intercontinental Championship-CM Punk
-I think Punk is the right guy for the title and I think it should stay on him for the time being.

World Tag Team Championship-Miz and Morrison
-Best tag team in the biz, they deserve the gold.

Women's Championship-Beth Phoenix
-Best diva in the biz, and while I like Melina as champ, Beth is deserving.


World Heavyweight Championship-Edge
-Edge retains at WM and carries the title with him to SD and Cena will follow.

United States Championship-Shelton Benjamin
-Benjamin is perfect for the US title. He has had a decent reign, minus not defending it much. But he is a great athlete and one of the best mid carders in WWE.

WWE Tag Team Championship-Miz and Morrison
-I like the Colons, but Miz and Morrison are the best and why not give them all the tag team gold possible.

Divas Championship-Maria
-Maria is the most over diva on SD and she deserves to carry the strap. Maybe take it off Maryse in a 3 way including them and McCool.


ECW Championship-Jack Swagger
-The WWE needs to build ECW around this kid and then when he is ready to move up to Raw or SD, watch out. I think this kid is the future.
Ok I basically support only wrestlers not entertainers. And sadly we don't have much wrestlers today. So here is my opinion:


WWE Champion: Chris Jericho: I still believe Jericho is the best today. I always had my top 4 which is Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. Jericho is the only one in WWE right now so he deserves this. People need to watch his matches from Japan, ECW, and WCW not only WWE.

Intercontinental Champion: CM Punk is good so u can keep the title on him.

Women's Champion: Beth. I don't think WWE don't have much good women wrestlers today. Beth is the only one that I really like and stands out to me.

World Tag Team Champions: I can't even think of a good tag team right now. Whoever it is u can keep it on them.


World Heavyweight Champion: After Jericho it has to be Edge and he is on Smackdown. Edge is really good in my opinion. It is between Edge or Taker but seeing that Edge is younger I think he will last a little bit longer.

United States Champion: Shelton. Shelton is probably one of the most underrated wrestler. Keep the title on him !!!

Diva's Championship: Natalya. Come on man, she is from the Hart Family. Period

WWE Tag Team Champions: I don't even watch Smackdown anymore but I will like to see Undertaker and Kane kill the tag division.


ECW Champion: Christian. He's a Canadian wrestler so he has to be one of the Best right?

ECW Television Champion: Evan Bourne. If this title was brought back...I can see Evan being the next RVD.
WWE Champ - Randy Orton
-Voices in my head are telling me he stands tall at the big one in Houston. If WWE wants to establish Orton as the main top heel he needs a credible lengthy run with the title.

Intercontinental Champion - CM Punk
- As everyone seems to agree, it all comes down to bringing credibility and prestige back to the IC Title... I believe Punk can deliver.

Womens Champion - Santino Marella
- Now here is where I will hear the laughs rolling in. But I think if they are going to turn the Santino character gay (at least to me that's where there heading) what else would be better than to be Womens Champ!

World Tag Team Champions - Evan Bourne & Rey Mysterio
- I think once Bourne comes back from injury he should resume his partnership with Mysterio, win the titles and have lengthy run all while giving Bourne a nice rub and gaining credible experience for a solid mid-card run for the IC title down the road.

World Heavyweight Champion - Chris Jericho
- Depending on how the draft itself plays out after Wrestlemania Jericho can very well find himself over on Smackdown on Friday nights. Imagine the possibilities... Jericho/Edge, Jericho/Hardy, Jericho/Undertaker

United States Champion - MVP
- Giving the brand rosters how they are now I would have to go with The Ballin' One. MVP is growing on fans and he needs a good solid run with the US title to give him some much needed momentum and credibility if he is going to receive a main-event push down the line.

Divas Champion - Natalya
- For the same reasons the_phoenix gave.

WWE Tag Team Champions - Miz & Morrison
- They are the only tag team with any continuity. I would love to see a tag team unification here as we all know the tag division is currently in a weakened state.

ECW Champion - Christian
- Captain Charisma has the mic skills but like I mentioned before just let him run with the title to gain some much needed in-ring time and confidence to set up a big jump to Raw or SD.
World Heavyweight Champion: Jericho
by far the best on raw, great champion, can feud with almost anyone

Intercontinental Champion: Regal
regal is the best midcarder on raw, and let's push noble and kane a little more for this belt

Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix
she is just awesome. sadly, there are only 4 divas who actually can wrestle, (natalya, beth, micky, melina), so let's unify the belts and bring the cruiserweight division back, and let's not ruin it with guys like hornswoggle.

World Tag Team Champions: cryme tyme
it's tyme for a change, although i love watching miz & morrison

WWE Champion: Edge
edge is the best, altough they could give him some more clean wins and make him a more powerful heel!

United States Champion: MVP
although there are many contenders, like chavo, benjamin, and kennedy. definitly not kendrick, he is too much of a cruiserweight.

Divas Champion: Natalya
but as i wrote above, let's unify the belts.

WWE Tag Team Champions: Primo & Carlito
those two show awesome moves in the ring, great to watch!

ECW Champion: Finlay
he deserves another run!

World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton
About a year ago, I wouldn't have said Randy Orton because I thought he was boring when he was the WWE Champion but since joining with Priceless to make the Legacy, I've grown fonder of him and really like him and I wouldn't mind seeing him as the champion on RAW because I think if he was the champion now, he could keep things interesting.

Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho or CM Punk
I think either of these two wrestlers would be good for the championship because Chris Jericho is a great wrestler and if he was to hold the title, whoever won it off him would get a fairly decent rub if Jericho was to defend it properly and frequently. CM Punk is also good for the IC title and am glad he's the IC Champ at the moment because I think it's good for a young guy like him to hold it because I think it suits him more than the World Heavyweight Championship.

WWE Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix
Probably my faveourite Diva since Lita and Trish. She's got the size, the skill and the ability to carry the Championship for a while and I think she's the best option at the moment on RAW for it. Would benefit whoever takes it from her aswell greatly.

World Tag Team Championships: Priceless
If Randy Orton is going to become World Champion on RAW then I think his young, understudies, Priceless have the World Tag Team Championships so that Legacy has a championship for each person and I enjoyed Priceless as Tag Team Champions aswell, so I think they should have it.


WWE Champion: Triple H
Yes, that's right, Triple H should be the WWE Champion, especially at this time of the year heading into WrestleMania because he's a reliable worker and will give anyone a huge boost if he is to lose it to them at WrestleMania and he's a decent in ring worker and is a good candidate to hold the championship.

United States Champion: MVP
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a bit bored of Shelton Benjamin as the US Champion and I think he should lose it to someone. That someone should be MVP which I think it will be anyway because of MVP and Shelton's story at the moment, I think it's only a matter of time. I think MVP should be the US Champ because he's still decent but I don't think he should have the WWE Championship, so the US Championship is a good choice. I didn't mind him as US Champ before aswell.

WWE Diva's Champion: Natalya
Honestly, I don't know who the champion is as I don't watch SmackDown!, so I don't know who it is but I've seen Natalya at a live house show last year in Sydney and she was fairly good, the crowd seemed to get into her match and based on what I saw live I think she'd be ok as the Diva's champion.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson
I think it could work, having Jackson as the big man of the group to dominate the match up and have Kendrick come in, do his finisher and then pin them and Kendrick could gloat about how he pinned them for the championship and I think they could have the championships for a couple months because even though they look like an odd pair, I think it would be ok.


ECW World Championship: Christian
I think he's likely to take it at WrestleMania 25 off of Swagger and possibly Finlay in a Triple Threat match, just maybe, if not, then a singles match from Swagger and I think it would be interesting because Christian is a fairly over wrestler and would be good for the Championship and whoever was to take it off of Christian.

United States Champion: Brian Kendrick
Kendrick should have stuck to singles competition instead of becoming a tag team with Zeke, I think he would make a great midcard champ because (similar as my reasons for Punk as IC champ) it would help prepare him for becoming a main eventer.

I don't know what everyone sees in The Brian Kendrick that makes him a future main eventer (The scramble match doesn't count, he was just filler). I just can't see him main eventing pay per views and holding a world championship in the WWE besides the ECW Championship, which isn't really a world championship. He's the smarks beloved baby.

WWE Champion- Randy Orton: Raw's heel with the most talent. This guy can straight up go in the ring. His character is easy to get into and he's receiving the push of his career. This third generation star is at the top of his game.

Intercontinental Champion- CM Punk: I really hope Punk holds onto the title for a long time. He's at a really good spot in the midcard. I think the Main Event push was way too soon for him but I could definetly see him an asset to the company as one of the bigger faces over the next couple of years. To build the IC title's credibility back up he will need a long reign.

Women's Champion- Michelle McCool: Michelle has become my favorite diva. As a babyface she was just loving life. Now she has attitude and spunk. A move to Raw would do wonders for her and the draft is just eight days after Wrestlemania.

World Tag Team Champions- Miz & Morrison: They are the current World Tag Team Champions and the best in the buisiness. These two also excel as singles competitors. They are the all around total package but the tag gold belongs on the best tag team. That's Miz & Morrison.


World Heavyweight Champion- John Cena: Now I know what you are thinking. Cena can't go to Smackdown. But with the obvious championship match at WM looming and the fact that we know HHH will move to Raw to continue his feud with Orton. It's somewhat obvious Smackdown will need someone to replace Triple H over on Smackdown. They didn't think Triple H would get drafted either.

United States Champion- Shelton Benjamin: My problem is not with Benjamin as the champion as much as it is how little the WWE cares about the midcard titles. The US Championship is neglected the same way the IC title is. Punk is a bigger star then Benjamin which is why he gets more of a push. Shelton is the best pure athlete in the WWE so I see no problem with him as our US champion.

Divas Champion- Candice Michelle: Someone said this earlier and I'm inclined to agree. She was the most improved diva in 2007. But since she's on Raw and lost in the shuffle with all the other divas she can't do much. The Divas title is for women like Candice. A swap of her and McCool would be good for both ladies.

WWE Tag Team Champions- Miz & Morrison: For the same reasons I stated earlier. They are the best tag team in the buisiness. They are going to unify the titles at Wrestlemania. Miz & Morrison deserve all the tag team accolades the WWE has to offer. Because they've earned them.


ECW Champion- Christian: This would be good for Christian and the brand as a whole. He could use the jumpstart to get his career back on track. He was a pretty good champion for TNA and seeing as how ECW and TNA gather the same ratings. I see no problem belieing he wouldn't draw for ECW either. A good title run on the C show could set him up for bigger things on Raw or Smackdown.
first thing i would do is GET RID of most of the belts! Eliminate the U.S. Title, the Smackdown World Title, the ECW Title, the DIVAS title, and the RAW Tag Title.. leave the WOMENS WORLD TITLE, the WWE WORLD TITLE (but DITCH that horrendous spinner belt), the INTER-CONTINENTAL TITLE, and the WWE TAG TEAM TITLE (tho i like the BELTS used for the tag team on raw better than the blue ones on smackdown). Too many titles and not enough competitors... limit the titles and things will be easier to keep track of.

now.. who would i put as champs?

WWE- honestly? i would give this to one of THREE people... UNDERTAKER, KANE, or WILLIAM REGAL. undertaker is a proven commodity and a DOMINATING champion. kane is almost as proven a commodity as undertaker is and at times he is even more VICIOUS than taker, besides he hasnt REALLY had many good title reigns.. i'd give him the chance to shine; maybe like a three month reign on top... william regal is quite possibly the greatest technical wrestler in the wwe today, gets TONS of heat, and can do amazing mike work.

WOMEN'S- though youd think this was an EASY choice.. it's a lot tougher than you can imagine. katie lea is an OUTSTANDING performer, mickie james is a solid reliable grappler, melina has the beauty and the skill, jillian hall is TERRIBLY UNDERRATED, gail kim has the looks that could lead to massive crossover exposure (she is in the new street fighter movie by the way) and the submission skills, then it comes to the TOP TWO in the division.. NATALYA AND BETH PHOENIX. these two going against each other would be an INCREDIBLE match.. beth has the amateur skills and the power, nattie has the technical skills and the benefit of training in THE DUNGEON... it's tough, but i would put the belt on nattie and have beth chasing her for the belt for a while.

TAG TEAM- i hardly think theres enough tag teams in the wwe to warrant TWO championships, and to be honest.. besides carlito and his brother, and miz and morrison.. i cant really recall ANY other teams. I'd put the titles on TJ WILSON/TYSON KIDD and HARRY SMITH/DH SMITH and combine them with nattie as THE NEW HART FOUNDATION. harry and tj have a history of unbelievable matches in canada and they are former FCW Tag champs.. so you know they can get the job done.. aside from the fact that they are BOTH members of the hart family (tj wilson is dating/engaged to nattie and was adopted by the harts) they were all trained in THE DUNGEON as well... tj being the last graduate from stu's Dungeon..so the talent is there.

INTER-CONTINENTAL TITLE- This belt I would give to someone TOTALLY unexpected.. put it on DJ GABRIEL! Steve Lewington/Steve Sonic is an AMAZING wrestler but needs to drop the 'dancing fool' gimmick. Give him a chance to shine and you'll see what he can do. He brings a european twist to the federation, and hell if necessary, you could even have william regal pas shim off as his nephew or something which would get him INSTANT HEAT. DJ Gabriel with Alicia Fox in a stable with William Regal with Layla.. two solid technical wrestlers with their own 'eye candy' to escort them to the ring.. you couldnt get much better than that.

World Heavyweight Championship- Randy Orton
I think it is due time for Randy Orton to reign as Champion again (Legacy will grow this way too)

Intercontinental Championship- JBL
I think the IC title is underrated, and needs to be held by someone big as in, in size big, and big story line to it too.
Maybe JBL as champion vs the return of RVD and RVD wins it, and then the IC title matches will have more ratings to them too.

World Tag Team Championship- Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Legacy needs to hold the big titles to become a more and bigger threat and bigger in name too. Right now they are just helping Randy Orton win matches, if Legacy holds all belts like that, they will be on their way to another Evolution!

Women's Championship- Beth Phoenix, she needs to hold it and hold it for over a year, and have all challengers get demolished by her, and some close matches to give people hope that maybe she can lose the belt, but then she loses it after a year in a triple threat match where she doesnt get pinned to lose so that way she remains dominant!


WWE Championship- Edge, he is always an amazing champion!
but he needs a long run, his 8 title wins never lasted to long. He needs to hold it for about 8-10 months! and win the big matches! he needs to have another match like he did against the Undertaker at WM, that was EDGE, and not edge the wuss!

United States Championship- Undertaker or Jeff Hardy, to give the title more of a name and more challenges towards it! (same as IC title)

WWE Tag Team Championship- R-Truth, MVP, they will make a good tag team! unless you want Kozlov and Big Show to make it almost impossible for them to lose it.

Diva's Championship- Give it to anyone of the new girls to start their carrer.


ECW Championship- Christian, to give him more of a hype for his return.

Bring back these (thinik about how much more ratings WWE will get)

Cruiserweight Championship- Rey Mysterio, he is an amazing cruiserwieght and will give any cruiserweight match an amazing rating!

European Championship- William Regal, give him his name back, he was really good in the past.

Hardcore Championship- Triple H, he is a good heel, and should go back to it with this title and demolish eveyone with the Sledgehammer!

(More chances for someone to win WWE + World Heavyweight Championship and become The Undisputed Champion)

(now that will give WWE so much more viewers and ratings, and more chances for the superstars to shine, so you dont have mid-card talent, give everyone a shot to shine)
WHC - Jeff Hardy. They could have made this year truely magical. They say that Hardy can't draw.... but have you heard the crowd reaction?! He shouldnt have won the title earlier. HHH shouldve held it until Wrestlemania.... Hardy should have won the Rumble and then he should have got the clean pin over HHH. I think it would have surely elevated him.

WWE Champ - Shawn Michaels. Dang, just give it to him. He works his tail off. So what if he don't work the long schedule. He's paid the dues. Use him while you can.

US - Don't care.

IC- Morrison. I can't stand CM Punk or Kofi!

ECW - Christian

Divas - dont care

Women -dont care
WHC- Shawn Michaels. Shit he works his ass off & who gives a shit if he don't work the long schedule. He paid his dues so use hum while you can.

WWE Champ- Jeff Hardy. Him being champ could've been magical & great but WWE dropped the ball on his reign. I think he should've had it til possibly either wrestlemania or backlash.

IC Title- CM Punk. He could very well bring the prestige back to the tilte with some help from credible challengers like Morrison, Kofi, Rey-Rey, etc.

US Title- MVP. His US Title reign in my opinion was the greatest US Title reign in quite a long time. I say put the title back on him & see how good he can do as a face this time.

WWE Tag Titles- Miz & Morrison. They are about the only truly great tag team in the WWE so far. It's not like they have any other choices.

World Tag Team Titles- Look above.

ECW Title- Christian Cage. It could possibly elevate him back to the main event status.

Bring these titles back(the ratings would be better)

Cruiserweight Title- Rey Mysterio. He is an amazing cruiserweight & just imagine the matches for the title if it came back.

Hardcore Title- Tommy Dreamer. He is a great Hardcore wrestler & is really the only fitting star to wear the belt.

European Title- William Regal. He was at his best in my opinion when he was European Championship & it would give more superstars a chance to become a grand slam champion instead of just being a triple crown champion.
Why does it matter who holds the belt exactly? If no one is wrestling for the title with any real passion then it's totally irrelevant. A broom handle brings as much 'prestige' to a title belt as CM Punk does, because neither are going to make the IC title look any better JUST by wearing it around their waist for a month.

Giving a title to a big name does nothing for either overall. Someone said IC title for Punk because he'd give it more 'prestige'. How exactly? By giving the former champ a rematch and..... oh wait, that's all isn't it? He hasn't defended it again since then, and is now currently entered in MITB AGAIN!!!! If he doesn't drop it before Mania to someone at random, then he'll drop it 2 weeks after Mania on the night of the draft or something, and you'll all go back to asking 'who can bring prestige to the IC title?' all over again.

There's only one mid card title that actually helps the person wearing it, and that's the ECW title, and right now it's on someone it should be on. A new talent with plenty of ability and potential, that Vince and co want to test before putting him on one of the big shows. Once Swagger has had his run, they should give it to Tyson Kidd imo, because he has the ability and they've given him Natalya, so it's now time to have him work the mic and start a fued, and if it gets over, he can move up, and if not he can fill time and then get on with his future endeavours.

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