If you cannot be decent, at least do not be INDECENT...

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
Like most fans of entertaining programming, I wasn't watching RAW last night. Somewhere in between being anxious for my next daydreaming session, being excited for the next Velvet Sky photo session, and watching paint dry, it must've slipped my mind. That said, I damn sure did not check Wrestlezone.com this morning to learn what I had missed. Too bad it was unavoidable to find out about some more slipshod booking designed for cheap excitement and zero direction.

But tell me this - what in God's name was R-truth doing with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth?

Listen, I get it. TNA is going the adult route and dirtying things up (language, partial nudity, for example) whereas WWE is trying to be the 'teletubby' promotion with its mild expletives and use of color. That's their marketing strategy - differentiation. It makes sense. But at the same time, you have to draw a line with some things, and smoking should be one of them. If you do not have someone smoking who is going to watch your show?

1. In almost any arena in almost any state, smoking is illegal to begin with. Fans are told not to smoke prior to the event, it is printed on the tickets, it is on signs outside. Most arenas have designated outdoor smoking gates where those in need of a nic-fix can go and breathe in each others filth. It's your right as an American citizen to die a slow death while simultaneously contributing $4 per pack in tax revenue. But how WWE was able to portray smoking in the arena after explicitly telling fans not to is sickeningly hypocritical. And I understand that the cigarette may have been a prop, and that fans can go see a broadway show that depicts smoking, but that brings me to point #2.

2. WWE is packaging its product as "soap opera" as opposed to TNA's "pro wrestling." At least it seems that way, I'm no expert on WWE. But they've historically packaged their wrestlers as 'walking t-shirt catalogs' and looked for fans to react to them as such. In that same vein, why WWE would want the guy that says whats up of its promotion to be seen heading to a major show doing one of the things that most hinders long-term vocal endurance baffles me. When The Sandman smoked in front of 250 laid off truck drivers back in ECW in Philadelphia (couldn't resist), it made sense, because he wasn't a soap opera star coming to the ring to dance and out enterain another professional soap opera star. He was a dude who busted himself open with a beer can and battered opponents senseless with a kendo stick. Rtruth is supposed to be a top guy in the #1 promotion in US Wrestling and he's got a smoke in his mouth.

3. If this is another way for WWE to take Truth's real life blackness and turn that into his heel character as a "life imitates art" angle, then it's even more deplorable. Dude for real? White demons get him sent out this way. If Rtruth did it on his own volition, stop the show and strip him of the that shred of dignity he had left.

4. Rtruth has FANS. Young ones. Probably the only reason Rtruth got the run he did in WWE was because he still managed to connect with young fans thanks to his vivid color, high risk vocals, and fun persona. Some of those young fans may have followed him anywhere, and now their hero is smoking on his way to the ring!? How irresponsible is this?

I try to give my readers a little bit more than just wrestling chat, preferring to juxtapose the fake world of professional wrestling with REAL cultural issues. A few months back I railed against fans who thought John Cena should turn heel, and I did so by comparing him to Tim Tebow and other guys who are who they are as much on their clean image and community influence as on their athletic talent. I have to invoke Tebow once again. Many football experts don't think Tebow can make the transition to a decent NFL quarterback, but that doesn't mean he's not still this humble, hard working, all-American kid. The Broncos recognized that when they drafted him, and while they may not have gotten Peyton Manning's arm or football IQ, they got a kid who won't derail their franchise with drug use, attitude, or (paging Brett Favre...) cockshots.

We don't know if Tebow will be a DECENT quarterback. At least we know he won't be an INDECENT citizen or sending INDECENT messages to Jenn Sterger.

With WWE, we get neither. It doesn't look like WWE, as currently constituted, will be a particularly DECENT promotion. The least they could do is take the high road with how they depict their talents. Shoving a cig in someone's mouth - a crowd favorite for that matter - reeks of desperation and classlessness.

Warm regards
Smoking is legal in the UK if it is a part of performance art. A lot of people had a lot of fun with that loophole back when the ban came into place.
This isn't a question of legality (except in my first point which addresses how it is illegal to smoke in most arenas, if not all), it's a question of morality. WWE produces these larger than life superstars, they should have a slight degree of responsibility to not promote smoking, especially in an event devoid of athleticism like action soap operas.

What if it was a joint? THAT is illegal. But still, the moral implications remain the same.
Smoking is where you draw the line, when a guy goes out on a pay-per-view intoxicated on alcohol or high on drugs and completely screws up the main event, which people payed for? Smoking, is worse than drugs now? Hmmm, that seems a bit flawed, don't you think?

I can get what you mean, as a lot of young kids watch WWE programming, but don't try and come off as if TNA is doing everything right, or that smoking is the worst thing to come from a wrestling show/event. When a guy goes into the ring, high as a kite, with his eyes bulging from his head.
I find it funny when R-Truth smokes in an arena not many people care, when Jeff Hardy did it at the start of the year, people were up in arms
Don't be dense, this is Shattered's attempt at trolling WWE fans who gave him a hard time when Hardy smoked and are now endorsing Truth smoking.

There's a MAJOR difference here though, Shattered. Jeff Hardy was champion when he came out smoking cigarettes. R-Truth just lost his number one contender's match to Morrison.
Don't be dense, this is Shattered's attempt at trolling WWE fans who gave him a hard time when Hardy smoked and are now endorsing Truth smoking.

There's a MAJOR difference here though, Shattered. Jeff Hardy was champion when he came out smoking cigarettes. R-Truth just lost his number one contender's match to Morrison.

That's about as big a difference as a toad and a frog.
Major enough. One is the face of the company, the guy all the other wrestlers are trying to beat, the king of TNA. The other is a bad joke that can never win the important matches.
Don't be dense, this is Shattered's attempt at trolling WWE fans who gave him a hard time when Hardy smoked and are now endorsing Truth smoking.

I have as much right to comment as anyone else does, thanks.

There's a MAJOR difference here though, Shattered. Jeff Hardy was champion when he came out smoking cigarettes. R-Truth just lost his number one contender's match to Morrison.

Know what else children shouldn't be encouraged to do?

Suplex people.

THAT MAKES IT OK!?!!??!??!!?!!
Major enough. One is the face of the company, the guy all the other wrestlers are trying to beat, the king of TNA. The other is a bad joke that can never win the important matches.

That's major? You saying if John Cena and Primo both smoke weed in the same ring at the same time, Cena is fucked while Primo won't even get noticed?
Major enough. One is the face of the company, the guy all the other wrestlers are trying to beat, the king of TNA. The other is a bad joke that can never win the important matches.

You know I think this is the most trivial wrestling discussion I have ever entered into, but if I were going to look for a MAJOR difference my fist port of call would be that one man appears on a show marketed towards children, whilst the other appears on Spike TV.

Caring about the appearance of a cigarette on TNA makes you a reactionary idiot.
Caring about the appearance of a cigarette on WWE makes you a reactionary idiot.
Caring about one and not the other makes you not only a reactionary idiot, but a fairly transparent hypocrite as well.
That's major? You saying if John Cena and Primo both smoke weed in the same ring at the same time, Cena is fucked while Primo won't even get noticed?

How the fuck does that resemble anything I'm saying? I honestly don't know how you came up with such an odd statement from what I said.

No, what I'm saying is if John Cena stood in the ring and smoked a joint it would be a lot worse of an influence than if Primo stood in the ring and smoked a joint. John Cena is a superman, a hero. Primo is a joke.

And in response to Gelgarin, I don't really care. At the time I thought it was sort of weird that they stuck an unlit cigarette into Jeff Hardy's mouth, but I didn't think it was the be all end all of society as we know it. I'm merely pointing out that there are some obvious differences between the situation in TNA and the one in the WWE.
I've said it in another thread, if kids are dense enough to actually emulate what they see on TV when they know the dangers, whatever happens to them is their own fault. If anyone else is to blame, it's the parents for not properly guiding their children. I've been taught since I was old enough to understand that smoking can hurt you. I believe it's safe to say that any children watching WWE programming should know this as well. Not to mention that PG means Parental guidance is suggested so the parents should be watching along with them. If they see something like this, the thing for any parent worth a shit would be to explain to them how it would be a bad idea to emulate him.

Frankly, this whole "Smoking is evil" thing circulating is quite fucking annoying. We watch a show where people pretend to fight and viciously assault one another. If smoking crosses the line, then violence should.

By the way, Truth was in fact pretending to smoke. He never inhaled.
Yeah; one was probably viewed by more children than the other was human beings.
Incidentally, isn't R-Truth a face?
I didn't care when Jeff Hardy smoked. I didn't care when R-Truth smoked.

Shit like this just doesn't matter.
I fail to see how WWE is the soap opera when Raw has more wrestling and less talking each week than Impact does.

But...TNA IS WRESTLING! For 15 minutes on a weekly basis.

The RAW main event is usually longer than all of the Impact matches combined. Pretty pathetic.

But yeah, literally the worst fucking thread I've ever read SD. I don't remember you flipping the fuck out when Jeff Hardy was walking down to the ring, puffing away on a cigarette, clearly high as a fucking kite.

If you're SERIOUSLY trying to bring morality into this, you are fucking hopeless. There is nothing immoral about smoking a fucking cigarette, it's perfectly legal in every country on the damn planet.

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