If WWE bought TNA who would you keep?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, this wont happen (anytime soon :lol:) but lets say WWE bought out TNA like they did WCW. Who would you offer fulltime contracts too and which show would you place them on???

TNA has some incredible talent. Having said that there is only a handful I would offer contracts too. I think at the moment WWE has alot of talent with obvious potential and bringing in too many "star names" would ruin their development. So for me I would employ the following:

AJ Styles
Raw - The "face of TNA". Would love to see him wrestle John Morrison and Daniel Bryan. I also think he could have a decent programme with Orton and Cena.

Desmond Wolfe
Raw - Really like this guy. Can wrestle when given the chance. Would love to see him in a stable with Wade Barret. He is very good on the mic.

Jeff Hardy
Raw - Not a huge fan of this guy, but he draws. Plus it would piss his Brother off who I cant stand.

Raw - Another English dude. I've heard him on commentary and he has charisma. Would like to see him in a Stable with Barret and Wolfe.

Samoa Joe
Raw - Looks lost in TNA right now. He is good friends with CM Punk so maybe one day he will cross to WWE. Not on the form he was 2/3 years ago. A good solid mid carder for Raw.

Raw - Would just love to see him in a WWE ring. Never happened and will never happen! But just one run. Even if its for 6 months and finishes at Mania.

Smackdown - Obvious rivalry would be with Kane, then later on Takers next victim at Wrestlemania.

Kurt Angle
Smackdown - Back home where he belongs. Would give Smackdown some "star power". A programme with Jack Swagger would be my first move. Alberto Del Rio also awaits.

Mr Anderson
Smackdown - I really thought this guy was released too early by WWE. He has bucket loads of charisma and can also wrestle. He would boost the mid/main event spot up niceley on Smackdown.

Smackdown - Again would add "star power" to Smackdown. Maybe tag him up with Rey again and rebuild the tag division lead by these two.

I would also bring in the following tag teams because lets face it - WWE's tag division is currently down the pot. It's a disgrace. I would place all these on Smackdown and involve the Tag division quite heavily.

Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin
Brother Ray & Brother Devon
James Storm & Robert Roode

WWE Releases:

Darren Young, Heath Slater, Mark Henry, Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder, William Regal (retire him)

Curt Hawkins, Joey Mercury, MVP.

Obviously an Invasion angle would introduce these guys but as things settled thats who I would employ and which show I would add them on. Anything you dont agree with or anything you want to add?
I agree with you on most of your decisions except:

Abyss - he is absolutely horrid. His "wrestling" matches, if you even wanna call them that, are all the same and not in a good way. Plus his promos are usually pretty stupid.

RVD - Even TNA should let him go. He's got a credible name...still. But the longer he stays around the worse it gets. He's still pretty good in the ring but he's gotta be one of the most boring mic workers of all time. Not to mention I don't think he'd pass a WWE drug test again.

Team 3D - Are you serious? Most of the world sighed in relief when they announced their "retirement." Sadly we also knew it was too good to be true. The only people they're over with is themselves.

MVP - he is still doing some decent work. He's much better as a heel though. I wouldn't cut him just yet.

William Regal - Personally, I find him very entertaining. Not to mention he's somewhat versatile. He's doing mostly comedy jobbing now, but he's done everything from compete for world titles to Raw GM.

As far as some of your other picks, my highlights would be:

AJ Styles - does anyone need to explain this pick?

Kurt Angle - Still puts on some of the best matches in the business.

Jeff Hardy - If he can become reliable he is very over in the WWE.

Mr. Anderson - Definitely an entertaining mic worker. It's a shame he's so injury prone.

MCMG & Beer Money - 2 of the best tag teams in the business. The only downside of them coming to WWE is they would have to tone down their matches. MCMG at least...

Also don't forget the Knockouts:

Angelina Love - could make it in the WWE. She doesn't rely on her looks as much as Velvet Sky. She can actually wrestle.

Velvet Sky - don't think she could make it in a PG WWE... Not nearly good enough in the ring to make up for it I think.

Tara - could see them bringing her back. She puts on good matches.

Mickie James - an obvious choice as long as she brings back her old WWE gimmick and not this terrible hardcore country one.

WWE can scrap anyone from NXT3 not named AJ or Kaitlyn.

Tamina - aside from her thing with Santino she's useless.

Eve - gets very little reaction. And none now that all she does is dance with R-Truth.
New Divas

1. Mickie James
2. Angelina Love
3. Tara

New Tag Teams

1. Beer Money
2. Motor City Machine Guns
3. Generation ME

WWE dose not need anymore from TNA imo. Guys like Jeff Hardy and RVD will only cause problems, WWE has not had a big drop in the ratings since these 2 left. For the likes of Angle and Sting, I think their careers are winding down but, the only way I would think of hiring one of these two would be for a short term contract that would end in match against Taker at Mania.

Maybe Anderson or Styles could be good editions but the two divisons WWE need to focus on is their Womens and Tag Team divisons.

As for an invasion, though it might be a good angle, There are not enough WWE fans who no of TNA so I think the best way they can bring in these wrestlers is trough NXT.
To me, if the WWE is not going to actually get behind the tag team titles a little, there is no use to bring in the Beer Money and MCMG. However, I really believe that bringing in these two teams could energize the tag team division. Also, the WWE needs to start looking at their tag team division and giving it value and putting tag teams together who make sense. Kozlov and Santino, REALLY?!?! How about putting Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel together? Can you imagine the matches MCMG and Bourne/Gabriel could have?

However, this is not a thread about the WWE tag team division so sorry about going off on that tangent, but I felt it was the way to explain why/why not to bring in Beer Money / MCMG.

I would bring in Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, Kurt, Beer Money, MCMG, London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe/Magnus), Hernandez (if he is still with TNA), Hulk Hogan (so they can save him from himself by not letting him wrestle), Samoa Joe.

I also think that one of the biggest names they could bring in is Taz. Here me out. They now have Strike and Grisham doing commentary on Smackdown. This cannot stand lol, having Taz with Cole on Smackdown would do wonders for that show.

Jeff Hardy and RVD need to be taken out behind the barn and put out of OUR misery and as someone else stated, they wouldn't be able to pass a drug test.

First off I wouldn't want Rvd or Jeff Hardy. I think they are the most boring and worst champions ever. I would want angle styles and thats about it. All the rest really bore me. Bringing in tag teams would be dumb. There are no real tag teams in wwe now how would adding 2 or 3 teams help. You get the same matches every week. I don't care fpr divas either except for Hemms because she is so Hot.
Kozzomozzo, I agree for the most part of what you are saying, but I believe that bringing in those 2 or 3 teams would only work if the WWE decides to put some real focus in that division. MCMG, Beer Money, London Brawling add in Gabriel/Bourne, Mysterio/Hernandez, Mark Henry/MVP and some other teams would really get the division going. Say put the tag team division on Raw and a cruiser/lightweight division on Smackdown would really distinguish the two shows and bringing in the Tag teams and the cruiser/lightweights from TNA could really turn the WWE around.
If WWE bought TNA the only guys i'd keep would be Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff and have them replace the WWE script writers. This is what i'd do with them: I'd have Bischoff be the leader of Nexus and I'd have Hogan wrestle in the role as Nexus leader. I might also bring Vince Russo in to be the secret GM. Then i'd have Nexus feud with WWE and Vince McMahon. You could bring back X Pac and Jeff Hardy and they could be part of Nexus. You could kick Wade Barret out and throw out all the other talentless uncharismatic guys in Nexus and make Nexus an old mans group full of old NWO guys and guys Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo helped create. Then have John Cena join Nexus and have all the young Nexus guys part of WWE. Then Cole could join Nexus and JR could come back and feud with Cole. Then Stone Cold and Rock could come back and feud with Cole and Sheamus. It would be epic, in the same category as Hogan and Andre or Michaels and El Matador.

Seriously though, i'd replace WWE's entire roster with the TNA roster and keep Chris Jericho, Taker, Triple H, Bret Hart, Edge, Cena and that's it. The rest are all deadweight. Especially that tool Miz. But really, who would all of you take if TNA bought WWE? That's who i'd take. The rest would be out of jobs because they can't draw worth crap.
I think you meant to title the thread "When WWE buys TNA who would you keep?"

And ilapierre's post is funny; he clearly hates WWE enough that he wants it to die the way TNA is dying in its current state.

Myself, I'd keep only the TNA stars with talent and marketability

Jay Lethal
AJ Styles
Chris Sabin
Alex Shelley
Robert Roode
James Storm
Kurt Angle (on a limited, Shawn Michaels or Undertaker-type basis)
aj styles - the face of tna could have some amazing fueds in the wwe. morrison, daniel bryan, cm punk, the miz, orton just to name a few.

kurt angle - mr mcmahon would be more then happy having him back on smackdown.

rvd - more star power to add to smackdown. pretty big draw too.

jeff hardy - second to cena when it comes to merchandise but a very very popular star. very big draw.

sting - wwe already want him for the hall of fame so the doors are already open for him. i would like to see one last fued with undertaker.

samoe joe - a hard worker and a great all round talent to have.

desmond wolfe- wwe was aalready in talks with him before he went to tna. to be honest i think wwe would have used him better the tna.

abyss - has passion for the buisness. hes great on the mic and good in the ring.

matt morgan - he has the size that vince likes.

the pope - a rising star that has alot of potential.

jay lethal - most likely he would go to smackdown but he could be a top mid carder.

motor city machine guns - quite possibly the best tag team in the world and wwe needs tag teams.

beer money - amazing performers and another great tag team to add to wwe.

team 3d - tag team legends could always be welcomed.

generation me - rising tag team that is just as good as the mcmg.

angelina love, velvet sky, taylor wilde, tara, sarita, mickie james, madison rayne, hamada, and daffney - all these woman working with the woman in wwe could become the greatest place for womans wrestling.
If i was Vince and i bought TNA i would keep it running with most of the talent on spike. TNA has a loyal fanbase and does draw money. And with wwe telling you about TNA and to watch it they would gain even more ratings. A WWE TNA could be a potential cash cow. But back to the main part of the thread. I would let go all the older guys or give them jobs backstage as writer's.
It does draw money, but here's the thing; you have to SPEND money in paying the wrestlers, paying the workers, paying the personnel, paying for events, paying for TV time, paying for security, paying for use of arenas in house show touring.

TNA is clearly making so much money* these days that they have to shoot a month's worth of episodes in three days and then spend that time doing house shows to make more money.

*blatant lie

Haha funny, its even more funny because its true.

Ok, you have to look this from the side of the performers, you may want to keep some of the talent but many of them despise the wwe and vince, and wouldnt work in the wwe even if you are holding a gun against them.

lest look at some of tna wrestlers:

A.J. styles, he is the posterboy of tna, and in many interviews has expresed his feelings for the wwe, i dont think he would work for them. So NO.

Sting, he isnt under contract atm, and the only wcw "original" who has never stepped in a wwe ring. Nopes.

Angle, he loves Tna, and he loves the freedom that tna brings, you can add to that Jeff hardy. So no.

Jeff hardy, Nope.

Anderson, he clearly hates orton, and randy is gonna retire in the wwe, so no.

Team 3d, when the wwe stole their "names", they made perfectly clear they werent returning to the wwe.

Jeff jarret, he isnt wanted nor he wants to come back the the wwe, thats why he funded TNA.

Samoa Joe, maybe, depends on his friend punk, and if he is wanted by the wwe.

Flair and hogan, if the price is right yeah, plus flair has HHH there.

So after that what is left?, the healthy tag division, some knockups, and a couple of x divisions jobbers, plus morgan and the others. It wold be worst than the WCW invasion, and Impact maybe could work as an WWEcw or nxt.
I enjoy WWE far more than TNA currently. I say that as a warning to people who just think I'm some TNA mark when I make the following statement: The question should be, if this were to happen, who would you keep from WWE.

It's just obvious beyond belief that the TNA roster is filled with far superior talent. But to respond to the OP's question here's who i'd attempt to keep:

Mr. Anderson
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle
Beer Money (Robert Roode and James Storm)
Matt Morgan
Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)
Generation Me (Max and Jeremy Buck)
London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe and Magnus)
Doug Williams
The Pope
Jay Lethal
Samoa Joe
Mickie James
the Beautiful People
Robbie E

In other words, I'd keep just about everyone on the roster outside of anyone who is in "Immortal." Just goes to show you how awful TNA is at booking when they have that many amazing wrestlers and instead book the only people that no one wants to see, as the main attractions.
I would only hire AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Aj Styles because he is the face of TNA and he puts on great matches. Kurt Angle because he could have some awesome feuds and have some slobber knockers with guys like Bryan or Swagger.

I wouldn't hire any tag teams because I don't care about a division that is going to get broken up anyways. Plus, I always found tag matches uninteresting.

I would fire Cody Rhodes, Drew Mcyntire, and Ted Dibiase. Mostly because they bore the hell out of me and I just don't like them.
many of them despise the wwe and vince, and wouldnt work in the wwe even if you are holding a gun against them.

If there isn't a TNA to work I think many would change their tune. People have hated people in wrestling ever since anyone can remember but they still work with them. Vince hired Bischoff after he tried to run his company into the ground. Heyman worked with Vince. You're even forgetting Bret Hart, his return still relatively recent...if he came back after all that happened it's more than possible for TNA guys who have negative feelings towards WWE to work with them.

I'd keep:

AJ Styles

Samoa Joe - not many people have chosen him and I'm surprised that the IWC seems to be on his back at the moment. If he's given good stuff he's gold.

Kurt Angle - there's not that many people out there who a return to WWE would get those big pops there used to be in the late '90s when people switched companies. Hardy hasn't been gone long and RVD would get a good reaction too but an Angle return would be MASSIVE. Some good fresh feuds for him now too.

Motor City Machine Guns/Beer Money - I don't know if Beer Money could even drink alcohol on air in PG WWE? That's not meant as a knock on the product I genuinely don't know. I think MCMG would work better in a PG era.

Doug Williams - I like the guy and think he'd work well on Smackdown.

Matt Morgan - big guy with a big upside, if he isn't saddled with a stuttering gimmick he's the type of guy that could make a good impact and is marketable

Mr. Anderson - he's great on the mic., not bad in the ring. Even with Orton there I doubt that's a reason for him not to return. If it is, put him on the other show.

Sting - a short feud before retirement he should be used in a limited capacity.

Women: Sarita, Angelina Love, Mickie James, Tara.

There are guys I'm big fans of like Jay Lethal, I'm fond of Kaz's in-ring work but I don't think they'd be given anything to work with. They'd be better suited to jump to ROH if WWE bought TNA. Kaz's brief first run is indicative of that.

A note on some of the guys I've missed out:

Jeff Hardy - he has drug problems. Whether that's his lifestyle choice, whether he doesn't consider it a problem, whether or not you agree or disagree with that choice product aimed at kids can't afford to have somebody using drugs on the roster.

Desmond Wolfe - I love Wolfe but he apparently has health issues. I wouldn't want him working WWE's schedule until they're all cleared up.
Smackdown :

Sting - quite simple to build a match up at wrestlemania with undertaker..and a potential feud with kane as well.

AJ Styles - Might as well have the face of tna as the face of smackdown..that or he could stay heel and face kofi kingston.

MCMG - just to split up them and Beer Money honestly flip a coin of which go where.

Mr. Kennedy - just keep him away from Orton


Kurt Angle - kinda tough not putting him on smackdown to feud with Swagger but id love to see Angle vs HHH..angle vs. sheamus...angle vs. barrett....angle vs. orton...angle vs. miz heck even angle vs. bryan.

Samoa Joe - I personally like to see him and punk go at it and sheamus

The Pope - I'd love to see The Pope vs. The Miz just saying both are great talkers and good in the ring

Beer Money - again just split MCMG and beer money with the usos and bring back the hart dynasty

Matt Morgan - i could see him as a big guy heel with feuds with orton, cena, hhh.

The Beautiful People - have a feud with LayCool...and honestly with them who cares who wins lol.

Not hiring RVD and Jeff cause there drug problems once they show they can stay off them then maybe.
To be honest if Vince bought TNA he would probably keep about 5-8 people. The tape library is more valuable than the workers.

AJ Styles- Obvious choice as he is the only true TNA grown product they have.

Robert Roode- He still has star potential, great mic work, solid in the ring.

Matt Morgan & The Pope- The only two former WWE guys I think TNA improved upon since signing them. Everyone else has either maintained their previous gimmicks or stayed stagnet. These two I think Vince would want a mulligan.

Alex Shelly- Since WWE doesn't care for tags I think Shelly is the more promotable one in MCMG. He is solid on the mic.

Tazz- If Vince wants to beefen up his announce tables, lose Lawler, move Striker to Raw, put Taz back on Smackdown.

I doubt any Knockouts or WWE rejects would be brought back. (Hardy, Anderson, 3D, etc.)
Maybe Sabin or Doug Williams, but highly doubt it.
The top of my list would be:

AJ Styles-I think he's the best performer in TNA, hands down. Although Raw is the "flagship", Smackdown is the "wrestling" show, so thats where I would put Aj. It has the younger, more athletic stars that AJ could match up well with, and an AJ/Mysterio match would be a dream match for me.

Kurt Angle- Provided he and Vince could come to terms, I would put him on Raw and let him work the HBK schedule. He's already had great feuds in the past with Cena, Orton, and HHH, and newer feuds with Sheamus and Wade Barrett would be money.

The Motor City Machine Guns- Id have them take the tag belts off of Nexus on their first night on the show. They're the tag team of the year, hands down. They could go a long way towards revitalizing the tag team division.

The Pope- Here's another guy with loads of talent and charisma that just needed an opportunity. He got it in TNA, and he's run with it. He'ld be high on my list, both for his mic skills and his wrestling ability.

Douglas Williams- Here's another guy whose soild on the mic, but his real benefit would be as a great technical wrestler. I see him being able to adapt to the WWE style of wrestling very well, and he'ld be a great mid-card guy.

Mickie James- Someone else who would have to mend fences to return, but the women's division has been in a downward spiral since her departure. There are still fresh feuds for her, such as with Natalya.

Beer Money- Just as the Guns would immediately be the best tag team on Raw, Beer Money would be the best tag team on Smackdown. If one of the teams won the titles, their paths could still cross from time to time, and they could feud.

Mr. Anderson- I would go with him on Smackdown because they're short on main eventers, be it face or heel. He always seemed like a better fit and more comfortable on Smackdown anyway, so thats where I would use him.

Samoa Joe- He could work in the IC title picture and be a floater between the mid and upper card, sort of like a Chris Benoit type. Im not comparing him to Benoit, other then that's what Benoit did for the last few years of his career.

Desmond Wolfe- The former Nigel McGuiness from ROH could immediately make an impact in the mid-card scene, re-igniting his feud from the independent scene with Daniel Bryan.

Matt Morgan- I see alot of potential in the guy, and hes still fairly young. He's got good mic skills and could be pushed as a monster whether it be as a heel or a face.

The Beautiful People- Id keep them together, because I see alot of growth and potential in their wrestling ability, and i think they, along with Mickie, could help revitalize the womens division.

Generarion Me- They're another tag team that could help WWE immensely. Ive watched them on the independent scene and what you see on the TNA is only the tip of the iceburg of what these guys are truly capable of. I think WWE would know the correct way to push them, too.

I didnt add a Jeff Hardy or an RVD because honestly I believe they've burned all bridges back between themselves and WWE, so I dont see the possibility of a return for either. I didn't includfe Abyss despite his high standing in TNA because I see no redeemable value in him whatsoever.

With the lack of roster depth in WWE right now, there's only a few guys Id release, and they're all mostly inactive, or just appear on Superstars.

-The Great Khali
- Yoshi Tatsu
-Mark Henry
- William Regal
- Darren Young
-Michael Tarver
-Rosa Mendes
-Trent Barretta

Other then that, if I were WWE, i would hold put. Anyone over 40 not named Kurt Angle I wouldnt bring in, unless it was Sting for possibly one match.
Oh great anther one off these threads but anyways the people who I think WWE would hire are:

I would hire A.J Styles because I think he is an phenomenal athletic in wrestling and a great all around wrestler who can have a great match with anyone he is in the ring with. I also think he would draw a lot off PPV buys if he is booked right against great oppents.

I would also hire Kurt Angle because I personally think that Vince wants the Olympic gold medallist to be on programming. I also would hire him because he was extremely funny in his backstage promo's with Lenser and Benoit and also Kurt can have a great macth with anyone.
If WWE bought TNA I'd want them to keep most of the guys but I would love for them to let go of certain people. WWE would most likely let go of guys with little charisma and that don't draw and thats fair enough, they are a business after all. I'd be rid of kaz because I don't like him at all aside from an athletic stand-point, the shore would also be near the top of the list. I'd say ink inc as well because jesse neal is so raw and because shannon moore is a dick, but I'd decide against it because WWE wouldn't be able to be rid of any tag teams at all even if they inherited TNA's tag divison, for me the best division of any company anywhere.

I'd let go of jarrett although I think vince's finger would be faster to the trigger than me and hogan, bischoff and russo would all naturally go too although I'd consider tham as consultant writers because they do have an interesting viewpoint WWE can use sometimes. I'd probably be rid of madison rayne as well because she's a terrible knock-outs champ. that she's managed this long with management making her drop the belt to someone is a miricle but keep the rest of the knockouts, WWE could use them all as well.

I'd get rid of hardy after his rant on CM punk. If you haven't seen my rant on hardy about that I invite you honestly. Its in the TNA section about jeff's shoot on punk towards the end. I wouldnt hire matt either obviously. Oh god i'd get rid of team 3-D faster than gravity on a cliff's edge. I'd get rid of all ECW originals except RVD because he can still go in the ring, mind you so can stevie. OK I'd use rhyno, stevie and RVD on superstars and RVD on smackdown occassionally.

Kiyoshi because he makes me ask, what the hell, your still there?? Same with shark boy for that matter. I think everyone else I'd keep, maybe drop taz although he can be quite funny sometimes but I would certainly replace grisham with tenay, yes he's past his prime, predictable and all that but if anybody wants to inform me that he isn't better than grishma then wow.....just WOW!

Thankfully this is a hypothetical situation because I like TNA being it's own company, gives me more hours of wrestling to watch every week. But thinks about some of the possibilities makes me salivate copiously. Eric young and orlando jordan vs santino marella and orlando jordan, some people would find this wrestling hell, its my idea of comedy heaven however, segments between santino and EY would give me fits. Obviously sting vs taker, requires no background at all, would be an intsant wrestlemania classic because sting is remarkably good for his age and undertaker IS the streak. I always say this when the topic arises but for me, its the two most respected men in wrestling history...undertaker is beloved by all and sting has never had a bad word about anyone and has worked to the ripe old age of 51 without a significant decline in wrestling/promo quality, certainly two absolute idols for me, I'd mark out more than hogan/rock.

Fortune v nexus. Would only really work if fortune had all the guys they did but still nexus would fall only because the revitalised flair is at the helm and barrett who is tremendously impressive for how quickly he has had to adapt to the spotlight, would be drowning in a sea of WOOOOOOOOO'S. Morgan vs kane, people think that morgan is so-so, well I'm not one of them, I'd love to see two of the most athletic seven footers in wrestling history pull one out the bag. Once again abyss and kane would also be interesting.....

Reminder - This is only my opinions, If you don't like em you can ssssssssuckkitt

Continuing, jay lethal and dolph ziggler, I just like the sound of this. Lethal would fit in great to a place where the mid-card titles are really doing well unlike TNA's plummetting sale of stock X-Divison belt. OMG OMG OMG AJ styles against daniel bryan. We all know if AJ was in WWE he'd never get past mid-card because he can't talk, and especially not WWE style, but combining him and certain WWE superstars makes a little bit or orgasm happen in my plums. Randy orton, kaval, bryan and others would do for WWE's wrestling action what the Guns did for TNA's, make it explode. And someone tell me they wouldn't love to see Mr Anderson absolutely destroy the Miz on the mic so people can stop talking about how good a talker he is.

Desmond wolfe or mr anderson could make miz cry in his pillow for weeks to come if they ever had a war of words and confrontations between punk and those two would also be golden. So it is an interesting prospect, I just hope we don't have to think about it sooner rather than later.....if ever!
great idea as a post.
i wud keep
styles-because he is an amazing performer
angle-because wwe needs angle back
sting-mostly because an undertaker feud wud be one for the ages
magnus and wolfe-both i believe would do tremedous in the wwe
Kurt Angle - One final run in WWE and also for the complete Kurt Angle library of great matches.
Aj Styles - Slow and steady push. Let him have the Jeff Hardy push to superstar status.
Team 3D - For a couple of months for nostalgia and to 'pass the torch' to the next tag team.
MCMG and Beer Money - To carry the tag division.
Jeff Hardy - Not as good as before but he is still Jeff freaking Hardy and is mad over with sections of the crowd.

AJ Styles - Along with just about everyone else, I'd definitely want Styles on the roster. Styles can be just flat out awesome to watch inside the ring. I'm still not that wild about him on the mic, but he is better than he used to be.

Beer Money - Beer Money, in my opinion, is probably the best all around tag team of the second half of this decade. They're entertaining, they're fun to watch in the ring, they can deliver well on the mic and having them on the roster would be a huge shot in the arm to the WWE's tag team division. Of course, they'd probably ultimately break them up, but I think they belong on the roster.

Motor City Machine Guns - The Guns are just flat out fun to watch inside the ring. They have a high energy offense and a fast pace that's managed to set them apart. Also, since TNA began actually using them this year, they've also incorporated actual wrestling and that's helped make me a fan. Their matches are no longer just one huge spotfest that you forget about 5 minutes after it happens.

Kurt Angle - In terms of overall ability, Kurt Angle is the top guy on the TNA roster and really has been since he came there. Angle is a veteran that can still perform at a high quality level if used every so often and Angle feuding with some of the young guys on the WWE roster right now could very well be a career maker for them.

Desmond Wolfe - Even though Wolfe has been used for absolute crap in TNA, I thought he was quite impressive before the arrival of Hogan & Bischoff. It's kind of ironic that Wolfe, who is beloved by many in the IWC just as TNA is, has been used so badly for the majority of his time there. He's got the goods in the ring, on the mic, he has a good look about him and I think he could possibly go far.

Douglas Williams - I know that Williams is close to 40, but I've become a fan of the guy since he's been a singles competitor in TNA. He's quite good in the ring and he's demonstrated the ability to give solid promos. Williams also would add a bit of international flare along with the likes of Sheamus & Drew McIntyre.

The Beautiful People - Overall, The Beautiful People, consisting of Angelina Love & Velvet Sky, have probably been the two most interesting women in pro wrestling to come along since Trish Stratus or Mickie James. They're mind numbingly gorgeous and are usually pretty good on the mic. Angelina is a solid in-ring competitor though Velvet does need some work.

Sarita & Taylor Wilde - Both of these Knockouts are pretty damn good inside the ring, two of the best to set foot in TNA and they're pretty damn hot as well. Any female addition to the WWE in which the women in question are capable of putting on high quality matches is a plus in my view. Women in the WWE are filler and I don't mind filler at all if it's good.


Matt Morgan - Matt Morgan is a guy with an impressive look about him, I think he's pretty decent in the ring and he can deliver solid promos. However, Morgan is someone that's just never...well I dunno. He's just never really reached that next level. He's another guy that TNA hasn't used all that well this year but I do think the guy has possibilities.

Generation Me - These guys have a high energy style similar to the MCMGs but I'm not entirely sure about them overall. I've enjoyed some of their matches, but they're definitely not as strong in an all around sense as the Guns or Beer Money, not even close. They definitely need to work on their promo skills and they should do something with their look. They look like two guys trying to scam on girls after school at the mall.

Kazarian - Kazarian is someone that I've never really been into. I will say that he does sometimes put on entertaining matches, but the guy has virtually no charisma and his mic skills strike me as pretty bland. I could see Kazarian, however, being a pretty good addition to the mid-card.

Mr. Anderson - I know the IWC loves this guy but I've never been overly impressed with him. I do think he's gotten better since he came to TNA but I don't believe he's nearly as good as some try to make him out to be. He can deliver on the mic, I will give him that. I've never been blown away by the guy in the ring to say the least, but he's not bad at all. He'd definitely be someone I'd take a very hard look at.

Ric Flair - I know some might be surprised to see Flair either listed or not listed in the definites. I think that Ric Flair would work out just great as a manager/mouthpiece for someone. He's played that role quite well in TNA, though I personally think he's tainted it a bit by wrestling sometimes. I've zero interest in watching Ric Flair wrestle at this time of his career. If Flair would be willing to stay put in that particular role then I'd want him on the roster. If not, then I'd definitely have to think about it.

Definitely Nots

Abyss - The guy's awful, just really awful in my view. Abyss has been atrocious for the past few years, especially for much of this year, and I'm just completely turned off by the guy. There are guys as big or bigger on the WWE roster that could fill his shoes and do it better.

EV2.0 - The guys that comprised EV2.0, with the exception of Rob Van Dam, are little more than a bunch of overrated never-wases in my view. I'm including RVD in this as I think the guy has been pretty lackluster since coming to TNA. There definitely haven't been these epic matches like many fans were expecting and he's awful on the mic. I dunno, I'm just over anything and everything ECW.

Hogan & Bischoff - Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff were brought to TNA for one primary reason: to increase the size of the audience. The simple, rock hard truth is that they've failed and they've failed miserably. If Hogan & Bischoff were willing to take a role backstage, I might be willing to take a long hard thought on that. But, I doubt very much that'd happen, plus Hogan would want an absolutely huge payday and he doesn't merit it anymore.

Amazing Red - Amazing Red is little more than a spot monkey. Let's face it, if the guy isn't flipping or flying around inside the ring, he just looks like a 14 year old kid that skipped homeroom.

Samoa Joe - I think that, in many ways, Samoa Joe is one of the most overrated guys on the TNA roster. TNA has tried to paint this guy as some sort of rough and rowdy monster that'll just take you apart but I simply don't see it and I never have. Joe simply looks like a pudgy guy that would be right at home bouncing at some local titty bar in Orlando. I've enjoyed some of his matches but the guy has no personality and has been cast as little more than a one dimensional tough guy as long as I've been watching TNA.

I could probably go on all night as to who I'd want and who I wouldn't.
I would make them all compete in a series of matches on both Smackdown and Raw. If you lose a match you cant go to that show. So for example...

If Abyss wanted to join Raw he'd have to beat someone his caliber on Raw, if he lost then he'd have to go to Smackdown and try to win one there. If he lost both matches (not due to a Disqualification) then hes done. Motorcity Machine Guns would face a tag team on either Raw or Smackdown under the same rules.

Some people I would grant back automatically in as long as it didnt hurt WWE: Sting, Angle, Flair, Mickie James, but if they start ruining the company, get rid of them.

And then as time goes on, and some of the current WWE stars, and TNA stars start to get older, put them in career matches. So for example if WWE felt like getting rid of Angle and Flair, but didnt know who to get rid of first, so you put em in a career match, where the loser must retire forever.... no TNA, no Raw, no Smackdown, and no coming back as a GM or anything.
Have people forgotten that most of TNA's 'big stars' were fired by or walked away the WWE?

I think the good pick up would be Robert Roode and James Storm. Both have charisma out of the ying yang, but they are also really good at adapting their matches to suit their opponent(s). I also think both are very good on the mic.
Jeff Hardy: Definatly brings in more star power as well as RVD as mentioned before

Amazing Red. Sure, brings in the opertunity to maybe reinstate the Cruiserweight division and sets up a possible fued with Rey Mysterio and or Kaval

Mr Anderson. Why not. He has alot of potential to set up a feud with HHH or maybe Orton.

Beer Money. Retry the division and brings in some more single competion with potential.

MGMG. Two amazing young talents to help bring more fans in while helping the tag division.

Ink Inc. Helps tag and looks more creative.

Hulk Hogan. Bring him in aswell as Ric Flair for The nexus angle or possible he can be the GM.

Abyss: Maybe.

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