If Miz wins two years in a row...

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Friendly Neighborhood
Note: I understand if this thread needs to be merged with the Raw: MITB discussion, but this leads more into a Wrestlemania thread then anything. Also, please forgive me if this has been discussed.

With Money in the Bank a few weeks away, the Raw MITB match has set. Last years winner Miz returns to the match, but not with the best odds. With a loss of steam and many thinking Alberto del Rio poised to win, Miz is almost disregarded. Furthermore, if Miz were to win, we certainly don't want the same angle. His second run with the Money in the Bank briefcase would have to be quite different from the last one for it to be worthwhile.

Now, personally I'm with many of you in thinking Alberto wins the briefcase, but I'm not sold just yet. I simply propose a scenario that would justify the Miz winning for a second time.

After winning the Money in the Bank briefcase last year, Miz made many teases of cashing in against Sheamus and Orton the first few times. This time, I would have him avoid any conflict with the champion, and simply allow announcers to speculate. Miz wouldn't even carry it to ringside or bring it to the arena. Lawler would crack jokes along the lines of "Well, Riley isn't around to carry the case anymore." But something more is being hinted at.

Eventually (vague, I know, but you can plug this part in any time between Summerslam and Elimination Chamber, really) Cena has touched upon the subject of The Rock and their upcoming Wrestlemania 28 match for the first time in awhile. At this point, Miz's music plays, and he's bringing out the briefcase. Cena looks ready to fight and defend the gold, but Miz is offering a "settle down" type gesture. Miz grabs a mic.

Miz: No John, I'm not here to cash in. In fact I'll bet you've been a little anxious on when I will. I'm here to relieve you of that anxiety. I'm here to tell you exactly when the next time you see this briefcase will be.

At Wrestlemania 27, I was the longest reigning WWE Champion in years, and that title defense against you, John, should have been the pinnacle. But it wasn't. It was overshadowed. Overlooked. My championship reign was an afterthought

Yep, there's that word Miz was booked as. The afterthought. Miz continues on to say that the next time they will see this briefcase is WM28. "I will cash it in the second that The Rock pins you, Cena, and that Rock vs Cena will be an afterthought to Miz winning back the WWE Championship!" Miz's first Money in the Bank win was about rising in the ranks, and I think it would be interesting if a potential second win was about revenge.

So yeah, just a thought. But in WZ fashion, I'll add a few questions to propel the discussion;

Would a situation like this hurt, help, or do nothing to the Cena/Rock hype?

Would this help the Miz?

If this situation were to happen, how would you book Miz's "Cash-in" moment?
Hmm interesting story you have there.

Now to answer your questions I think this would hurt the Rock/Cena feud. This is because the Rock and Cena have a feud that is working and truly does not need interference. I like the idea, however I just don't want Miz interfering in something that is already good.

If I were to book this moment I would actually have the Rock interfere with the ref so that the ref would not see the Miz run in and hit Cena with the MITB briefcase. I then have Rock hit the People's Elbow but then the ref realizes what happened and DQs the Rock. The Rock gets angered at Cena and then I would have Rock help Cena only to have the bell ring again. Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Cena and Miz gets the pin. Miz and the Rock celebrate in the ring.

Would this help the Miz? Of Course. This may be the most anticipated Wrestlemania match of all time and with the Miz ruining it I think it would be totally boost him as a very strong heel character. This would almost be like beating Undertaker's streak in that although it was a very wise move people would boo you to no end. So would it help the Miz of course it would. To so much degree.
I had that idea as well when I saw Miz was going to be in the MITB. Miz is still in high regard inside WWE, hes 1 of the few non champion first class travelers and other things. Hes got a lot going for him, and I think its possible for him to pull of a story like that :)
This is a scenario that WWE needs to stear clear of, the money in the bank ppv should be utilised in creating new world title contenders, like what the WWE had done with CM Punk, Miz, Edge etc, what they dont need is to give Miz another opportunity at rough shotting his way to the WWE title, he doesn't need it, he is already over as a top heel and can get the belt back on his own.
This is an interesting scenario, and I also have to applaud you...you obviously put some thought into it and didn't just slap things together that didn't make a whole lot of sense, unlike a lot of posts on here that get into fantasy booking.

Personally, I don't think the Miz will or should win. But hypothetically, if he does, the main thing I would change is that he shouldn't announce his intentions ahead of time. He would have no reason to do that. He can explain his motivations afterwards, but I don't think that the warning would do anything for him, or for the match.
i think miz will not win the MITB now. vince has big plans for miz. i think he will mainevent wrestlemania 28. as the wwe championship main event (rock and cena) for the rock has been set i think he will be in the world heavyweight championship match. miz does not need an MITB to get a shot at the title now. i think he will win the royal rumble and will face randy for WHC at wrestlemania 28
Would a situation like this hurt, help, or do nothing to the Cena/Rock hype?

It would definately hurt the Cena/Rock hype. This match is destined to be a classic any way you put it. We already had one Wrestlemania end in an upset, we dont need another. Another thing is the credibility of the situation. Remember, Orton needed to be jumped by Nexus so that Miz could beat him and he still was barely able to pull it off. The fact that The Miz might beat Cena or The Rock is unlikely, even after a match. WM28 should end with The Rock and Cena shaking hands and celebrating a memorable moment in wrestling history. If you add the MITB cash in it goes from history making moment to another unecesary twist by WWE's part. The Cena/Rock match is supposed to attract people who arent regular wrestling fans to watch. I wonder how confused they would be when a guy comes running down with a briefcase and walks away with the title their hero just had.

Would this help the Miz?

A title win at Wrestlemania against either The Rock or Cena certainly couldnt hurt The Miz but again the question is, would it help the WWE?

If this situation were to happen, how would you book Miz's "Cash-in" moment?

Well I would have The Rock win at Wrestlemania, have him spend some time with that title, maybe even go through WM29 if hes up for it and wait till his championship reign has been so dragged out people are waiting for change. Then You get John Cena back in the picture and make the stipulation that if The Rock loses he leaves the WWE. Have a No Holds Barred match where these two really beat each other up. When Rock is about to win Miz comes out with the briefcase and distracts him, allowing Cena to hit an AA and get the win, at the expense of the little energy he had left. As soon as Cena wins Miz enters the ring, and cashes in. Miz's celebration is cut short by The Rock, who sends Miz through a table and exits the arena making his last goodbye to the WWE Universe.
If tge Miz wins two years in a row.... I riot. Plain and simple. I can't stand the guy and he will never be believable as anything higher than a United States Champion. Now, with that rant out of the way.... If this were to happen then I think it would benefit Miz but hurt the hype for Cena VS Rock because it is a dream match that should be about THEM. Miz should have nothing to do with it. If he wins MITB again then I would have him cash in that same night and lose.
I'm actually quite happy with the idea of The Miz winning once again, cashing in that night and losing. I enjoy watching The Miz on Monday nights. He is entertaining. Good on the mic. Isn't the most skilled but has a reasonable variety of moves which are performed well and definitely fills the void Jericho has left behind. My only problem is that I don't know where he belongs right now.

He needs a spot that makes him a credible participant in the main event scene every once in a while, even with the occasional title reign, but he also needs to be able to drop into the mid card without anyone feel he's being buried (Like Sheamus has for the entirety of 2011). Winning MITB but losing the cash in would achieve this. Despite not winning the strap, he would be seen as the king of the Mid Carders by winning the briefcase anyway. He needs something like this to happen, this rivalry with Alex Riley is hurting him in a major way.
I'd be absolutely fine with the Miz winning MITB again. As far a I'm concerned, this will just give him more heat. But, I'm not in favor of him cashing in the MITB in the Cena/Rock match. That match is about them, having Miz thrown in would devalue the build and match. Miz should be no where near that match, nor anyone else. The fans want to finally see Cena/Rock, and nothing more.

If tge Miz wins two years in a row.... I riot. Plain and simple. I can't stand the guy and he will never be believable as anything higher than a United States Champion. Now, with that rant out of the way.... If this were to happen then I think it would benefit Miz but hurt the hype for Cena VS Rock because it is a dream match that should be about THEM. Miz should have nothing to do with it. If he wins MITB again then I would have him cash in that same night and lose.
I think he's a legitimate main eventer now. Much more than a mid carder.
Just my opinions....
I think The Rock/Cena match is great for WWE. Why even risk ruining that by having The Miz, or even if somebody else wins MTIB cash in after that match? The while Miz/Riley rivalry is a good thing and a bad thing. Riley imo has a very good upside, and I am very glad that Vince is allowing him to get some spotlight.
As far as The Miz and cashing in to beat Orton, does anybody realize how many times it took the Miz to actually cash in? I kind of find that regard to have been unfair but it happened and that was that. I kind of think they should do something with Austin, and have him at WM 28 as well in a match. As somebody has said, Vince has big plans for The Miz by making him win the Rumble and facing Orton at WM. WM would be the place to cash in, just hope that it does not interfere with The Rock/Cena match.
My first successful thread! What a treat! Thanks to those who green rep'd.

In reading your replies, I have to say it's hard to disagree with the lot of you. I too, think it would hurt the Cena/Rock hype. JoeyRazor put it best saying it would confuse many of the casual fans who are watching only for Cena/Rock. But for the rest of us who do watch week in and week out, it would catapult Miz from the star he is to super-stardom. He would be known as the man holding the greatest Wrestlemania match ever hostage.

Although, maybe that's the booking-key to this scenario. If Miz were to announce his intentions ahead of time (yes, uncharacteristic, but plausible in this scenario) he would be despised for the months between then and Wrestlemania. He'd be the guy trying to steal The Rock vs John Cena from us. But if somehow he was duped into cashing in beforehand and failing, then WWE could accomplish both.
Generally speaking, I'd probably be fine with Miz winning the Raw MITB match for the 2nd year in a row. I like The Miz and I think he's been the most interesting WWE Champion to come along in a very long time. He certainly got all of us talking and more invested in the title scene than many of us have been in a long while whether you hate him or love him. To me, that's the most important trait in a WWE Champion.

However, The Miz doesn't really need to win MITB. His place as a main event level player, in my view, has been cemented and him winning MITB after having the longest WWE Championship reign in 3 years just seems redundant. Besides, it puts him right back in the middle of feuding with John Cena and I think the time for that has passed, at least for now. I'd ultimately rather see someone else win MITB that needs it to be really elevated into that spot and I think Del Rio is someone that needs it right now.

Del Rio has continued to look like a star since coming to Raw but he hasn't been quite as dominant as he was on SD!. He's yet to have a WWE Championship opportunity and this would be a perfect way to put him back in a very prominent spot.

I like the idea of The Rock actually costing John Cena the WWE Championship. It'd add another personal touch to the feud between them. However, I'd like to see Del Rio carry the briefcase for a long while like The Miz did and attempt to cash it in very late in the year or maybe just after the beginning of 2010 when the hype for WrestleMania generally starts to begin and use The Rock to interfere and cost Cena the title to Del Rio. That's ultimately the scenario I'd prefer if the WWE plans to have Cena carry the title most of the rest or for the entirety of 2011.
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