If Lita came back would that get you interested in the diva's division?

Arsenal 4 life

Frankie <3
My question is if lita came back would you watch diva's wrestling or still go for a toilet break?

IMO , If they brought back ashley ,Maria and lita maybe i would but that's not my question so I'll set a scene

Awesome Kong destroys everyone on the diva roster and is champion then she cuts a promo saying nobody can beat me lita's music hit's she comes running out and beats the shit out of her and they have a fued

No, that is a terrible idea. The divas are garbage I'd rather watch porn or something for 5 minutes and then flip wrasslin' back on.

LMAO!! I literally spit out my drink!

OT: To be honest, I would watch in the beginning. If it is Lita that we knew back when she was with the Hardy Boyz then absolutely. She was incredible! If she came back and was anything less than that, the answer is no. It doesn't seem that the WWE has too many good ideas left toward the Divas division. For some reason, they don't base it around there top female talent (McCool, Kim, Natalya, and Phoenix). No way the Bella Twins and Eve are the best in the Divas division. Knowing Vinny Mac though, it's all about who's doing the work behind the scenes if you smell what im cooking (see what I did there?).
I doubt lita would ever come back on a full-time basis and thats what they need women who can wrestle full-time. Ashley needs to stay far away from the ring she wasnt good when she was there maria was okay but nothing special (she was beautiful tho). They need to push mccool,natalya,beth,melina,gail, and i will even stretch and say eve towards the top and let the others spend time perfecting their skills and building character then you could have a division that is worth watching again. The thing with most of the divas is theres nothing to distinguish the lot of them they all do the same moves and have weak finishers and minimal mic skills it has improved a little but not much.

But to answer your question I would say no because I doubt she would be there for long based off of age and what not. I continue to watch to see if it improves but she wouldnt be the determining factor on if i watched more or not.
Its not 2000 anymore, Miss Dumas is almost in her 40's, and I doubt she'd be able to wrestle a full schedule.
Also, bringing in 1 legend to stomp your whole Divas division isn't going to make them rise up, it's going to keep them all down.
Kong has the physique and intensity to destroy the Divas without bringing up any credentials, having Lita or Trish Shit all over the diva division isn't doing it any favors.

I think having Lita/Trish/Sable/Mae Young(unsafe at this point) destroyed by Kong could be a good way of getting Kong heat while still not making the current diva roster look like Jillian's singing.
Would make no differnce, much as Trish returning made any difference. even in the off chance they returned to active participation, there's only a couple of women on there level to fight with.
Beth Pheonix, Malina, Michelle McCool and now Kharma, every other female is just eye candy and glimpses of some talent at best. That's hardly a division to care about
Lite would add something to the division no doubt but it needs more than that. You need a solid base of good wrestlers followed up by a couple of stars like back when Trish and Lita were dominating the division. At the moment the potential is actually there. Natalya, Kim and Beth Phoenix are all good enough to be mainstays in a division add Kong and you can have a solid division. Unfortunately the WWE prefers to push the Bellas and essentially turn the division into a joke. I've got belts in my cupboard that are more worthwhile at the moment.
If you remember Lita's last run in 2006, she was nothing like she was in 2000, or even 2004. Nowadays I don't think it would turn out so good.

And you want Ashley back? She was horrible in the ring.

But it is seriously time to move on and develop the divas now for the future. Not bring someone from the past for maybe a year more of glory, then she her leave, then complain that you want her back again.
I would much rather see a fresh, young diva break out from the pack and become the next big thing (as far as divas go).
The way I remember Lita she was never quite the same after her neck surgery. If she were to return, sure, I would watch it, but I don't think it's the solution to the sorry state the women's division is in.
The hall of fame divas coming back won't help because the storylines and other divas are bad. The only thing that could fix the divas division is to push the divas that can actually wrestle over the ones that just look good, and have a good storyline. I don't see Lita, or Kong saving this division as it stands now.
It would take more than one legendary diva coming back to get people to care about their division. Get more powerful and athletic divas like melina, natalya, and beth phoenix and build on that. Get rid of the horribly booked divas like layla, alicia fox, the bellas, and rosa (she has lost every match i have seen her in). They are pretty good, they are just booked wrong.
I am sick and tired of hearing "Gail, Natalya, McCool, Beth,.." whenever someone mentions the divas division, the WWE isnt a wrestling company anymore so they have an excuse for not pushing women like Gail and Natalya, they have 0 charisma, only divas with good charisma nowadays are LayCool, Kelly, and Eve(well kinda), if these are the only ones who get decent reactions then the WWE are gonna push them istead of the others, sorry but its a fact

Laycool has good charisma in your view? McCool is horrible on the mic. (By the way, how can you say
I am sick and tired of hearing "Gail, Natalya, McCool, Beth,.."

But then say...)
only divas with good charisma nowadays are LayCool, Kelly, and Eve

The only reason why she even gets pushed is because of Taker. Layla is horrible on the mic too. They both suck. Right now, there is actually no diva that has good mic skills. The Bellas, who are the current champ, are horrible on the mic too, they were even horrible at the preWrestlemania event. They don't get too much of a reaction either because nobody cares anymore. The divas have been terrible for so long that everyone expects it to be horrible. That's why everyone is looking for Kong to come in and do good, because the current divas suck.
It isn`t for their contribution in the Diva division that the likes of Lita, Trish or Chyna but more for their association with some of the top superstars which brought memorable storylines. Diva division has never really been that interesting, at least to me.
I find this entire question to be very odd. Even for the sake of argument, let's assume that Lita is an awesome female wrestler that everyone loves. That's still not going to make a bad, or at best, an uninteresting division in the WWE watchable.

For example, I like Jason Lee (from my name is Earl) as an actor. I think he does a fine job in any role he is given. However, that does not mean that because he was cast in the alvin and the chipmunks movie, that I am going to go watch it, just to see him. A great actor in a lame, uninteresting story does not make it better or more watchable.

Same thing here. Putting Lita in a broken WWE division that no one cares about is not going to make any difference. The problem is that there are two types of women wrestlers in the WWE: those who can wrestle, and those who are eye candy. The wrestlers usually get a push here and there, but by far, the eye candy ones get the most TV time and then those who can wrestle, it becomes their job to carry the eye candy during matches. It's just what the WWE values more in their female division...for example, look at who won the female NXT season: the one contestant who had a great look but almost zero in-ring experience. That is the most telling of all.

So anyway, until WWE decides they actually care about their women's division, it really doesn't matter who is involved.
If Lita came back, and Trish was willing to get into the ring more, they could help revive the women's division. Those two MADE the women's division in the early 2000's and might be able to get Vince to listen to get changes made.

Now for reality: Lita has other things she wants to do and after she returned from her broken neck in 2003, she wasn't the same. She's also now 36 years old and might not want to work that "die for the cause" style that got her over with the fans.
The only thing that could fix the divas division is to push the divas that can actually wrestle over the ones that just look good, and have a good storyline.
One of the reasons they changed the direction in the women's division from women that actually could wrestle to beautiful bimbos that don't know what they are doing is that the fans didn't really care either way. That's the sad truth.

They had numerous divas that could really go, but when the fans wouldn't get too interested in their wrestling, they pushed bra and panties matches and the likes thereof. It became more and more important to look good naked rather than being talented. I would say the golden age of the divas division ended once and for all with the very first Diva Search. It was pretty faces over talent from that point on.

Now that they are PG and all the skimpy outfits and pillow fights and other juvenile fantasies are gone, it would make sense to bring back actual wrestling to the scene, but I doubt it would really make much of a difference. The glory days of divas weren't as glorious as some think. Remember when Trish was Women's Champion for like 8 months because for maybe 6 of them she was injured and nobody cared?
Don't get me wrong, I love Lita, but I highly doubt that a return would have any real impact other than an initial pop. After a match or two, the Divas division would quickly return to a sea of monotony.

WWE needs Divas that can wrestle *and* be attractive, in that order. You obviously need a little T&A around, but the bulk of the divas roster should be able to have a competitive match. With Kong coming on board, I think that WWE is only a diva or two away from having a competitive division.

I say bring in Daffney (solid ring worker, unique look, brutally hot) and Sara Del Rey (possibly the best female wrestler in North America). Along with Kong, Natalya, Phoenix and Gail Kim, you have the start of a Divas division that actually has the ability to put on decent matches.
My question is if lita came back would you watch diva's wrestling or still go for a toilet break?

IMO , If they brought back ashley ,Maria and lita maybe i would but that's not my question so I'll set a scene

Awesome Kong destroys everyone on the diva roster and is champion then she cuts a promo saying nobody can beat me lita's music hit's she comes running out and beats the shit out of her and they have a fued


The return of a great woman wrestler alone is not enough to save the division. Yes, great talent that can actually wrestle instead of just look pretty is needed. But in order for it to be treated as more than a bathroom break they must treat it as more. They do have some good talent right now to work with, but they spend most of their time in the back. And of course, not having Michael Cole bury each diva's match would be a good idea.
Lita herself...no i would not like the divas...something must be done to overhaul the whole diva's division since the PG rating now they are there for more then T%N, and imo they have dropped the ball.
Personally, Id love for Lita to come back (obviously it cant be full-time). Id like her to have the type of role Trish currently has with WWE. They both were the two best women's wrestlers Ive seen in a long time. I loath what's happened the past few years to the division. I agree that if Lita were to come back that it not be like she was was in 2006. NO.
It depends... What she would "do". Edgeheads would get this.

Ok all joking aside I would not be interested in the divas division if she came back. I know she is legendary, however nobody else is up to her standards in the divas divison. If anything I am more interested in Awesome Kong coming than if she was coming back. Now if she was to come back I think if anything it would become slightly more interesting, however interest levels would not be dramatically changed.
I'd be happy to see Lita again, but that would get me interested in the division again. They need to build it back up again to get to where it was 5 years ago when Lita and Trish left. Lita coming back would lead to a couple of good matches, but then it would suck again because they can't build the division around her. They need to find someone who's good in the ring and on the mic that the fans can get behind. I'd like to think Natalya was that, but she's not being pushed anymore. Kharma (Awesome Kong's WWE name) might make things interesting more than a Lita return would because she's someone new who they could center the division around. We'll see.

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