If Kevin Nash is coming back, WWE should just bring back nWo

I think I would be okay if Show and Nash had a mania match. Their both mosnters they both have history and they already set up in a way at the Rumble. Plus I would love Nash on Smackdown as there is a small void right now
I don't need a nWo to be a big deal, everything with WWE when given a storyline, has to be EPIC.

I think Eric Bischoff is a big part of the nwo which is why it's return in 2002 didn't work. Also, Vince never uses the guys the same way. WWE doesn't know how to book nWo.

I noticed this with Nash. Nash was cool in TNA because he was laid back, almost too laid back as you didn't even seem to realize he was a 7 footer. In WWE, he's lame trying to be a tough guy. He's best on the mic, when he's at ease. Been an eye opener for me watching Nash's work now compared to his work in TNA.

Anyway, WWE can't bring in Bischoff right now and I'm not saying they should. But I'd like to see Nash used in WWE kind of how he was with the X Division guys in TNA(Papparazzi Prod.) Whether they connect that to nWo or not is up to them, but I think Nash can be a help to WWE.

nWo doesn't need to be the end all be all. Personally, I don't think WWE will even bring nWo back. Just isn't like WWE. But I could see Nash mentoring young guys and using the nWo brand to do so, therefore, using the nWo brand to push mid card talent until eventually they get involved with something.

Too much to explain thought for now. Anyway, nWo or no nWo, what does it matter...

The reason I think nWo should even be brought back is b/c I don't have any confidence whatsoever in WWE in forming a cool stable right now.

Atleast with nWo, you can feed off of what they once were.
Nash can barely walk to the ring, I don't think he knows that he has muscles in his legs.

Maybe next week he can push Scott Hall and Hogan out in wheel chairs and the WWE can install a lift to they can get into the ring. Wait wait, X-Pac, Sixxx or what ever the hell he goes by is on the payroll so he can push one of them out. Best STORYLINE EEEEEEERRRrRRrrVVVEEEEERR

Rehash the NWO?
Lets not and say we did

Its bad enough that Nash is using the music, but he probably also still believes its 1997 when he was still remotely good and entertaining
Yeah, it's going to go over really well with the kids who have no freaking idea what nWo is.

But wouldn't that make it fresh. If they don't remember the nWo as a mid 90s faction, then some of the nWo style antics (graffiti on the belt), the logo and t-shirts, the music etc would seen exciting and new to these kids?

Even now I think the nWo are cooler than any other faction except maybe DX and thats even after seeing them for years.

As much as it could be a disaster, I think Nash as the spokesman for a new nWo could work. Big Show could rejoin, Christian maybe and a couple of others.

However, I would rather see a Kliq reunion with Nash and Trips on the same page, with Waltman back as another stooge.

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