If Kevin Nash is coming back, WWE should just bring back nWo


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think if Nash is with WWE atm, the best he could do is re-create nWo. I doubt it'd happen, but Nash could really add outside the ring of WWE. Forget Nexus, have them be a new version of nWo and their value will sky rocket.

This is WWE's last opportunity to capitalize on nWo. I think they should try and resurrect it right now, if Nash is involved, and figure something out. Merch would go up, ratings would go up, it'd be so easy for WWE .. but I doubt they'd do it.
Why would ratings go up? It's only going to be the same rooks that we've seen in a stable for months under a different, far more stale flag.
Well, if Nash AND Booker are both coming back, why not have them join forces with say a returning HHH, Randy Orton and say, Big Show and have a new nWo? That way, they fight through the oncoming battles faced by Corre & Nexus, leading up to a Team vs Team vs Team match at some PPV, with nWo most likely coming out on top, as the top stable, and only one remaining?
Also, it would mean that Nash/HHH wouldn't have to do as much wrestling as they used to, making them less prone to injuries, and also giving people like Randy Orton/Show/Punk/Barrett good airtime/recognition being linked with these stars.
Alright, what I meant to say was with Nash back with WWE (if that is the case) this is a shot for WWE to bring back the nWo. I know people are quick to think "why bring back that old re-hashed stable yadda yadda yadda" but it's a new generation and wrestling is all about recycling and re-imagining.

I don't know what WWE should do if they were indeed to bring back nWo, but if I were them I would consider doing something.

nWo is a sweet stable name and it's easy to turn it into a brand.

I know I mentioned nexus and whatever, that really wasn't my plan. The point I should have made was who about the names (Nexus, The Corre vs nWo) and the music and attitude of each stable.

I wanted Straight Edge Society to become something because I liked the name, but when you think about it it's just a bald, straight edge cult. The can't come out and act cool and uncaring.

With nWo you got the spray paint, the "sweeet!" nWo 4 LIFE etc etc.
You can have the power and act like you haven't a care in the world.

One idea I'd figured is Cena and the Raw GM. I know Cena turning heel and joining nWo is just like Hogan, but how else does Cena turn heel? This also would give Cena a chance to bring back a "more hip(ugh, I'm saying for his younger fans)" gimmick.
And I would have the GM involved.

There are plenty of scenarios, Alberto Del Rio seems like a good member.

I'm saying bring back nWo, while they have the chance (if Nash is back) mostly because WWE is shit at thinking up good stables. They had DX, DX was a brand. The music was catchy, they had catch phrases, they had the suck it and all in all, DX was a decent brand.

What does Nexus have "Your either Nexus or against us?" The Corre ... ?"

The main reason for WWE bringing back nWo, is that they just don't seem capable of creating like they use too, it's too much of the writers. So if you can't come up with something good, then bring back something that was good and 4 Life!
I don't think the nWo would be well recieved if they had come back unless they scrap the idea of the Corre which personay I dislike as a group right now and they rehash as a new nWo lead by Kevin Nash. We have always beieved that there was someone ese involved in Nexus higher than Barett. Then they split off and made the Corre. I feel that this woud be a very wise idea because it would be believable as Barett has hinted that there always was something bigger involved which I don' think was ever planned to be Nash but now if they are nWo the bigger picture might actually come into play as possibly the Taker-Barett at Mania with somehow Nash involved.
Just a thought.
The nWo would look super mammoth anchored by a 50 year-old guy with 2 of the original three missing.

He's only there to be a mouth piece and pass it on. My whole point is this is the last chance WWE has at using nWo and passing it on. Kevin is going to look like shit in the ring, it's gonna look ugly when he goes over the top rope. I'm guessing he will jack knife someone like the 97 lber Evan Bourne or someone small like that, lol Nash used to beat the shit out of Mysterio so that's another guy.

But I can't see him wrestling for WWE, but he's good on the mic and makes stories interesting. He could definitely manage a group of young guys, may be even call them the outsiders.
He could be the Rick Flair of the WWE. By Rick Flair I mean TNA Rick Flair. Occasionly eats an RKO or something and justs manages his people. I could actually see him in a group like this and I think it would give the young guys some credibility. Like the idea Jenks
He's only there to be a mouth piece and pass it on. My whole point is this is the last chance WWE has at using nWo and passing it on. Kevin is going to look like shit in the ring, it's gonna look ugly when he goes over the top rope. I'm guessing he will jack knife someone like the 97 lber Evan Bourne or someone small like that, lol Nash used to beat the shit out of Mysterio so that's another guy.

But I can't see him wrestling for WWE, but he's good on the mic and makes stories interesting. He could definitely manage a group of young guys, may be even call them the outsiders.

Yeah, it's going to go over really well with the kids who have no freaking idea what nWo is.
I wouldn't say I would just HATE the idea more than anything I have ever seen. But, to be honest, I am so done with the NWOld. I truly couldn't bare to hear another "4 Life" or "Just Too Sweeeeet".

I never wanna see the New World Older ever again with any new story lines. That is something that has ran it's course, and then some, over the last 14 and a half years.

They have been in basically every federation in some form or another. "The Band" LOL...
I like the idea but why stop at the Nwo with mania coming close bring in sting and do the Wolf Pack. They need to do something with the stables that seem to nothing most of the time.
I like the idea but why stop at the Nwo with mania coming close bring in sting and do the Wolf Pack. They need to do something with the stables that seem to nothing most of the time.

To me... That would be one of the ONLY ways I would be happy about The NWO. WWE has done it before and absolutely ruined it.

I think anything they do involving Sting would be HUGE. I would go for a Wolfpac, because at the very least, WWE hasn't done THAT before!
Guys, you got to think big.

This is not nWold, this is a re-imagining of the nWo, or a passing of the torch. Kevin Nash showed he's still a big player, he would get the nWo rolling as a mouth piece and like a "minority" leader.

If I were to use an analogy, I'd use horror movies. Freddy, Jason and Michael Myers are the king of main stream horror movies. That's why I can't stand when you see a movie of their's come out and it says something like "Last Chapter, the Final Fight etc."

Freddy, Jason and Michael Myer's movie franchises should never end. Whether it's 1980, 1995, 2010, or 2025, there will always be a place for Jason Voorhees in cinema.
Whether the mask has to be passed on or w/e, the brand needs to continue.

This is kind of how I feel about nWo. nWo was so good as a stable, that it should not just disappear. If a number of people put their heads together, they could come up with an awesome story where they could incorporate nWo back into the fray and anything that has ever been nWo, would be free reign.

"The Following Announcement is paid for by the New World Order" would be heard as the tron/promo skit came on and you see a couple of nWo members (Alex Riley, John Morrison and Mason Ryan) talking about faces like Kofi and Chris Masters.

We've seen now Nexus help Kane vs Undertaker and New Nexus help The Miz against Orton.

The Miz/Riley/Cole seem to have a connection with Nexus along with the GM, this is not the nWo your use too, but imagine if Miz, Riley, Cole, GM, Punk and Nexus were known as nWo? They had the power, and the title (as nWo the goal would be too get both world titles and it's even better now a days, you could try and get all 8-10 titles etc.)

Btw, I'm not a huge nWo mark, just as a business move I think nWo had great merchandise, attitude, could be around in pg era ...

the whole idea and way they went about things was so marketable.
Guys, you got to think big.

This is not nWold, this is a re-imagining of the nWo, or a passing of the torch. Kevin Nash showed he's still a big player, he would get the nWo rolling as a mouth piece and like a "minority" leader.

If I were to use an analogy, I'd use horror movies. Freddy, Jason and Michael Myers are the king of main stream horror movies. That's why I can't stand when you see a movie of their's come out and it says something like "Last Chapter, the Final Fight etc."

Freddy, Jason and Michael Myer's movie franchises should never end. Whether it's 1980, 1995, 2010, or 2025, there will always be a place for Jason Voorhees in cinema.
Whether the mask has to be passed on or w/e, the brand needs to continue.

This is kind of how I feel about nWo. nWo was so good as a stable, that it should not just disappear. If a number of people put their heads together, they could come up with an awesome story where they could incorporate nWo back into the fray and anything that has ever been nWo, would be free reign.

"The Following Announcement is paid for by the New World Order" would be heard as the tron/promo skit came on and you see a couple of nWo members (Alex Riley, John Morrison and Mason Ryan) talking about faces like Kofi and Chris Masters.

We've seen now Nexus help Kane vs Undertaker and New Nexus help The Miz against Orton.

The Miz/Riley/Cole seem to have a connection with Nexus along with the GM, this is not the nWo your use too, but imagine if Miz, Riley, Cole, GM, Punk and Nexus were known as nWo? They had the power, and the title (as nWo the goal would be too get both world titles and it's even better now a days, you could try and get all 8-10 titles etc.)

Btw, I'm not a huge nWo mark, just as a business move I think nWo had great merchandise, attitude, could be around in pg era ...

the whole idea and way they went about things was so marketable.

You are reaching too far. That will not happen. Not only that, that is not the reason they would bring it back. You really think that would be the reasoning for Nash to return? LOL

To have a Stable with all of them and have it revolve around power and the titles and what not, would be great. But, why call it NWO? Also, what connection would it have with Nash returning and all that?

It truly has no solid connection or storyline to me, at all.

I also disagree about the movie franchise of those particular characters should not end.

Michael Myers, for instance. Halloween has run it's course. It and he, have been remade, re-birthed, relocated, re-cast, and really re-run, among many other "re" words or phrases.

Same thing goes for NWO and Nash. I think the freshest thing would be to leave the NWO out of it. They did it back in 02 and not only tried to restart it, with the original 3. But also tried to "freshen it up" by having other members join and expand. But that was a fail as well.

I think the best things for Nash would be to feud with a couple people to capture a little of his past encounters, and also step into the ring with big stars of today that he has not got in the ring with before.

The newer guys like Orton, Cena, Punk, Sheamus, Barrett, Edge, and Del Rio would add to his legacy and also theirs.

Other guys he could catch some heat with, that he has a past with, are Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, and Jericho. In a way, there is unfinished business with all those guys. I'm sure there are much more too, but those examples will do.

Also, guys could be brought in randomly that might have some history with him and could continue, or start a feud, that has some relevance. Goldberg, Sting etc...

So, I think there are numerous ways to use Kevin Nash without the NWO being at the forefront of the story, or his feud. After all, he was a WWF/E Champion before the NWO was even conceived. So he does have a legacy and career beyond those 3 letters that were spray painted on foes' chests in the mid to late 90's, and even a few more times in the new millennium.

What helps the future of the name, New World Order or NWO, and also the legacy and legitimacy of their existence, from their origins, would be to not tarnish what it was, or IS, right now.

Nash can be relevant and make some sort of impact and start his march to the HOF, without NWO.

God knows, when he gets in, we will be NWO'd to death. So, right now I could do without another attempt to recreate the impact of July 7th, 1996.

Any way at all that they go about calling something "The NWO", would be a lie to the first letter in their name. N... NEW? It would be anything but NEW and even if it gained some steam right at the beginning, it would eventually dive back down to being a joke. Or a watered down idea that has WHAT? Run it's course.

EDIT: Also, note how the crowd really chanted for him. It was pretty insane and probably somewhat unexpected. I think if creative or whoever is in charge, knew that he would pull that kind of reaction, he would have been booked to stay in the match longer and probably eliminate a couple guys. But, my main point on this EDIT was to simply state that the crowd wasn't chanting "NWO" or even "Nash"... They were chanting his gimmick, though WWE had other guys play a fake version on occasion (Notably Glenn Jacobs, AKA Kane), it was last played by him in 1996 and was strictly his WWF/E persona... They chanted "Diesel"!!!!!!!!
Really!!! Are you serious?
Why in the hell would anybody want the nWo back? To me, it makes no sense due to the fact were in the PG Era and a return would be a major flop/fail. WWE would be out their right mind then to bring back something that was a success in Attitude Era and turn it to pure shit in the PG Era. Netherless scrap up plans for the Nexus/Corre just to bring back a bunch of 40/50 year olds. There is a reason why it happen in the past and should stay in the past.
Are we having an awful idea contest that I wasn't told about?

OOh I wanna play. K, how about booker turns into KING BOOKA once again and joins forces with king sheamus and the king of kings, HHH, and they form a stable called "the monarchy". Meanwhile Nash can crash through the titantron each week in an 18-wheeler when he comes out to live up to the diesel character?

No lets not have the NWO back thanks, and particularly not the lame 2002 random people re-incarnation which you seem to be suggesting.
Everybody know that the WWE is terrible at making long term "GREAT" storylines, I don't know why the hell they brought back Nash to begin with. KN is not a PG type guy, so its pointless.
When Nash came back in 2002 for a pay check of 600,000 – 800,000 with the now to fix the shithouse ratings they were doing, it worked but Nash wasn’t by himself it was the Hogan vs Rock fued. Keep in mind this was 2002 so the fans knew who he was. He was in line for a MASSIVE PUSH but no he tore his quads (worse than HHH) and couldn’t wrestle. So Nash comes back to fued with his best bud HHH (who also came back from injury…put on way to much muscle mass so he couldn’t move or wrestle and thus couldn’t carry Nash to a decent match. Nash like HHH moved like an 80 year old man and put on some Fucking weak t.v. What’s different now? He might face Big Show (even worse than HHH) and he’s 7 years older. It’s a recipe for disaster. Nash’s body has taken such a beating over the years due to bbal and wrestling so as I said before HE CAN BARELY MOVE. Imagine how much leeway he will get? When he came back in 2003 he jackknifed Jericho. Can you imagine him destroying Nexus and all the other youth guys?. Nash’s offense has to be one of the worst of any main eventer ever and his match with show will sink up the joint big time. If that’s WWE’s idea of a special attraction match then I will be pissed off. Nash got a big reaction…so what. It was in the garden, at the rumble and fans hadn’t seen him for years. Guess what he got a Big pop in 2003 too when he returned but the novelty wore off quite quickly when they saw how bad he was in the ring. He even got booed during the highlight reel. Nash can’ talk anymore either (check his in with the coach a while back or any of his trash with tna wrestling). Nash dying his hair doesn’t even make him look younger anymore. So he can’t talk, wrestle etc and he’s over 50 years old. I can’t stress enough how much his match with Show will suck. My god they will have to put Big Shows fat ass on a treadmill if they want the match to pass a G grade (my reviewing). So really I don’t see the need to bring back Nash or the NWO after the rumble.

Actually it wouldn’t surprise me to see Big Kev run down (barely) clear the ring of 5 very accomplished wrestlers on his t.v and come out looking like a monster and in the end fights and beats Miz for the wwe title. NOW was done more than 10 years ago. You can’ recycle a storyline like that successfully. It’s a once in a lifetime thing. The cons by far outweigh the pros. So what if some nostalgia tards mark out once. Internet will be throwing fits, ratings will NOT improve and the wrestling will be shit + washed up has been will hog up t.v time. If you’re going to bring back has-beens bring back guys that have something to offer!

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