I Really Want To Kill My English Professor


Lord And Master
Staff member
She lost a project of mine on writing contrast, so i go to talk to her about it. She said she can't help me because she never graded it. So even though I did the work, I got a 0. Lowering my average from 95% to 77%. Thanks. Then she talks about how I speak so fluidly for a guy who's only been in the States for a total of 2 months his entire life and says I speak better than most Americans she's met.

I was flattered up to that point. Then she said my speaking reminds her of...

John Cena

I want to KILL HER!
Go to the person above her in the English Department, they may let you redo it

Also I think this applies here as well
So because she lost the paper you gave, she gives you a zero for it? That's just stupid. Milenko's right. You should probably go to the head of the English department.
If you go to the head of the English Department you need proof you did it and handed it in.
She lost a project of mine on writing contrast, so i go to talk to her about it. She said she can't help me because she never graded it. So even though I did the work, I got a 0. Lowering my average from 95% to 77%. Thanks. Then she talks about how I speak so fluidly for a guy who's only been in the States for a total of 2 months his entire life and says I speak better than most Americans she's met.

I was flattered up to that point. Then she said my speaking reminds her of...

John Cena

I want to KILL HER!

She probably meant to compliment you on the Cena part by saying you never give up. But yes, go to the Head of the Department, because it's her fault that your paper went missing, so take it to someone higher up.
Yeah if it was a proper Uni they would have given you proof that you handed it in, if you don't have this then it's your own fault.
That sucks dude. What did you say when she told you, you sounded like John Cena?
Yeah if it was a proper Uni they would have given you proof that you handed it in, if you don't have this then it's your own fault.
That's the problem. I sent it to her via her Blackboard email account. A window showing it was successfully sent appeared meaning she got it. A little bit later, my account says I missed the due date and so did her's. I can't do anything about it because it was a server error. Since she doesn't have the grade or proof, I'm fucked.
That sucks dude. What did you say when she told you, you sounded like John Cena?
Nothing. I was too busy restraining myself.

The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2657972 said:
Would you have rather she told you that your speaking reminds her of Abyss?
Yes. I'd rather be an obese Cookie Monster than a Captain America wannabe.
Oddly enough, my English professor is a dick too. Everybody hates the guy, except me..but finally, he pissed of the one student that still likes him.

We have this research project that we're doing. Well I was out with the flu for the last 4 school days (I was back this Monday, I missed last Tuesday through Friday.) so I was about about a day late starting my project, but that wasn't a biggy. I still had little to no information on what we were doing, he barely told me much. I asked lot's of questions, but none were througholy answered, but I let it go, because he's busy and all.

As of today, we had the outline for this research power point due this Friday. Our school bought this program for research articles, and you can only use it on school computers. We were using Macs (I hate Macs by the way) in class, and I had to get 3 sources for the powerpoint. I got two today, but need my last one. He had a demonstration for what we had to do for the outline, but with all the commotion, I had no time to copy it down, or start my outline.

Well I am usually one to stay quiet in class, and I did. All though, many other students were talking, and he warned them that he'll make the outline due Thursday (tomorrow) instead of Friday. Well of course my wonderful classmates pissed him off, and he did push the due date up to tomorrow. I cannot get the third source without using a school computer, I can't even start my outline/rough draft without all 3 sources, and I don't even now how to format it. Plus, due to my absence, I was behind one day. Sadly, I am going to come in tomorrow with no outline, and a big fat zero, just because my classmates suck, and my English teacher had to be a dick.

He told me yesterday when I asked about the project that was thrown in my face with out the usual brief on what we were doing (like the other students got) he told me "Maybe if you came to school once in awhile, you'd know." I had the fucking flu. Next time I'm sick, I will go to school, and I'll sneeze in his fucking face. I thought this guy was awesome too, and I LOVE English. Hopefully he has sympathy, or was just trying to threaten us a little bit, and will push back the date. Otherwise at this point, I couldn't care less.
wait a minute. You EMAILED your assignment? Shit, what happened to the days when you would actually take the assignment, and HAND it to the professor, ENSURING they get it? Hell, even when I was in college, we actually gave a physical copy of the work to the professor. Sometimes, they would even ask for both the physical copy AND an e-mail to ensure they got it.
Yeah when I was at uni we had to give a paper copy AND an e-mail copy, the paper copy was time stamped at the office and we got a receipt for it.

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