I met Layla! Sorta..


Dark Match Jobber
I won this contest on Habbo.com which is like, a interactive chat room.
You can make a "Habbo" and build your own "room" and play games and whatever. It's for 13 yr olds and up. Anyways, I won a contest.. random entry. And you got to meet a WWE Superstar on the game. && Me and the 4 other contest winners went to the "room" on there, and we each got to show her our room we made on the game.. and ask her questions. Of course, I had many questions for her.. Some like, how's the travel.. what's your favorite moment so far in your WWE career, can you describe the feeling of winning the Diva Search, and did you like Miami Heat's performance this season. She was extremely nice, she was just.. really cool with all the questions, and it was just cool. They put pictures up of her on the site playing Habbo. It was just a cool experience.. Seeing as how i'm not able to go to WWE shows or whatever cause' of monetary issues. It was great. :icon_smile:
[QUOTE="THE FIERCE ONE" MIKE W;460077]I don't think she is. I'm pretty sure I read a while back that she had a kid so I don't think she is single.[/QUOTE]

So, Ashley has a kid and she's single
[QUOTE="THE FIERCE ONE" MIKE W;460077]I don't think she is. I'm pretty sure I read a while back that she had a kid so I don't think she is single.[/QUOTE]

Dammit. Well, she could be a single parent anyway. If not, i'll just become a wrestler, wrestle on ECW and ask her out. Sorted.
[QUOTE="THE FIERCE ONE" MIKE W;460349]Maybe, today it's not uncommon. Either way it sounds like a plan.[/QUOTE]

If it works you can have Cherry, Ashley, Victoria and i'll have the rest. lmao

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