I may get a PS3 and have a 360

Alas, it happened so quickly. Someone also scratched the screen by throwing their lighter at it. I went mental, but I've never been able to find the scratch. It's there, I'm sure. I saw it.
Its all in your mind...

My younger brother broke my last TV when he strolled in blind drunk and coked up and literally fell over in my room, went to reach out for something to grab, and put both his hands through the plastic casing that covers the back (of older TV's) and then as he fell he pushed the fucking thing off my desk anyway. I woke up and was like "DUDE you've already broke the fucker, now your just being harsh"
Tag an ear, Make a necklace.

Done one better, just handed his GF a memory stick with alot of things on it he didn't want her to see. For example a large word document aptly named "Birds Collection" where he and his friends had archived every single nudey photo their GF's had sent them. Plus porn and shit off his hard drive he probably didn't want her seeing.

How is she meant to believe me you say? Because I was the one who showed him how to make hidden folders on his PC and I can guarentee there all still on there MWAHAHAAHA.

All that because he had my bag of salt and vinegar crisps.

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