3Ds or PS3?

Like I said i would use it as a blu-ray player for the most part. I would also buy some PS3 exclusive games.

For the rest I would use my 360

The problem here is that 5 months ago you purchased a video game system, and now you want to get a second, even though you seemingly do not have an overabundance of disposable income (you don't, otherwise you'd not have been saving the money for purchasing items like you said you're doing).

The people here are saying you should save your money, and they are right in this instance. Buy a Blu-Ray player (a viable purchase, and $200 cheaper then a PS3), or sell your 360 and stuff and get a PS3. Having both systems is pointless, and a waste of money, which is a precious commodity.

Oh, and if you absolutely must spend the money and get a new system, get 3DS. You have a home console already, don't have a handheld, and 3DS is all kinds of awesome. But don't get either, as the wise choice would be to save your money for when you will NEED it, not for something you WANT.

Buy the Ps3 it doesn't take batteries.
ummmm, neither does the 3DS. Handhelds haven't used batteries since the GBA SP in 2003. Rechargable internal batteries FTW.
I showed my ignorance I don't play video games anymore. Milenko save the money and road trip to the gathering of the Juggalos.

A trip to cave in rock would be like 350 dollars in gas from Ny with the prices gas are atm. Also he has to pay for an overpriced ticket, the food/drinks on the grounds are fucking way overpriced, the small convience store there sells packs of cigs for like allmost 8 bucks a pack. Everything else is over priced, looking at that trip it's gonna be at least 1 grand to close to 1500.
It's a shaky market but I know a perfect investment in Australia. It's just starting off. ;)
is it called the "Get Sparky a (insert item you want here) Fund?"

Although if you can't save because of a bank problem, INVEST it Milenko. Do some research, and put it in the Stock Market. Or just keep it under a Mattress or something. No need to purchase a video game system that isn't needed.
is it called the "Get Sparky a (insert item you want here) Fund?"
It's a help Sparky sign his life away fund. comes with free photos of the honeymoon.
Or just keep it under a Mattress or something.
DO NOT KEEP MONEY UNDER A MATTRESS. It's the first place people look. I'd suggest keeping it in the freezer but then I remember it's america and your money is made out of paper and I'm not sure how that would work.
It's a help Sparky sign his life away fund. comes with free photos of the honeymoon.
AAAAAAH, so it is the Get Sparky a _______ Fund. the _____ happens to be a honeymoon. And we don't want you to post the pics of the honeymoon, since you'd get bant if you posted them........

plain ol pictures from the honeymoon would be fine though.

DO NOT KEEP MONEY UNDER A MATTRESS. It's the first place people look. I'd suggest keeping it in the freezer but then I remember it's america and your money is made out of paper and I'm not sure how that would work.
yeah, the mattress thing was a joke. Lock it up in a safe.
AAAAAAH, so it is the Get Sparky a _______ Fund. the _____ happens to be a honeymoon. And we don't want you to post the pics of the honeymoon, since you'd get bant if you posted them........

plain ol pictures from the honeymoon would be fine though.
It's just for the wedding. The honeymoon I don't give a fuck about. as long as there's a mattress and No fucking cell phone reception I'm set.
Milenko what you should really spend that money on are these two things...



...I'm sure you'd get alot more joy out of them than an PS3 or 3DS

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