I may get a PS3 and have a 360

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Though I can't decide if Heavy Rain, Killzone 2 and God of War III are exciting enough prospects.

I have no interest in LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2 or Motorstorm.

Any multi format games I would get on the 360 as they're £5 cheaper. I also have no need for Blu Ray.
Depends how big of a fan you are of those series. I bought my ps3 only for final fantasy, got screwed over there :sad:. A personnel recommendation from someone who owns both consoles, if you have no interest in blue ray might not be worth it.
If you don't get excited about GOW III or Killzone then don't bother. They will be worth the exclusives that will make the console worth getting it on their own.

I want one in the next year. Resistance 2 seems great as does Little Big Planet and Ratchet and Clank.
I love Ratchet and Clank, but I don't own a PS3.

No games appeal to me on that console.
I'm on the other boat, I have a PS3 and I'm thinking abut getting a 360, dispite the fact that I always said I didn't want one. I'm an old school gamer, and I prefer the older series of games and their spinoffs. That being said, I want a 360 for the new Banjo kazooie game as well as Perfect Dark Zero, even though it's a few years old. I don't think I've played any games that came out in the past 12 months, excluding RB2 and SvR09.
Don't waste your money on games because they are exclusive, just buy Fallout 3. All you'll need for months.
Eh. I like my PS3 but have never had a problem with the 360. Comes down to price and exclusives. LittleBigPlanet you should really give a go if you decide on it, by the way. Killzone 2 and GOW3 should kick preposterous amount of ass, and are pretty much worth the PS3 if you're interested in them.
But not entirely dissimilar. Either way, I'm tired of free-roaming games. What happened to the days I'd just get strapped with a gun and told to shoot some space-Nazis? I long for Killzone.
But not entirely dissimilar. Either way, I'm tired of free-roaming games. What happened to the days I'd just get strapped with a gun and told to shoot some space-Nazis? I long for Killzone.
Call of Duty: World at War then. Complete with Nazi Zombies.
Got it. Got distracted after the first level by Prince of Persia's pretty colours. Maybe I should carry on playing it.
Got it. Got distracted after the first level by Prince of Persia's pretty colours. Maybe I should carry on.
I cant BELIVE you have no interest in littlebigplanet. I have no idea what its even about, but I want it. The advertisements are cute as the dickens
The exclusive's I have are:

Resistence 1+2: Both brilliant games, With a great story.

Littlebigplanet: It makes me feel like a kid again, So win win, Also has THE best create mode of any game that has ever come out. So simple, Yet so fun

MGS4: Amazing in every sense of the word, I havent played MGS2, Or 3, But I simply loved the game.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: At great little game, I say little, Because it's not very long.

Motorstorm 1+ pacific rift, Both great racer's, With a bit of depth.

Then on it's way are the 11 un-named RPG's, FF13V, GOW3, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2. The one's i've seen look great, Killzone FTW!
Try out Metal Gear Solid 4, awesome game.

Fallout 3 is awesome, except once you beat the main storyline you have to start the game all over again, it won't let you go back and finish the other side missions.

Really should give littlebigplanet a try.
I have a couple of acquaintances that have a PS3, but nobody I'm friendly enough with to just walk in and go "Let's see what this shit's about then." Well, there's my brother... Nah.

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