I have developed a new...


Staff member
Plan for picking up women at clubs.

Story Time.

So, last night I was out drinking again and I happened upon a little trick when it comes to picking women up at any sort of club. I first went to a Rock club and this is where the concept was developed. There was a crowd of us and me and my best friend broke away from the group to go and sit on our own for a while so we could talk some shit out. Anyway, these two girls came over and asked why we were sitting alone. Then they asked if we were gay. We told them no and then we just got talking. So, I was sitting with a girl next to me and my friend was too. She was going to the smoking area and asked us to guard her drinks. Naturally, we said OK. When she came back, she said thanks for watching the drinks and I said "Is that all I am getting, a thanks!?" Then out of nowhere it was awwwwn! So after that we went to a new club. This one is more of a popular club and the girls all want the jockish guys. Nonetheless, me and my best friend decided that we were going to try the new tactic. We went and sat alone and then saw two women sitting alone in a corner. We walked over and asked them why they were sitting alone. Then we got talking. Afterwards, I asked her to watch my drink so I could go nd get them a drink. She agreed and when I came back, I asked her if she wanted some kind of reward. Once more, It was awwwn!

OK, I am not the best looking guy by any sort of means but this seems like it is foolproof. No one can mess this up. I swear.


Now, this plan is best done with two people instead of a group. If you are with a group, ditch some of them and they will act as the fluff. Make sure that the group you are with has more than 5 people in it. This is because if the two people who are going to use Dave's method are the ones who want to see some action go and sit in a pairing and it leaves the other people in the group as a pair or a three-some, then they could go and talk to them. Now, once you are in position, scout the area. Ask yourself these questions: Number 1. Are any girls looking at you? Number 2. What are your standards? Number 3. How many girls can you see sitting in a pair? Number 4. How drunk are they?

Those questions are essential for the plan to work. I will give you the answers you need to look for. If girls are looking at you. It's game on. Go over and implement the plan that I stated earlier. Or, you can wait and see if they come to you. Always make sure you look as though you are talking about something very important in life but laugh too. Also, make sure the place you are sitting is open and not closed off because they will think that you don't want to be disturbed. If your standards are low then you can pick any two women who are sitting in a pair. Rate each woman out of 10 and the have your buddy rate you. If she is 3 above or below, don't go there, it wont end well. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. I swear women love sitting in nifty little pairs and making you do the work, so do it! If one pair says they are with someone go back to your original position and scout once more. If you see some people who are overly drunk, do not go there, they wont remember it and it will be sloppy at best.


Now, so far we have only tested this mechanism twice and twice we have both gone home very happy. I have no idea why it is so popular but it is. We are going to do it in another club next friday and see how it goes from there. The results have been 100% successful so far and I expect it is a trend.

Honestly, this plan is infallible. I love it. Definitely try it tonight Planty. If you follow that guide, I promise you will go home with someone. If you follow it and it doesn't go right, I'll go home with you to apologise... ;)


No, let me know how it goes when you do.
I'm not really the sort of guy to "try plans", because I feel like I'm using someone? And I always say I'm not a total dick.

But I may try this, we'll see ;)
No one can mess this up. I swear.
Yeah, well, figuring that this would work for women, too, Penny & I went to a "jockish" bar and tried it.

Unfortunately, the only guys we lured in were named Patterson & Brisco......and they weren't interested in us, anyway................just the drinks we asked them to watch.
Yeah, well, figuring that this would work for women, too, Penny & I went to a "jockish" bar and tried it.

Unfortunately, the only guys we lured in were named Patterson & Brisco......and they weren't interested in us, anyway................just the drinks we asked them to watch.

I don't go to clubs... like, ever... but I do know that women get really hot for me when I ignore them. It kinda sucks actually because the ones I'm ignoring are the ones I want nothing to do with. Go figure.

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