I hate the word OVERRATED


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and all of you are GUILTY OF using it. Whenever ppl like something, someone comes in and says well blank is "overrated"...use another freaking word...I have grown to dislike this word. Use "not so great" or "not as good as it could be" or "overhyped" or glorified" Those words and phrases are soo much better than overrated. Overrated is so vague and repetitive.

That word is on my hate list.
so cute Becca....:lmao: They often use that dreadful word about a certain favorite of urs.
well the bold part is self explanatory....unless ur a noob. :lmao: People always use that word to describe movies that are popular or sports teams that are popular......or players that are popular or entertainers that are popular but they never say why they feel that way...thats why the word irritates me.
I had a lot of Rep once.. Then got on Jonny's bad side and i had to rebuild it from zero
well the bold part is self explanatory....unless ur a noob. :lmao: People always use that word to describe movies that are popular or sports teams that are popular......or players that are popular or entertainers that are popular but they never say why they feel that way...thats why the word irritates me.

It's because the team, player, movie, band, etc. is given far more credit than it/they deserve;)
I think it's a good thing to be overrated. I mean, it's like one person saying "You suck because everyone likes you." I would take that as a compliment.
I don't dislike the word, but I dislike its usage occasionally.

"Nickelback is overrated".

While Nickelback are completely unlistenable to me, I find this statement rather confusing. It seems 99.9% of people on the internet think Nickelback is complete shit. So therefore, who is doing the overrating? No one. Do people know everyone that has bought a Nickelback CD's personal opinion of the band? No. Maybe they don't think they're all that good, but buy the CD because they like the music.

So yes, overrated is more just a stupid cliche than a word I hate.
I don't dislike the word, but I dislike its usage occasionally.

"Nickelback is overrated".

While Nickelback are completely unlistenable to me, I find this statement rather confusing. It seems 99.9% of people on the internet think Nickelback is complete shit. So therefore, who is doing the overrating?

I say the radio stations and mainstream listeners who buy that crap are the ones who overrate them

Do people know everyone that has bought a Nickelback CD's personal opinion of the band?

Well I would assume they like the band otherwise why the hell are they buying the damn CD's?

Maybe they don't think they're all that good, but buy the CD because they like the music.

That makes no sence what so ever, so you're saying they go out and buy music by bands they think suck cause they like shitty music?:scratchhead:

So yes, overrated is more just a stupid cliche than a word I hate.

In most cases the people using it are using it to describe something that is hugely popular that they don't like rather than to describe something that is hugely popular but doesn't deserve to be
Then the word could apply to restaurants? National chains? or food we like? Not just movies, sports?

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