I hate my school

You can walk at 90 degree angles? You have gained my respect Rusty.

Yea I remember walking up this hill called Challenge Hill. We each had to carry sticks and use them to help us walk, otherwize we would actually have fallen down. Thank God I am not overweight. If I was, I don't know how I would have made it at the top of that hill.

Seriously man it was like exactly vertical.
You know what, I had to do almost that exact same thing. :lmao:
Except we only walked 40kms and my blister didn't pop. Except it was downhill for some of it and we got to slide down the hill because it was so muddy.

Our group got rolled. We had to walk uphill while the other group mainly walked downhill.
Damn what the hell is up with Adelaide schools, you have all the hot teachers. At my school all i have to stare is the PE teacher who is pretty good looking while the rest are old and bitchy. Assistant principal is so uptight, so is in desperate need of sex...
How do you know your assistant principal wants sex?

Of course our school attracts hot female teachers, its an all boy school :p
No like she is always cranky, she is a bloody virgin. Therefore she needs someone to shut her up.

And no its not me, god no she is skinny and about 35 years old..
hmmmm...Adelaide, well I have been thinking about moving....

Because here in NSW, the teachers are luckluster minus a few exceptions.

Queensland would be good as well with the beaches and all...
Yeh well I have been to Surfers Paradise (GREAT PLACE) there twice for a holiday and all i can say is WOW

Beach + The Chicks with mini skirts = AWSOME!!

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