I Hate Kofi Kingston!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well not really.

Actually I love the guy!

I just hate how the WWE is using him. It seems to me that he's just a keeper of the IC Title until the WWE decides to use it to push someone else like Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett.

This really pisses me off because I see a lot of potential in Kofi and I can't understand why the powers that be don't seem to see the same potential.

Anyone remember his feud with Orton? How about when he went off on Ziggler after Vicki slapped him? That's some intensity that you just don't see everyday! That's championship material IMO. He's pretty decent on the mic and his ring skills are phenomenal!

And don't bring his size into this discussion because I don't think the Miz or Ziggler (who was in a championship hunt with Edge) are much bigger than Kofi.

My questions to you guys are these:

Do you think Kofi deserves a title run?

Will he ever get his shot? If not, why?

How long before his window of opportunity closes?
to be perfectly honest i think his chances of becoming a main eventer are gone because after his fued with orton wwe did NOTHING with him he went back to the mid card right where he was when it started but i personally think he guy is a great athelte with a good amount of in ring skill along with good mic skills id like to see him get a main event push but doubt it will ever happen....shame guys like kofi are stuck jobbing when Alberto Del Rio is about to win the world heavy weight title and personally i c nothing good about this guy besides his mic work i dont get it


now that that is out my system...

Kofi really does suck, from his lack of mic skills, to constant screw ups of spots, I can not tell you how happy i am to see him be nothing more then a transistional champ.

However i do feel this is a way to get him and barret on the card for mania. Kofi vs barrte at mania for the title. That will be the match i go for my beer run on :)
Kofi really isn't that great. People overrate him because he's "exciting" but hey, apparently Yoshi Tatsu is pretty exciting too, and I think he's more talented than Kofi Kingston. Kofi is robotic when he talks; he's clearly been taking the same classes as Orton. And in the ring, the only word I can ever muster to describe him is sloppy. He tries to do athletic things and sometimes they look cool, but other times he just looks out of his league. Take every single time he tries to jump from the mat to the top rope, for example. He never lands on the rope right, he always needs to fix his footing before he can start punching away. And Trouble in Paradise. Is this a kick to the back of the head, a la Alberto Del Rio, or is it a kick to the face, a la Daniel Bryan? He isn't consistent with it.

Kofi is very overrated and I really just hope he never sees the main event scene. I don't mind him being a placeholder for the midcard titles, but he really shouldn't ever be any more than that.
Kofi will not be a main event figure. Unless some main event stars have personal dramas outside the wwe or have injuryies..

Kofi botches some many moves it isn't funny.
Kingston, at least in my opinion, lacks everything I'd expect watching pro wrestling.

I'd not like to see him as a champion nor reciever a title shot, because he's got a long way to go before most fans get the "jamaican" gimmick out their minds. His in-ring skills are comparable to Orton or John Morrison, though not as properly executed, and honestly, he just reeks of jobber.
It's not his size, it's the fact that he doesn't show ground game at all.
In my opinion, he is great!!
He always gets big pop!! He is respected, in the Royal Rumble we saw John Cena respecting Kofi, and he got that style of him that even the haters stay surprised (e.g. Crossbody)


The WWE cant put everybody on the major tittle...
I am sure that WWE will give him a tittle shot and another feud, maybe puting him as heel, saying that anybody apreciate his work, and that he is going to climb by himself withouth the WWE Universe!!

And then gets is shot, but ending up losing!!
They will use an injury i am sure to put him back as a face, and puting him back to the World Tittle Picture, and then, MAYBE he ends up winning!!

For the guys that say that Kofi Kingston is average in the ring, you are STUPIDS!!!! He is one of the best performers that WWE has!!

And he really makes me remember about Shawn Michael in the ring, the only thing that you can complain is his acting, because we all saw that he is forcing, but if you say that Kofi sucks for that, you have to say that JoMO sucks so bad too!!!
The only reason I think Kofi has any chance of making it to the main event level is the lack of top faces in the company in comparison to heels. I'm really not certain about who will be the main event faces down the track in a couple of years. John Morrison? Cena? (assuming he doesn't turn heel) Orton? There's always that possibility. Personally, I'm pretty sick of him, well, his gimmick anyways. It's been said in the previous replies, that he is sloppy in the ring. He has his moments, but I just think that the midcard needs guys like Kofi. I also don't think he'll ever win a WHC.
wow...everyone is really giving up on Kofi this fast? hes only been around 3 year and people are giving up? lets not forget it took Cena 3 years to get his firist world title title....or better yet it took Edge a lifetime to get out of the midcard and prove he was ready....took him like what, 7 years? geez, Kofi will get there if he improves over time and becomes more popular....and hate how people make it seem like Edge was so great before he became world champion....he honed his craft and worked little by little on mic skills to become a great heel that was obsessed by a world title..Edge was never one of my favorites before he turned heel....he was great in the ring but thats about it, and thats where I see Kofi at now
Do you think Kofi deserves a title run?

No, he can't work a solid promo, he is completely devoid of any discernible personality, and he isn't good enough in the ring to cover for those weaknesses. In fact, he is completely outclassed in all areas by John Morrison, which says volumes about Kingston.

Will he ever get his shot? If not, why?

Quite possibly, Smackdown is lacking majorly on young top faces, however, with Sin Cara coming in and possible drafts of guys like Morrison, there are far stronger candidates to carry the belt. I like Kofi, but he isn't World Title material, unfortunately.

How long before his window of opportunity closes?

Actually, the longer he holds on as a mid-carder, I think his potential to get a reign increases to a degree. With a serious lack of ME faces, and upper mid-card veterans on their way out soon, He could still get a push. The longer he sticks around, the more of a cult following he will receive. It took Jeff Hardy and RVD years to get over without mic skills, so there is still hope for Kingston if he is patient.

Kofi is currently exactly where he should be right now, as a perennial mid-carder, who gets the IC title every once in a while, and puts over stronger candidates like McIntyre, Ziggler and Barrett. He is fun to watch, but can't draw fans into a fued to save his life, and in terms of great workers with no mic skills, he is overshadowed completely by guys like Morrison, DB, Sin Cara (assuming he can't cut a promo yet), Swagger, and Shelton Benjamin if he comes back. I'd say a heel turn could help him out, but if he can't pull that off it could hurt his chances more than help them.
I thought Kofi had great promos when he was feuding with Randy on Raw.
Right now I am not sure what is the deal, but maybe it is who he is working with because it isn't clicking. He had some good stuff when he was going up against Dolph and Vicki, but sometimes it maybe who you are going up against, but if that is the case Kofi needs to improve his mic skills. He is an amazing performer who at the moment is a mid carder. I would love to see him team up with Evan Bourne and become Tag Champs. Just wanted to throw that out there.:lol:
I thought Kofi had great promos when he was feuding with Randy on Raw.
Right now I am not sure what is the deal, but maybe it is who he is working with because it isn't clicking. He had some good stuff when he was going up against Dolph and Vicki, but sometimes it maybe who you are going up against, but if that is the case Kofi needs to improve his mic skills. He is an amazing performer who at the moment is a mid carder. I would love to see him team up with Evan Bourne and become Tag Champs. Just wanted to throw that out there.:lol:

I liked his promos with Orton, I had forgotten all about them honestly. But that's really the only time I've enjoyed him on the mic since he lost the Jamaican accent. I'm not sure what it is, but he has been in a slump since his fued with Orton in terms of promos imo.
No, he can't work a solid promo, he is completely devoid of any discernible personality, and he isn't good enough in the ring to cover for those weaknesses. In fact, he is completely outclassed in all areas by John Morrison, which says volumes about Kingston.

You just described John Morrison though. Can't work a solid promo, completely devoid of personality, and he isn't good enough in the ring to cover for those weaknesses.

I would say that Morrison is completely outclassed by Kingston in all of those areas. Morrison is most definitely a worse promo guy than Kingston. The only thing he is noticeably better than Kingston at is being a spot monkey. They both have sloppy in ring moments, but I would say that John Morrison has more of them, simply because of Starship Pain.

Honestly, the two should have the same spot on different brands. An upper level mid carder that occasionally gets tossed into main event situations like the Elimination Chamber and the like when they need a few extra bodies. It's not a bad position to be in my any stretch of the imagination, but neither man is pure main event calibre. They serve their part well on their respective brands.

At this rate it seems everyone is planning to have a full roster of Main Eventers and NO mid carders...

I agree Kofi should be used better and be on T.v more often especially during his little IC title stint just then, I barely remembered he exists until he lost it to Barret. He needs a better gimmick (not a cheesy fa- child favourite "Jamaican") and he also needs to improve his relatively dull mic skills.

But, even after all that, he's just one of those people who like their on the brink to main event but never quite make it. It's gotta happen to someone I supose...

Edit: Btw did you know the "Jamaican" fan favourite is Ghanaian... FAIL. It explains why he can't pull of a Jamaican gimmick to save his life, he should be used as a hard working, high flyer from the streets who never got into the drug business so he can prove to the world he's a great wrestler, almost a "never give up gimmick" like Cena's IMO. You could even have him join Punk and his Straight Edge crap with that gimmick *:O* (which would certainly either help his mic skills or keep those mic skills away from us xD)
I think Kofi deserves a World title run. At least a World title shot. He's pretty over with the crowd and brings lots of energy. When i read blogs saying "he can't talk" or "he's sloppy", well, Benoit made despite his lack of mic skill and Great Khali was sloppy (that is one champion I think we all would like to forget!). So why not give Kofi a run. I think WWE is going to do to him what they did with Matt Hardy (whom I belive should have been champ around 2007 instead of Khali), Shelton Benjamin, and JoMo (a guy who bust his butt for the last 6 months dominating his feud with Sheamus to get thrown in an intergender match @ 'mania with Snooki.) Kofi deserves a run. He can pick up where Mysterio will eventually leaves off. The kids love him, he's young and his future is ahead of him. He doesnt have HBK or HHH stamp on him like Orton, Drew, Sheamus or Barrett so, he might not go far.
Um folks, they stopped doing the Jamaican gimmick like 2 years ago. Remember on Raw when Triple H asked him what happened to his accent? At this point the only Jamaican thing about him is theme song which may or may not even be from Jamaica (Reggae music can come from anywhere from Trinidad to Panama and everywhere in between) . Now, as for Kofi himself, I don't know if he's a main eventer. His in ring work is fine, I do find it funny to read people bash a guy who's been doing this for like 3-6 years max, developed an impressive array of moves, and yet nitpick how he gets his footing on the ropes (would you prefer he just jumps on other people off balance? That could, you know, kill somebody), and these same people wouldn't be able to do a "boom drop" without pulling their hamstrings. The guy is an amazing athlete, as is John Morrison, and unless you can show them how exactly to do their moves botch free every time, what makes you think you can relentlessly bash them? Arm chair wrestlers, yeesh...here's my take on Kofi. He's a work in progress, like I said, he has a very unique move set, and he's not terrible on the mic, HOWEVER, I think he ends up in a Ricky Steamboat like situation, a super midcarder with an occasional M.E. spot. I have a feeling WWE may have the likes of the Miz and CM Punk turn face down the road, maybe against a heel Cena one day, because they already have M.E. level mic skills and characters. Honestly I think comparing Kofi to Edge makes some sense though, because Edge looked like a career midcarder too until the rated R heel turn. Will Kofi have any character evolution? IDK, I do know he needs to feud with veteran heels who know how to make it personal, like Orton did. A feud with his old tag team partner Punk could work, as would a feud with Y2J imo. And whoever said Alberto Del Rio can't wrestle is high, the guy is smooth as ice in the ring, are you kidding me???
In my opinion, he is great!!
He always gets big pop!! He is respected, in the Royal Rumble we saw John Cena respecting Kofi, and he got that style of him that even the haters stay surprised (e.g. Crossbody)


The WWE cant put everybody on the major tittle...
I am sure that WWE will give him a tittle shot and another feud, maybe puting him as heel, saying that anybody apreciate his work, and that he is going to climb by himself withouth the WWE Universe!!

And then gets is shot, but ending up losing!!
They will use an injury i am sure to put him back as a face, and puting him back to the World Tittle Picture, and then, MAYBE he ends up winning!!

For the guys that say that Kofi Kingston is average in the ring, you are STUPIDS!!!! He is one of the best performers that WWE has!!

And he really makes me remember about Shawn Michael in the ring, the only thing that you can complain is his acting, because we all saw that he is forcing, but if you say that Kofi sucks for that, you have to say that JoMO sucks so bad too!!!

First off I dont care where your from and how bad your english is it's spelled title.

Second Kofi sucks he botches move after move and has no charisma and can't cut good promos. I dont know how any of that equals good performer.

Third how in the blue hell can you compare his in ring work/ability to Shawn Micheals? You are either HIGH or to use your own word about people STUPID.
You just described John Morrison though. Can't work a solid promo, completely devoid of personality, and he isn't good enough in the ring to cover for those weaknesses.

I would say that Morrison is completely outclassed by Kingston in all of those areas. Morrison is most definitely a worse promo guy than Kingston. The only thing he is noticeably better than Kingston at is being a spot monkey. They both have sloppy in ring moments, but I would say that John Morrison has more of them, simply because of Starship Pain.

Honestly, the two should have the same spot on different brands. An upper level mid carder that occasionally gets tossed into main event situations like the Elimination Chamber and the like when they need a few extra bodies. It's not a bad position to be in my any stretch of the imagination, but neither man is pure main event calibre. They serve their part well on their respective brands.

Eh, to each his own I guess. Personally, I find Morrison far more entertaining in the ring, and has put on far more memorable matches with guys like Sheamus and the Miz, and he has a solid character, just very limited mic ability. I really haven't heard any promos from Kingston recently to say he is better on the mic. Maybe it was a bit of hyperbole on my part, but I still stand by my opinion that Morrison is a stronger candidate for a Title run. I do agree that neither are, at this moment, pure Maineventer quality.
Kofi hasn't been used well overall since winning the IC title for the 3rd time. With WWE's annual spring cleaning around the corner, I'm just hoping that Kofi's not on the bubble. I'm also wondering if maybe Kofi might be in for a heel turn.

I like Kofi Kingston and I really always have. I don't believe that Kofi has reached his full potential in WWE thus far. Could Kofi get a legit main event talent? I don't think he's going to be someone along the lines of John Cena or Randy Orton, guys that can step into the main event picture at anytime, but I think Kofi could be a very solid all around presence in the upper mid-card scene while making occassional trips into the main event scene like Chris Jericho or CM Punk.

I think that Kofi can cut a solid promo. His stuff with Orton was great and the few times he's been on the mic since, he's been solid. He hasn't been outstanding or anything, but he certainly hasn't been bad. Also, Kofi is just plain fun to watch in the ring in my opinion. He's had great matches against Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, etc. His match against Barrett was downright great in my view with the only downside being was that it was a little short. He has a lot of energy and the live crowds have always gotten behind him and been interested in whatever he's doing.

Roll all of those things up into a package and you've got yourself a very good pro wrestler. He might not ever reach the heights of The Rock or John Cena, but that doesn't mean that he still can't be a very positive part of the product.
Do you think Kofi deserves a title run? Not at this moment no. Had a chance during his feud with Orton to get there and it fizzled out. Not putting all the blame on him, it would have been a really good time to drop the whole Jamaican gimmick and work from there. But they haven't done anything with Kofi since to indicate or push the idea of a main event run.

The character needs retooling. they need to figure out what they're doing with a Jamaican from Ghana.

Will he ever get his shot? If not, why? He's had a main event shot already. I think it's possible that he gets another one, but I couldn't say for a certainty that it will happen. But this goes back to my answer to the first question.

How long before his window of opportunity closes? Can't say. He's still only a few years in the business and weirder things have happened.

Also bear in mind that just because someone doesn't win a world title doesn't mean they've failed as a wrestler. The mid card exist for more than that. Will Kofi ever really rise above the mid card? No clue, but right now he doesn't have the push indicating they want that.

Right now I see him the same way I do Evan Bourne and R-Truth: the guys that keep the audience excited and rooting for them regardless of who they're up against. You need that to get other talent over. Kofi as a talent is over in the WWE. He's in with the fans, they love him. But that doesn't always translate to world titles.
I don't he'll ever be in the main event or receive a title shot. As for that window of opportunity, it was only open when he feuded with Orton and then the Viper closed it after a month or two
I like Kofi but he does need a lot of work on the mic. I don't think he's as bad as some make him out to be. He does have a way to go before/if he moves up to main eventing. It definitely seems as if he is in the doghouse right now. Since winning the IC title from Ziggler, he lost many non title matches and took beat downs from Del Rio among others. Until he dropped the title to Barrett.

I wouldn't give up on him yet many guys were once in his spot and became huge stars. HHH and Jericho were both punished and had tons of heat backstage and they became legends. I doubt Kofi will become as big as those two, but if keeps working and improves his mic work. I can see him becoming a main eventer and possibly a world champion one day.
Kofi is the best Midcarder IMO.

What I want to see is more intensity like we've seen when he was up against Orton or when he was feuding with Ziggler.

They could even use this intensity for a heel turn if this would further his career. Just have him go off on someone and beat them to the point that another face comes down to stop him and let his turn on said face.
To answer your questions, first, he doesn't "deserve" a title run. He really hasn't done anything to separate himself from the rest of the midcard.

He may eventually get a shot at the title, but it isn't going to be any time soon.

As far as his window of opportunity, that all depends. If they keep him face, it's closed, will never come back. For him to get an opportunity, he needs to be turned.

The problem is that he just simply isn't over. Look who he's been in "angles" with. Jericho, CM Punk, Orton, DX....all are viewed as high upper-midcard to main event talents. Whether it be teaming with them (in the case of CM Punk or DX) or feuding with them (Jericho or Orton), he just hasn't been able to get the fans behind him as much as Vince would like to.

His feud with Orton in fact had the most opportunity to get him noticed, as Orton at the time was the top heel in the company.

It's just that for some reason, the character hasn't clicked with the fans.
Kofi is a spot monkey and he still manages to fuck up alot of spots. Robotic is probably the best way to describe him on the mic and to be perfectly honest his in-ring skills are highly overrated by many. He just has no ground game and most of the time he just bores me because it's the same basis of stuff over and over again. His gimmick annoys me and I honestly kept forgetting that he was the IC Champion until I saw him with the belt, it was THAT bad. Thank god that's now over.

Might sound a bit harsh/poorly structured in parts but it's late and I'm a tad grouchy. The bottom line is that Kofi shouldn't be getting a shot at a World title any time soon.

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