Kofi Kingston - Stuck in the middle

I think WWE is terribly misusing Kofi Kingston. He is a pretty good wrestler; he has a nice moveset with a couple good signature moves(SOS, Trouble in paradise) But they just dont know what to do with this guy. They never give him any promo time. I couldn't tell you anything aboout his mic skills because he never gets a damn mic is his hand. And what happened to that agressive mean streak he was starting to develop? After all of those postmatch attacks on Dolph Ziggler I thought we were seeing a transformation of character in Kofi that could break him through to the top. But WWE put a stop to that rather quickly.
I guess I am the only one in this thread that notices how completely awful Kofi is in the ring? He has the worst punches on his show (a show with Kelly Kelly mind you). Once he botches a move, it is like he wrestles in fast forward move to make up for it, but then things just really get ugly... Which is pretty much every match. There's no purpose to anything he does outside of proving how big of an ass he can look by jumping around.
I am one of the very major Kofi Kingston supporters on these here forums so I'm going to try and explain why I think he should be moved up the ladder so to speak. First off the guy is mega over, the crowds are always into him and he seems very marketable which would make him the perfect person to push and make a good amount of money off of. He just seems like the perfect character to push in this era that we are in. And he's on SmackDown which would make you think it would be easier to get to the top on that brand but that is obviously not the case. With Kane and Taker filling up the main event portion of SmackDown for the next good while I see Kofi feuding with someone like CM Punk until his opportunity can arise once the whole Kane/Taker debacle blows over.

Until he can get a proper opportunity in SmackDown's main event he will flounder around the mid-card perhaps differing from upper to lower but he will still stay in the spotlight. I believe him and CM Punk should be showcased in a bigger light on SmackDown, wouldn't you agree that a main event calibre feud for a world title would only benefit both men? But apparently WWE thinks having a billionth Taker/Kane feud is a far superior thing to do on the blue brand
I'd like to say that Kofi Kingston is one of the most over guys right now. He's beaten Swagger twice, beaten Jericho multiple times, had a pinfall victory against Punk and Orton (Survivor Series)of all people (Which is surprising because the only man Orton loses to is Cena). Good for Miz, but I find Kofi to be a MUCH more obvious choice for MITB I mean he has a very memorable spots in his resume (Booom drop on Orton, Boom Drop on Mcintryre). So, creative really needs to give this guy a title chasing oppurtunity if not a title run. I'd say Kofi needs to have the Orton Recipie--No not a tweener. He needs to come out every night and hit trouble in paradise. He doesn't need a feud, he needs cred. When his music hits people need to think "Someone is getting his teeth kicked in!" After that, you can put him against Santino and people would pop. I'll give you an example: Orton was in a feud with a relatively weak champion and though that feud didn't last at all, people pictured Orton kicking ass. Kofi and all other people on the rocketship to the top need that cred. Miz already does, Kofi needs that credibility and then they can put him in a well-organized feud. Oh and as far as what feud why that's pretty simple. Have the controlled frenzy face The best in the world at what he does.
I think kofi should be fired the man has terrible mic skills and can't put on a match. he botches every move and doesn't know how to sell anything. his moves are terrible no one cares where the hell he's from whether its africa or jamaica and where is his sternum he doesnt have one
I think kofi should be fired the man has terrible mic skills
He has great in ring ability and he is one of the most athletic guys in the WWE. Why would you fire someone like him? This guy can bring a lot to the table. As for the mic skills, look at Batista. He was terrible on the mic but got over with the crowd very quickly. Kofi is already over, mic skills aren't always needed to be a main eventer.

and can't put on a match.
Have you never seen his Money in the Bank matches? Have you never seen his matches with Randy Orton? Have you never seen his matches with Dolph Ziggler. He's great in the ring. His moves are energetic and jaw dropping awesome which leads to your next stupid point.

he botches every move
He's green...what do you expect? He does botch every now (I'll give you credit) and then but the moves he does following botches, make up for the botched and mistaken moves he makes. He's improved in the ring greatly and if you'd open your eyes and watch some of his matches from the beggining of his career and compare them to now, you'd see this.

and doesn't know how to sell anything.
Where's your backup? Provide a match where you don't think he does...

his moves are terrible no one cares where the hell he's from whether its africa or jamaica
Trouble in Paradise a bad move? SOS a bad move? Really? Not so sure about that? His moves are innovative. And he's from Africa, and when he wins the World Championship soon, he'll be credited with being the first World Champ from Africa;) that's why it matters

and where is his sternum he doesnt have one
...I don't think those kind of things are needed to make a good wrestler.

Truth be told, (other than your post being stupid), kofi is amazing in the ring. All that's needed is a good feud to get him going. He has the potential to be a major threat to the World Championship and to anyone holding that. Its a shame he is "stuck in the middle".
i think one of kofi's best matches was at F4W with drew, awesome reversals and psychology throughout the match. its a shame cm punk is going to raw cause i woulda loved to see those 2 feud. Hopefully after the taker/kane feud for the world title, kofi faces the next upcoming heel for the title.

and lmao at the guy couple of posts back saying he has terrible mic skills. are you serious? he's one of the better midcarders in that area easily. Shelton and morrison are good examples of being terrible on the mic, thats for sure. watch kofis promos with drew or the one recently he cut on vickie and dolph, thats bad? lol

He is the perfect midcard face to push to SD main event level, espicially the huge pops he gets in his entrance and name chants during the matches, the kids loooove him espicially.

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