I gotta go to the fucking ballet.

CH David, you seem to get stupider every post. I don't care about the shit that get's thrown at me, in fact..I made this thread for 2 reason. 1, as a rant, 2..to piss off the haterz.


Sully...you seem like a cool kid...but seriously...lay off the David... don't make me get all Hardcore Diva on you!! I will throw down!! :bringit:
:disappointed: @ Sully

Trust me Sully, they will move on if you ignore them.

Responding & getting all pissy will just make do it more because they know they're getting to you and they think it's funny.
Sully is an idiot. I wouldn't expect to see anything remotely useful out of him for at least another two years. :shrug:

Lol, it's a forum. If I was the greatest poster to ever register here, there would still be no use for me.

:disappointed: @ Sully

Trust me Sully, they will move on if you ignore them.

Responding & getting all pissy will just make do it more because they know they're getting to you and they think it's funny.

That's the thing though, I'm not getting pissy. I'm doing it because I find it funny. The way Stormtrooper responded to me was the funniest thing in the world.

@ Lita and others. Lol sorry..I didn't know CH David had so much protection..you got lucky this time David...:glare:
@ Lita and others. Lol sorry..I didn't know CH David had so much protection..you got lucky this time David...:glare:

Lulz. From what, another post saying I'm stupid, which is hilarious by the way, and you trying to act like a tough 15 year old? Boy I am so lucky.
I love dancers. In fact I was in the ballet once. I was good but got so carried away with groping the girls while we were dancing that I distracted myself and dropped one. Causing serious brain damage in another dancer is apparently grounds for dismissal.
I blow hot and cold on Sully. Sometimes he can be alright, but then he makes dumb ass threads like this, so I treat him like a dumb ass.
Lol, this thread was for my own personal benefit. Sometimes it has bad reactions..but tough shit. Comes with the job.

CH, don't take things so seriously. My last comment was a joke.

Aren't you still in College Coco? A little early to be ending people's careers don't you think?
Lol, this thread was for my own personal benefit. Sometimes it has bad reactions..but tough shit. Comes with the job.

Tough shit also comes with taking the shit flung at you.

CH, don't take things so seriously. My last comment was a joke.

Where was I serious? I am now making it a point to troll you until you can learn to quit sounding like a little bitch and also learn to not sound so stupid.
I blow hot and cold on Sully. Sometimes he can be alright, but then he makes dumb ass threads like this, so I treat him like a dumb ass.

:wtf: Uhh...wow...first he talks about ballet dancers...now you REALLY take this to another level. Just kidding. :p

Sully, you know I think you're okay. Just, deal with the ballet, its not all that bad. Like I said before, you may come away with a greater appreciation for somethings. You'd probably be surprised to see who all goes to those shows.
Tough shit also comes with taking the shit flung at you.
Not for Sully, didn't you know, he can do whatever he wants and no one can give him anything back?

Where was I serious? I am now making it a point to troll you until you can learn to quit sounding like a little bitch and also learn to not sound so stupid.
You'll be trolling forever David. Just put him on ignore, I finally did (I regret not doing it months ago).
Sully seemingly can tell if someone is angry or not just by their writing.
Problem is he is always wrong...
Not for Sully, didn't you know, he can do whatever he wants and no one can give him anything back?

Eh, it happens.

You'll be trolling forever David. Just put him on ignore, I finally did (I regret not doing it months ago).

It's all good. I don't want to ignore him. I'm doing it to get a rise out of him and laugh my ass off. Once he gets it through his head that I'm just fucking around then I'll stop.
Sully, you know I think you're okay. Just, deal with the ballet, its not all that bad. Like I said before, you may come away with a greater appreciation for somethings. You'd probably be surprised to see who all goes to those shows.

I love the ballet, that wasn't the thing. It was having to watch the ballet with people I don't like.

I love watching the ballet backstage. See all the cool tricks. But when I have to sit out front with all the snobby ushers and the normal people..it's just odd.

And I already saw it today. The band kids weren't that bad, but I don't know anybody, so I pretty much spent most of the day by myself. The show was great though. Only reason this thread got so hot was because I expressed my hate for band kids..which oddly enough pissed people off.

Still hate them. :p
Stormtrooper put me on ignore! Wow...I wish the rest of the people that gave me shit put me on ignore. Makes things a lot easier for the both of us.
I'm sure they hate you too.

If they don't just show them this thread.

Some of them actually tried talking to me, seeing I was lonely. I wasn't mean or anything, but I still preferred staying to myself. They're not my type of crowd.

The best part of the day though was getting outta class. Fucking History class is the worst, if I had to hear that bitch go "VERY VERY GOOD JOB" one more time...what really pisses me off, is she goes around looking at papers..like a 10 question little paper.

Her to another student: GOOD JOB, you got 3 of them in a row, but missed the others! GOOD TRY THOUGH. :)(She isn't being sarcastic by the way)

Her to me: You missed the last one. :disappointed:
Sully, people care as much about what you think then as much as they care what James Connolly, James Larkin and Charles Stewart Parnell had in common for setting the foundation for an independant Ireland free of british rule.

So please end this thread now.
:disappointed: @ Sully

Trust me Sully, they will move on if you ignore them.

Responding & getting all pissy will just make do it more because they know they're getting to you and they think it's funny.

...Says the guy who's been taking shit for over 3 yrs. now...

Some of them actually tried talking to me, seeing I was lonely. I wasn't mean or anything, but I still preferred staying to myself. They're not my type of crowd.

Hate to break it to you Sully, but your invisible friends don't count as a "type of crowd"

The best part of the day though was getting outta class. Fucking History class is the worst, if I had to hear that bitch go "VERY VERY GOOD JOB" one more time...what really pisses me off, is she goes around looking at papers..like a 10 question little paper.

You are seriously bitching about a teacher that compliments you when you get the answers right?!

Her to another student: GOOD JOB, you got 3 of them in a row, but missed the others! GOOD TRY THOUGH. :)(She isn't being sarcastic by the way)

Her to me: You missed the last one. :disappointed:

..and now that you know that that answer is wrong you can go back find the correct answer and next time it comes up you'll know the right answer, I fail to see how this is a problem, also if you don't like her pointing out to you that you got a answer wrong maybe you should study harder so you know the right fucking answers, it's not like history is hard
Hey, James Connolly was a great leader, so you just shut the hell up!

You're a moron. I didn't say he was a bad leader, I said that nobody gives a shit about how he and the other two i mentioned set up a foundation for an independant Ireland. My God you're an idiot.

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