I gotta go to the fucking ballet.

I played in the pep band in high school, and the football players loved us... and we weren't all that great. Instead of pretending your cool shit because you're a football player and not in the bad, look at it objectively and realize that those kids are out there to support you and make the game better for all involved.

And I must remind you, you post on an internet wrestling forum, you're not exactly the coolest fucking dude in the world.

......I still hate band kids. :glare:

And ST, I did say the people there love me, but the thing is..when I'm up front..nobody knows me. I'm like just a normal person (I know..I sound like a bitch, deal with it).
Yes, you are sounding like a whiny little bitch. Grow the fuck up some, suck it up, and deal.

And yes, dressing up does suck. I love to wear suits..look like a business man, but polos and slacks don't work for me.
Then wear a fucking suit. then you'll look really dapper and maybe pick up some chicks.
Yeah, because they probably did ANYTHING to you....

They are even worse during football games, especially away games. Whenever we have to stand on the sidelines, and they are right behind us.

They suck, they think their little band competitions on Sunday mornings are all important, you know what they said at the start of the year "Well at least we win" in one of their nerdy voices. You know..the kind you have when you get a cold. NO, you don't fucking win. IT'S A BAND COMPETITION!
Band Competitions are just as much competitions as football games. And yes, if they are in a competition, and they get first place, then yes, they do win, and to say they don't is just ignorant shit, which coming from you is not surprising.

You CHOSE to go you stupid shit, stop whining about it, if you don't want to go then you shouldn't have chosen to, it's really that fucking simple, and seriously keep picking on the band kids, just don't be surprised when they start beating the ever loving piss out of you with their instruments, and you become the laughing stock of the entire fucking school

My god you are the whiniest little fuck I have ever met
Damnit Justin, this is the second time I've tried to rep you this thread and I can't.

You hit the nail on the head. Band kids better beat Sully the fuck up, and Sully IS the whiniest little fuck I've ever e-met.
I'm not a fan of the ballet myself, but I do enjoy a good play. I saw Time Stands Still in New York over winter break and it was very good. It had Laura Linney, Eric Bogosian, and Christina Ricci, as well as this other actor who has been in a lot of other plays.

Maybe it will be good.

And ST, I did say the people there love me, but the thing is..when I'm up front..nobody knows me. I'm like just a normal person (I know..I sound like a bitch, deal with it).

And yes, dressing up does suck. I love to wear suits..look like a business man, but polos and slacks don't work for me.


FUCK YOU! I was a band kid! and FUCK. I was pretty popular too.
Oh I think you know what voices I'm talking about

You hear voices in your head
They come to you
They understand
They tell you things that you will do
They show you things you'll do to others
They talk to you, they talk to you!
Sully, if we have to deal with your moronic shit, you have to deal with the shit that is getting thrown back at you. Man up ya twat.
CH David, you seem to get stupider every post. I don't care about the shit that get's thrown at me, in fact..I made this thread for 2 reason. 1, as a rant, 2..to piss off the haterz.

I don't mind ballet, and sorry if I ever said something to think otherwise. I grew up watching them backstage. What I minded, was having to watch it out front with a bunch of band kids.

Wanna know why I hate band kids. The one I had to sit next to, not only acted like a 3rd grader, but he also didn't even know Ballet was just dance and music. They expect singing and talking.

Stormtrooper via rep said:
seriously, every time you open your mouth, you spew stupid shit. I hope you pour chocolate milk down a band kids trumpet, and he then beats the fuck out of you with said trumpet, then sues you for the damage to the instrument.

Ayo sully lay off the david, else ye might be mauled by bears

yeah for some reason i was feelin' the olde english there for a second

Haven't you watched Hey Arnold? Gerald that shit up and bring some music and nap *****



Sully, you were so much better when you were I Want To Suck Obama Off. No, not because you were a better poster, but because you were where you belong, not among the masses. The only thing better then IWTSOO would be Sully. You sir, are a useless piece of shit ruining the WrestleZone Forums. Do everyone in the universe a favor and just shut the fuck up, post some fucking porn here, and get the fuck out, never to waste our time with your presence ever again. You sir are the problem with America, and why I shudder to think of what the future of this once great country will be.
You are only motivating me more Stormtrooper. The more you hate, the longer I stay and try to improve.

Lol @ your post though. I suggest taking a deep breath, and counting to ten.
why should I take a deep breath, I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed that you're not permabant, or have your arms chopped off (preventing you from wasting our time here with your stupid shit).

How in the blue hell did you even get out of prison? Surely you haven't improved, and if you have, then God help us before prison, since you can't get much worse then what you are right now.
I'd only get permabant if I broke a rule..and last time I checked..I didn't break any rules. :shrug:

And obviously you are angry, whether it be about me, or something else..you are angry. You and Macca should team up. Get D Man, Dave, Macca, Bill Lesnar, you can all form a mob. :lmao:
Sully is an idiot. I wouldn't expect to see anything remotely useful out of him for at least another two years. :shrug:

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