I got kicked out of my house

Dragon, I also remember you coming to me with your problems as well. But you yourself have to make the decision to be a better person. You can listen all the fuck you want, but until you decide for yourself, then you are still lost.

Yeah I remember and you were nothing but sweet to me Monkey, I have no idea what changed.

Don't tell me what I am or am not. Your assumptions are based on nothing but age old stereotypical ideals.
But how can he improve if he doesn't know what needs improvement? He might think everything is perfectly fine with himself and his life. Until he's told what the complaint is how can he work on it? He might work on the wrong thing.
But how can he improve if he doesn't know what needs improvement? He might think everything is perfectly fine with himself and his life. Until he's told what the complaint is how can he work on it? He might work on the wrong thing.

Or he could work on all the aspects of his life. Jesus Christ was one man who had the whole world on his shoulder, but did he ever give up? I dont think so.
Yeah, comparing a 19 year old kid to Jesus Christ. That's a fair standard to live up to.

Sometimes people need help from OTHER people Monkey. Like, for example, drug rehabilitation, or AA. Or are those just other cases of weak-minded people being scammed out of their money?
Yes that's true and he also said let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I'd say you've thrown a few in here.
I dont agree. Because their is NOTHING a person cannot overcome. Abolutely nothing. Most people take the easy way out, which is fine and dandy for them, but until they figure it out for themselves then they will not be truly healed. Rape is a horrible horrible thing, but just because it happens doesnt mean you shouldnt talk about it. Deal with it, like I said before it happens all the time. Yes, I myself went through it. but my god. Figure it out for yourself. Because if you dont, you're only shor changing the only person in the world that should matter to you.

Really Monkey? Really? Out of all the Bullshit you have ever said this definitely takes the biscuit. What the hell happened to you? The hypocrisy, the stupidity..Congratulations, you are now an ass.
Yes, because i was once heavily influenced by Coke, Acid, Alcohol, and every other mind altering thing in the world. Sure I still smoke, and still partake in weed. But I have made the decision myself to stop almost everything and in time I can stop it all, without spending a dime on therapy. Self righteous? Maybe, but I still believe it. Im proud of what I've done with my life. No matter what my problems are, because I know I've done it all on my own.
So wait, you're bringing in references to Jesus and then saying that you did it all on your own? Which is it?
Yes, because i was once heavily influenced by Coke, Acid, Alcohol, and every other mind altering thing in the world. Sure I still smoke, and still partake in weed. But I have made the decision myself to stop almost everything and in time I can stop it all, without spending a dime on therapy. Self righteous? Maybe, but I still believe it. Im proud of what I've done with my life. No matter what my problems are, because I know I've done it all on my own.

Okay thats it Monkey. I really like you. I do. But all of my respect for you is officially gone. You calling drug rehabilitation and AA bullshit is so fucking ridiculous and offensive to me, that I can't believe someone would say it. I cannot believe you'd believe something so fucking stupid and wrong. Just because YOU could make it by without help, that means it's bullshit? I'm sorry Monkey, I love ya, but FUCK YOU if you're going to sit here and insult basically my entire family, myself, and what I and others have spent years of our lives working with. I'm glad you're so tough and awesome that you never need anyone's help ever. Some people need help, and if you want to deride them for that, well, than you're just an asshole, plain and simple.

Why are you doing this Monkey? :disappointed:
I used Jesus as an example. If you would read it then it would leave itself to the fact that I did nothing more. I said he himself carried the whole world on his shoulders, but chose to do something else but bitch about it.
So what if he didn't bitch about it? The Bible says to go to your friends and neighbors for help in times of crisis. I don't ever recall saying do it alone, and I've read that book a good many times.
Oh and Monkey, just for fun, there's about zero evidence to suggest that Jesus Christ ever even existed. So, not exactly a valid argument.
Oh and Monkey, just for fun, there's about zero evidence to suggest that Jesus Christ ever even existed. So, not exactly a valid argument.

please don't say that because Roman's kept bloody good records, and there is this guy called Joesephus or something like that, he wrote about the Jewish rebellion of AD69 he mentions Jesus.
not really im tryin to figure that out right now. I hate to do it because im not a mooch but I have no alternative im not naive enough to try to be on the street.

It's not mooching if you're in dire straits. Now is the time when you see how real and strong your relationships are with others. Hopefully, you have friends and family that will help you out.

What did you do wrong?
Definitely sucks to hear. Good luck with everything. But:

Nut up or shut up.

Put me in Razor's boat here. I agree with Monkey, just not in those exact terms. It's always good to find a shoulder to lean on, but it really is time to put it all together for yourself. Like just about everyone else, I'm here to listen or offer advice, but in the long run there's nothing anyone here can do to figure out your life for you.

You're being an ass. It's so easy to spew that kind of shit when you're not in the same situation yourself.

It's a lot easier to say it when you are in a similar situation, like I am.
Oh, missed this thread, before I talk to Christian, I would just like to talk about my feelings on this thread. And as this is not the 1950s suburbia, I as well as any man has that right. Only a real man has the abilty to ask for help.

Now Christian. Check your local services. We have a lot in my local community to help people in this case. If not, ask any friends, Anyone from the wrestling school, etc. Better than being on the streets as cold weather moves in. Then you should talkto your parents and plead with them to take you in. It is better than losing you, and they should know it. Maybe talk about your life goals with them, and start saving up for a place of your own, have about three months of living expenses ready, and then move out. Start looking for stable employment as soon as you can. If nothing checks out in your local community, It might be time to move on, to where your family lives.
It is a widely accepted fact among historians that Jesus Christ did indeed exist. It's his divinity that is called into question.

Not really. I'd love for you to show me some definitive evidence that Jesus ever lived, because outside of the Bible and other religious texts, there's about zero evidence that he ever lived.
Holy shit, CB.

Well to be honest, here's what I would do:

1) Beg the fucking shit out of your parents. Get 2 jobs, and basically kiss their ass until they cave. Fuck pride and dignity, you have to find a place to live. If they let you come back, work 24/7 until you have enough money so you can move out.

2) Stay with friends, family, or people from your wrestling school. As TM said, you'll have to find a place, because the cold weather is moving in soon.

3) Live in your car. While it may not be the safest thing to do, it's better than freezing to death. Take a couple of blankets from home, and live in your car. Get knives, guns, metal baseball bats, etc. for protection. Look for work in the day, and at night, cover your windows, lock your doors, and park in a safe place. It won't be comfortable, but it will give you a place to stay until you get back on your feet.

Hopefully I've helped, and you will be in my prayers.

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