I fell victim to racism...

Will, shut the fuck up. It is racist when she is denying white people something that she is giving to black people. It's been happening all year and I'm doing something about it. I wasn't even going to get any topping on my rice, it's the principle of the matter. And we don't have "Principal", we have a Dean of Students, who happens to be my supervisor. I told her about it and the lunch lady is on temporary leave while they are "investigating" what happened. I don't usually eat in the cafeteria cus the food sucks, but when I do i always see some kind of racism going on.

And Norcal is right, just because she is "busting her ass" for a living, that doesn't excuse her from doing her job right. Her job is simple, put whatever food a student wants on their plate. That's her job description.
I'd like to point out, for those who still have yet to notice, that this thread is about some kid's intention to get someone fired cuz he don't get no sauce. lulz
Neither rice nor marinara are things considered to be stereotypical items that the black population love, so I don't find this racist. If she were to give them fried chicken it could be considered racist. Or if she gave you Michael Bolton tickets. Move on.
I have a black friend who loves Michael Bolton and hates fried chicken. We call him Whitey.

Because his last name's Whitesmith.

In 2008 she voted for "CHANGE", well she's going to get a change. A change in jobs. It's bull shit.

No one else picked this up? Just because she's black she voted for Obama? And you're calling her racist for not putting fucking sauce on your rice?

Here's an idea. Be a grown ass adult and put the sauce on your own damn rice. Take the ladle and get the sauce yourself. If you can't, then ask another worker for the sauce. You're an adult and you pay for that food through your cafeteria fees, so do it yourself.

I've never liked Mississippi, and this really doesn't change my ideas about that place any. Grown college students whining about sauce on their rice and claiming racism when they make a blatantly racist remark in the same breath.
Will, shut the fuck up. It is racist when she is denying white people something that she is giving to black people. It's been happening all year and I'm doing something about it.

Wait, so racism to you is when someone is giving something to one set of individuals but not another.

So a Mother (any race/color) is racist, because she only feeds her children breast milk, and not the hobo licking his lips wanting some too?

I wasn't even going to get any topping on my rice, it's the principle of the matter. And we don't have "Principal", we have a Dean of Students, who happens to be my supervisor. I told her about it and the lunch lady is on temporary leave while they are "investigating" what happened. I don't usually eat in the cafeteria cus the food sucks, but when I do i always see some kind of racism going on.

So, lets just run this down genius. They put her on suspension and temp. leave. So they can look into your whining, complaining and crying like a little bitch over something you didn't want. (or rather, couldn't have)

What exactly is the investigation going to be of? Interviewing white and black students whether she was offering or denying them sauce? So what if the black students claim she didn't offer them any? Does it make them liars, because you claim to have seen otherwise?

And because your lips are apparently so attached to the Dean of Students ass, it makes your story the right one?

Instead of putting her on leave, and basically leaving her fate up to who has more friends, You or the Lunch Lady. (Paid off or otherwise) Maybe the smart thing would have been setting up a secret way of watching her in action. Catching her actually DOING this crime you're accusing her of.

And Norcal is right, just because she is "busting her ass" for a living, that doesn't excuse her from doing her job right. Her job is simple, put whatever food a student wants on their plate. That's her job description.

I swear this is one of the legit times when if I even remotely seen a forum member in real life, I'd want to knock them on their ass.

NorCal may of had a point, but it wasn't in helping you to look right in being a whiny little bitch who didn't get his way over something you even said you never wanted.

You just admitted to simply wanting to make this Woman's life miserable, because you claim shes ignoring white people and giving black people a sauce. When in reality, all I seen in this story, is her ignoring YOU. And you being upset that someone didn't give you the special type of attention your little bitch ass thinks he deserves.

Final thing. I never even noticed what Razor pointed out, about your little back-handed racist comment.. but if thats the truth, not only should you be banned from this forum. I can only hope someone else here, knows where you are and what school you attend, so they can show them your true colors. You stupid little racist fuck.
So you endangered a woman's job just because you didn't get some fucking sauce on your rice?

Way to make the rest of us white people look like assholes. Twat.
No one else picked this up? Just because she's black she voted for Obama? And you're calling her racist for not putting fucking sauce on your rice?

Here's an idea. Be a grown ass adult and put the sauce on your own damn rice. Take the ladle and get the sauce yourself. If you can't, then ask another worker for the sauce. You're an adult and you pay for that food through your cafeteria fees, so do it yourself.

I've never liked Mississippi, and this really doesn't change my ideas about that place any. Grown college students whining about sauce on their rice and claiming racism when they make a blatantly racist remark in the same breath.

This. Seems like a case of pot calling the kettle black.

....No pun intended...

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