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I am genuinely insulted and you should be too.

There are less plot holes then you think. If you pay attention to the whole show, it would clear up a few for you.

1) "Security should be stopping this man" - Cena actually said that since security was beat up by Nexus upon their arrival, they support Cena and what he is doing. Makes a lot of sense to me. It's not like Cena, who has been with WWE since 2002 on the main level, wouldn't know all of security. He does, and if you want to get technical, he could call them and say "hey, I'm coming to the show to kick Nexus' ass. Don't stop me" and they would oblige because they don't like Nexus who beat them up. I think that should be more than enough there.

2) "Cena is fired and should go away" - I'm not going to give the same "it's fake" line, but if you got yourself fired from the job you love most by doing what you thought was right and the guy you hate the most mocked you for it, wouldn't you love to get revenge? Wrestling is about fantasy. Much like Austin kicked the boss' ass and tickled the fantasies of wrestling fans who hated their boss, Cena is tickling the fantasy of kicking the asses of the guy(s) who got him fired and tormented him for months. He can't do so in a match, but he can run rogue and kick ass. It's not that crazy.

Now let's talk about the rest. Cena having a microphone is for production. Obviously it's a minor thing that you just kind of have to block out. If he doesn't have it on, you can't hear the thing. This is not new and is part of a SHOW. This is a show that isn't real. In this case, I use that card to remind people that you do have to suspend disbelief to remember that these are performers and thus, to perform an angle, you need to execute it on television.

Stuff like his music playing tonight are also kinda inconsequential. The man was standing in the ring. He used to work for WWE. They obviously didn't get rid of his music (hell, the still have all the legends music even if they haven't worked for WWE in 20 years), so if you are the music guy and you see Cena standing tall in the ring, wouldn't you play his music? If you try and think of things this way, everything will make a lot more sense.

Anyone trying to criticize this thing is really nitpicking. You had an expectation that was probably unrealistic in that Cena would go away for a while and just be fired. He dealt with it in a more ruthless way, and one that kept him as a thorn in Nexus' side. The only "holes" would be the fact that it's a show so cameras are on him and he has a microphone on his hip. If you can't understand why that is, you don't understand how television works. This is still a television show, and as one with a long running story, it's doing a fine job. Please understand these aspects and it will surely calm you down. If not, I'm sure we can get a hold of all the somas that WWE wrestlers can no longer take for ya.
This storyline was GREAT before, I was so interested in John Cena because it looked like he was going to turn heel, I honestly thought he would, and WWE continued to tease us and it didn't go through. Survivor Series had a great build to it with the main event match, now that match seems pointless too. Cena came back just 2-3 weeks after being "fired". It just doesn't make sense. I was actually interested in the Cena character, now he's back to being stale. I just accepted that WWE has dropped the ball with this angle.

Also whatever happened to the mystery GM? Whatever happened to the leader of Nexus? Whatever happened to all this interesting plots? Now it all just...disappeared?
JJYanks I think you are talking much sense.
Wrestling isn't perfect. Simple as. we have had all these example from the past of HHH, Mae Young, Austin etc. And thats what wrestling is, unrealistic. You have to take everything with a pinch of salt. We had Santino win the tag titles tonight from the Cobra - a poke in the eyes, that is far more unrealistic than the Cena angle.
But back to the main argument. I had lost interest in the angle before tonight and now think the ultimatum from the rest of Nexus is a great swerve and another angle in this huge story. I had views like Elementz of Fear (not as extreme though lmao), but then just thought tbh, its the only thing they can do with it. And looking at it, it is the way it would run. Not one in the WWE would be pissed off with Cena coming back like he has, they have all been fucked with Nexus over the last months, so you it is obvious that this will happen, everyone will help him in anyway to get rid of the Nexus, look how much they have destroyed the WWE, you saying that you will want Cena out because he lost just cause he lost? No you wouldn't. And yes the mic's and camera's are the best, but how else are they gonna do it? Like I said everything WWE does you need to take with a pinch of salt.
I agree with the OP. I am also bitterly dissapointed as to how this Cena/fired angle has turned out. If Cena is fired he should be "fired". He shouldnt be on WWE Programming at all. Buying tickets as a fan then jumping the rail to attack Nexus smacks of hypocripsy.

Yeh it aint real, its a story, but its a dumb story. The only way this fired angle would work would be if Cena was busy outta the ring. He aint, and WWE want his mug on TV which is understandable but completely ruins all future firing storylines.

Cena shudda got fired at this coming TLC. He should of being off TV until the Royal Rumble where he makes a suprise return. The next night on RAW it is explained how/why he returned.
Was obvious from day 1 that he wasn't really fired. Why would they take there number 1 source of income off TV intentionally?

Now i do agree that the way they went about it with the aftermath is ******ed. But common, this is wrestling/sports entertainment, when is the last time anything was logical or made perfect sense? i can answer that, not since WWF admitted to the media it was fake. and wasn't in the rasslin' business, rather in the business of entertainment

Would think at the tender age of 21 you wouldn't be so naive. Now granted i am going on 38 and have been watching WWF since 1983, have seen it all so nothing is really new anymore. This sort of storyline has happened numerous times in the past with other people that were "fired" and returned within a month or the following night.

or lost a retirement match at WrestleMania, the following week they were still wrestling, and a fued insued that got them reinstated by Survivor Series and onto WrestleMania to battle for and win the WWF Championship. Ok that has only happened once :) OOOOOO YEAHHHHHH!!!!!

Thaey have really dropped the ball with Nexus period, they've given possiblities after possiblities and other than Wade Barrett getting a couple of title shots it's all being for nothing other than maybe to refresh the love/hate relationship between Cena and the crowd. and get people to tune in hoping to see Cena turn heel.
You have no reason to be insulted. If someone has the power to fire you, shouldn't it be obvious that they have the power to hire you? You're making a big fuss over nothing.
@Klunderbunker: So, wrestling isn't real? Thank you for that enlightment. The problem is, when the audience knows something isn't real, you have to work twice are hard to make them suspend their disbelief long enough for you draw them and become engaged in the story. Hence why in BraveHeart if a plane flew over head, the director would yell 'Cut', as having that in the film would ruin the film by making the audience pull back, knowing it wasn't real and undermining that suspension of disbelief. Just because you're aiming a show at pre-teenage audience doesn't mean you can be sloppy. Even young kids will pick obvious things like JC having a camera with him etc and then the illusion is lost.

This is doublely potentially damaging as if even the 10yr olds are saying, thats stupid, and the adult audience has already tuned out, what are you left with? Actual wrestling? That's been almost a dirty word in the company for over a decade. And Cena stories have never rested on the quality of the wrestling because JC only knows 5 moves, so that leaves the barrel empty. Did the OP take things too personally? Yes, if you don't like it, switch over or at least just DVR the programme and fast forward. But when the lead energies of the flagship go into something which makes no sense, especially when it had such potential, then it is reasonable to be irked by the sloppiness.

Most TV drama shows where the writing is crap, the dialogue forced and the characters one dimentional get canned, regardless of the demographic of the target audience. WWE maybe too big to be affected by those normal constraints, but its no excuse for a sloppy piss poor story execution. PV
Was obvious from day 1 that he wasn't really fired. Why would they take there number 1 source of income off TV intentionally?
Because they have a trustworthy #2 source of income. But we all know that's not the case, do we?
Now i do agree that the way they went about it with the aftermath is ******ed. But common, this is wrestling/sports entertainment, when is the last time anything was logical or made perfect sense? i can answer that, not since WWF admitted to the media it was fake. and wasn't in the rasslin' business, rather in the business of entertainment
It doesn't have to make sense. But it should be entertaining. There is little to be entertained with when the guy gets fired and just goes like business as usual. WWE has had John Cena being tortured, enslaved, dishonored, fired and re-hired (not yet, I know) over the course of 3 months. Soap Opera's air daily and have their plots spanned across a year. This just sped through 3 months. By the time we get to the one year anniversary, The Nexus will either be long gone or complete waste of space.

Would think at the tender age of 21 you wouldn't be so naive. Now granted i am going on 38 and have been watching WWF since 1983, have seen it all so nothing is really new anymore. This sort of storyline has happened numerous times in the past with other people that were "fired" and returned within a month or the following night.
Funny part is this time, it seems to be played on fast forward. He lost to Barrett and less than 2 months later he was free from him. WAAAY too short.

or lost a retirement match at WrestleMania, the following week they were still wrestling, and a fued insued that got them reinstated by Survivor Series and onto WrestleMania to battle for and win the WWF Championship. Ok that has only happened once :) OOOOOO YEAHHHHHH!!!!!
See? Build. Length.Longetivity. It isn't rocket science.
haey have really dropped the ball with Nexus period, they've given possiblities after possiblities and other than Wade Barrett getting a couple of title shots it's all being for nothing other than maybe to refresh the love/hate relationship between Cena and the crowd. and get people to tune in hoping to see Cena turn heel.
Not even that. Cena was a part of a heel group but acted more like a babyface than he ever was.
Again, the storyline was a let down from the start of the "fired" part the OP mentioned, not the entire storyline. Just a section, so calm down nobody's attacking the storyline as a whole. If there would have been a little more of a suspenseful feel to it it would've worked better. I mean, anytime you didn't see Barrett w/Nexus you knew Cena was going to show. And they had him talking too much. I think that was another reason it wasn't working from the "jumping Nexus" angle. They should have had him utter maybe just a small "I told you" here and there, or just point at the camera as Barrett watched, that kind of thing. And again, this is what the forum was designed for. Discussing both what one likes and doesn't like about wrestling, and for all of you "suspend believe, it's just a show, blah, blah blah" people, we know. We understand that or we wouldn't watch it. But that doesn't mean to sit complacently in front of the tv never questioning or feeling indifferent. Hell, if everybody had that attitude there would be no boos and cheers in the live audience, they'd be just sitting there watching and that would be pretty boring. Let he who is without a drop of emotion or opinion cast the first stone...
I think it is a bit stupid that he appears in the crowd with a ticket, but is still in his wrestling gear and pads...I know its scripted, we all do, but they could at least put the effort into making it look more realistic. Maybe have the commentatos put down the headsets giving us "dead time" when Cena invades the ring, or have loads of security, Vince and agents etc, come out and try and calm Cena down, WITHOUT microphones, and just not talk about him when he is on camera in the crowd to make it look like he really has been fired.

If security have to escort him out of the building, dont do it through the backstage areas, do it through the crowd and put him into a police car outside the arena. Also, DONT INTERVIEW HIM, he isnt meant to work there any more!!!

Or my favourite suggestion was just to not have him show up at Raw immediately after bring sacked, give it a few weeks

Just a few ideas
This makes complete sense. You basically answered your own dilemna. Of all the people that have the ability to stop Cena from reigning havoc, no one wants to besides Nexus. Security and the police love the guy. WWE management doesn't want to prevent their number one money maker from being on the show.

Stone Cold's firing did not make sense to me way back when since it makes no sense for McMahon to fire his number one money maker. However, I justified it by assuming McMahon's ego is bigger than his greed.
I have been watching WWF/E since i was around 8 years old and this has got to be one of the worst planned out storylines i have ever seen. First of all, i feel WWE had something really good going when the whole nexus/ cena started out at for the first time since the PG rating came into play, i have been excited about raw each monday night. But in my opinion WWE has full on dropped the ball with this one because in the story they have fired john cena. WHY!! does he keep coming back each and every week if he is fired. You wouldnt get a fired sales man coming back and beating the shit out off his imployers and work mates. i just think WWE has pulled us into one of the best story lines of the year and slapped us in the face with!!!
I think it is a bit stupid that he appears in the crowd with a ticket, but is still in his wrestling gear and pads...I know its scripted, we all do, but they could at least put the effort into making it look more realistic. Maybe have the commentatos put down the headsets giving us "dead time" when Cena invades the ring, or have loads of security, Vince and agents etc, come out and try and calm Cena down, WITHOUT microphones, and just not talk about him when he is on camera in the crowd to make it look like he really has been fired.

If security have to escort him out of the building, dont do it through the backstage areas, do it through the crowd and put him into a police car outside the arena. Also, DONT INTERVIEW HIM, he isnt meant to work there any more!!!

Or my favourite suggestion was just to not have him show up at Raw immediately after bring sacked, give it a few weeks

Just a few ideas

Agree with all this, but I really don't mind if Cena has bought tickets and if he intervenes with matches etc. But he does need to change his look a little, how about keep the knee-pads etc but wear jeans and a random T-shirt? Then wear knee-pads and all the other wrestling gear on inside or out to make it seem as though he's rushed to get ready??

Also have him do little things like steal a mic off CM Punk so he can talk to everyone *then we can get one of CM Punk's funny little reactions xD*.

I'm also not buying the "security-don't-give-a-crap-because-Nexus-beat-them-up" stuff, atleast have some security chase him along with Nexus because after all thats what would happen if I jumped over the barriers and started breaking announce tables and spilling CM Punk's "diet soda".
I can see your anger OP, but insulted? There have been more things to be insulted in wrestling :necrophilia, faking the death of someone etc.

This time it is just annoying. As many posters said, and specially Killjoy, all thus build up for months, like 6 months for nothing. Just for Cena be like he wasn't fired. The E isn't doing their best job, I mean they could put a little effort to it. Being fired and yet Cena come to the WWE's event on his trouces? Wearing his merchandise? Apparently, John Cena DOESNT HAVE STREET CLOTHES.

After all this bs, Nexus doesn't seem vinculated to a "bigger picture" but rather to John Cena. The Nexus isn't a storyline, it is a John Cena's feud and nothing more. Don't be surprised if they don't make til Mania... :shrug:
And seriously, the only way a swerve REALLY works is when nobody expects it.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to "keep anything quiet" with the internet and wrestlezone, twitter and facebook?
Was it a great swerve? Uh, no.
Was it kinda stupid? Hell yeah!
But everybody *knew* beyond a shadow of a doubt that Cena was NOT going away... So EVERYBODY expected it to go a different way. Perfect set up for a swerve! Is the "Juan" explanation really satisfactory? Well, no.
But since when does that matter?
I can see your anger OP, but insulted? There have been more things to be insulted in wrestling :necrophilia, faking the death of someone etc.

And the OP never said he wasn't insulted w/those storylines either. But saying stuff like that is about the equivalent of saying "Yeah, maybe I murdered people, but at least I didn't eat them like Hannibal Lecter did". Or telling your parents you shouldn't be punished for doing something wrong because "Johnny down the street is much worse". Point is, just because there have been worse doesn't mean that a person can't be insulted by the current. Besides, this storyline with Cena being "fired" could be considered insulting because it has been done in the past a lot more successfully and much better by the same company that's doing it now. I mean, how do you do something bad when you've already done it good before?
Yeah, I have to agree that some people take it way too seriously. Don't misunderstand me, being a passionate fan is a great thing but you have to stop and actually look at how things are exactly. Professional wrestling storylines always have been and always will be filled with various plot holes and lapses in logic.

Whenever I sit down to watch wrestling, I want to be entertained first and foremost. It's one thing to dislike what's being put up on the screen for you to watch, that's completely understandable after all and perfectly natural. However to just sit and nitpick at every little detail in the hopes of running across something to complain about is something I've never understood quite frankly. If you do that, then you'll find TONS of things "wrong" about any wrestling program put out by any wrestling company in existence. If you're looking for storytelling on the lines of To Kill A Mockingbird or Lawrence of Arabia, then I don't know why the hell you watch wrestling.

Very few people legitimately believed that John Cena was going to be fired. John Cena is the biggest star in wrestling, so of course he wouldn't be fired. However, when Cena was "fired" for not helping Wade Barrett win the WWE Championship, they were interested and tuned in to see exactly what the WWE would do with him, if his presence would be felt in other ways, the circumstances surrounding his return, any other little surprises or bumps in the road he'd have to face, etc. All of these factors, and quite possibly others, are what primarily has had people interested. Would I have preferred Cena to disappear from WWE television for about a month? Quite frankly yes, because I think it would simply have added much more meat to the angle. However, just because the WWE went in a different direction than I would've done doesn't mean that I think the whole storyline is shit. Way too many net fans have certain scenarios that they have in their head as to what they want to see happen. If it doesn't play out on the tube as it does in their heads, they get bent out of shape. Not everything HAS to work out EXACTLY how we feel they should. In fact, everything CAN'T work out the way we feel they should because it's not a fantasy league.
My first post is in a Cena thread? That's a little sad. Oh well.

What we're seeing here is the power of the Unions. Yes, Barret fired Cena, and management has to 'uphold' that, but the rank and file don't. Security turn a blind eye because they hate Barret and want Cena back. Production still play his music to show their support, and to piss off Nexus. Management don't do anything because they'd actually quite like Cena back as well. The only way WWE has failed so far is that they didn't show Cena talking with security, or Kidman in the truck, they just had Cena say it in a promo ("show, dont tell", the ultimate mantra in storytelling). We saw it a little with the other wrestlers beating on Nexus last week, which was cool. Of course, most kids watching wont need to see some of this, they'll have already accepted it, it'd just be cool for the older peeps.

There's now a great opportunity to see the entire WWE trying to force Barret to rehire Cena, and I hope they continue to tease it for a while, not just have him re-hired next week.

WWE hasn't dropped the ball, but whenever Cena looks like he might actually be winning, haters gonna hate.
WWE is actually doing everything that doesn't make sense to keep us on our toes. Nobody thought that Barrett would defeat Cena and he would be forced to join the Nexus. When that happened, people thought the heel turn was coming. It didn't. Then during the freed or fired match, WWE could have easily had Barrett win, Cena freed, Miz cash in, none of this fired stuff going on. Now we all think Cena will be rehired next week. I say Barrett holds strong, and doesn't rehire him. WWE has stopped worrying about the storyline and cares only about fooling us.

To the OP, if you are mad that Cena shows up and causes mayhem when he is "fired," then please get pissed off that this entire storyline started when 7 guys who did not work for the WWE joined Barrett and completely destroyed the ring, set, and any staff or superstar that looked in their direction.

WWE's goal is this: We want as many veiwers as possible. With that being said, turn off your tv set, and tell me you don't want to know how they will wrap this up next week or whenever. Everyone wants to know when he will be rehired, and from what i've read, everyone thinks it's next week. I'm saying, don't be surprised if the swerve is on again.
its ok that cena shows up and attacks nexus randomly but his music should not have played. i understand the promo he and barrett had because barrett invited him in the ring and gave him the mic but he is fired. there should be atleast some1 else in the wwe steping up and saying "sorry cena, i agree with ur fight against nexus but ur fired u cant just show up anymore". also it was very stupid that cena ended raw and not miz/orton. shit cenas still runing around in his wwe gear. atleast show up in some regular street cloths.
This is the same company who had Mae Young give birth to a Ham for crying out loud. How about Katie Vick? The PG WWE isn't writing for 21 year old men. It's writing for the kids who still are back woods enough to believe. While I love the fact that I can fast forward thru the wrestling and just watch the entertainment part of the show, which for me is all the talking and story lines. You have to have an understanding that it's just a show man, not real life. Now turn the PS3 off and go get a job!
This is the problem with pro-wrestling and it's cult-like following... they seem to forget that at the end of the day, this is just a television show. It's a broadcast of written storylines, drama, characters, and entertainment. If you watch a TV show and it "insults your intelligence" then you're insulting MINE by pretending that the storyline was so serious that you needed to vent to us in the way that you did. But welcome to the internet wrestling community, right?

Since the internet created bulletin boards and forums that discuss pro-wrestling, there have always been groups of people who dissect the product and think they could write better storylines, wrestle better in the rings, or give better promos on a microphone in front of 25,000 fans that are all simultaneously screaming insults at you about 20 feet from your person. We sit on our high-and-mighty thrones (a.k.a. our $28 computer chairs that we bought from Staples) and point the finger when none of us have a shred of the talent that these men and women showcase for us on a daily basis. And if we're not bitching about the actual performers, we bitch about the writers.

Dude, get over it. Please take some Prozac and watch these television shows as if they were any other. They're not trying to convince you that what they're depicting is real. They're merely trying to get you to watch their non-fiction/sports entertainment program above all of the other 800+ channels that we have the option of tuning into on that day in that timeslot. Just suspend disbelief and allow yourself to enjoy this stuff.

The bottom line is that if this stuff "insults your intelligence" and it's a fake television show/broadcast, what does that say about your capacity for intelligence? I'd be embarrassed, if I were you. Go back to school... it looks like you need to.
The bottomline here is that the angle is working. Are there ways to make this look more realistic and in the process please the OP? Sure there are but I do not think that it would please the fans much. How much will taking Cena off the show for a month cost WWE in the ratings department? I'm guessing quite a lot because love him or hate him he is the face of the company.

I personally would have liked it if they stopped using his entrance music when he comes to the ring. But then again I can understand why it is used. To generate the reaction it generates.

I think if you want to extract some satisfaction out of this angle OP, listen to Punk's commentary. He is always making jokes, genuinely funny ones I might add, about Cena's firing. That is really the way to go about it, IMO. It is something that the marks might dismiss as a heel talking trash about a face and it pleases the smark contingent, which is a small number whichever way you see it.
While this as no more insulting to my intelligence than any other wrestling show, lets face it, if you take wrestling serious on any level, and fancy yourself to have even normal levels of brain activity; then you're constantly going to have your intelligence insulted.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I do agree with the basic context of the opening post, and I feel this thread compliments Dave's recent thread very nicely.

In my humble opinion, it's these type of story lines that continue to push long time viewers away from the current WWE product. It's not about suspending disbelief, as that's something you have to toss out the window the second you sit down to watch any for of Pro Wrestling.

I'd say it's more of the WWE teasing something different, something New, something Fresh, but instead of going with it, they basically say, HA we got you guys again, now prepare for another reincarnation of everyone's favorite Thuper Thena. Watch as he gets fired and continues to show up like he was never fired - I mean why even pretend that he's "buying tickets to every show" when everyone one, even the special educated 8 year old knows better. Why continue to beat around the bush, it essentially discredits the stipulation. What's the point of making it a stipulation if NOBODY abides by it.

Why have Cena come out and deliver a 25 minute promo about how going home to his Family, only to have him show up, again, and again. Obviously he wasn't fired in real life, but can we not pretend just a little bit in the story line. While it's not insulting to my intelligence, because I suspend all disbelief while watching, it's still a very annoying inconsistency. Something that a more mature viewer, who in all likely hood isn't a fan of Cena to begin with, isn't going to want to watch, or sit through. which in turn takes us full circle to the recent ratings problem that has plagued the WWE, there losing the target age group that has kept them a float for all these years, the age group that has been loyal to the WWE for over 20 years; and there losing this taget age group because of similar story lines to the one we see right now. I mean everyone has a point where the realize that it's just not worth watching anymore when nothing about the show is target at me and everything is watered down compared to when I originally started watching the program.

As a kid I was hooked on the Sex, and the violence, and the adult content, that's what kept bringing me back, and that's what brought be back after not watching for five years. For me I'm talking about 97/98, so why go away from a proven success, when kids are still looking for the same stuff today. It's because they're not targeting kids with the PG programming, because Kids aren't interested in PG programming, kids are interested in Sex and Violence, they always have been. If they where really interested in hooking kids they would have kept the same formula that hooked to many kids in the late nighties. I mean where do you think all these wrestling fans in there 20's came from. They sure as hell aren't tuning in for the latest version of Super Cena.

So while it doesn't insult my intelligence, it does insult me as a pretty much life long fan, who's invested money in PPV's and invested time in watching all these programs, and I don't watch in hopes of seeing a 5 star match, I watch for the sole purpose to be entertained, and I find nothing entertaining about the current Cena angle, or the watered down programming, and the boring, limited movesets. Less blood, less sex, less entertainment, fewer ratings. Sex and violence have always sold ,and they will continue to sell down the line; and if the WWE has any intention of of regaining the viewership it once had than there's really only one road to take...
Yesterday I almost came here to make a topic very similar to this one so I can somewhat agree with TC.

Disclaimer: I HATE Cena, I just can't stand him anymore and I almost want to punch my TV when he's there (ok not that much but still). I am watching WWE less and less because of him and until he turn heel or go away I won't care for or about him. I am tired of superman and I hate the fact that one guy alone can beat 7. Come on just gang up on him with baseball bat and send him to the hospital already and he won't bother the 7 of you anymore.

Anyway what gets me more angry than the fact that he hasn't even left for a week is the fact that he can buy a ticket and assault other superstar without being in jail (sure it can be said for a lot of storyline like Edge kidnapping Paul Bearer and others storys, but still). In this case and in this PG era I don't like the fact that they are sending the message that it's ok to jump wrestlers if you bought your ticket, that's complete non sense. Have him banned or restrained already, buying a ticket gives you the right to be there.

Then there's the people who say, it's wrestling, it's a fictionnal show. Yeah I know but I watch other TV show and I wouldn't accept that from another show so it's the same standard for wrestling.

Anyway I just hope the WWE can do something about the Superman's gimmick before I start praying for a career ending injuries on one of their top performer because I just can't stand the gimmick anymore.

Feel free to disagree

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