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I am genuinely insulted and you should be too.

Elementz of Fear

Occasional Pre-Show
This has got to be the most ridiculous turn for the worst in a WWE story line since Hornswoggle as Vince McMahon's son. I am 21 years old, have been a hardcore wrestling fan since birth, and completely understand that WWE is a television show like any other that has a set story in place and is currently marketing their product towards a PG audience that plays to what kids and families want to see. With that said, I am honestly insulted by what WWE has done with the current Nexus/Cena story line and hear me out as I don't suspect this is what you think it is.

We ALL know John Cena was never going to be fired from WWE. We also know that John Cena is the WWE's poster boy, top merchandise seller, kid favorite, and most media friendly. But that is absolutely no justification for the way this whole story line has turned out. The PG era is absolutely fine by me as it is a smart business decision but it does not justify WWE treating their fans like idiots. We are not stupid. We know John Cena isn't fired but at least make the attempt to make it look remotely believable. What "fired" individual would be able to end RAW by beating down a paid Superstar? How does he have a camera on him at all times BACKSTAGE?. Who keeps giving him a microphone? His MUSIC played tonight! How is any of this supposed to convince anyone that this should be taken seriously? Our intelligence is being blatantly insulted by trying to convince us that someone who is supposed to be a "fan" can do whatever he wants without even so much as security chasing after him.

Trust me, I am NOT saying that I think he shouldn't be on TV at all now that he has been "fired." What I am saying is that if you are going to go this route and book a story line that has a Superstar lose his job at least have the decency to try to do it well. Have him sit in the crowd the entire show, never get to speak, but jump the rail, get a few good shots in, and have security grab him in under 30 seconds. I would be ok with that. I would almost rather have gone the Juan Cena route....ok maybe not, that's equally as dumb....

This was a phenomenal angle when it started, possibly one of the top 5 in the past decade but it has completely flatlined. I just want it to end and I don't care how. Rehire Cena, make him disappear, it honestly does not matter to me at this point. I just want it to be done with. I originally thought Wade Barrett would win at Survivor Series but firmly believed it would be much more creative if WWE managed to pull off the "firing of Cena" angle. Obviously it has failed and the other route would have been a hell of a lot easier whether it was turning Cena heel or just having Wade win by cheating without Cena seeing it.

Both of my roommates are familiar with what is going on with Raw and I have other friends who are casual fans and they all agree that this was the most interesting aspect of the show until Cena was "fired." If casual fans do not even accept the way this is being booked what about the die hards? There is a major difference between what is far fetched yet acceptable and what is simply absurd and completely unfathomable. I hope you all share my opinion about this as the WWE writers have told you, me, and everyone else who loves professional wrestling that they are smarter than us and that they think we cannot connect the most simple of dots.
Hey slick, here's a thought: IT'S NOT REAL! You know who is going to think he's fired? Kids. Kids are going to think that he's fired and not coming back so that when he says he'll be there next week, they want to see their hero defy the odds. People take this stuff WAY too seriously. Sit back, CHILL THE FUCK OUT, and have some fun with it. No shit Cena isn't fired. If this insults your intelligence, you have no business watching wrestling. Of course he wasn't fired and never was going to be. But it's got people watching, it's got YOU watching, and kids, their primary audience, are intrigued. How this can be viewed as anything but a success, and not insulting at all, is beyond me.

As for everything else, it can be explained by the same explanation that the people have no issues having cameras in their private moments. Again, it's not real, and don't take it so seriously. Have some fun and let your mind go. They're grown men in underwear rolling around to try to forcibly hold the other one down while another man looks intently and moves his hand up and down. Quit taking it so seriously.
While I sympathize with your rant and understand your position as a fan, there was nothing for Cena to do actually. No Movie, no nagging injuries to take care of. It was either interrupting Nexus or making a 'shock' return at the Rumble after being somehow re-hired.

Although I agree that Cena's potential re-hiring within mere weeks severly hampers the kind of impact that the end of Survivor Series and his Raw promo had, this was always gonna happen. We would've liked the Stone Cold route of when security was hauling his ass outta the building after he would interfere, with that smirk on his face, wouldn't we?
Hey slick, here's a thought: IT'S NOT REAL! You know who is going to think he's fired? Kids. Kids are going to think that he's fired and not coming back so that when he says he'll be there next week, they want to see their hero defy the odds. People take this stuff WAY too seriously. Sit back, CHILL THE FUCK OUT, and have some fun with it. No shit Cena isn't fired. If this insults your intelligence, you have no business watching wrestling. Of course he wasn't fired and never was going to be. But it's got people watching, it's got YOU watching, and kids, their primary audience, are intrigued. How this can be viewed as anything but a success, and not insulting at all, is beyond me.

As for everything else, it can be explained by the same explanation that the people have no issues having cameras in their private moments. Again, it's not real, and don't take it so seriously. Have some fun and let your mind go. They're grown men in underwear rolling around to try to forcibly hold the other one down while another man looks intently and moves his hand up and down. Quit taking it so seriously.

Hold on a second, this whole forum is about dissecting the bits of angles of how good or how bad they are KB, this guy is very much right to point out that his supposed quick-fire rehiring is kinda stupid after all the drama that insued after SS.

They should've milked it further.
Hold on a second, this whole forum is about dissecting the bits of angles of how good or how bad they are KB, this guy is very much right to point out that his supposed quick-fire rehiring is kinda stupid after all the drama that insued after SS.

They should've milked it further.

Eh maybe but to freak out like he did is a good bit ridiculous. More bitching and moaning about Cena and how the company doesn't know how to do anything right and how they screw up this and all that jazz. Getting rather tired of people pointing out every single flaw and every single thing that has been done time and time again in wrestling but only gets criticized on occasion. Vince can have a camera pointed straight at him when he's devising a scheme to take out Austin but Cena is handed a microphone and the whole thing is an insult to out intelligence? That's absurd.
It is pretty sad that I can't even explain the storyline to my ten year old little brother without him looking at me and saying... "Oh, that's dumb..." lol

We all know it's just a story and blah, blah, blah... But come on, they should atleast TRY to make it realistic... Cena buys a ticket and he is allowed to jump the rail and beat people up and all the backstage stuff... It just doesn't make sense... Why wouldn't Wade just put a restraining order on Cena or demend that Cena is fired and shouldn't be allowed to touch any of the wrestlers...

Personally, I think it would be cool to just have Cena in the front row leading crowd chants and holding up Barret sucks signs or something... Even changing his name to Juan Cena would have been better than the crap they are putting out... At least it's not the World title storyoine...
I don't understand why everyone is upset about the John Cena thing. They explained why security wasn't stopping Cena, It's cause "retaliation for Nexus attacking the security when they first showed up". Its entertainment, not everything has to make sense.
PaperGhost mentioned Stone Cold. If I remember correctly the camera stayed on him when he "wasn't suppose to be there". Finally didn't the NWO start with Hall/Nash either show up in the crowed watching matches or show up on top of the entrance ramp? Yet most say that was the best story ever. Rant over
I agree. The Nexus/John Cena had tons of potential, but turned into an absolute joke in a hurry. As soon as John attacked Michael Tarver, it already looked ridiculous how Wade Barrett couldn't control Cena even though Cena was under his mercy. Instead of actually having John do some work, all he did was constantly dangle the carrot of freedom over his head. I found it great when Wade made Cena eliminate himself to earn his initial title shot at Randy Orton. Great emotion and had me looking forward to the entire angle. But we never got a glimpse of that ever again. Instead John fought against the Nexus guys even though he was still under the groups orders .

All angle long you had Michael Cole talk about how the crowd didn't know how to react to John. I doubt it. It's not like he was forced to beat down his fellow friends or anything. He just made the Nexus look like incompetent idiots that couldn't control him. And to make it all worse, after pushing for months that Nexus would take over and Wade Barrett would be the next big thing, he loses, Cena is "fired" (ending Cena's slave duties in under 2 months) and the very next night, the past 6 months mean shit because instead of Wade Barrett finally grabbing the helm known as the WWE Championship, The Miz wins it instead. Putting the last nail on the Janice like casket of The Nexus.

A good waste of 6 months the Nexus and this angle with John Cena has become.
The fired story line is weak, perhaps it would make more sense if he was suspended or fined everytime he interefered? Make him fill out a check everytime he attacks a Nexus member?

the problem with the fired storyline is that the need him on TV all the time it seems for the ratings. One or two small appearances per night aren't enough for them apparently.

Let him wrestle as Juan Cena or as a ref or crew member at ringside. then you can see him on screen quite a bit and it logically fits better than a fired guy who has free reign over the show.

All that being said, I agree that they could book his angle a lot better than they currently are bu I don't lose sleep over it either.
Hey slick, here's a thought: IT'S NOT REAL! You know who is going to think he's fired? Kids. Kids are going to think that he's fired and not coming back so that when he says he'll be there next week, they want to see their hero defy the odds. People take this stuff WAY too seriously. Sit back, CHILL THE FUCK OUT, and have some fun with it. No shit Cena isn't fired. If this insults your intelligence, you have no business watching wrestling. Of course he wasn't fired and never was going to be. But it's got people watching, it's got YOU watching, and kids, their primary audience, are intrigued. How this can be viewed as anything but a success, and not insulting at all, is beyond me.

As for everything else, it can be explained by the same explanation that the people have no issues having cameras in their private moments. Again, it's not real, and don't take it so seriously. Have some fun and let your mind go. They're grown men in underwear rolling around to try to forcibly hold the other one down while another man looks intently and moves his hand up and down. Quit taking it so seriously.

So we also know that movies and our favorite sitcoms and other tv shows are just actors portraying characters in a fictional world, are you seriously going to tell me that in anyone of those aforementioned if there was a plot hold it didnt piss you off because it didnt make sense even though you know that the movie or show or whatever your watching isnt real? Too attack this poster the way you did is so out of line man, and i completely understand where hes coming from. I too would have liked to see more realism in the whole angle of Cena being fired because logistically a man without a contract would have no right putting his hands on contracted superstars, and would have gotten thrown out of the building or at least been approached by security due to orders of oo idk the GM who runs the damn show. Look everybody knows Wrestling isnt real life, but just like a movie or any other tv show, the more in tune the product is to real life the easier it is for a fan to buy into whats going on, therefore making the product more enjoyable. I can for one say if the angle was taken a little more realistically I wouldve been more intrigued to see how Cena wouldve eventually gotten himself out of the whole mess as opposed to him just showing up and doing what he wants without any repercussions.
This has got to be the most ridiculous turn for the worst in a WWE story line since Hornswoggle as Vince McMahon's son. I am 21 years old, have been a hardcore wrestling fan since birth, and completely understand that WWE is a television show like any other that has a set story in place and is currently marketing their product towards a PG audience that plays to what kids and families want to see. With that said, I am honestly insulted by what WWE has done with the current Nexus/Cena story line and hear me out as I don't suspect this is what you think it is.

So far, from what I've gathered, you're nothing more than a whiney bitch. But please, keep going...

We ALL know John Cena was never going to be fired from WWE. We also know that John Cena is the WWE's poster boy, top merchandise seller, kid favorite, and most media friendly. But that is absolutely no justification for the way this whole story line has turned out. The PG era is absolutely fine by me as it is a smart business decision but it does not justify WWE treating their fans like idiots. We are not stupid. We know John Cena isn't fired but at least make the attempt to make it look remotely believable. What "fired" individual would be able to end RAW by beating down a paid Superstar? How does he have a camera on him at all times BACKSTAGE?. Who keeps giving him a microphone? His MUSIC played tonight! How is any of this supposed to convince anyone that this should be taken seriously? Our intelligence is being blatantly insulted by trying to convince us that someone who is supposed to be a "fan" can do whatever he wants without even so much as security chasing after him.

Trust me, I am NOT saying that I think he shouldn't be on TV at all now that he has been "fired." What I am saying is that if you are going to go this route and book a story line that has a Superstar lose his job at least have the decency to try to do it well. Have him sit in the crowd the entire show, never get to speak, but jump the rail, get a few good shots in, and have security grab him in under 30 seconds. I would be ok with that. I would almost rather have gone the Juan Cena route....ok maybe not, that's equally as dumb....

This was a phenomenal angle when it started, possibly one of the top 5 in the past decade but it has completely flatlined. I just want it to end and I don't care how. Rehire Cena, make him disappear, it honestly does not matter to me at this point. I just want it to be done with. I originally thought Wade Barrett would win at Survivor Series but firmly believed it would be much more creative if WWE managed to pull off the "firing of Cena" angle. Obviously it has failed and the other route would have been a hell of a lot easier whether it was turning Cena heel or just having Wade win by cheating without Cena seeing it.

Both of my roommates are familiar with what is going on with Raw and I have other friends who are casual fans and they all agree that this was the most interesting aspect of the show until Cena was "fired." If casual fans do not even accept the way this is being booked what about the die hards? There is a major difference between what is far fetched yet acceptable and what is simply absurd and completely unfathomable. I hope you all share my opinion about this as the WWE writers have told you, me, and everyone else who loves professional wrestling that they are smarter than us and that they think we cannot connect the most simple of dots.

Eh, the words, wrestling is scripted come to mind. However, you touched a subject that I believe shold be explained more thoroughly. I remember once hearing by a certain someone that wrestling is nothing more than entertainment for morons. This is, in fact, [somewhat] true. WWE's stories all revolve around modern day culture. Let's face it, wrestling rarely makes the common fan think as just about everything is layed out for us in a silver platter. Wrestling does not require us to use our brains, it requires us to enjoy greased up guys grabbing each other. As for the storylines, they are pretty much simple and straight forward. Sure, a few shock here and there, but it's nothing majorly suspenseful like watching other shows that are very popular on television.

However, with that said, there is a reason WWE is known as World Wrestling Entertainment. And that's because all it's ment to be is just that---World motherfucken wrestling entertainment. We're supposed to get entertained; not point out the fucking flaws in the storylines. How many times have you seen TV shows with flaws in their storylines---the answer: quite often. Yet, even still, we still manage to get entertained and enjoy the said Television program that we watched, is this not true? Wrestling should be no different. The fact that it has flaws does not mean that we should flip-out over it because in reality, wrestling is only entertainment. Nothing more and nothing less.

It's common ideers like the ones you have that make the IWC look stupider every day. No, scratch that. You at least held your argument rather well (besides a few minor bitching momments). But there are people far worse than you out there who seriously do nothing but complain about the product that they are watching. But, here's some food for thought: watch a real god-damn television show. Watching wrestling is like watching melodrama theater. Now, does melodrama theater get complains storyline wise? Not that I'm aware of. All it is is mere entertainment; which is exactly what wrestling is.

Wrestling should not be viewed as something that challenges your mind; it's something that makes you be entertained. Of course, you can criticize what happens and you can discuss what is going on currently (and past). But at the end of the day, remember, WWE is nothing more than just another thing to watch on the TV...
Eh maybe but to freak out like he did is a good bit ridiculous. More bitching and moaning about Cena and how the company doesn't know how to do anything right and how they screw up this and all that jazz. Getting rather tired of people pointing out every single flaw and every single thing that has been done time and time again in wrestling but only gets criticized on occasion. Vince can have a camera pointed straight at him when he's devising a scheme to take out Austin but Cena is handed a microphone and the whole thing is an insult to out intelligence? That's absurd.

Well ye the OP does come off a little too strong with his rant. Actually WWE has done splendidly well this year. The top-tier storylines have been tight and some very good mid/upper-mid card matches; fantastic moments and brilliant promos and we have one more month left in 2010.

But if you want talk about absurd KB, try pondering over the fact that Cena hugged his father's (real father may I add) head-punter when he was leaving.
I have to agree w/the OP. Sure, the Stone Cold thing was similar, but it was given a much better atmosphere to go along with it. He comes out, security is everywhere, he's arrested, etc. etc. It's supposed to be similar to watching a movie. Do you believe that Bruce Willis is actually John McClane and he's really doing all that crazy stuff in the movie? This is kind of like a tv show with a studio audience. Everything is a story, but now you're being nitpicky. When you talk about angles you like, it's because it invokes an emotion, or even feels "real". You're supposed to believe that these guys are beating each other up in the ring even though you know it's fake, right? I mean, come on. If you bitch at the guy for not feeling the storyline is believable, then you must not care about anything. I know full well you can't like each and every movie and tv show in existence. There are things we like and things we don't like. And if you don't like it, why? And after you give your reason then anybody and everybody can tell you "well, it's not real so why not just like it for what it is?" It's ridiculous and illogical to think that there is nothing you dislike. But I'm sure that if we looked at all of your posts on here you wouldn't have anything to say about any angle or any gimmick or anything, would we? But anyway, the OP is right, it did not have a good feel until the end of Raw with the confrontation and the Nexus leaving Barrett to fend for himself. I was talking w/a friend who watches w/me, and we were discussing the exact same thing. It just seemed rushed and ridiculous. The Nexus jumpings were predictable tonight on Raw and kind of made the show awful lackluster. Hell, when I'm thanking God there was a diva match to break up the monotony, something is definitely wrong. They saved it at the end, but it definitely flatlined after the "firing". It was too rushed. Plus, when I read the Raw preview on Wrestlezone I actually thought to myself "Why does it mention Cena being "fired", then ask you to tune in tonight to see what Cena does next?" Just sounded ******ed to me. Plus the fact he was right about him being in the back, doing promos, them playing the music, etc. etc. They could have played the angle just fine w/out some of that other stuff. I did like the explanation for security, and liked how other superstars helped him jump Nexus last week. But tonight I was cursing the whole angle and was praying it wasn't going to keep going on like that into next week. Kudos to the WWE for doing what they did at the end, but I was getting a sinking feeling in my gut. And on a parting side not, discussing angles, as well as just wrestling in general, unless I'm mistaken, is what this whole site was designed for. So why not lay off the guy for just doing what the site was intended for in the first place? And that's the fishin' line, cuz Shark Boy said so.
So we also know that movies and our favorite sitcoms and other tv shows are just actors portraying characters in a fictional world, are you seriously going to tell me that in anyone of those aforementioned if there was a plot hold it didnt piss you off because it didnt make sense even though you know that the movie or show or whatever your watching isnt real? Too attack this poster the way you did is so out of line man, and i completely understand where hes coming from. I too would have liked to see more realism in the whole angle of Cena being fired because logistically a man without a contract would have no right putting his hands on contracted superstars, and would have gotten thrown out of the building or at least been approached by security due to orders of oo idk the GM who runs the damn show. Look everybody knows Wrestling isnt real life, but just like a movie or any other tv show, the more in tune the product is to real life the easier it is for a fan to buy into whats going on, therefore making the product more enjoyable. I can for one say if the angle was taken a little more realistically I wouldve been more intrigued to see how Cena wouldve eventually gotten himself out of the whole mess as opposed to him just showing up and doing what he wants without any repercussions.


Unlike people that sit around and pick out little thing after little thing that is wrong with a piece of entertainment, I watch movies, TV and wrestling in particular to be entertained. I turn my brain off for two hours every Monday night and escape from reality into a place where nothing is like it would be in the real world. The biggest star in the Attitude Era regularly beat the living hell out of his boss, took his boss hostage at gunpoint, broke up a Satanic wedding and blew up a bus yet was STILL pushed as the top man in the company.

In short, IT'S FAKE! Of course it's not making a ton of sense and here's the big secret: IT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO! It's wrestling, not Shakespeare. Quit treating it like something it's not.

Well ye the OP does come off a little too strong with his rant. Actually WWE has done splendidly well this year. The top-tier storylines have been tight and some very good mid/upper-mid card matches; fantastic moments and brilliant promos and we have one more month left in 2010.

But if you want talk about absurd KB, try pondering over the fact that Cena hugged his father's (real father may I add) head-punter when he was leaving.

It's wrestling. You can be turned face or heel after doing things that are so ridiculous that it's insane. HHH drugged, kidnapped, married and raped a girl, then broke into a funeral home and raped a dummy corpse while wearing a mask. He got the loudest pop I have ever heard within two years of that either way. Quit thinking so hard about every single detail.
am I also supposed to believe that Brad Pitt was really born an old man, only to die as a baby? No. Am I supposed to really believe that The Island from LOST is real? No. Am I supposed to believe that Al Pacino really snorted cocaine for a living, and kicked ass before he died? NO! Take a chill pill, man. John Cena "IS" fired, and they are doing an aweome job with it. John Cena "used" to be an employee in WWE. He's got connections. Hell, if you want to believe WWE doesn't want to get security on him because he's bringing in ratings on this interfering the company stunt, then go right ahead. Have fun with the story line.
This has got to be the most ridiculous turn for the worst in a WWE story line since Hornswoggle as Vince McMahon's son. I am 21 years old, have been a hardcore wrestling fan since birth, and completely understand that WWE is a television show like any other that has a set story in place and is currently marketing their product towards a PG audience that plays to what kids and families want to see. With that said, I am honestly insulted by what WWE has done with the current Nexus/Cena story line and hear me out as I don't suspect this is what you think it is.

We ALL know John Cena was never going to be fired from WWE. We also know that John Cena is the WWE's poster boy, top merchandise seller, kid favorite, and most media friendly. But that is absolutely no justification for the way this whole story line has turned out. The PG era is absolutely fine by me as it is a smart business decision but it does not justify WWE treating their fans like idiots. We are not stupid. We know John Cena isn't fired but at least make the attempt to make it look remotely believable. What "fired" individual would be able to end RAW by beating down a paid Superstar? How does he have a camera on him at all times BACKSTAGE?. Who keeps giving him a microphone? His MUSIC played tonight! How is any of this supposed to convince anyone that this should be taken seriously? Our intelligence is being blatantly insulted by trying to convince us that someone who is supposed to be a "fan" can do whatever he wants without even so much as security chasing after him.

Trust me, I am NOT saying that I think he shouldn't be on TV at all now that he has been "fired." What I am saying is that if you are going to go this route and book a story line that has a Superstar lose his job at least have the decency to try to do it well. Have him sit in the crowd the entire show, never get to speak, but jump the rail, get a few good shots in, and have security grab him in under 30 seconds. I would be ok with that. I would almost rather have gone the Juan Cena route....ok maybe not, that's equally as dumb....

This was a phenomenal angle when it started, possibly one of the top 5 in the past decade but it has completely flatlined. I just want it to end and I don't care how. Rehire Cena, make him disappear, it honestly does not matter to me at this point. I just want it to be done with. I originally thought Wade Barrett would win at Survivor Series but firmly believed it would be much more creative if WWE managed to pull off the "firing of Cena" angle. Obviously it has failed and the other route would have been a hell of a lot easier whether it was turning Cena heel or just having Wade win by cheating without Cena seeing it.

Both of my roommates are familiar with what is going on with Raw and I have other friends who are casual fans and they all agree that this was the most interesting aspect of the show until Cena was "fired." If casual fans do not even accept the way this is being booked what about the die hards? There is a major difference between what is far fetched yet acceptable and what is simply absurd and completely unfathomable. I hope you all share my opinion about this as the WWE writers have told you, me, and everyone else who loves professional wrestling that they are smarter than us and that they think we cannot connect the most simple of dots.

Ok my friend. First off you haven't been a "hardcore" wrestling fan since birth. None of us have.

Secondly while I see your rant about this angle being great then all this happening. It makes PERFECT sense. Cena gets fired but he can get back into the arena. It's been done. It will happen again. Need an example? Mick Foley was "fired" yet somehow he managed to get into the arena, get camera time, get a mic when the Rock and superstars surrounded the ring demanding he be rehired. It's happened. The point of this angle is now there is a problem in Nexus because Cena is making their lives hell. This is perfectly done by WWE. What were they supposed to do!? Have Cena sit at home and disappoint their main audience...Kids!? No. They gave the Kid-Nation..er I mean Cena-Nation what they wanted. This part of the storyline is great because now it sets the stage for a Cena comeback, or Barrett can say no, be kicked out of Nexus and a new leader (Perhaps the Raw GM) to emerge as the new leader of Nexus. Beautifully done by the WWE. You shouldn't be insulted at the age of 21 by anything the WWE has done. Especially since you must have lived thru the Mae Young hand birth, being power-bombed by the Dudley Boys etc etc etc. It's the WWE.

Unlike people that sit around and pick out little thing after little thing that is wrong with a piece of entertainment, I watch movies, TV and wrestling in particular to be entertained. I turn my brain off for two hours every Monday night and escape from reality into a place where nothing is like it would be in the real world. The biggest star in the Attitude Era regularly beat the living hell out of his boss, took his boss hostage at gunpoint, broke up a Satanic wedding and blew up a bus yet was STILL pushed as the top man in the company.

In short, IT'S FAKE! Of course it's not making a ton of sense and here's the big secret: IT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO! It's wrestling, not Shakespeare. Quit treating it like something it's not.

Well if you really want to go into the origins of wrestling its technically working catch wrestling and the illusion that what your watching is a real contest, but i digress. I understand that Pro Wrestling has evolved into sports entertainment, and that not everything is going to make total sense all the time HOWEVER everybody has a different opinion on what they like to watch, my general wrestling of choice is world of sport from the 1970s with guys most people have never heard of. You claim to have no issue with whatever the WWE feeds you, well good for you, but you should respect the opinions of other people who see holes in plotlines that bother them. Do you have to agree, no, hell the Cena angle really didnt bother me THAT much, but I can see where this poster is coming from and I can honestly say that I agree with what hes saying, IF the WWE presented the angle in a more realistic way, which is where the gimmick seamed to be going until cena showed up on raw after his awesome promo where he said he was going home I wouldve been more intrigued, but if you honestly have no problem with any form of entertainment given to you so be it.

It's wrestling. You can be turned face or heel after doing things that are so ridiculous that it's insane. HHH drugged, kidnapped, married and raped a girl, then broke into a funeral home and raped a dummy corpse while wearing a mask. He got the loudest pop I have ever heard within two years of that either way. Quit thinking so hard about every single detail.

I can only account to it as a personal miff. I don't see the Katie Vick angle as something bothersome as it is universally treated as a creative miscarriage. Maybe the Cena-Orton thing sticks out because it's recent and I ran into that punt video after all these years on youtube while surfing. Somethings just stick out I guess.Although I was never this observative about all the technicalities before logging on here, I must admit.

But here's the deal, even though people berate Hunter about his iron-fist rule he still had to put up with that and having a program with Bubba Ray one-on-one that year. Still pop at 'Mania was ridiculous. So I get it.
The cream will always rise to the top... even if you piss off the Undertaker.
Well if you really want to go into the origins of wrestling its technically working catch wrestling and the illusion that what your watching is a real contest, but i digress. I understand that Pro Wrestling has evolved into sports entertainment, and that not everything is going to make total sense all the time HOWEVER everybody has a different opinion on what they like to watch, my general wrestling of choice is world of sport from the 1970s with guys most people have never heard of. You claim to have no issue with whatever the WWE feeds you, well good for you, but you should respect the opinions of other people who see holes in plotlines that bother them. Do you have to agree, no, hell the Cena angle really didnt bother me THAT much, but I can see where this poster is coming from and I can honestly say that I agree with what hes saying, IF the WWE presented the angle in a more realistic way, which is where the gimmick seamed to be going until cena showed up on raw after his awesome promo where he said he was going home I wouldve been more intrigued, but if you honestly have no problem with any form of entertainment given to you so be it.

My favorite movie is Star Wars which is about as unrealistic as you can get. It's escapism, like wrestling is. There's also a big difference between a difference of opinion and someone running their mouth off because they feel they're better than what they see on TV and how it's beneath them or something like that. Every wrestling fan seems to think they could book a show as well as anyone and it's utterly idiotic. Cena makes money, the angle has fans interested, but HE HAS A MICROPHONE! OH NO OH NO! That's what gets on my nerves.
My favorite movie is Star Wars which is about as unrealistic as you can get. It's escapism, like wrestling is. There's also a big difference between a difference of opinion and someone running their mouth off because they feel they're better than what they see on TV and how it's beneath them or something like that. Every wrestling fan seems to think they could book a show as well as anyone and it's utterly idiotic. Cena makes money, the angle has fans interested, but HE HAS A MICROPHONE! OH NO OH NO! That's what gets on my nerves.

And I understand and respect your opinion too, and trust me at times I see what some people say and it makes me shake my head and/or want to put it through a wall lol, although this guy did go way over the top im just saying i can see where hes coming from just as I see your point too, at the end of the day it is just a show and everybody should relax a little bit and learn to appreciate more rather than just hate every second because thats no good either.
My internet died literally right after I posted the thread so I'm sorry for creating the thread and disappearing.

Yea I came off strong which is probably too much personal emotion for a television show but to those saying that it has a script and fictional are missing the point. By no means am I saying that everything on tv and in movies should be realistic and I am also not suggesting that WWE should be completely real. What I am trying to say (which may have been lost in my angry rant) is that this was not well executed by any means. I am not "bashing Cena" or "complaining that WWE always screws up." I agree that 2010 has had some amazing moments and consider it one of the better years in a long time. I am simply saying that this particular situation was written poorly and just isn't plausible. Going with the comparison to other TV shows and movies, the flaws I pointed out are essentially plot holes. A bad show or bad movie is poorly made when it has holes in the story that are not consistent with what we are supposed to accept. The things I pointed out were gaps in the canon of the story that do not add up. I would be equally frustrated with a movie or show that had the same amount of plot holes.

I appreciate the people who share my opinion and understood that I was not making a comment that puts wrestling on a pedestal that other forms of fictional entertainment are not held to but rather that writers do not consider the overall product when they decide on certain elements of a story. I apologize for sounding so over the top earlier but I was obviously frustrated with my favorite weekly TV show.

Lastly, I'd like to reiterate that I am not hating on Cena and the writers as a whole but simply on this and only this story line.
Because Nexus had beaten down and destroyed countless people from VKM all the way down to event staff. Everyone wants revenge and Cena is now the perfect instrument of said revenge.
This is what I don't get...Why is it an insult?

There's a lot of plot holes in EVERY wrestling storyline. If somebody hit me in the back of the head with a "steel" chair, you better be damn sure I'd be suing somebody.

I've seen wrestlers (along with aforementioned storylines) give other wrestlers concussions, drive their cars off roads, bury them in caskets, bury them alive in dirt mounts, and set them on fire. Yet, John Cena is fired by Wade Barrett, leader of the Nexus, a group that no one in the WWE Universe likes, which include both face and heel wrestlers, security guards, general managers, announcers, referees, and fans alike, and it's an inuslt to our intelligence that no one is in a rush to throw him out?

Maybe you're dying to see a Monday Night RAW without Cena for a week or maybe a few months. Maybe you want them to milk this storyline out longer. Or maybe you want Cena to really be fired, only to have Vince McMahon himself come out and nix the idea. Truth be told, I love the way the storyline is playing out. Rather than the usual Cena going out there, telling some jokes and overcoming the odds, and rather than cutting ratings by taking him off TV (keep in mind Orton wasn't at RAW last week, so would you really want a RAW without Cena AND Orton?), we're seeing Cena sneak up on people and beat the hell out of them. We're seeing the goody-two shoes become a sneaky, bitter, revenge-driven master planner who doesn't mind outnumbering the group with other wrestlers that has made his life a living hell. We're seeing Cena use his connections by being the good guy to keep himself running around the arena with free reign. CM Punk even made reference to it on commentary that security was doing nothing to stop him. That's not a plot hole at all; that's remembering history and using it to advance more storylines.

By the way, this storyline has not only kept Cena away from the WWE title, which the IWC should be loving, but it is making stars out of every member of the Nexus, particularly Wade Barrett, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. We're seeing an interesting storyline playing out, cliffhangers and suspense galore, and you're bitching that Cena is still around because it's a plot hole? After watching Austin do so much to Vince McMahon (stunners, shots to the nuts, hit his son and daughter, steal his cars, douse him with beer, treat him like a dog, put a gun to his head, etc.) Cena would have to set fire to a nun and three 5-year old orphans while drunk and high on coke for me to believe he'd truly disappear for any longer than a week.
I never once in two posts said he shouldn't be on TV. In fact I explicitly stated how he SHOULD be on TV. You're making an awful lot of assumptions that I never even brought up. I didn't say I want Cena off the show or anything remotely related to that.

It is a plot hole because there are areas of the story that do not make any logical sense. That's the definition of a plot hole. You're telling me you've never once been annoyed while watching anything on TV or film where there was an obvious lack of explanation or contradiction in a story that didn't annoy you and make you want it written better?
This has got to be the most ridiculous turn for the worst in a WWE story line since Hornswoggle as Vince McMahon's son. I am 21 years old, have been a hardcore wrestling fan since birth, and completely understand that WWE is a television show like any other that has a set story in place and is currently marketing their product towards a PG audience that plays to what kids and families want to see. With that said, I am honestly insulted by what WWE has done with the current Nexus/Cena story line and hear me out as I don't suspect this is what you think it is.

We ALL know John Cena was never going to be fired from WWE. We also know that John Cena is the WWE's poster boy, top merchandise seller, kid favorite, and most media friendly. But that is absolutely no justification for the way this whole story line has turned out. The PG era is absolutely fine by me as it is a smart business decision but it does not justify WWE treating their fans like idiots. We are not stupid. We know John Cena isn't fired but at least make the attempt to make it look remotely believable. What "fired" individual would be able to end RAW by beating down a paid Superstar? How does he have a camera on him at all times BACKSTAGE?. Who keeps giving him a microphone? His MUSIC played tonight! How is any of this supposed to convince anyone that this should be taken seriously? Our intelligence is being blatantly insulted by trying to convince us that someone who is supposed to be a "fan" can do whatever he wants without even so much as security chasing after him.

Trust me, I am NOT saying that I think he shouldn't be on TV at all now that he has been "fired." What I am saying is that if you are going to go this route and book a story line that has a Superstar lose his job at least have the decency to try to do it well. Have him sit in the crowd the entire show, never get to speak, but jump the rail, get a few good shots in, and have security grab him in under 30 seconds. I would be ok with that. I would almost rather have gone the Juan Cena route....ok maybe not, that's equally as dumb....

This was a phenomenal angle when it started, possibly one of the top 5 in the past decade but it has completely flatlined. I just want it to end and I don't care how. Rehire Cena, make him disappear, it honestly does not matter to me at this point. I just want it to be done with. I originally thought Wade Barrett would win at Survivor Series but firmly believed it would be much more creative if WWE managed to pull off the "firing of Cena" angle. Obviously it has failed and the other route would have been a hell of a lot easier whether it was turning Cena heel or just having Wade win by cheating without Cena seeing it.

Both of my roommates are familiar with what is going on with Raw and I have other friends who are casual fans and they all agree that this was the most interesting aspect of the show until Cena was "fired." If casual fans do not even accept the way this is being booked what about the die hards? There is a major difference between what is far fetched yet acceptable and what is simply absurd and completely unfathomable. I hope you all share my opinion about this as the WWE writers have told you, me, and everyone else who loves professional wrestling that they are smarter than us and that they think we cannot connect the most simple of dots.

Consider one of the best movies out there; The Matrix. The last scene was when Smith put a mag in Neo's chest. For about two seconds, the first time the audience watched it they were like "OHH SHIT!!!!!" even though every single good guy in the histroy of movie came back all of them had these wild assumptions as to what would happen. After two seconds, he came back, kicked ass.

The point wasn't Cena's return even though IWC and the fans looked forward to that. The focus was on Cena's speech. The man made a stupid sounding story into a GOLDEN one with one promo. Like Austin, Like Rock and like all the greatest superstars this company had.

WWE did what the wanted to do; elevate Barret. About a year ago we didn't even know who he was. All I know is that he'll be known as the guy who once retired Cena. Just like Orton punted his father. When Barret becomes Face, we'll forget about this and just bask in the moment. And that's the point. What Cena did was say "Look, you all know this is fake, but I'm gonna give you entertainment." The company saw this as a swerve. Besides, what else can you do? Cena isn't going back home; he's staying right here as Juan Cena.

In conclusion, relax; though I understand your point, the buildup was just for that promo, not this. This is the falling out.

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