Hulk Hogans Last Run


Pre-Show Stalwart
Word is that Hogan is looking to do one last run in wrestling.

Will it be with TNA or WWE? or will it be a split between both companys?

What do u think his one last run will be like? If I were WWE I would give him the Strap one last time and make it like a Flair thing once he lost it then he would be out of the bussiness 4ever.

Or if he goes with Tna will he be the Legends Champ and have his last run there?

Whats your opinion? and what do u think will happen?
i would like to see him in wwe one last time but i dont think he should have any main belt, he should only come back to pass the torch and give some of the younger talent a rub. i would love to see the miz go over hogan and get a main event push and beat cena and orton. i think hogan could give him that push. comments??
orton beats cena, goes on bragging about how he is the legend killer, and has beaten HHH, and now Cena. Orton can finish out the year with really no opposition, THEN at royal rumble, Hogan wins it and challenges orton at wrestlemania
Does Hulk Hogan even have one last run in him? After all the surgeries, replacements, and everything else that's happened to him both physically and emotionally over the last year, I am surprised if he has the energy for one more run. One thing we do know, however, and that is Hogan needs money because Linda is getting a very tidy check each month and to my knowledge Hogan isn't doing anything right now.

Therefore, what will Hogan do? Real easy...return to the only thing he knows and that is entertaining the fans in a wrestling ring. The question is where? TNA can't afford him and WWE doesn't want him so that doesn't leave a whole lot of options out there unless he goes to Japan or ROH which I don't see him doing either one. He wants a mainstream audience and a crowd that only WWE can give him but Vince is not too hip on bringing him back even for a guest host spot on RAW. Every time Hogan's name comes up, Vince shoots it down every time even if it is good for business.

One thing for sure about Hogan and that is he has been and forever will be a huge draw and a ratings boost because of who he is and what he's meant to pro wrestling. I would certainly like to see him return one last time and get the appropriate send-off like Ric Flair got. He's meant too much to the business to just go out quietly without the appropriate thank-you.
I cannot see Hogan tarnish his end of his career by showing up on TNA. I say tarnish not bc of my personal dislike for TNA but bc he built his legacy in WWE and then some in WCW. He has barely enough gas in the tank for 1 last run and if he went to TNA he couldnt be there long enough to do something worthwhile to put them on the map. He could however have 1 last run in WWE and put some yourger guys over and give back to the company that made him....
Hogan has already had his "last run" - he is a shell of his former self. I can't imagine who they would put him in the ring with that could manage to have a somewhat decent match at this point. His wrestling days are over. He could be used as an on screen mentor of sort sort.

I'm sure he's asking for too much money and control for TNA to seriously consider bringing him in. However, I think it could work if they do something like a survivor series style match and bring in Hogan to captain the young guys team against the MEM. This way TNA gets Hogan, Hogan gets to win, and he has minimal time actually wrestling.

The only way I could see WWE giving him a "run" is if he came in and lost to Cena or something and put Cena over at the new Hogan. I don't think WWE sees him as the money draw he once was, that they would give him a title.
Hogan will always be a money draw, every wrestling fan alive knows of the hulkster and how much he has done for wrestling. He should come back as a guest host on raw and give himself a contract to appear on whatever show he wants then vince could replay the flair storyline and if he looses he is gone forever again giving him a big send off at wrestlemania!
Hulk Hogan will definitely have one last run..and that run will be with the WWE!
He is the biggest star in the history of professional wrestling and therefore the only company fit for his final run is the company that made him famous!

I think WWE should make him champ 1 more time but i honestly don't see it happening!

Hogans final match should be against John Cena at Wrestlemania, and they should go on LAST!

Hogan should lose and put Cena over, and have a send off BIGGER than Ric Flairs!!

And believe me, it will be bigger! Flair was a star but:

1) He wasn't nearly as big a star as Hogan!

2) He was big in WCW, not WWE!!

A WWE send off for Hogan would mean giving the appropriate send off to the biggest star in the history of the business..who made WWE famous!

Hogan v Cena was supposed to happen at WM25, but unfortunately Hogan needed back surgery! That is why Cena was added to the main event making it a triple threat only weeks before wrestlemania! He was originally supposed to fight hogan! All parties involved wanted that match to happen, vince included!

Hogan deserves a legendary sendoff! And my god..when..YES when he wrestles that last match...the ovation from the people will be huge...and at least 15 minutes long! AT LEAST!

I also predict that at this Wrestlemania either Randy Savage or the Rock will headline the Hall of Fame ceremony!
If Hogan comes back, he better do it the right way. That means no titles or even title shots. He should come back, just have some good ole fashioned feuds and help build the future. I really doubt that this will happen though because he is Hulk Hogan and in his mind he is still the best thing going in wrestling. So he will likely come back and bury everybody that he goes up against just like he did HBK and Orton in his last two matches. He should have put HBK and Orton over. That would have really sent Orton into orbit and it would have helped HBK establish younger stars in the company as well.

If he comes back, I hope he does the right thing and just builds the future for WWE.
I, for one, would be all over this just like the SMark that I am. I would enjoy seeing one of my favorites of all time in TNA. The last time Hogan was Sports Entertainment, and NOT in the WWE, it was quite successful. I was even Marking out the first time he showed up on TNA TV, only to be disappointed with the Guitar Shot from Double J.

Here’s how I would do it. Hogan comes to TNA with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett then gets a shot at Angle for the Title. Then Hogan gives him a Guitar Shot to the head and Angle retains, and Hogan joins the Mob. I would rather not see Hogan wrestle, but instead just be a manager for the greatest collection of World Champions. The name recognition alone could put him right back in the spotlight and if he really wanted to be in a match, have him wrestle once every six months. Can you picture Hogan vs. Foley or Hogan vs. Jarrett??

If he goes to the WWE, I'll still enjoy it, just not as much as I would if he went to TNA.
Now personally, I'm definitely a Hogan fan, gonna admit that. I've always been one to pick him over Steve Austin as THE greatest wrestling star of all time and all that, but in all honesty, and as much as I love to mark out to the "Real American" playing and Hogan doing his spiel... I fear that by now, his time has come and gone. I thought it really nice that he had that last run and championship win back in 2002/2003 - I think that was a fair sendoff that made Hogan look exactly what he was - portrayed as a great, but meanwhile seasoned warrior, who can still at times recall his past "invincibility" but who is not so entirely unbeatable anymore than he once was.

But I agree - now, with countless surgeries behind him, and age creeping up... and considering it's Hulk Hogan, who was never the greatest in-ring worker, it would just make matches all the more painful. He just isn't Ricky Steamboat, who even at almost 60 years of age can still go better than most of the current roster today when it comes to wrestling ability. I could, however, imagine him pretty well in a general manager type of role. I mean, for me, it would definitely a reason to tune into RAW if Hogan was around, if only in an "official" role. But I think his days of in-ring competition should now really be behind him, as much as I love the character of the Hulkster, and how Hogan pulled it off.

He's got nothing left to prove - he's done more for the business than any other ever could or ever will; his body has paid the price and he should just enjoy what dignity he has left, considering his not-so-stellar presentations as a human being around his son's driving accident and his divorce etc... So I guess an on-air role as GM or such would be quite fun; but match-wise, I think it's over.
What do u think his one last run will be like? If I were WWE I would give him the Strap one last time and make it like a Flair thing once he lost it then he would be out of the bussiness 4ever.
:suspic: Uh...No! In the words of The Rock, What in the blue hell are you thinking? No way OMH get's another WWE Title Run. TNA has the idiocy to potentially do it, but no.
Hogan has even stated that he wants 2 get back to work

which is y he went 4 the laser treatment rather then the metal rods 4 his back... he does want one last run thats a 4 sure thing... its just a question of when and where?

it will be a farwell tour i am sure... just wondering how it will play out.... personally i dont think he should have to put any of the young talent over...

though i am sure if he goes 2 WWE he will have to ... cause vince just doesnt want 2 play him up anymore....

but if he would buold him up 2 defeat the worst guys and lose to say even undertaker at wrestlemnia..... that would be a amazing thing for both of there carrers...

I know it would probably b John Cena.... but I think Undertaker would be a way better match 4 his retirement
if the match happens to end up being cena vs. hogan, i might literally hang myself. it just sounds awful thinking about it. i dont see how they would mesh, let alone hogan meshing with anyone else. id rather see hogan vs jericho or something. jericho would be the ultimate heel and would love to end hogan, just like he did with the legends last year at wrestlemania.
I like the idea of Hogan getting the belt one more time and at Mania dropping it to Cena or Orton. It would huge and it would def have to be the last match of the night. I don't know if they plans for Mania are set or what, but it should def be done this year and it would be a great passing of the torch to carry the WWE and become THE man of the WWE.
I dont see Hogan have 1 last wrestling run nor will it be in the WWE. He and Vince had a falling out (again) and they only way he'll be in the WWE is if he can guarantee Brooke. Having said that, Hogan would be better off as a commissioner type or GM. Someone credible who can still get the itch to pop someone and have a lesser role in storylines while fulfilling his needs. TNA would be a good option but their is alot of heat on Hogan from Steiner, Jarrett and others to make that viability. No, I think we'll see him on the legends circuit signing autographs, doing public appearances more than actually wrestling. If he does wrestle it will be in Japan.
Wrestling Observer said:
- Representatives of Hulk Hogan have reached out to TNA about a possible deal to sign the WWE Hall of Famer. Hogan has shown interest in the past of signing with TNA and feels the company needs that one big name to compete with WWE. Hogan last teased a TNA appearance in 2003 when an angle was shot with Jeff Jarrett smashing a guitar over Hogan’s head during a press conference in Japan. A match was planned but Hogan cancelled due to knee problems.

It is believed that Hogan has no serious interest in signing with the company and is only using them to leverage a larger deal with WWE.

Source: Wrestling Observer

Just thought I'd add that to this discussion. I doubt very much that Hogan would go to TNA, simply because if he really, really wants to wrestle again, the WWE is definitely the place he'll want to go. Vince has huge problems with Hogan, but I think they'd be able to put it behind them for a one or two match kind of deal, maybe finally give Hogan a real farewell. Can't say I'm looking forward to that though, because Hogan in the ring at this point I imagine would be absolutely painful to watch. I'd still enjoy his presence in the WWE though.

Alot of people are, and are gonna badmouth the idea of Hogan coming back to the WWE. But I think it'd be cool for a short period. There are still a whole lot of Hulkamaniacs out there, young and old. Guaranteed if Hogan's music hit during a beatdown of say.. a top face by a heel. [pick whoever] You'd mark out. If only for a second. I think if he trains abit, and brushes off the rust he could have a half-decent comeback. At least it'd be better than Snuka's at WM25. I'd love to see young talent go over Hogan, but I don't see that happening too much.
i would like to see him in wwe one last time but i dont think he should have any main belt, he should only come back to pass the torch and give some of the younger talent a rub. i would love to see the miz go over hogan and get a main event push and beat cena and orton. i think hogan could give him that push. comments??

The pass the torch thing is over and done. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has tried to pass the torch sooooooo many times but no one can carry it. Whenever HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN comes back it should always be for the fans. give them what they want which is to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN win once more.
It was supposed to be Hogan and Jericho at Wrestlemania 25, but they couldn't agree on terms, so Hogan had his back surgery which cancelled that angle.

As for Hogan having one more run, I think it should be in TNA.

As I've said before on this forum, if they could work out a several month run, with Hogan putting over guys like AJ Styles and Daniels whilst still getting his wins over the World Elite and MEM, could really boost TNA and be a boost for Hogan.

I don't see what Hogan could do in the WWE at the moment.
^ Actually having said all that, maybe Hogan could be given a IC Title run?

It didn't hurt Ric Flair any and he was 56 at the time...
If hulk wants in it wont be like 2002-2003 it would be a more seculded run maybe get young guys up i mean he wont challenge for the title now that was for the Hulkamania run they had in 2002 upon his return. Maybe a little ic run like flair had one last title hold then at WM have the big Hogan send off no match have him come out like Austin and farewell the fans
Hogan has just signed with TNA

Does anyone have any thoughts as to what will happen now....

this should be his last run... so i am curious what people think??????

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