Should Hulk Hogan make one final run in the WWE?

Wowww, personally I cannot stand Hulk Hogan, I think he is a major dick for joining tna, and especially after knowing how much of a scumbag he was during the feud with HBK who is my "icon" but you my friend are fucking nuts..... No one said anything about a MATCH

The bottom line is as great or as much as you like austin, or HHH, or Rock, Cena, Taker, etc...

The reason we have all of this is because of Vince and Hulk Hogan, the reason WrestleMania became as big as it is today is Hulk Hogan, The reason WWF has picked up for cable televison Hulk Hogan, the reason for the monday night wars hulk hogan

I am 22 and i know all this, by two brothers are 16 and 8 and they know what hogan means to wresstling.... the bottom line is his era is over but his influence is far from over, how the rock went on his little tangent how he opened the door for guys like cena, hogan opened the door for other guys to even have a fan base, no he didnt put many people over, but if you watch legends of wrestling damn near every wrestler all they cared about was being on the same card as hogan because they new the building would be packed and they would be on TV and get noticed.

Hogan is proof that you can entertain people without having to curse to get a pop like the rock this monday, his influence is all but over yet the WWE went and booked a young kid like they booked hogan and now he is a worldwide star with millions of fans , is mainstream, undoubtedly the #1 star of wrestling and is the only man worth a shyt of making the Rocks return exciting and unpredictable, while making him not even wrestle.

Mean while they cant use the influence of rock or austin, because the talent cant give the finger to whoever they want, or call people bitch, they have restraints and leashes on their promos.

Hogans influence is the reason why EVERYTIME he comes out in a WWE arena the crowd goes ape shyt its about making people care when you are in the ring not about cutting some fabolous long promo were you bury your opponent, or taking personal shots, its about how well you tell your story in the ring, backstage intervies, and the occational promo, and if you dont think hogan is influental in that then you are not watching WWE TV because that the exact formula they use

for the record their is not one guy that can do anything for TNA pushing talent doesnt work when you have horrible storylines, unless its a roundtable of great wrestling minds no one is going to be able to push young talent in TNA.
Wowww, personally I cannot stand Hulk Hogan, I think he is a major dick for joining tna, and especially after knowing how much of a scumbag he was during the feud with HBK who is my "icon" but you my friend are fucking nuts..... No one said anything about a MATCH

The bottom line is as great or as much as you like austin, or HHH, or Rock, Cena, Taker, etc...

The reason we have all of this is because of Vince and Hulk Hogan, the reason WrestleMania became as big as it is today is Hulk Hogan, The reason WWF has picked up for cable televison Hulk Hogan, the reason for the monday night wars hulk hogan

I am 22 and i know all this, by two brothers are 16 and 8 and they know what hogan means to wresstling.... the bottom line is his era is over but his influence is far from over, how the rock went on his little tangent how he opened the door for guys like cena, hogan opened the door for other guys to even have a fan base, no he didnt put many people over, but if you watch legends of wrestling damn near every wrestler all they cared about was being on the same card as hogan because they new the building would be packed and they would be on TV and get noticed.

Hogan is proof that you can entertain people without having to curse to get a pop like the rock this sunday, his influence is all but over yet the WWE went and booked a young kid like they booked hogan and now he is a worldwide star with millions of fans , is mainstream, undoubtedly the #1 star of wrestling and is the only man worth a shyt of making the Rocks return exciting and unpredictable, while making him not even wrestle.

and its the reason why EVERYTIME he comes out in a WWE arena the crowd goes ape shyt, their is not one guy that can do anything for TNA pushing talent doesnt work when you have horrible storylines, unless its a roundtable of great wrestling minds no one is going to be able to push young talent in TNA.

Well said I agree with you 100%,he will never fade away even when he dies. Hogan is to wrestling, what Babe Ruth is to baseball and the HR, Jordan to basketball and Elvis to Rock.
He would and could make an impact. The kids know who he is, as he is the face of wrestling past. However in saying that, I would hate him to come back in any way, he is a spotlight hogging, no wrestling ability douche bag. Look what he was like with HBK, had to have Shawn be a heel, had to be the big hero and then cried like a baby when HBK shamed him. And the fact that Hogan won that fight is less believable than Hornswoggle power bombing Andre the Giant. Anyway he is too up himself to put anyone over and should just stay home, without a camera crew in his house showing everyone how pathetic he is.
He would and could make an impact. The kids know who he is, as he is the face of wrestling past. However in saying that, I would hate him to come back in any way, he is a spotlight hogging, no wrestling ability douche bag. Look what he was like with HBK, had to have Shawn be a heel, had to be the big hero and then cried like a baby when HBK shamed him. And the fact that Hogan won that fight is less believable than Hornswoggle power bombing Andre the Giant. Anyway he is too up himself to put anyone over and should just stay home, without a camera crew in his house showing everyone how pathetic he is.

Im right their with you as a huge HBK fan that whole thing pissed me off, hogan was just playing politcs i think there was some jealously their. The sad part about hogan is NOBODY will ever be as great as him but he is not confident within hos own spot in wrestling history like he is scared to be forgotten even though he never will.

I wouldnt want to see him but it would be a huge if he did in any capacity
Im right their with you as a huge HBK fan that whole thing pissed me off, hogan was just playing politcs i think there was some jealously their. The sad part about hogan is NOBODY will ever be as great as him but he is not confident within hos own spot in wrestling history like he is scared to be forgotten even though he never will.

I wouldnt want to see him but it would be a huge if he did in any capacity

You raise a good argument and this is the thing I like hearing from people who do not necessarily agree with me about Hulk Hogan when I make arguments about him on this forum. However one thing I must say though man is that I think we too often get a notion about this because of what WWE's sleekly manufactured and I will say entertaining DVD sets say.

I mean I loved Heartbreak and Triumph and My Journey both great DVD sets WWE put out about HBK, but it's very easy for WWE to say things happened one way without us the fans really knowing the whole story, they are very good at making persuasive points towards their audience.

However, in both productions Hulk Hogan himself is not involved in any of it other than through archive footage. In this respect it's very easy for WWE to paint this one sided picture of Hogan's role in those storylines. It's not to say that his star power did not affect the outcome of the overall angle, but I think we must also remember that Shawn Michaels has had his checkered past with backstage behavior. But considering Shawn's current standing as a WWE alumni and soon to be official Hall Of Famer that's on good standing with the company things are different. It's very easy for Hulk Hogan to be made to look bad and all of Shawn's past to be either very sanitized or in certain circumstances just outright forgotten in order to make someone look bad, in this instance Hogan being one of them. Because we have to remember in the years Bret Hart was on bad terms with WWE, there was very little in the way of flattery that was being directed towards Bret as an individual. Just watch early episodes of WWE's now canceled program Confidential to find out. The episodes that deal with the Death of WCW and The Montreal Screwjob are perfect examples. However since Bret has patched things up, he's now become the unfortunate victim in Vince's twisted machinations than his original status when he left the WWF in 1997 as an embittered and unruly performer who did not adhere to a "time honored tradition" (Vince's own words) and lose the World Title willingly. Because Hogan's chosen to go to TNA, he rests in that same role that Hart had for all those years that The Hitman had when he was away from the WWF.

If Hulk Hogan had his 1000th reconcilation with Vince then you can bet he'd be given Bret Hart's same prodigal son treatment (which he already had the few times he did return, but he would get it again.)

I'm not holding your point against you man but it's something to consider when really thinking about the overall product of WWE and its influence on the IWC.
If Hogan were to show up on Raw, it would draw a bigger number than Impact. But, that really has nothing to do with Hogan.

Hogan as a draw? Now? I don't see it. He really has nothing left to offer, and it's kind of sad. He can barely walk, so a match is out of the question (or so I think?). He's been in TNA, so it's not like his presence on a wrestling program would be some sort of shocker.

The Rock was a big deal because he had been gone for so long (and he's fucking awesome). Hogan doesn't have that advantage. Austin doesn't either, but he's a much bigger draw at this moment than Hogan.

Oh, and anyone who is wondering why Hogan hasn't just gone away need not look further than his bank account. And why not collect the cash? If they're stupid enough to pay, take it.
Hulk Hogan should not have a final run in WWE as a performer. He can't go in the ring to save a life, let a lone a wrestling match. He's physically a broken down old man, he's just had his 1000th surgery on his back or whatever. No chance of Vince letting him actually wrestle.

Maybe if he came back to host SummerSlam or a WrestleMania like The Rock is doing, then that would be fine or even just a random appearance on RAW for like a 4th of July special and announcing a match, cutting a promo, ring announcing then fine but in no way do I want to see Hulk Hogan have another match in WWE. It would suck from a wrestling stand point.
No. I doubt Vince will consider this after Hogan's TNA run. Plus if Vince is the Wrestling genius everyone says, he wouldnt bring in Hogan in the middle of his so called youth movement
If Hogan was to come back, I would use it to WWE's advantage to build a storyline.

I would have Cena turn heel at or just after Wrestlemania, by taking out the Rock and then turning on the fans for not supporting him after all he has done for them.

Then on 4th July or some special occasion, have Hogan make is triumphant return to WWE and have him cutting a promo with the fans going wild only to have Cena come out and destroy him. Cena would then claim he is the present and is fed up of fans looking to the past.

Maybe Hogan could come back and be in someones corner against Cena at a PPV - maybe drop that one last leg drop......

It would cement Cena as a hated heel but of course its never going to happen..........
Ok, for all the people still writing "fantasy storylines", let's think rationally.

Hulk's been getting back surgeries lately like some people get their teeth cleaned. Do you honestly think he's going to risk screwing his back up by having a match w/Cena in a few years when it's either righting itself or, on the other side, getting worse? Please, people, a little common sense.

And as far as back in the WWE? Personally, I would say fuck no. Let it rest already. But I'm sure he'd probably get his WWE pop just like any other returning star so a one-shot or Legends deal would probably be ok.

Legends deal would fit well, actually. Get him out doing promotional work, but keep him off camera and out of the damn creative meetings. The other thing it would do would be to keep him out of any other wrestling endeavors which would also be a plus. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Maybe Hulk in his golden years delegated to the outside looking in would be enough to humble that massively swelled cranium. Doubtful, but there's always hope.
No. Hulk Hogan will never set foot in a WWE ring again. He has far outlived his usefulness, there would be nothing to gain on the WWE's part in bringing him back. Hogan's time as the most recognizable wrestler in the world is long gone. He is simply no longer relevant to anything the WWE is doing. It pains me to say it, Hogan is my all time favorite wrestler, the image on my avatar. I grew up with Hulkamania running wild, brother. But to every thing, there is a season...and Hogan's season is now in the history books. It is time that Hogan realized that his time has past, and it is never coming back.
No. I dont think he will come back. He is too old. No one cares about Hogan. Its not like Austin or The Rock who will one day turn into a Hogan too... we wont want to see them anymore. We will want to see the Retired Alberto Del Rio and Retired Cena come back.

IMO Hogan Sucks. I never liked this guy. I dont know why exactly but he just does not "Do it" for me.

In fact, I would rather watch John Cena bounce off the ropes and throw his hat into the crowd a billion times than see Hogan wheelchair his ass down the ramp and call me brother. Those days are done.
I think if he came back in a non-wrestling role, and was not booked to dominate the show as he has been in TNA, then I think it would work.

Hogan still has huge name value in the WWE fanbase, and an unnannounced return as the Raw GM or something like that would still get a major pop. With the right script Hogan has the natural charisma to make people care, which is why he has been so successful over the years.

He would be a great choice as an authority figure in WWE, he is their all-time biggest star, the most recognisable man in wrestling history and still a major name in the business. Having him appear on a WWE show will always increase the ratings, even today.

Just for the love of God do not book him to dominate all the young stars and PLEASE do not get in the ring to wrestle again. That would be a disaster
First of all, after everything that's happened the last few years, if Vince McMahon could forgive Hogan and have him back, he's a bigger person than I'd ever be.

The rest of it is a two-sided coin. In the community of wrestling fans, I think Hogan has lost a lot of his appeal by not having a positive effect on TNA's ratings, which is what he was brought in to do. That's not to say those fans wouldn't buy a PPV if he returned to WWE for one night, but the loss of Hogan magic of the past few years makes it less than a certainty.

On the other hand, there are people who aren't wrestling fans but have heard of Hulk Hogan. Some of them might buy the PPV because of him.

Face it, the 8.5 ratings WWE got during the Attitude Era consisted largely of people who weren't fans of the sport; they were simply following a mass movement that said that wrestling was cool. When it became less cool, they stopped watching, leaving it to the wrestling fans. We bemoan the low ratings of today; but they're low only because the fly-by-night fans aren't tuning in anymore.

But many of those same non-fans remember Hulk Hogan and might buy a PPV by WWE to see him one more time.

Personally, I wouldn't care if he never showed up.
I wouldn't mind seeing Hulk Hogan come back one more time (likely at a Wrestlemania) but not to wrestle. Some sort of promo or appearance would be fine with me.

In my mind, Hulk-a-Mania officially died when Hogan signed with that garbage known as TNA.

However, if he comes back to WWE one last time, and officially retires from pro wrestling as a member of WWE, I'd be happy.
First of all, after everything that's happened the last few years, if Vince McMahon could forgive Hogan and have him back, he's a bigger person than I'd ever be.

Vince is a businessman. If it would benefit his company he would certainly consider it. Whether or not he would end up forgiving Hogan would be another matter though....

The rest of it is a two-sided coin. In the community of wrestling fans, I think Hogan has lost a lot of his appeal by not having a positive effect on TNA's ratings, which is what he was brought in to do.

I do not think most wrestling fans, especially casual fans who watch WWE on and off, but not religiously, could give 2 shits about Hogan in TNA. Most people would not even know he was in TNA, especially here in England. I do not think his appearances in TNA would affect the reaction he would get if "Real American" started playing one more time and the Hulkster walked out on Raw.

Face it, the 8.5 ratings WWE got during the Attitude Era consisted largely of people who weren't fans of the sport; they were simply following a mass movement that said that wrestling was cool. When it became less cool, they stopped watching, leaving it to the wrestling fans. We bemoan the low ratings of today; but they're low only because the fly-by-night fans aren't tuning in anymore.

But many of those same non-fans remember Hulk Hogan and might buy a PPV by WWE to see him one more time.

True, we will not be going back to those ratings until wrestling is thought of as "cool" again. But a Hogan return would certainly boost the ratings slightly, and create a bit of a buzz in the old school community, who may tune in to see their former idol.

Personally, I wouldn't care if he never showed up.

It wouldnt bother me if he didnt either. But I ask you, what would the average wrestling fan like to see...Hogan as the GM or Vickie Guerrero, Teddy Long, Mike Adamle, William Regal or a computer as the GM? It would always be the Hulkster. He would definitely be a hit.
Yes but not as a full on wrestler. I would book him as the leader of a face faction, who are defending the WWE against a great heel faction, headed by Cena. Would be a good final run, defending the company that made him, and the heels would get massive heat beating down on hogan, and the final pay off of Hogan being victorious would be perfect.
No. Good God, no. Hogan can't even run anymore.

That's just what the WWE needs right now- another match with a top superstar in his late 20's who has to slow down his already lachrymal pace to avoid making Hogan look like he has no place in a wrestling ring.

Would it make money, probably. Doesn't mean that I personally want to see it.
Honky Tonk Man is always posting shit about Hogan on his facebook and states Vince would have no interest in bringing Hogan back.

I'm a firm believer of never say never and I do think Hogan would get his retirement match. If Hogan isn't dead by Wrestlemania 30 I would enjoy seeing him trying to beat the streak. Yes, the match wouldnt be pretty, so make it a street fight. Fact is Hogan would draw in WWE.

Hogan vs Taker....just for nostalgic reasons of course.
Personally, I'm just tired of Hulk Hogan. I'm tired of all the various "one last run" deals with Hogan and I'm really just at a point in which I just wish he'd go away. Hulk Hogan no longer even remotely generates any feelings of nostalgia for me and, at this point in time, nostalgia is really all he'd be able to offer anyone.

We've seen, quite often, how Hogan has been booked to be the center of attention in TNA. For the first half of last year, everything that took place on iMPACT! was woven around Hulk Hogan and it just turned people off in general. Even though he barely wrestled, thankfully, since being part of TNA, how often did we see Hogan booked as if he was the baddest mother of them all? In most of the brawls that broke out, he was right there in the thick of things beating up healthy wrestlers less than half his age. I'll not deny what Hogan has meant to wrestling but, let's face it, Hogan's primary objective even now is to get himself over regardless of how it might wind up making other wrestlers look. It's been that way in TNA and I have little doubt that's how he would want it to be in WWE.

If Hogan ever came back to the WWE, possibly as the Raw GM for example, that might potentially be interesting as long as they kept Hogan's appearances somewhat rare, didn't make him the centerpiece of the show, kept him out of the ring as a wrestler and didn't have him threatening to get medieval on the asses of wrestlers. Have him as an authority figure sort of character, put him on commentary or something along those lines. However, I have ZERO interest in Hulk Hogan coming back to WWE just to put himself over one last time.
Honestly, he can't "run" so a last run doesn't make sense. He'll only politic to get wins he doesn't deserve and will end up embarrassing himself at best. Not to mention, he'll end up most likely hurting himself. I have a hard time believing he could even perform the leg drop at this point. Truthfully.

That being said, I wouldn't want to see him back if he could move around better. His promos have not been the best lately and he's never been a great wrestler to begin with. His time is up.

So, obviously, I'd say no.
Obviously he is in TNA right now, however we all know that wont last too long. Would hulk have any drawing power left in a non wrestling capability. I mean no Wrestling but maybe a wrestlemania guest host or tough enough coach. He could be a GM or do guest appearnces.

So you as a WWE fan would you welcome another run by the hulkster? and does he have any drawing power left in the WWE community?

You're missing the point of the OP's post so let me quote it man. The OP is asking NOTHING about Hulk Hogan taking on a wrestling role. I did not read that anywhere in his posting. Unless I am missing something here, which I don't think I am.

Honestly, he can't "run" so a last run doesn't make sense. He'll only politic to get wins he doesn't deserve and will end up embarrassing himself at best. Not to mention, he'll end up most likely hurting himself. I have a hard time believing he could even perform the leg drop at this point. Truthfully.

Hulk Hogan's politicking is a very hot topic amongst the IWC and it has been that way for years, but it never ceases to amaze me how people tie their beliefs to this issue when none of us were even around to see any of these guys backstage to know what REALLY gets decided in the world of wrestling. Bottom line is this like or hate Hulk Hogan, I myself grew up being a fan, the guy is a sell. I will meet you half-way and say that he has more likely than not used star power to get things swayed his way, but at the same time I think that has always been overstated and exaggerated. I mean take for instance another favorite of mine Bret Hart, if the Montreal Screwjob really was on the level WWF tried to present it to be.

Can you talk about any bigger a case of politics than Bret holding the WWF title ransom and not wanting to lose it in Canada? Even Hogan's Bash At The Beach 2000 fiasco with Vince Russo doesn't even touch that, and also let's not forget that Ric Flair walked out of WCW with the Big Gold Belt and did not drop it to his former Horseman ally Barry Windham. People can say what they want about Flair's story being that he was screwed by the President of the company at the time, Jim Herd but like Hart, Flair held the title ransom, plain and simple. Hogan while you can cringe at questionable storylines like his early WCW rivalries with Brutus Beefcake and the Dungeon Of Doom, seems to get derided for situations that are very minor compared to a situation like Flair's where you actually bring another organization's property to a rival company. (Yes I know Flair was owed interest on the belt, but just the same I am sure Ted Turner would have paid Flair back every penny plus the interest without all that drama, because you can say what you want but that was a petty move on Vince's part to encourage Flair to bring the title, it was a great storyline don't get me wrong, but still it shows how WWF would go to great lengths to hurt a rival.)

Seriously man, 4 out of 5 of Hulk Hogan's WWF title reigns all ended as a result of him losing the championship to another wrestler in a match. Granted that with the exception of The Warrior they were all dirty wins by the opponents, but at the time Hogan was the centerpiece of the show and a face. The rules of the story goes that you never had the good guy lose to the bad guy fairly, simple yes, formulaic of course, but it was the way to keep the audience's interests until Hogan could find a way to get his belt back and avenge the injustices that were put upon him.

His WCW World Title reigns also had some controversy too but in his first reign Paul Wight a man we know today as the Big Show got his big break. Ever since that time he's been a constant presence in wrestling. His second reign ended to Luger for five days, I thought that was lame because Hogan got it right back, but it was a wild episode of Nitro to see that happen. His third reign ended with Sting and you can thank a combination of Nick Patrick missing his cue (from what it looks like) and the lame booking of Bret Hart in the angle and you can see why that was a disaster. But just the same Hogan never was able to beat Sting for the belt ever. Sting got made to look a lot better in character than Hogan did I can tell you that. When his fourth WCW title reign came about, Goldberg got the rub (not Hogan's fault if Goldberg didn't reach his true potential). Then there's the title loss he had to Ric Flair (I know what I said about Flair earlier, but it was still cool to see 1 of his 16 title reigns come at the expense of Hogan, it was about time!), and his last official WCW title reign ended against Sting (again it was a cheap loss to Sting, but at the time Sting was heel, heels are supposed to do that). So despite the politics Hogan has obviously lost his fair share of titles, we can't argue that.

Bottom line, even with his star power and possible misuse of it at times. Guys like Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, The Ultimate Warrior, The Big Show, The Rock and Kurt Angle have all gotten great in character legitimacy from getting the rub from Hogan. Sure the first three I mention amounted to being short term fixtures in the business but that's not Hogan's fault. The Rock was already a star but what WrestleMania III did for Hogan when he faced Andre, WM X8 did the same thing for The Rock. The Big Show I already discussed effectively in the previous paragraph and Kurt Angle had the distinction of being one of a rare lot to not only beat Hogan cleanly but to make him tap in the process, I'm sure Hogan could have very easily vetoed that move if he wanted to. In a non-wrestling role he has helped people too despite how people negatively talk about TNA (yes I know they are WWE-lite) but guys like Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy have enjoyed transitions to TNA with lighter work schedules that I think their star power has earned them and guys like Matt Morgan are in the main event scene now, while I never cared for Abyss and still don't this guy was someone Hogan wanted to help out too. Sure I agree with Jack-Hammer on his argument against Hogan hogging the spotlight in many ways but the bottom line these other guys like RVD, Anderson, Hardy and Morgan have gotten a chance to work some great main event storylines together. Hogan hasn't stopped that from happening at least. So I could definitely see him playing a similar storyline role in WWE. Although if I had my way about it, I'd nix the entire GM roles and bring back a WWE President much like Jack Tunney or Gorilla Monsoon was when it was still the WWF and make Bret Hart the head honcho.

Do I think at times that was lame, yeah but when you're a kid you don't care. At the time Hulk Hogan was the center of most wrestling fan's universe. Whether that's how it should have been in the first place, that's not for me to decide, but I enjoyed his work just the same. Millions of other people who were bigger fans than I also enjoyed him all these years. I don't doubt Hogan looks out for himself but that's just a sad fact of life. Many people do that, pro wrestlers are far from being anywhere near the status of humanitarians, and I can guarantee you that Hogan is not the only one who pulls political stutnts backstage.

But since the OP was adamant in saying that it would not be a wrestling role to imagine Hogan back in, I wholeheartedly agree that he could do something positive in the company. A role as GM would be awesome, again I don't want to see him wrestle and to his credit he has not worked a match in a year's time. A fact no one like to speak about when we discuss matters involving Hogan. All I ever hear is that he's just there to take everyone's spot in TNA. While I'll admit episodes of iMPACT have been Hogan heavy. I've seen nothing but guys like Matt Morgan, Mr. Anderson, and Jeff Hardy compete in the World Title scene. Granted all three are former WWE wrestlers but they are still young enough men to where you're not seeing Flair and Hogan wrestle for the title.

That being said, I wouldn't want to see him back if he could move around better. His promos have not been the best lately and he's never been a great wrestler to begin with. His time is up.

So, obviously, I'd say no.

As far as Hogan never being a great wrestler, define that term for me, because in professional wrestling the predetermined nature of the whole thing makes "great wrestler" a debatable term for me. Hogan was formulaic I'll admit that and he became content with a very limited moveset during his WWF heyday and into WCW worked with the same dynamic. However, I've seen his earlier work as a young man learning the business and I felt back then he could so stuff in the ring that most wouldn't associate with him today. Obviously the people who promoted him before his WWF days thought the same thing and the WWF themselves were satisfied too.

If we were talking collegiate wrestling here where technique and scoring points were essential to winning, then I'd be quicker to agree with you but not in this case, this isn't an actual sport. Pro wrestling is an athletic endeavor since you do have to be in shape to compete in it, but it's not an actual sport where the number of moves you know are essential to your bettering the other man.

So the great wrestler thing only holds so much weight with me and other people as the record has shown when it comes to being a Hogan fan. Another important defense to give Hogan is that even if he's not the man of 1,000 holds like Dean Malenko or hell 1,004 like Chris Jericho, I would not call him a total hack. There's never been an instance where I've seen him hurt someone on TV in the ring or even on the road, no reports to suggest such have ever come out.

Hogan's repertoire was always a power based one and he's done very well with that, and when it came t mixing it up in the ring with guys like The Rock and Kurt Angle, the old man rose to the occasion. People can say all they want about Hogan being carried by those guys, but I dare anyone on this forum that's never stepped through a set of ring ropes to take Hogan's place in a match even if it's against Shawn Michaels and I guarantee you that the match would be a -5 star disaster. No one is that good despite the exaggeration of some of the greats in the sport that would say so.

Bottom line the post was about Hogan having a non-wrestling role but since something about his wrestling ability came up, I had to say something. While I'll enjoy a series of matches with Bret Hart for their versatility and athletic value way more than Hogan's, I still give my respect to a big man like Hogan that has shown that when able to can put on a good match that's outside of his comfort zone.
Honky Tonk Man is always posting shit about Hogan on his facebook and states Vince would have no interest in bringing Hogan back.

I'm a firm believer of never say never and I do think Hogan would get his retirement match. If Hogan isn't dead by Wrestlemania 30 I would enjoy seeing him trying to beat the streak. Yes, the match wouldnt be pretty, so make it a street fight. Fact is Hogan would draw in WWE.

Hogan vs Taker....just for nostalgic reasons of course.

You raise good points, rge2010, however I gotta say I would not want to see a Taker-Hogan Match at a WM, but you are right Hogan would still have that drawing power as a legend and hall of famer in WWE. They basically own his entire career through their footage library like HTM said and I think most fans that still like Hogan want him nowhere else but WWE. I can somewhat throw myself in that category.

However, I don't know if I could get into another match with Hogan that's a far different story lol, especially if they would put him in against Taker. I mean I'm so adamant about the Taker streak that if I had a flesh and blood relative or best friend that was a wrestler and they were big enough to wrestle a Mania match with Taker, I'd still never bet against the taker. Call me a Taker mark but that's the one thing in wrestling I never want to see change. I'm just getting over the fact that WWE will never be called WWF again, I definitely don't want to see the Taker streak get contested at all.

But this post has been a very nice break from what most of the other posters, myself included have said.
Absolutely not.

Hogan flat out doesn't have another run in him.

He's old and broken. He's done.

Of course that doesn't mean TNA can't wheel him out every so often and pretend that he still matters.
One Word NO!!!!!!! Hogan can barely move. He really isnt the ratings boost that he once was. He would cost more than he is worth leave him where he is for now until TNA gets rid of him then let him be. His days in the wrestling business should be over.

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