Should Hulk Hogan make one final run in the WWE?

Dude, no way in hell Hardy was as Popular as Cena is right now. No way.

Co-sign. John Cena is in a league of his own compared to the rest of the "active" wrestling world. Only 2 other men can even compare to him: Taker and HHH. That's it. Hardy has fallen so far down the ladder that he doesn't even warrant discussion.

But to answer the question, yes. Hogan should come back and wrestle his 2011 counterpart- John Cena. Yes, Hogan can barely move. Yes, it would take all of Cena's skill to even make the match decent. But it would be epic nonetheless.

Either that, or he should come back and take an RKO/ Punt from Randy Orton.
Absolutely not. Maybe a one-off appearance and a beat down by him on a young up and coming heel, but no way should he be in another match. He can't move well and couldn't put on one last good bout if he tried.
As much as I love Hogan, after he was inducted to HOF he shouldn't have done what he had. That includes Hulkamania Tour and his TNA run. If he couldn't stay away from wrestling, he could have been a great GM in my opinion. Seeing him as the Raw GM will be beneficial both ways. WWE will benefit on ratings because like him or not, Hulk can offer something anytime to the viewers, and Hulk will benefit by being on the mainstream show every week as a respected authority. It currently doesn't work much in TNA because there is no Vince there. Hulk had been popping out frome every segment, and that becomes annoying. On WWE they would find a good balance. That's why i think it wouldn't harm anyone if Hulk had a one last run with WWE.
Ok, for all the people still writing "fantasy storylines", let's think rationally.

Hulk's been getting back surgeries lately like some people get their teeth cleaned. Do you honestly think he's going to risk screwing his back up by having a match w/Cena in a few years when it's either righting itself or, on the other side, getting worse? Please, people, a little common sense.

Read what I wrote you ******.

I stated Cena to on capitalize on Hogans popularity by taking him out and then I stated that he could possibly be in someone's corner against Cena and MAYBE drop one leg drop.....

How the hell does that constitute a match with Cena??????

Please, people, read the fucking posts.
Yes but not in the ring EVER he hasnt got it and i would rather watch a Hornswogle segment.I do think Hogans name value is still marketable for WWE im not sure if vince would have him back.
as a novelty act? sure, why not. he would still draw, people would watch ... but for a very limited time. so it would have to be a swan song type of situation.

but that seems to be the problem with these guys. they cannot let go. they love the limelight and want to try to continue to be a part of it.

hhh has probably been my favorite wrestler over the past 12 years, but even he is growing stale. it is a younger man's sport and the old guys need to realize that and "know their role."
Um, no. A few reason's though.

1. Hogan can't move anymore.
2. He's had multiple back surgeries. I doubt he can take a bump anymore.
3. He's sure as hell not the draw he used to be. Sure, he's got name value, but it's not 1986 anymore either. And sure, he's think's he's a draw, but's he's not anymore. FACT.
4. What would he do, wrestle? He can't anymore. Talk, who cares what he has to say?
5. Vince probably does'nt even respect him anymore. Seriously, the guy is trying to compete against Vince agian? Much less posting Wrestlemania spoilers.
6. He's a old, battered down old man. And is also a hypocrite, liar, and a money-hungry egotistical bastard! ( My own personal reason.)

Seriously. I would be completely shocked to see Hogan, or even hear his music ever agian in WWE.
Um, no. A few reason's though.

1. Hogan can't move anymore.
2. He's had multiple back surgeries. I doubt he can take a bump anymore.
3. He's sure as hell not the draw he used to be. Sure, he's got name value, but it's not 1986 anymore either. And sure, he's think's he's a draw, but's he's not anymore. FACT.
4. What would he do, wrestle? He can't anymore. Talk, who cares what he has to say?
5. Vince probably does'nt even respect him anymore. Seriously, the guy is trying to compete against Vince agian? Much less posting Wrestlemania spoilers.
6. He's a old, battered down old man. And is also a hypocrite, liar, and a money-hungry egotistical bastard! ( My own personal reason.)

Seriously. I would be completely shocked to see Hogan, or even hear his music ever agian in WWE.

I think this is an overreaction. He can draw in red and yellow at anytime, not as a wrestler of course. But even today when he takes the mic, there is plenty that youngsters can learn from him. He can be a good GM, he can be a color in Raw, and yes i will care what he has to say. You just need to use him right. He won't draw as in he would in 1987, but who can draw the same as in his prime? Stone Cold will come out next monday, he will be a "must see" but it won't be like in 1999. That doesn't mean he can't draw at all. And also with his behind the scenes attitude, all the same can be said about Austin, HHH, Michaels and many more. Their in ring personas draw, not behind the scene characters.
hulk hogan needs to quit, before he ends up in a vegatative state, plus why have a 59 year old man wrestle? thats outragious, his body is falling apart he is done, his time is up, put him to rest, same with flair.
My honest opinion...No. Not at all. I could rant and rant about him, but we know his negatives, And why he shouldn't. I hardly wanted him in the WWE circa WM18-19 let alone now.

He's the most selfish wrestler in the the sports history, manipultative, and just flat out NOT worth it.

Im 28, so anyone who will claim that I dont know hogan is completely bogus. I DO know him, and thats the ammo I have. He pulls SO many strings to make himself look better when it makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

He defeated HBK AND Orton on his last return, what would he do know, Beat Cena to prove he's the ''Real icon''.

I havent been entertained by Hogan since his NWO days, and that was ONLY due to the NWO within itself, not Hogan.

I seriously don't know if there is a wrestler that I despise more than Hogan.....and Im being real honest here.
People on this forum need to learn how to F'n read the OP didnt say a damn thing about wrestling yet everyone see's this as their chance to shit on hogan in a post by saying every negative thing possible about his lack of physical abilities fact is he still has charisma he still can draw people

I would be willing to bet any money that if hogan was doing the same thing the rock is doing right now for the smackdown brand he would 150% get a bigger pop then the rock at the georgia dome on april 3rd and thats why he will most likely have one final run
No final run for Hogan unless its in a Non-wrestling compacity. He is too old to be seen as a credible wrestler anymore and you know he would have creative control over his character so he won't be putting anyone over ala his fued with Shawn Michaels, he was just lucky Michaels was the bigger man and took one for the team, he would cream Hogan in a second.

Anyways back to the point. Hogan yes is one of the biggest superstars ever in wrestling. But we have seen time and time again that Hogan always puts Hogan first. If the WWE wants the youth to be pushed then it would seem a bad idea for him to come in. I'm very surprised Hogan hasn't actually wrestled in TNA yet, but even still the stupid storylines they are coming up with always have a sense of the old WCW.

I would personally (and i think someone has mentioned in a previous post) like to see, if he was brought back, as the RAW GM. That would be a great twist. However again this would pose probelms, he would hopefully have to told what to do, not have his 'creative control, for it to work or else, we would definitly see Bischoff back in the WWE as well.

My overall opinion would be not to bring him all or only has guest appearances.
If there's anything that Hogan's escapade in TNA has proved, it's that his value to pro wrestling is not what it was and as such, WWE would be better off putting the money and effort into their younger talents.

There are a handful of former WWE names that I would like to see back ahead of Hogan. I've grown tired of his part time schtick in TNA and WWE do not need him like TNA do.
As much as I think it would make really interesting viewing, I don't hink Hogan should have anything more to do with the WWE.

Let's face it, if Real American started playing at WrestleMania in a couple of weeks, who here wouldn't mark out. That being said, Hogan has nothing of value to offer the WWE that they can't accomplish in another way. For sheer viewer-ship, the WWE have brought in The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. They have managed to bring in people who still have a very high reputation in the world of sport and elsewhere. Like it or not, Hogan's reputation has been sullied by his whole antics outside of the ring. His divorce and everything that has gone on outside of wrestling has put a huge damper on his legacy and that means that people like The Rock and Austin are thought of better than Hogan.

Secondly, his run in TNA has killed off his chances of ever being in the WWE again. The scenario with Christian is much different to this one. Christian, first of all, had something to give to the WWE when he came back and wasn't just looking for his next meal ticket. He went to TNA to get some reputation behind him and it worked. He showed the WWE what they were missing when he was gone and they got him back. Hogan has single-handedly taken control of TNA and is now running it into the ground. What has he shown anyone with this attempt at running the company? Has he shown any qualities of the man who once ruled the professional wrestling industry? I don't think so. I think his legacy is taking another beating every time he steps foot into the TNA ring and that is the saddest thing about it.

Hogan is still a hero for a lot of people but the WWE don't need him and their youth movement is getting along fine without giving him another crack at the big time. I know I wouldn't welcome it and I have a feeling that I am not the only one.
As much as I think it would make really interesting viewing, I don't hink Hogan should have anything more to do with the WWE.

Let's face it, if Real American started playing at WrestleMania in a couple of weeks, who here wouldn't mark out. That being said, Hogan has nothing of value to offer the WWE that they can't accomplish in another way. For sheer viewer-ship, the WWE have brought in The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. They have managed to bring in people who still have a very high reputation in the world of sport and elsewhere. Like it or not, Hogan's reputation has been sullied by his whole antics outside of the ring. His divorce and everything that has gone on outside of wrestling has put a huge damper on his legacy and that means that people like The Rock and Austin are thought of better than Hogan.

Secondly, his run in TNA has killed off his chances of ever being in the WWE again. The scenario with Christian is much different to this one. Christian, first of all, had something to give to the WWE when he came back and wasn't just looking for his next meal ticket. He went to TNA to get some reputation behind him and it worked. He showed the WWE what they were missing when he was gone and they got him back. Hogan has single-handedly taken control of TNA and is now running it into the ground. What has he shown anyone with this attempt at running the company? Has he shown any qualities of the man who once ruled the professional wrestling industry? I don't think so. I think his legacy is taking another beating every time he steps foot into the TNA ring and that is the saddest thing about it.

Hogan is still a hero for a lot of people but the WWE don't need him and their youth movement is getting along fine without giving him another crack at the big time. I know I wouldn't welcome it and I have a feeling that I am not the only one.

I for one...wouldn't. Im 28, and I grew up with Hogan, and the nostalgia feel died after his run after WM18. Now, its just sad.

Since MrBooker so dick-ishly stated, I DID read the OP, And I don't want hogan back AT ALL. I marked out for JBL more than I would for ANOTHER dry hogan entrance.

Even as the GM, I have little to absolutely NO interest in Hogan anymore. His backstage, lack of passion in promos anymore, give me so much venom towards him. He's just NOT interesting to me, and would be a waste of precious time for the young movement that has had me more interested in Wwe than I have been in years
Hulk Hogan should stay away from the WWE. He is old, cannot wrestle, and he would take the light away from the stars of today. Hogan should stay with TNA or retire.

Of course, we saw Bret Hart come back so I would never say that it is not possible for Hogan to come back.
IMO, it just seems fitting for Hogan to end his career (REALLY END and stay the F*CK done FOREVER!) in the same place that made him the household name that he is. I understand he and Vince pretty much hate each other at the moment but if we live in a world where Vince can wish death on Eric Bischoff and Bischoff publicly shoot/challenge Vince on live TV at one point and just a few short years later have Bischoff as the GM of RAW ANYTHING can happen! It pains me to say this but we all know that Hogan is holding on to the only thing he truly knows in the world: Professional Wrestling. He cannot do anything else. We all know there's absolutely NO WAY TNA can pay Hogan what the WWE can. Hogan's financial problems are no secret. At this point he is simply trying to make a living. (The same could be said for Flair but I digress!) It's very sad to see someone who has risen to unparalleled heights in this business and flourish, struggle just to make a living, IMO. I just think one final run.....NOT MATCH.....would help him to make a final exit from the business and allow him to live out his life with some dignity. I'm thinking something similar to Nash's situation (one cool nostalgic appearance, legends contract, quietly work behind the scenes) would help accomplish that.
No, considering the horrible job he is doing writing stuff at TNA... But besides that, there is absolutely no point for a superstar to appear if they can't wrestle. All the recent returns, Booker T, Diesel, The Rock, Stone Cold, JBL, and Trish are starting to piss me off. Don't comeback unless it's to wrestle. You are wasting time for each show that you appear on, and it's not that entertaining (usually) to watch someone talk.

Also in my opinion when a legendary superstar of the past comes back and we see them as older guys who can't put on that great of a show, but still try. For me it tarnishes there reputation, of course I will always remember the greatness of their younger days. But at the same time I have to think back on that time I face palmed when they embarrassed themselves by returning...
Absolutely he should. One last time, for a year, maybe. Wrestlemania to Wrestlemania. Put guys over, have showdowns, give it to use the right way, one last time. There is no fucking way that appearance on the homecoming show with Khali can be the last time Hulk Hogan is on WWE television. It just cant be. It would so sad and pathetic.
Absolutely he should. One last time, for a year, maybe. Wrestlemania to Wrestlemania. Put guys over, have showdowns, give it to use the right way, one last time. There is no fucking way that appearance on the homecoming show with Khali can be the last time Hulk Hogan is on WWE television. It just cant be. It would so sad and pathetic.

I get that you probably don't watch TNA much, but Hogan's entire run (thus far and likely further) has been one big ball of sad and pathetic. If you ever truly want to know what ruins a career - watch Hogan in TNA. His legend status is dropping on a weekly basis, especially when he gives out HoF rings to shit guys and calls them better than he ever will be. :lmao:

As for a Hogan/WWE return - will it happen? Most likely. Should it happen? Meh.

I have no concern to see Hogan anymore. I had little to no desire to see him when he could actually move without the help of a walker, or aids. I laughed during 1996 when they'd mock him in those skits with the "Nacho Man" and the Mania XII showdown.


Now I realize those skits were foreshadowing into the future!

Hulk Hogan isn't big anymore. The idea of who he once was, will forever be huge though. And on that note - it needs to stay that way. WWE can continue to produce tons of blu-rays and DVDs in which they show old footage of Hogan, or revamp what they've already put out - either, or - but under no circumstance should they feel they need to ever actually bring back the living individual.
Hulk Hogan has been milking a career that ended in 2002. I admit that I still get nastagia every time I here "Real American"- but Hulkamania is dead. He's had his spotlight, and he's had other people's spotlight. He doesn't need one last run. He needs to retire. Permantly.

Hulk Hogan is a guy that doesn't care about the future of wrestling. He cares about Hogan. And that's why he certainly doesn't need to show up in WWE. He would do his damnedest to ruin the youth movement.
yeah make him the anonymous raw gm

how cool would that be that hogan was running raw the whole time he was at TNA

but hogan cant wrestle anymore I dont want to see him in the ring wrestling but I wouldent mind him being on raw in another role.

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