Hulk Hogan Says Bobby Roode "Isn't Ready"; Says Jeff Hardy is the "Next Guy"

Rising Savior

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In a taped appearance on The Busted Open Show here are some things Hogan had to say about number one contender Bobby Roode.

On Bobby Roode: " Nah he's not ready. He's not the next guy. Ya know, they might think he is. Dixie Carter might think he is. The whole world might think he is. He's not the next guy.

On Jeff Hardy: " if I had to really bet money on anybody, and really be serious about betting money on anybody. I'd say Jeff Hardy's the next guy if he keeps his act together. Well, I think he's got a lot of shine to him, I mean he just doesn't have five star matches. He shines out the ring. He walks through the mall and people know who he is. He's got a look, he's got an air about him. He's got the "IT" factor. That's what you gotta have man. This is much more than being a wrestler. This is crossing barriers, media, media barriers, and entertainment barriers of all kind. And I think the kid, Jeff Hardy has the potential to really be the guy".

Hogan also goes on to talk about guys like Aj Styles and James Storm and his match with Sting at BFG. It's a really interesting interview and you could check it out here.

What are your thoughts on Hogan's comments.
I recommend everyones reads the whole interview before commenting. Title is very misleading and you can tell Hogan is in character.
I think he is working us to try to deceive our minds in thinking Roode is going to lose at Bound For Glory. I think he was just trying to work us over like Hogan normally tries to do.

I really don't know what to make of the whole article though as I agree with Hogan about Jeff having the name recognition where as Roode really doesn't. Roode needs to win this to gain that true star power like Hardy has. I know they’re a lot of Hardy haters here but you have to admit you would recognize Hardy faster than you would Roode.

I can say this, it was nice to see that Hogan wasn't trying to just put himself over in this interview and admitting his match with Sting isn't going to be pretty. Also, I think he is truly trying to say Roode is ready to step up and Main Event TNA. He isn't trying to be bleak about it.

This just makes me want to watch Bound For Glory even more now.
^ Good point Hogan loves doing that.Jeff is still in the process of getting his life together but last night told me they want him to succeed and become World Champion one day again.As for Roode, he is a better Wrestler than Hogan ever was, Roode hasn't gotten his title shot not due to politics in the back...the managements believes in the man that he can take the company to the next level which is a good sign for TNA.
To be honest, I agree with a lot of what Hogan said, especially about Hardy and Storm. Look both these guys do have that recognizable IT factor. Hardy even though can't give a 5 star match or in his case, take smooth bumps, he still has an ability to be big, if (and this has been said to death he keeps his shit together.

Storm man, for me has been a bigger star this past year than Roode, I always looked at Bobby as Triple H circa 2001 but he is a little short in showcasing any emotion on the mic. James however is very good, has the unique factor about himself. Sure he's a redneck that likes beer, but he can go in a match as well and has great expressions to sell a moment or a move.

I do think it could have been Storm instead of Roode, and I'm a big Roode supporter.
If he was in "character" why would he put over Jeff Hardy (kicked out of Immortal according to the storyline) and put over James Storm (feuding with Immortal)?
If he was portraying the role he's playing on tv then he would be saying that the next breakout star is gunner or that he's pleasantly surprised by Bully ray's heel character.

and those comments about changing Roode's character by making him come from Venice beach instead of " Canada eh"? wow...what an ignorant comment ,even if there's a chance that he's in character..that's still a terrible comment....but it's typical from Bollea.

Every time Terry Bollea opens his mouth...more and more Warrior's shoot comments on the man make total sense.
you can so tell he was in character...btw tna people are kinda starting to tweet in character too. rosita and neal and JJ last night. JJ did reply to a fan saying roode isnt ready for the title. BTW hardy tweeted he'll have a new theme at BFG
i always saw james storm as tna's next break out star from the americas most wanted days. James needs a media push have him appear on more crossover media events, have him make a cameo on hbk's show whih would be interesting im sure he hunts then have the wrestling websites catch the story.

Bobby Roode in my opinion should win over kurt but not clean james should smash a bottle over kurts head, throw kaz in the mix and have kaz do a steel chair bit but roode needs that look as champ then have kurt win it back on impact with a screw job type finis with a crooked referee.
I absolutely agree with everything Hogan said.

I'm pretty sure it's set up to where Roode will win the title at BFG, however, I'm just not that into him. Even as beer money, Storm has always had so much more energy and enthusiasm for the gimmick, where Roode just looks like he's tacked onto the team in a gimmick that just doesn't fit.

I mean, we know that Hardy is huge. Even after his whole debacle, from what I could tell at my local house show, he was pushing a ton of merchandise, and he's recognizable.

But there's nobody out there who can tell me that I'm wrong when I say that Storm steals the show every time he walks out there, with or without Roode. Especially the recent weeks building up to BFG.
I'm probably going to get heat for this but oh well. In my opinion, Robert Roode is nothing special. That's not to say he's not a great worker, he is, it's just he's a little generic. I noticed it Thursday night when he walked out in his jeans and t-shirt and cut the run at the mill TNA promo nothing stands out about the guy to me. Look there have been breath taking workers in wrestling who have never been world champions, to be THE guy in any promotion you need to stand out and Roode blends in more than stands out.

As for Hardy, I respect what he's trying to do, but his entire career it's always been "he COULD be the next big thing in the industry" well frankly there comes a time where could be turns into could have been. Has Jeff reached that point? I have no friggin clue, but this is in so many ways his last chance.
what the hell they are gonna give hardy a chance again PLEASE GOD dont as it will sink TNA and i want 2 see roode wn at bfg
Obvious work. Congrats, in advance, to Bobby Roode. He should have been a main-eventer long ago instead of being stuck carrying two tag teams.
1st I will say this one OBVIOUSLY isn't a work, if it was a work then he wouldn't have put over Jeff Hardy as the future if he stays out of trouble, Jeff's now a face so I don't think its a work.

Secondly this was just stupid of Hogan, I'm not gonna get into an argument if his comments had merit (I think they did personally although I love Roode) but the problem with that is this, Robert Roode is ALREADY booked in the main event of TNA's biggest PPV of the year, you don't bury your (most likely) next world champion 2-3 days BEFORE the event, that is stupid on Hogan's part. It has NOTHING to do with if he was right or not, that part is irrelevant but you don't BURY the guy especially since TNA is obviously putting stock into Roode and are trying to make him a big deal in TNA. That would have been the equivalent of Hogan burying Cena 2 days before Wrestlemania 21, it's not about being right or wrong its about keeping your mouth shut.

If Hogan truly thought Roode wasn't ready he should have done 1 of 2 things:

1) Beat around the bush and don't give a legit answer.
2) Lie and say he's the future ANYWAYS.

That's what you do, what you DON'T do is bury the guy right before his big moment, especially if you work for the company and you are supposed to help it out.
He could be in character, but why is Hogan putting over Hardy instead of Roode when Roode is in the main event at Bound For Glory? I don't disagree with Hogan about Hardy being a bigger star. I'm not sure if he can be the "future" of the company or even if Roode can be successful. Everyone is putting over Bobby Roode in TNA, it is just weird that Hogan isn't.
A somewhat confusing interview really. If it is a kayfabe interview and as such he wants to belittle Robert Roode, I guess that makes some sense. But why then would he put over Jeff Hardy, the guy who left Immortal and has been getting trashed by them verbally since his return? Surely to God they are not going to pull another swerve and have Hardy remain with Immortal in some sort of capacity, I cannot imagine them replicating their earlier mistake with Hardy.

If it's a kayfabe interview, why support James Storm? And if it's a kayfabe interview, why pull the false modesty, approaching self deprecation, regarding his own abilities and the obvious limitations in his upcoming "match" with Sting?

If it is a real interview, why bash the winner of the Bound For Glory series, the guy who is the number one contender who could and should be getting groomed for a sustained significant push, whether he is successful this Sunday or not?
jeff hardy is not the next big guy hulk hogan is out of his mind

robert roode will make a great champ so would james storm if hohan really felt that way about james storm he should of tried haveing tna push storm sooner as a singles wrestler

everyone knows robert roode and james storm should be maineventers it just shows hogan doesnt respect anyone who hasnt worked for the wwe
He could be in character, but why is Hogan putting over Hardy instead of Roode when Roode is in the main event at Bound For Glory? I don't disagree with Hogan about Hardy being a bigger star. I'm not sure if he can be the "future" of the company or even if Roode can be successful. Everyone is putting over Bobby Roode in TNA, it is just weird that Hogan isn't.

no way is jeff hardy the future of tna
jeff hardy is a star but if he was able to carry a whole company he would still be in wwe

jeff hardy is good at what he does but he is not a kurt angle kurt has carried both wwe and tna at times.
To be honest, I agree with a lot of what Hogan said, especially about Hardy and Storm. Look both these guys do have that recognizable IT factor. Hardy even though can't give a 5 star match or in his case, take smooth bumps, he still has an ability to be big, if (and this has been said to death he keeps his shit together.

Storm man, for me has been a bigger star this past year than Roode, I always looked at Bobby as Triple H circa 2001 but he is a little short in showcasing any emotion on the mic. James however is very good, has the unique factor about himself. Sure he's a redneck that likes beer, but he can go in a match as well and has great expressions to sell a moment or a move.

I do think it could have been Storm instead of Roode, and I'm a big Roode supporter.

if roode is ready to be the guy they can allways try james storm but jeff hardy is not mainevent material he never was and never will be

sure jeff hardy is a big star compared to rude but that has more to do with the wwe hype machine sounds like the veterans are allready trying to sabotage robert roode as a maineventer by setting up a robert roode vs jeff hardy match that will be as craptastic as hardy vs sting then they can throw the blame on roode for the match sucking.

please the next feud for roode should be jarett a guy who is a tna maineventer and can work a 20 minute match if tna rushes to a roode vs jeff hardy feud then you know they are trying to sabotage the guy.
I have to agree with Hogan here. While I DO like roode, I find him kinda bland. Whereas jeff hardy IS a marketable star that can be the guy, and completely agree with the James Storm comment. I've always thought he had much more upside than Roode and was disappointed they went with Roode over Storm. Is it coincidence they have been getting the LOwEST ratings of the year with Roode being THE guy? Correct me if I'm wrong, but tna already tried to push Roode a few years ago and tossed him back into a tagteam when seeing he wasn't going to be the guy as they thought. Don't get me wrong, I like Roode, but I just see Storm being a much bigger star with more mass appeal.
I agree about the Hardy. It was so clear on the last show that fans adore hardy. He got cheers, chants and ignoring this would be stupid. It is so clear that except some smarks on the internet forums, no one really cares about his legal or drug problems.

As far as Roode goes, I don't fully agree with Hogan. I say - give Roode a chance. Who knows, maybe his popularity increases and he will become the top dog in tna. One thing is for sure. If tna will think that Roode is not giving them reaction from fans which they expect, he will loose title one week after BFG or very soon after. Maybe even, he will loose it to Hardy. I wouldn't be surprise.
I don't disagree with Hogan. But why is Roode in the main event in the first place?

Roode was always at his best as a heel. I think he can be as marketable as anybody, as Storm even, but TNA has to let him be the asshole heel that piss vinegar and bully his way to championships. I have no idea why they decided to somehow turn him into good guy blue collar family man Bobby Roode. In his first run in single he was one of the best heel in wrestling and people were comparing him to HHH. TNA always had problems remembering its own history.
Interesting take from has left a lot of us "confused". Was it kayfabe? Was it not? Therein lies the brilliance of Hulk Hogan.

Could it be he slipped in and out of character in the interview just for the sake of creating controversy? He literally has done this his entire career with great success. On that note, is there anybody besides me that suspects Hogan's back is in way better shape than he lets on? Hogan looks to be in remarkable shape right now. His body is V-tapered, his face is lean yet his muscles are huge, pumped, vascular. Everything about Hogan's look right now signals he is healthy. Just wait til you see him shirtless at Bound For Glory for extra evidence. He also is moving much better and much more flexible than when he came into TNA and WRESTLED on Impact and a ppv. I wouldn't doubt he has at least a few good back bumps at the ppv. I dont think Hogan built BFG up for so long if he didnt think he and Sting could deliver a great exciting match, that won't be remembered as a joke. This is Hulk Hogan's "Rocky Balboa" (rocky 6). I think he surprises a lot of people on Sunday.

Also, I do agree, Roode is somewhat "plain". However, TNA is doing a great job of marketing a "wrestler" and not a "personality" to be their next champion. This is why Angle is the man to hand off the belt. He legitimizes the sport aspect of wrestling, and if a technical wrestler like Roode beats him, thats all the more important for selling Roode as an athlete champion, and not a spectacle, like Sting or Hardy (both out of shape and both wear face paint). Impact is where "Wrestling Matters" after all, right? Maybe Roode as champ is a step in the direction of living up to that moniker.

Another thing to take into account on Roode...he is OVER! Yeah, to lots of us he is plain and a little boring, but when you're over, you're over. The crowd is 100% behind him right now, thats got to count for something. Also, you have to credit his look, which relies almost purely on his physique which is immacculate and fit for a champion. TNA is doing something right if they can get this guy over as much as he is, having shown very small amounts of charismatic personality in the process. I think Roode needs the strap now, or this whole push is pointless. You may see Roode really emerge as a character or personality once he has the belt. I can see him growing into the role, and taking the TNA audience with him along the way. If you're TNA booking at this point, BFG 2011 is a very exciting time. It feels like a great oppurtunity to establish a new point of reference for the major angles of programming, and a true recovery point for the debacle of Jeff Hardy's title reign.

I think Roode as champion, for a while, can help bridge TNA to the higher level that inevitably awaits in the future. Whether IWC wants to admit it or not, TNA is sloooooowly gaining steam and notoriety, and will one day realize its destiny of being a real competition for the WWE. I doubt that Roode can be the "face of the company" like a Cena, or a Rock, or a Flair, or Sting or Hogan once TNA is on that markee radar. But, he can certainly be instrumental in laying the groundwork for a guy like that to emerge.

Personally for me, BFG feels like a make or break for the Hogan era of this company. I don't have cable so I watch all the shows online. Its a pain in the butt, but I go out of my way to watch because I'm invested in the story. If BFG dissapoints, TNA loses me indefinitely. If it succeeds, it has clinched my interest and support probably for another year +.
bobby roode will do it, he has the talent, he is awesome!! jeff had his shot and if memory is correct he blew it and is on his final chance. 1 more blunder and he is out. game over. plus would TNA want to risk another victory road incident? i doubt it. roode has no strikes against him and has a bright future ahead of him. as for hogans character well he is clearly either doing a great job in getting his character over, or in the off chance he is being honest then he is way off his rocker.
Hogan always has an agenda, whether its obvious or not.

As for the rest of the interview?

Screw him and anyone else who doubts Roode. Roode has the entire package and he's easily marketable if the company gets behind him. He's far MORE marketable then anyone else. You really think advertisers and stations, etc, etc, want to get behind and promote Jeff Hardy whose had legal problems time and time again, is a known drug addict, and draws a very niche part of the audience? Do you think they really want James Storm, whose nothing but a cowboy who drinks beer, as the face they're promoting? Compared to Roode who looks and acts like a champion and can reach a much larger audience, really, then the gimmicky Hardy and Storm. I really doubt it. Hogan must've forgotten what made him the face of the WWE and so marketable, or what makes other guys like Cena so marketable.

Jeff Hardy has a presence, sure.. but he can't cut a promo for the life of him and his matches aren't even good, either. So what the hell's he really got? People seem to suddenly be jumping on to some wagon being towed along for James Storm, but he certainly isn't better then Roode at anything. He doesn't have a better look then Roode, he's not better in the ring then Roode, and he's not even a better promo then Roode. Just because he can drink beer doesn't make him a great, marketable character. This isn't the Attitude Era, and Storm certainly isn't as good as Steve Austin.
Roode is bland, end of story. I'll take Storm any day of the week. The thing I never got about Roode is that he's part of a team in which their gimmick is drinking beer and money. Storm has his character down pat but what does Roode do? This buildup with Angle has been dull to me because it's based on respect which it doesn't need to be.

I just rather see Storm than Roode because he would make me care about this match because he has the character and personality to do so.

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