How should the Undertaker's career end and by whom?

John Cena.

It really should be, there should be no doubt or debate about it.

The Undertaker has a massive career and it has to be against a massive superstar that he has his final match. John Cena is the man to do it. The Undertaker should pass his torch to John Cena. It can't be a younger guy who WWE isn't sure about keeping around and doing something big with. John Cena says he is loyal to WWE and I don't see WWE firing and pushing John Cena out of WWE anytime soon.

It will be an epic match with an intense build up. One of the truely last great WrestleMania match possibilities as I think it will be at WrestleMania. It's the only place big enough for The Undertaker's retirement.
You know what would make a Cena Vs. Undertaker match more interesting. Have Cena go into the match as WWE or World Heavyweight Champion!? We would think Undertaker would end his streak with a win over Cena and thats it, no more Taker. But with the element of how would Undertaker be a retired champion unless he vacates it, makes it more interesting. Cena being the obvious one staying around, you think he would keep the title meaning he breaks the streak. Both men have something major to lose and this could be the one five-week feud to watch for the moment.
Have him defeat the man he first pinned.

I can see it now.Wrestlemania 28.Battle of the Immortals.The Undertaker vs KOKO B WARE with Koko winning.

all jokes aside(no offence to Koko) but I would love to see Undertaker vs Jericho,

I just dont like the concept of Undertaker vs Cena.IDK why.

But I can see how it ends.Imagine the match was Champion vs Champion in this case(and an example) WHC Undertaker vs WWE Champion Chris Jericho.Not only would it steal the show but it would be legendary.There hasnt ever been a Champion vs Champion match at Wrestlemania as well.

And after the match is over with Undertaker Pinning Jericho Undertaker does his kneeling thing with the belt around his waist.Then the lights go out and all thats left is Undertakers Hat,Coat and the WHC.
Everyone saying Cena should beat and retire him, you sound totally ridiculous.

Please, tell me what benefit that pays to anyone? None, there is no higher Cena can go, and if there is higher that he can go, it sure as shit wont be from beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Just no point at all to that.

I absolutely feel like his last match should be with Cena, its the last undone mega match remaining. In no way, shape or form though, should Cena win. It would be stupid and disgraceful to send Taker on his way defeated, a loser, especially when you can put Cena over just as much in a hard fought losing effort.
I think his final match will probably be against John Cena.

The biggest guy for the last 6 year's versing the Phenom. Make's sense.

It'll probably happen. And, to be honest, I really don't care who win's. Becuase, inmy book, Cena is the only guy who can beat the Undertaker. Why? Becuase Cena is the only guy who WWE can trust who will stay fro another ten year's and he's the only guy WWE can trust. Maybe they'll turn Cena heel as a result, who knows?

Maybe Triple win's this year? That'll be crazy.

Anyway. I can see his last match vs Cena. Win or loss, h'es gonna walk out as being on the best this business has ever seen, ever.
IMO my dream way of this happening is Sting quits TNA, Sting comes to WWE, Sting vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29, whatever the outcome, both retire, big sendoff on the following RAW for both. I believe Sting should come to WWE for the last year atleast of his career just to show everyone that might not know who Sting is, who Sting is. Undertaker vs. Sting would be a major headline, both would probably be foaming at the mouth to work a match together at this point, make it for a Championship even and have the guy who wins be the new Champ even, and then have him lose it at RAW to a big name and retire the same or following show.

Probably won't happen, but hey, I can dream, right?
Why pass the torch to someone who will be gone in 2-3 years themselves?

I think he gets into a feud right after Survivor Series with Sheamus or Wade Barrett, depending on which the WWE views as the future (I'll just assume Sheamus). Have a bunch of close matches, but Sheamus always comes out on top. Then after EC, Undertaker comes out and says he wants Sheamus at WM. Sheamus laughs and tells him he has nothing to prove. UT tells him he could take the only thing he has left, the streak, and Sheamus tells him he wants his career. Then at WM, Sheamus ends the streak and his career in one night.
I'm not sure on how people will react to what I'm going to say, because he said he will "never" wrestle again, but one person I would love to see face taker at wrestlemania 28 is...The Rock. It would be a huge draw if you think about it. I know it would be similar to the HHH storyline at the moment. Rock has done it all, accomplished everything but never ended the streak. It would be an excellent "one last match" for rocky, and takers last match, but I agree with 20-0 with the lights going off and in the middle of the ring, takers Hat and trenchcoat on his insignia
I would like to see Undertakers career end at next years Wrestlemania, with his record ending as 20-0

A great final match, Taker and his opponent giving us a classic match with the opponent looking like a million bucks and benefitting from being in the ring with the great man, and then Undertaker JUST managing to get the pinfall victory.

Then, he soaks in the adoration of the crowd and then....HE VANISHES, never to return.

I do not want to see Undertaker go out with a defeat, it would not fit the character at all.
IMO Taker's career has to end on a loss and NOT at WM. SS was his debut and should be his swan song. Taker possesses the biggest rub in wrestling right now and needs to give it to someone deserving.Taker has fought all the legends and keeps coming back for more so the one person who can stop the deadman from rising will forever be The Man. That being said from this current roster you have to find someone vicious enough, arrogant enough and tough enough to carry that prestigious accolade. I cant think of many at the moment except possibly Sheamus, Drew McIntyre or a heel Orton. A far out long shot would be Ted jr.
either way if you have John cena ending Undertakers career then the fans would boo him twice as much so you would have to turn him heel, if he looses he wont be the unstoppable cena anymore so a match would be pointless.

I think undertaker will wrestle to WM30 after this mania we proberly wont see taker till royal rumble time next year, i think next year will be chris jericho vs undertaker, then at WM29 Undertaker vs Kurt Angle because i can see Kurt Angle returning in about a year or so. then at WM30 I think it will be Undertaker vs Brock Lesner( i can dream cant I) but really I think It will be John Cena vs Undertaker because it can be his last match and then have Cena turn heel finally and it would shock us all just me thought
Takers Career should be ended by the Devils Favourite Demon at survivors series just the same way as Kane Started in the WWE of course this is after the Taker has taken his streak to 20-0.. The streak should not and I believe will not end..
If taker thinks he can go one more year I would have him take on a younger guy saying he is teaching him everything he knows then at Wrestlemania he has a match with the man he has been training and when he is about to be pinned the lights go out and when they come back on Taker is gone.. The Ref never counted to 3 so he never lost but passed the torch to someone else..

Then the person he hand picked takes a knee in the middle of the ring and holds out his hand to the heavens like taker always does as Mania fades out...
Huh.... This is tough as to who I would have beat Undertaker befor he retires. I would have said Kane or Big Show but both of them are at the ends of there careers. I honestly dont see any young guys worthy of taking the torch of the Undertaker right now. Matt Morgan would have been a great guy to pass the torch to or Nathan Jones. But neither of them are in WWE and Jones nobody knows what he is doing these days. Morgan obviously is in TNA. I dont feel Barrett or Sheamus are anywhere near worthy of taking the Undertakers torch.
Kane would be an obvious choice but doubt anyone would wanna c that happen again but the only way i think they cood is if they somehow get their fued back up and runnin aftr wrestlemania since for some reason they just dropped it amd have either an inferno match or inferno/hell in the cell kind of match. I think taker will retire 20-0 but its kinda hard to tell who even is left for him to fued with. I like Sheamus and taker battling with maybe hhh still in the area. id also like to c taker and big show tag team again to take out nexus or corre
Just because its Taker I would like for him to go the way of Trish and have his last match at Wrestlemania 28 with him getting the victory and ending the streak at 20-0.

I would promote the match in advance that it will be Takers last match and for it give him an opponent that can give him once last great match before he retires. Alot would go with Cena and although he is the best choice in the current roster I would like to see someone else take a stab at it.

It will never happen but in a perfect world (and I'm only saying this because this person's contract ends with TNA in August) I would like for them to bring back Kurt Angle to give the Undertaker that last match. These 2 have history together, Angle is the only person that has made Taker tap (I think) and would be a real legitimate threat to Takers streak. That would be a massive draw for Wrestlemania and the match could very well be better than Taker vs. Michaels at WM25, it would be an instant classic for sure.

do I think it will happen? No, but there is a very slight outside chance it could happen and if you are going to put Taker against someone, put him against the best option possible and Angle is that guy. If it's Cena that's a great match on paper but I don't know if that would be a great match to end a career like Takers.

For all Taker has done for the WWE he deserves to go out on top and on the biggest stage of them all.
A few ideas I have, involving a Taker loss and win.

Scenario 1:

Sheamus, Barrett, or someone legit wins MITB. They hold onto it for quite a while, not mentioning it much, just waiting in the wings, waiting for the correct opportunity.

WM 28

Undertaker vs WWE/WH Champion.
After an Epic match Undertaker wins the belt, starts celebrating 20-0 lights up, he bows with the belt in the ring. BOOM! Out comes Mr. MITB. Does a few moves pins Taker, becomes new Champion. Technically "ending" the streak BUT in a very "cheap" way. Undertaker is in the ring while the new champion is celebrating, the lights go out and here come the druids with a casket. Undertaker lays motionless the whole time. They take UT out of the ring and put him in the casket and roll it up the ramp, thus killing the undertaker. Anyone notice that Triple H has been saying that if UT loses at WM he will die? hmmmmmm, interesting, maybe just planting a seed if they see fit to use it later.

Scenario 2

Undertaker wins his final match against a BIG star like Cena at WM, then just calls it quits and leaves on top.

Scenario 3

Undertaker vs Kane at Survivor Series in some hybrid insane HIAC/Buried ALive/Casket Match in which Kane wins. This truly is the end of UT.

I also liked someone idea where Taker buries Kane, ending the Kane character, then buries himself, thus ending his own character.
i love the whole idea of the MITB winner ending the streak , but i think the ending should be a little more like this , the mitb winner has just beaten taker when he is celebrating all the lights go out when they come back on the winner is laying in the middle of the ring and taker is gone never 2 be seen again
Leading up to WM (probably 28), I would have Undertaker somehow piss off the mcmahons, and so Vince makes it so that if Taker WINS at WM, he's fired! (Similar to Flair, but the other way round).

Have him in a match with a top heel, throughout the match Undertaker should be hesitant about pinning his opponent, at one point lying down as if accepting defeat to really let the crowd see that the streak may actually end, before eventually of course he wins the match and has to leave with a hero's sendoff.

if possible my choice would be a heel Cena, with Cena siding with Vince and taking out Taker at his command in the lead up
Well, from rumors that I've heard, he might only continue to work WrestleMania and around those points. This would sustain his career and interest, while lowering the risk of injury. However, if I were to write his ending, I'd do it more conclusively.

He'd end his career the night after WrestleMania 28. That's what he has going for him; 20-0. Obviously, I'd end his career with a perfect record at WrestleMania. A loss wouldn't payout in the end as it wouldn't help the winner get more fans for long enough and if they had enough fans, they wouldn't need this win.

Then, after this, I'd have him come out to the ring on Raw the next night and have the whole, big festivals with all the druid and the lighting and smoke. He comes out, the fans love him, chant his name and so on and so forth. Maybe, beforehand, have a video package made of all his opponents that he's beaten at WM.

Then, have him say something along the lines of "I can finally rest in peace" and then the lights go out. When the lights return, he's gone.

End the show with this, maybe.
I have to say a lot of good points here..

I think the best way to go is to have him lose to someone that you want to give a legendary push to. A guy who you want as a backbone (heal or face) in the WWE. I think it would be amazing to watch him lose to some guy who is in the midst of a HUGE push ala Michaels vs Hart, IRON MAN Match.
With the talk going around now about only have The Undertaker working Wrestlemain season to keep his health up and keep the streak going for a few more years to come. So I think when it's over sometime between 20-25 and 0 there is two things that could happen.

First is at the end of the match after a Taker win have the lights go out and come back on with the urn in the middle of the ring and have some kind of pyro technics display and some message coming up on the screen letting you know it's over. Then the next night on Raw instead of having the fairwell thing like they did with Shawn, keep it in charector and have a wake for the Undertaker where wrestlers come out throughout the night and give there thoughts on the undertakers career. With maybe a message on the screen from the ghost of the undertaker saying good bye to everyone.

The other way is to have him win at Mania and do a normal exit. Have him come out the next night on Raw to give the fairwell speach. Then the lights go out and he is gone never to be seen again.

Which either way have him inducted the night before his last Mania so that he will not have to show up out of charector a year later to get inducted. Plus have him go out on top for all the loyalty he showed the company through the years and never have the streak broken.

Last thing is who should his last match be agenst. There are a few options right now of people he never went agenst at Mania that could be used in the up coming years if he stays around. The list I can think of right now is Cena, Jericho, Barret, Punk and Sheamus. Those are the only ones that could make sence out of the roster at the moment.

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