How should the Undertaker's career end and by whom?

President Evil

Pre-Show Stalwart
I've always thought how this would go down. Personally, I would find it fitting for his career to end at a Survivor Series. Since this is where his career started back in 1990. Obviously is not going to end at a Wrestlemania because of the streak. And it wont end in one of the smaller ppv's such as Money in the Bank because Taker is too big of a legend.

Also, I think the best candidate to score the last 1-2-3 on the deadman would be Kane. They have a loooong history together. Plus Ive read that Kane has gotten alot of respect in the back. But at the same time, these two have been used so much together that its hard to get people into it. So, the E could probably go with a newer star on the roster.

What do you guys think.
I think if he intends to work another year, that they should start preparing for a Cena/Undertaker match for next year's Wrestlemania. Make the Undertaker the special attraction he should be, and keep him healthy for next year.

'The Streak' should never be broken and the Undertaker should ride off into the sunset on a high note.

The Undertaker is the greatest 'gimmick' ever and Mark Calaway is arguably the greatest 'big man' to ever compete in professional wrestling. Both aspects should be treated with the respect they deserve.
I think it ends next year at Wrestlemania 28....That way, Taker goes 20-0, a unbelievable accomplishment that nobody will ever surpass. After he does his typical pose with the blue lights as 20-0 appears on the titantron, the gong hits for the final time, lights go out, and druids come down and carry him off in a casket.

Or the lights go out, and he disappears forever as only Undertaker can.
I agree with making the Undertaker a special attraction and keep the streak going, but they really need to shake it up more.

I agree that Cena/Undertaker is the next obvious match for next year's WrestleMania since they have never faced each other there, but if you are going to do it, then make the match interesting, have Cena or whoever, play up the idea that instead of trying to pin the Undertaker that they are comfortable with a countout or DQ finish since a win is a win regardless.

Truthfully, I am bored with the Undertaker at WrestleMania, the match is anticlimatic when you have a great build, a good match but you know who will win in the end. This year, I would like to see something abit different, have HBK show up and superkick HHH and have the referee DQ Undertaker because of the interference. Have HHH celebrate and have Teddy Long or Vince McMahon not allow the finish because it is obvious why HBK interferred and the match is restarted.

Imagine the fans or you watching at home if you thought for 2 or 3 minutes that HHH did it and the streak was broken.....thnk of the WrestleMania moment that would cause you to have
The Undertaker's career should end at the hands of Robert Roode at Bound For Glory 2018 in front of the 1,350-strong crowd at the iMPACT! Zone in Orlando, Florida.

OK, that was a joke in case you didn't catch on. The Undertaker should (and probably will) end his career at WrestleMania. WrestleMania XXVIII (28 for those who didn't pay attention in Latin class) to be more exact. And as it is WrestleMania, he should not lose. Why WrestleMania? Well, it is the only thing his career lives for now - protecting his streak at 'Mania. His name is synonymous with the streak and WrestleMania. Anything smaller than the "Grandest Stage of Them All" wouldn't be fitting for him and would be a let down.

I know it's different for a WWE Superstar to end on a win. But The Undertaker isn't an ordinary WWE Superstar. He's a legend in a league of his own. The thing about The Undertaker is that he is supposed to be this huge, strong guy who doesn't look weak (which is why when he does, it is a big thing).

And who should he have his final win against? The biggest name who he has never faced at WrestleMania: John Cena. They've never really had much interaction since their 2003 feud, unless I'm very much mistaken. Cena is huge. The Undertaker is huge. The match would be a huge draw.

WrestleMania. John Cena. A win. This is how the the legend that is The Undertaker should bow out.
I think that while Taker's always been this great gimmick, I'd really love to see him get a Ric Flair type send-off. While it's cool to have this mystique around him, I think his contributions and career really deserve to be given a grand send-off where we get to see the respect that Undertaker is legendary for achieving from the boys in the back. Not saying I wanna see him in a suit and tie, but have him come out to address his fans and have the superstars come out and bid him farewell a la Flair would be epic. I also don't think he should go out on a loss. I'd like to see him have one last great match at Wrestlemania with a worthy opponent, saying all the while this will be the last ride of the deadman. Just my two cents.
I agree with the Wrestlemania 28 as the place of retirement but I would not want Cena in that match. Yes it would probably be the big ticket seller but for the better story I would like Jericho to return towards the end of 2011 and realize that of everything he's done, theres one thing he never got a crack at...the streak. It's something I wanted this past year but HBK had to retire so who else were you gonna feed him too when HHH was already involved in a fued at that time. My vote goes to Jericho.
I strongly believe that because he came in with the "gimmick" he should also leave with it. Mark Calaway can see his day when he enters the HOF. As far as angle...for starters he CANNOT lose the streak and should retire at 20-0. He can put someone over when the time is right. For example when he enters the HOF as himself, some break out star can challenge him and break the streak but also giving Mark Calaway the "traditional" send off. Now back to actual retirement...

I would love to see the Taker martyr himself for the WWE. Imagine an NW2.0 taking over the company. (cheesy I know but only an example) They could build an Undertaker versus the entire line up of whatever faction threatening wrestling as we know it. (possibly the Core+Nexus?) Seeing as taker will be the Last Outlaw, he would be the one to set things right in the WWE Universe. I agree with the Survivor Series being the place of feels right. The match itself would be elimination style, with each member being fired or forced to quit the faction. He would have to beat 10-15 other guys and we would have to notice through the match that he is weakening. At some point Paul Bearer could come out and give hime a boost, even involve Kane I am sure. The end would be Taker showing a final feet of strength to secure that the WWE stays safe from evil. In a perfect world I would love to see him lifeless possibly like Superman. But they can make him disappear some other way. I would believe that theatrics will play a heavy part in is departure.

Now not to steal too much from the man of steel, but I think it would be neat to have on the next Raw a funeral with a large group of legends in attendance. Treating him as a fallen hero. Now I know it would be a fine line, but the Taker charachter would be dead and again Mark would get the praise for a performance well done. Possibly the greatest all around career ever. He is so over they couldn't even make him a heel. IMO he will go down as the greatest ever.
First of all, I think The Undertaker will retired undefeated at Wrestlemania. Against whom? I absolutely have no idea since it can be anyone.

And to those who believe he'll retire at Wrestlemania 28 simply because he'll be 20-0 by then. I beg to differ. JR already said last year Taker can go even to WM 30, which makes him 22-0. And even the latest rumor has it Taker will retire when Mark Callaway calls it whenever that might be.

As for Wrestlemania 28 next year, I believe he should go against Chris Jericho. Let's face it, Taker vs Cena will never happen at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime. Vince has made it clear he and the board directors don't want Cena to receive heel reaction and lose his credibility by losing a match at Wrestlemania (which will happen if he ever goes against Taker). Seeing how this Wrestlemania 27 has been shaping to be horrible since last year but WWE still refused to book Cena vs Taker (just like they booked HHH vs Taker somehow), I think it's pretty much a given that we will never see Undertaker vs John Cena at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime.

And I don't understand this IWC delusion that The Undertaker will definitely retire after going 20-0. Mark Calaway himself said last year he's not retiring in the near future. Even Jr mentioned Taker is able to go until WM 30.

There will be no retirement whatsoever next year at WM 28 expect for Edge. And I'm dying to see Undertaker vs Jericho at Wrestlemania and I don't want to see yet another rematch at The Streak.
As for Wrestlemania 28 next year, I believe he should go against Chris Jericho. Let's face it, Taker vs Cena will never happen at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime. Vince has made it clear he and the board directors don't want Cena to receive heel reaction and lose his credibility by losing a match at Wrestlemania (which will happen if he ever goes against Taker). Seeing how this Wrestlemania 27 has been shaping to be horrible since last year but WWE still refused to book Cena vs Taker (just like they booked HHH vs Taker somehow), I think it's pretty much a given that we will never see Undertaker vs John Cena at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime.

I would have agreed before WWE bringing back The Rock and having him tear Cena a new one. If Cena can survive The Rock after WM27, he will survive Undertaker at WM28.

I do believe whenever/if 'Taker faces Cena at a WM, it will be his last.
I think it ends next year at Wrestlemania 28....That way, Taker goes 20-0, a unbelievable accomplishment that nobody will ever surpass. After he does his typical pose with the blue lights as 20-0 appears on the titantron, the gong hits for the final time, lights go out, and druids come down and carry him off in a casket.

Or the lights go out, and he disappears forever as only Undertaker can.

I like this idea, but he will win 20-0 next year come out on RAW officially retire, and from the back comes the man who lost to him. An up and coming Heel needing to get over (Maybe Barrett). He comes out and asks if it is true that Taker is retiring, and taker says yes. Light go off, and come back on, his hat and coat are laying in the ring and taker is gone. The heel comes to the ring, and brags about being the man who ended the streak.

Granted Taker retired with it in tack, but just to get heat the heel says he beat the streak and ended Taker. He keeps on bragging about that, as an accomplishment, an awesome way to get him over, and a good way to end Taker.
usually people's last match they usually lose because its usually a loser leaves type of match. but i dont think undertaker will lose his last match, i think he's going to announce when his last match is, win, and leave. probably after he goes 20-0 cuz its a nice round number so i guess thats next years wrestlemania
I have been an Undertaker fan ever sense late Nov early Dec 1990 for 20 years The Dead Man has faced a lot of challengers at Wrestle Mania and the other ''Big Three.'' I honestly think that The Undertaker should be the one to say he wants the streak to end not the WWE and when and if he retires in the next 36 months I don't know who should be the one to beat him but not at Mania maybe at Royal Rumble or at Summer Slam but not Wrestle Mania.
I agree that it should and probably will happen at Wrestlemania 28, but I think Seamus would be a better opponent for him to face. Cena is too baby face. With everyone knowing this is going to be Taker's last match, you're going to want him to be facing an evil monster. You have to think about the build up to the match. Someone like Seamus could toy with the Undertaker in the months leading up to the match more so than someone like Cena. Sure, Cena could rap about him and make a few funny jokes, but imagine Seamus breaking into Taker's house on Raw, like DDP did, and trashing the place, destroying Taker's most prized possessions. Make Seamus as twisted and diabolical as possible, messing with the Undertaker's head. You're really going to have to build up the drama aspect of it all since a year from now, Taker is going to be in rougher shape than he is now. I have no doubts he's going to put on a great match this year, but his body can't take much more abuse. Next year, he'll be a year older. I'm not saying he's going to be as bad off as Hogan, but Taker needs to take it a bit easier this year and next year. You make up for that with drama. I think Seamus is the most logical person to do that. Taker hasn't face him many times, not once at a PPV that I recall. And Seamus can be made into a really twisted, evil guy out to destroy everything associated with the Takers.
I wouldnt mind 20-0 but it wont end with Cena/Taker next year, not even will the streak stop there. Anyone who's been paying attention will know that The Rock vs John Cena is taking place next year in MIAMI, Florida. Taker/Cena will NOT occur next year.
And really I see Taker going out at WM30 because it's bigger
22-0 is still just as good as 20-0 either way

there is one more reason, I see a few possibilities. Cena/Taker is definately happening, but then you have the option not saying a lock but the option of HBK causing HHH to lose this year thus being HHH's 2nd chance as HBK had two chances, thus having them butt heads only to team up one final time against The Undertaker, DX vs The Undertaker @ WM30 maybe or a Triple Threat because HHH & HBK are too selfish to do it together. that is a long shot,

but I do believe Cena/Taker will happen, however it cant and wont happen next year, seriously anyone who is considering that for next year cant be serious after seeing the year long build into WM28 fot Rock/Cena (and I knew they'd use Cena's comments all this time, it's had way too much time put into it and was being held off for the right moment THAT is your big non title match next year)

Besides- Ted DiBiase Jr is also a great option for Taker to face given it could push him, but moreso Ted's dad brought Taker in and Ted Jr could have his mission be to take him OUT


but it wont happen

maybe you could have it at SS but it wouldnt be as fitting as Kane thus I see Ted facing Taker @ Mania with his father in his corner @ Mania

Cena will face Taker @ Mania 29 because he'll likely be in the title match main event with RANDY ORTON (first time 1 on 1 at Mania) at WM30

That's much more believable

but as far as Taker's career ending it should be Survivor Series yes not WrestleMania with the streak ending as some ppl stupidly have suggested on several forums I've come across. The streak will never end

Hell, I even liked the thread on Taker's induction and I'll say something from that, either he could be buried alive but then why would this keep him down when no grave could before? it needs to be something special that happens that Creative really needs to ponder up or the spirit of The Undertaker could leave the man Mark Callaway allowing him to be inducted on behalf of that spirit
It shouldnt "end" by anyone, for anything.

He goes to WM 28, goes over whomever, probably Cena, for 20 - 0.

He then strolls out same as always, just takes a little longer. And thats it. The ONLY way to end Undertaker is to keep things entirely kayfabe, and post realism. Supernatural beings dont have "carreers" that "end"....They just cease to exist once their reign of terror is over. It is the only right way to do it. It will obviously be pretty generally understood that this will be the last time, without it being said.

Top of the stage, look back for a little longer than usual, fist into the air, walk out, lights go down. It is the only fitting way.
sheamus? he does not deserve to be in a feud with the undertaker, led alone a feud going in to wrestlemania. LED ALONE ending the streak at wrestlemania. and sheamus breaking in to his house? undertakers gimmick wouldnt have a house, hes the 'deadman'
I have to go with Kane. UT was well on his way to establishing himself, having beaten Hogan, before Kane came along but his biggest time was when UT, Kane and PB were all in the story line together. It's the longest one he was ever involved in and there's a still a feel of unfinished business to it. If they did it right, it would be the best one.
I think it should end at Wrestlemania next year against Cena too.
The main event should be a buried alive match.

The months leading up to Wrestlemania should focus around the Undertakers body starting to break down, and people taking advantage of that fact.

Cena should be on a high roll beating everyone and having it a little too easy. The Undertaker even acknowledges that he is coming to an end and challenges Cena as he is sure Cena will put him "out of his misery".

Undertaker will of course win the match by burying Cena, but then also reveal a 2nd grave and bury himself.

A fitting end I think.
I like alot of the ideas I have read so far here is one that has been floating around in my head. Allow the mania match with Cena bring the original Nexus back to finish business like they did with the burried alive match and have them cost Cena the match when done they attack Taker not Cena. Which then causes them to keep going after Taker. Have it be at SS with a typical SS match with Taker, Kane, Ted SR, and Jr on his side vs Nexus its all going Takers teams way then PB shows up and Kane, Ted Sr and Jr along with Nexus all attack Taker to where he seems to be no more. As they are leaving the ring Kane sets it on Fire. Taker seems to be getting up the lightning bolt hits the ring lights go out and taker is no more.

On Raw the next day the Druids have the final funeral of the Taker stating he is no more and will never rise again. Henceforth the deadman is truly dead.
I don't see why he has to go out on a loss. I think having every wrestler lose a retirement match to end their career is kind of pointless. Let him win...get win #20 at WM, then give a retirement speech on Raw the next night. Something like that. Let him go out on his own terms, kayfabe and otherwise. He's earned it, and I think any attempt at making someone the "guy who retired the Undertaker" is going to seem forced, and won't really give anyone enough of a rub to really make it worthwhile.
The Undertaker will never lose at Mania even if he decides to stick around for Mania 40 ( Taker vs Hulk Hogan in a wheel chair match ). But all jokes aside Taker was created by VKM and he and Mark Calaway will decide together how this great career/gimmick ends. I can see Taker defeating Cena at WM28 ( Face vs Face ) and then have Cena sellout turn on Taker. The Undertaker gimmick can't be retired PG style, after his 20-0 win VKM, HHH, HBK, Nash,Kane, Nexus ( if its still around ) & Cena beat down Taker, stuff him in a coffin either they blow it up outside the arena or burn it and throw it in the ocean, back in the arena we can have a black out and a ghost image of Taker say its farewell speech and they can do it again on Raw the fallowing night. With today's technology the ghost or spirit image can be done in the middle of the ring. I know people are going to bash this but lets be honest how can you really retired or kill a dead man character. I always loved the Taker character but by killing him off is the only way to give it honor and justice.
IF Undertaker is to lose at Wrestlemania: I would prefer Sheamus or Punk. Possibly Barrett. Sheamus still has plenty of time to recover from this massive slump and even though Taker would probably never put Punk over, that would be a massive mark out moment.

I don't know if next year we'll see Cena vs. Rock. Afterall, the Rock said he doesn't wanna wrestle. But I wouldn't mind John Cena vs. The Undertaker. If you ask me- THIS IS THE ONE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO TURN CENA HEEL AND MAKE IT WORK. If Cena was heel coming in to Wrestlemania 28 I think it could actually work. That's just me.

It would seem weird to see anybody beat the streak. But even without it Taker is still one of the greatest ever. It likely will end at 20-0 and disappearing in the ring. So the only person who will likely end Taker's career is Taker himself.
His career should end how he wants it to.
He took a shitty gimmick on paper and made it transcendent, synonymous with wrestling.
The greatest big man of all time, IMO, injuries have hit him the last several years but he leaves everything in the ring.

Hopefully they carefully plan out how to conclude this legendary career
I think that taker will surpass WM 28 and finally bow out at Survivor Series as a "sacrifice" to his opponant, Kane.

He should not lose his streak because it just seems rediculous to have him go 18-0 and beat the biggest stars in the business only to lose to a superstar that really doesnt deserve the accolade.

At Survivor Series, Taker vs Kane one last time in a casket match, its only fitting that after the history these two have had that it should end this way. Taker and Kane will slug it out in one of the most epic casket matches in history, and taker will eventually look at Kane and say "I'm sorry, i have to do this" or something like that and allow kane to tombstone him and put him in the casket.
After the match the druids will appear and start to wheel taker up the ramp when we have a flashback to after he lost to yokozuna when he appeared on the screen from within the casket. Taker will tell kane that he had to sacrifice himself because no matter what has happened in the past, he is still takers little brother and he can now finally rest in peace!

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