How Much Longer?

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
I am ready to leave the prison. How much longer? I've been doing all I can, I would appreciate at least some kind of status report. I am at least entitled to that. This is just ridiculous, others have even said so, obviously I am at your mercy and everyone can see that, congratulations you've humbled someone before you, now let me out if you would.
Seriously though, this is stupid. I want out, I think I should be let out, so do others, you've had your fun, now why don't you let me out of here?
I think that until you learn to consolidate your thoughts better, you should stay in.

I brought this up, and there were no objections raised, so I'm telling you EXACTLY what you need to do to get out.

1. (The big one!) Learn to compress your thoughts.
Novels are great if you have something to say. However, your posts are too long and full of fluff. Do we really need five paragraphs to know you have a job? I don't even know what job you got, because I wasn't going to read through all that!

2. Be quiet
Threads like this aren't helping your cause.

3. Don't get antagonized so easily.
Seriously, don't scream and rage at people. If you're pissed at something on the internet, ignore it. Go for a run. Play some Wii. Listen to punk. Just calm down!

The point of the prison is to help some posters who really want it improve. You haven't shown any improvement; you act exactly the same now as you did then.

I brought this up, and there were no objections raised, so I'm telling you EXACTLY what you need to do to get out.

1. (The big one!) Learn to compress your thoughts.
Novels are great if you have something to say. However, your posts are too long and full of fluff. Do we really need five paragraphs to know you have a job? I don't even know what job you got, because I wasn't going to read through all that!

2. Be quiet
Threads like this aren't helping your cause.

3. Don't get antagonized so easily.
Seriously, don't scream and rage at people. If you're pissed at something on the internet, ignore it. Go for a run. Play some Wii. Listen to punk. Just calm down!

The point of the prison is to help some posters who really want it improve. You haven't shown any improvement; you act exactly the same now as you did then.

Doc could not have explained all of this better.

But I'd like to add one more thing:

4. The moderators./admins are not at your beck and call.
Stop being such a child and when you request something, have the patience to WAIT FOR THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION. We do not revolve around your prison threads, shaking, and waiting for you to post or reply. If you haven't noticed, we have an entire fucking forum to maintain!! You are not special.

I brought this up, and there were no objections raised, so I'm telling you EXACTLY what you need to do to get out.

Finally, thank you.

1. (The big one!) Learn to compress your thoughts.
Novels are great if you have something to say. However, your posts are too long and full of fluff. Do we really need five paragraphs to know you have a job? I don't even know what job you got, because I wasn't going to read through all that!

So don't read through it! Maybe I felt 5 paragraphs was just fine. Just becuase you don't like reading all that doesn't mean I should be stuck in here. And, BTW I have been doing much better anyways in that arena. That thread was the only one I have made that was of any real length for a while now.

2. Be quiet
Threads like this aren't helping your cause.

What else am I to do? Unless I clang the bars I hear nothing, I know nothing, and am just left in the dark on the matter all together. So am I just supposed to wonder even though I shouldn't even be in here any longer? This is a joke, this is wrong, and I am getting very tired of it. You have all had your fun, I have suffered enough, now I want out and I deserve to be let out.

It's not my job to satisfy you or answer any demand, and it's not your job to keep me in here because you don't care for me or how I write. I was put in here because I blew up of a bunch of you WITH GOOD REASON I might add, and have paid the price. Now I want out!

3. Don't get antagonized so easily.
Seriously, don't scream and rage at people. If you're pissed at something on the internet, ignore it. Go for a run. Play some Wii. Listen to punk. Just calm down!

Hey, maybe if you let me out of here I could show you that I can do that, but I am just stuck in here, basically talking to myself?

The point of the prison is to help some posters who really want it improve. You haven't shown any improvement; you act exactly the same now as you did then.

Who ever said I WANTED to improve anything, and for that matter that I need to. That's you and "The Boys" saying that. I was put in here against my will remember, it's not like I put myself in rehab or something this has been forced upon me.

And FYI, I have improved plenty, none of you have been paying attention. You cite one thread where I was excited about something good that happened to me and so I talked about it a bit and proceed to hammer me for doing so. Look around, I have shortened everything up with that one exception. I have not taken offense to anything that has transpired in here, and I have been quiet up until now when I have asked for release or at least a real timeline. If you are going to just keep dicking me around, what am I even doing here. This isn't right, nor is it fair. I have done the time for the crime. Does it mean nothing to you that others are even calling it ridiculous that I am still in here, does that sink in at all??? This is stupid, and there is no reason for you to continue this.
I love it... YOU ask US how you can get out of here. So we tell you and then you argue against everything we say.

That is exactly why I hope you stay in here until the end of time.
4. The moderators./admins are not at your beck and call.
Stop being such a child and when you request something, have the patience to WAIT FOR THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION. We do not revolve around your prison threads, shaking, and waiting for you to post or reply. If you haven't noticed, we have an entire fucking forum to maintain!! You are not special.

What are you talking about? I posted a thread asking about a time line? How is that childish? Obivously I was going to wait for a response I had no choice, so why are you making up more shit to throw at me as if I've done something wrong by asking a question? I never said I was special either or anything else you insinuated? that is you making something else up to condone keeping me in here for no reason after this amount of time.
I love it... YOU ask US how you can get out of here. So we tell you and then you argue against everything we say.

That is exactly why I hope you stay in here until the end of time.

At least you admit your blatant bias revealing the real reason I am still in here. This is a load of crap, I want to hear from a higher authority than you, specifically Slyfox, you aren't fit to make a judgement as your bias shows.
Oh and you're damn right I argue against what you and Doc had to say, it was all bogus and I have been doing everything I have been asked just waiting around. You wait until now to make anything clear to me, and somehow I am at fault for A. wanting to know and B. asking questions and C. making a case for myself. This is bullshit through and through, and I do not deserve to be kept in here like this.
Gamerage, shut the fuck up.

The way to get out of the prison is to improve your posting and stop being an annoying, argumentitive, paragraph fluffing cunt.
Gamerage, shut the fuck up.

The way to get out of the prison is to improve your posting and stop being an annoying, argumentitive, paragraph fluffing cunt.

With all due respect, Fuck you.

My posting has improved, I haven't been annoying argumentative, or paragraph fluffing either. All I did was ask how much longer I have to endure this and suddenly I am all that stuff? BIASED BIASED BIASED
Yep, the world's out to get you. Everyone's biased. You're definately the one in the right here. Everybody who thinks you aren't ready to get let out is wrong.

Keep dreaming Gamerage.
You're doing EXACTLY what I told you NOT to do! Calm down, shut the fuck up, and listen to me!

I am a nice guy. I have no bias against you. I actually kinda like you, even if I diosagree with some of your opinions.

I tried telling you EXACTLY what you could do to get out of here, and you not only ignore my advice, you argue with me?

On what planet is that the logical course of action? Like it or not, Game Rage, I am a staff member. I know the rules and the ways to get out, and the way to get out is to impress me (and other staff). Your reaction further proves that you will be here forever unless you can change your attitude RIGHT NOW.
:lmao: Come on, Rage. Relax. Ignore the fact you're here and keep on making discussion. You'll be out eventually.
Know what, I've got the perfect solution for you. I can "consolidate" all of the admins' and moderators' thoughts right here:

5. Stop telling us what our expectations of you SHOULD be and start listening to what we tell you they ARE.
You constantly argue against us and bitch and moan by saying, "Well I don't feel <this>" and "You're wrong because <that>". Do you honestly expect us to reward you for being argumentative at everything that we tell you?!? When are you going to face facts; what YOU feel is a requirement on this forum is completely irrelevant. And if you don't like it then LEAVE. But you will continue to stay in this prison until you stop being so fucking confrontational, humble yourself a bit, change into the mold that we find to be fit of our posters, and follow our guidance. After all, we were put in the positions of authority of this site for a reason; I think we know what the fuck we're talking about.

And if you want to bring Sly into this, I'd be glad to grab him. I can't imagine that he'd side with an imprisoned poster over one of his more respected moderators.
So don't read through it! Maybe I felt 5 paragraphs was just fine. Just becuase you don't like reading all that doesn't mean I should be stuck in here. And, BTW I have been doing much better anyways in that arena. That thread was the only one I have made that was of any real length for a while now.

YOu're a writer now right? So maybe you should treat your posts like your job and write stuff that people want to read. Part of that is not using superfluous words.

What else am I to do?


Unless I clang the bars I hear nothing, I know nothing, and am just left in the dark on the matter all together.

Yeah, the guys i've seen get let out didn't go around making threads saying they should be released. Find Lee's clemency thread, read Tributes' posts here or something. You're the one who needs to earn freedom.

So am I just supposed to wonder even though I shouldn't even be in here any longer?

Yeah, you shouldn't be in here. YOu made a thread shouting at people and asking them to come to your house so hyou could beat them up. You CLEARLY know how to post well:rolleyes:

This is a joke, this is wrong, and I am getting very tired of it.

If it was a joke, you'd have been let out. YOu haven't because you deserve to be in here.

You have all had your fun, I have suffered enough, now I want out and I deserve to be let out.

No you dont.

It's not my job to satisfy you or answer any demand, and it's not your job to keep me in here because you don't care for me or how I write. I was put in here because I blew up of a bunch of you WITH GOOD REASON I might add, and have paid the price. Now I want out!

You're in here until you reform. Getting angry over not getting released is stupid.

Hey, maybe if you let me out of here I could show you that I can do that, but I am just stuck in here, basically talking to myself?

Yep, you haven't reformed so let's throw you out and let you show that in the wider forums. Get better or get out. Your choice.

Who ever said I WANTED to improve anything

Who WANTS to go to prison?

and for that matter that I need to.

The Admin who put you in here, and the people who think you should stay.

That's you and "The Boys" saying that. I was put in here against my will remember, it's not like I put myself in rehab or something this has been forced upon me.

And people who are forced into anything don't get to choose when they can leave.

And FYI, I have improved plenty, none of you have been paying attention.

Make us pay attention by improving.

You cite one thread where I was excited about something good that happened to me and so I talked about it a bit and proceed to hammer me for doing so. Look around, I have shortened everything up with that one exception.

  • OP of your Undertaker DVD thread: 6 paragraphs
  • OP of your Greatest feud thread: 6 paragraphs
  • OP of your job thread: 6 paragraphs

I see no reduction on post length.

I have not taken offense to anything that has transpired in here, and I have been quiet up until now when I have asked for release or at least a real timeline.

You shouldn't come in expecting to be released and fucking earn it. You shouldn't fucking expect anything.

If you are going to just keep dicking me around, what am I even doing here.


This isn't right, nor is it fair.

Niether's life.

I have done the time for the crime.

Obviously not. Otherwise you'd be released.

Does it mean nothing to you that others are even calling it ridiculous that I am still in here, does that sink in at all???

WHo's saying it's rediculous that you're in here?

This is stupid, and there is no reason for you to continue this.

Except that you haven't improved, and thus shouldn't be released.
I was put in here because I blew up of a bunch of you WITH GOOD REASON I might add, and have paid the price.
He still doesn't get it.

Better luck next quarter, chump.

*edit* Heck, he thinks he's paid the price. It just keeps getting better and better.

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