How Do You Perceive R-TRUTH?

R-truth needs a total over-haul. His gimmick is stale. His theme song is by far the worst in the WWE right now, if not ever. and he is really bad on the mic. His ring skills don't shine out of the crowd.

I remember last year back when he had his What's Up song that the fans were actually into it. Now his new song is barely even english (I didn't understand what he was saying without the subtitles.). And watching the crowd during his entrance is just sad. Only 2 people in a frame of 20 are doing anything that makes them look alive.

Even though I have never really considered this guy in my top 10 wrestlers of today, before the theme change he atleast had a fan base
I can't stand R Truth.

First of all, though he has a couple flashy moves, his matches are still boring. His current run in the WWE has been going for two years now, and i can't remember a single match he's had. I don't feel excited or engaged in his matches, and this is probably because I don't feel a connection with him.

Why I don't feel a connection? Probably because he's shit on the mic and has very little personality. Whenever I see Truth getting some time talking (such as his recent backstage promos with John Cena) I can't take him seriously. Maybe it's just his facial expressions, but I feel like cringing when he's talking. On top of that, his gimmick and character is pretty much that of a standard stereotypical black man. It's not unique, it's not interestling, and I don't care.

I think R Truth hasn't been anything special since his re-debut, and that will most likely continue. The peak of his WWE career most likely came during his forgettable U.S Championship reign, and from there he's been going down hill, and will continue to. Even his crowd reaction has gone. Also, at his age, R Truth is older than a lot of the current stars such as John Cena, Randy Orton and Edge. While WWE is trying to push new stars into the spotlight, these typically tend to be younger stars. Truth, like MVP, will most likely fade into nothing and I'll be glad. In fact, i hope it comes sooner rather than later (preferably before he's in another backstage promo)

Additional note: On Wikipedia, R Truth's profile hasn;t even been updated since he went to Raw. That's how much people care.
R-Truth is a career mid-carder, nothing more, nothing less. He is good enough in the ring and has sufficient charisma and fan interaction to achieve success to this point, but will never move beyond it. He can have some moderate success in the tag team "division." He can be involved in the IC or US title scene. But he should never and will never hold the WWE or WHC Championships. He simply is not good enough in the ring to move past the glass ceiling of the upper mid-card. His mic skills are non-existent, as to be perfectly honest, I usually have great difficulty understanding him when he speaks. His gimmick has been old and stale since two days after he returned to the WWE. A lot of people on here discuss his successes or failures in terms of as a black wrestler in the WWE, and I think this is irrelevant. He could be black, white, or anything else, and my thoughts on him as above would not be affected one way or the other.

I also cannot understand why all of a sudden, he and John Cena are suddenly best frends, judging by what R-Truth has been saying the last few weeks (if I'm understanding him correctly). They have had very little interaction on the shows and I thought in real life, back when Killings was still toiling away in TNA, there was some real-life friction between the two.

R-Truth will stay exactly where he is for a while, and then will eventually slip backwards from there and eventually vanish. He'll appeal to the small niche of fans who like the "what's up" crap, and he'll stick around for a while in the mid-card, but trust me, there's no push coming for this guy. Which is fine, there's no shame in a longer career in the WWE as a semi-popular mid-carder. You don't have to ever have been the top dog in the company to say you had a career you can be proud of while there. Just ask Matt Hardy.
R-Truth needs to die in a forest fire.

He lives up to the black stereotype.

Fuck his music (current and previous). Fuck him again for it being rap.

Fuck his dancing.

Fuck his clothes.

Fuck his merchandise. Fuck people who wear his merchandise.

He has nothing of substance to contribute.

Is "truth" his gimmick? Fuck him for committing logical fallacies every time he preaches it. Fuck him for cheapening the word.

Fuck him for asking "What's up?" all of the time without weight and meaning.

Fuck him for having a criminal record.

Fuck him for regurgitating the cliche of a black having a hard childhood.

Fuck his hair.

Fuck his piercings.

Fuck him for bringing John Morrison down.

Fuck his accessories.

Fuck his smile.

Fuck his ability to smile. He should get the illness that JR has (Bell's palsy).

Fuck his glove.

Fuck him for being hard on the eyes.

Fuck him for making Eve look more trashy than she already does. (Seriously, she looks like someone who walks the corners. Like hell R-Truth strode past the street stage; he's clearly regressing.)

Fuck how his name in the bottom titantrons is written in graffiti.

The only thing he's good for is showing how many idiots are in the crowd, by extension of gauging how many other simpletons actually cheer his idiocy on. Oh, and fuck them, too.

Go look at his new titantron video. Notice how only chavs and neanderthals approve of him.

Oh yeah, and fuck whoever encouraged him/didn't discourage him when he first started "singing". Look at what you enabled, dickwads. As if his regular voice wasn't diarrhea to the ears.

Fuck R-Truth.

Literate people don't care about him.

Oh my God, that shit was GRADE A fucking hilarity. I agree with all of that too. He's just annoying as shit. Not terrible in the ring, he can go, but all that rapping and dancing and shit is annoying. Can't stand him at all. As Ron Killings in TNA, he was at least tolerable. Now, he's disgusting to watch. His scenes with Orton and Cena last night were disgusting to watch. Cue cards much? Smh, I'm done.
I have never liked R-Truth.

He has a good look to him. I'll give him that. But outside of that factor, nothing else is admirable.

Mic skills? Shit.

BOTH entrance themes, terrible. (And this time, yes, entrance themes can be blamed on the wrestler, because these are his creations, not just Jim Johnston assigning you a song)

His moveset is terrible outside of that one cutter variation, but what does he use for a finisher? The stupid ass "corkscrew to nothing". This finisher is as bad as the Playmaker.

What value is he? Well, he definitely appeals to a certain market, so for a business perspective, you shouldn't just out and out fire the guy. But still, he hit his high note when he won the US title (which I don't think he even should have received). People sometimes ask why he isn't given a push and well, he doesn't deserve one. Some people just simply aren't good enough to be main event guys. Matt Hardy never deserved it. X-Pac never deserved it. D'Lo...Godfather...Marc Mero...Ahmed Johnson...Road Dogg...all midcarders similar to R-Truth, though Truth isn't as good as a few of those.

The theme change didn't kill him. It just opened up the gates to the criticism that was masked when people would see cheers with the other one. You give someone one good thing to look at, they start ignoring other stuff. You give them one bad thing, then suddenly its ripe for the picking. If Truth's "what's up" shtick never caught on, you'd have heard the same criticism then as you do now. He's always sucked this badly lol
Ok first and foremost let me say unlike many of you I actually met and know Truth. And he is possibly one of the most approchable guys in the business. He is a very hard worker even though (as I agree with most of you) his gimmick sucks! I originally hated "What's Up" in TNA, and i really hate this new theme! And I love Rap music! I tire of seing the same stereotype in wrestling when it comes to black athletes as all of them must either had a hard upbringing and be from the hood, or be a militant of some sort. To be honest that is the only thing going for David Otunga for me is he is neither of that stereotype. But back to R-Truth, to be honest the guy is pretty good in the ring albeit his James Brown ring set is not too believable. His mic skills are atrocious, as well as his rapping. I think they should just play a damn instrumental and let him come down to it. Why are ALL black wrestlers saddled with a rap theme song. (except Kofi his is reggae lol) I say if they repacked Truth as a heel and killed the rap entrance the critisim will stop. Also never let him touch a mic or have a major speaking role in the show again! Oh lastly Morrison_Fanboy really? that's too much dude. So from my friend Truth I say F*** you!
The day he stops rapping on his way to the ring is the day i will start to acknowledge him. For now, when he walks out of the apron i change the channel
The second R truth went running around the streets as "Delicious" he lost all hope of ever becoming a respectable Main eventer. I know i cant take him seriously after that, but it does appear to be harder for black wrestlers to get over without stupid stuff like delicious or stealing like cryme time, but that only gets them so far until they eventually get fired. r-truth is a waste of television time.
R-Truth's problems == theme song, character gimmick, and apparently backstage promos with any amount of seriousness. His finishers annoy me, but aside from those very important things, I think he is talented. His rap gimmick was severely nerfed, as in TNA as a heel champ, he straight called the crowd racist and got SO much heat.

Too bad that can't fly nowadays.
What do you think of his current role? What do you think of his skills? What do you think of his overall run in the WWE limelight (so to speak)?

Personally, I think he is decent in the ring, but I don't see much else anywhere else. He's not impressive on the mic to me, I think his rapper gimmick is tired (plus he sucks as a rapper) and I just don't see the IT factor with the guy.

What about you guys?

I thought that his what up music was bad, than he got new music is even worst. His rap gimmick is crap. His rapping is crap. In the ring not too bad but everything else he does or tries to do is crap.
R-Truth needs to die in a forest fire.

He lives up to the black stereotype.

Fuck his music (current and previous). Fuck him again for it being rap.

Fuck his dancing.

Fuck his clothes.

Fuck his merchandise. Fuck people who wear his merchandise.

He has nothing of substance to contribute.

Is "truth" his gimmick? Fuck him for committing logical fallacies every time he preaches it. Fuck him for cheapening the word.

Fuck him for asking "What's up?" all of the time without weight and meaning.

Fuck him for having a criminal record.

Fuck him for regurgitating the cliche of a black having a hard childhood.

Fuck his hair.

Fuck his piercings.

Fuck him for bringing John Morrison down.

Fuck his accessories.

Fuck his smile.

Fuck his ability to smile. He should get the illness that JR has (Bell's palsy).

Fuck his glove.

Fuck him for being hard on the eyes.

Fuck him for making Eve look more trashy than she already does. (Seriously, she looks like someone who walks the corners. Like hell R-Truth strode past the street stage; he's clearly regressing.)

Fuck how his name in the bottom titantrons is written in graffiti.

The only thing he's good for is showing how many idiots are in the crowd, by extension of gauging how many other simpletons actually cheer his idiocy on. Oh, and fuck them, too.

Go look at his new titantron video. Notice how only chavs and neanderthals approve of him.

Oh yeah, and fuck whoever encouraged him/didn't discourage him when he first started "singing". Look at what you enabled, dickwads. As if his regular voice wasn't diarrhea to the ears.

Fuck R-Truth.

Literate people don't care about him.

Wow you don't need to post on here. Wow what wrestlers do you like. Everyone agrees his new music is awful, and in my view they could have gotten more out of his gimmick. He's terrible on the mic because he has no business with a mic. He needs some changes and character development and who knows what could happen with the guy.
Ive been a wrestling fan since I was a baby. Im 26 now. By reading these threads I see alot of wrestling fans that dont know Shi*. R-Truth right now is pretty good. The guy can wrestle and if you cant see that, you arnt a wrestling fan. I say, if WWE would turn this guy HEEL. He could be the Ultimate heel. He just has that look and attitude to him. I could see him teaming with John Cena or someone and screwing them somehow. Or some sort of turn to Heel against a big time face. If you guys cant see that. You guys cant see talent and arnt wrestling fans.
Wow, i don't think i've read a thread where near enough everyone rained fiery shit on one guy..... it was great!

But in all fairness to the guy, i don't mind him. Yes the rap gimmic sucks, name one recent WWE gimmick that doesn't suck, and no 'Mission against Stupidity' and 'The Viper' don't count, or hasn't been done a billion times before.

Everyone seems to want Ted Dibiase to excel despite jobbing week in and week out wearing his daddy's belt, but R-Truth raps to the ring and people start talking about him dying? Wow.....

In the ring? Again, not terrible, has a few flashy moves. My estimation of him went up when he started using that suplex/stunner regularly, but then shot to rock bottom when his finisher became that ridiculous spinning shoulder block or whatever the fuck it is. Big Show's punch is a better finisher than that for god's sake.

He's not boring, he's just never been given the time to have a one on one fued with anyone to stretch his abilities. He's done nothing in terms of character development except be involved in throw away skits.

If he had a similar fued like Kofi/Orton last year, people's estimation of him would probably go up. Change the finisher, and stop rapping at least, and give him a fued and a couple fo 15 minute matches on PPV and maybe he'd get some respect. Being cutesy with the crowd only got Kofi so far. It wasn't til he was diving off barricades and smashing up cars that people REALLY got behind him.

Another mid-carder having to wear kid gloves with his character, instead of letting his creativity do the talking, like they used to....
I can't stand R Truth.

First of all, though he has a couple flashy moves, his matches are still boring. His current run in the WWE has been going for two years now, and i can't remember a single match he's had. I don't feel excited or engaged in his matches, and this is probably because I don't feel a connection with him.

Why I don't feel a connection? Probably because he's shit on the mic and has very little personality. Whenever I see Truth getting some time talking (such as his recent backstage promos with John Cena) I can't take him seriously. Maybe it's just his facial expressions, but I feel like cringing when he's talking. On top of that, his gimmick and character is pretty much that of a standard stereotypical black man. It's not unique, it's not interestling, and I don't care.

I think R Truth hasn't been anything special since his re-debut, and that will most likely continue. The peak of his WWE career most likely came during his forgettable U.S Championship reign, and from there he's been going down hill, and will continue to. Even his crowd reaction has gone. Also, at his age, R Truth is older than a lot of the current stars such as John Cena, Randy Orton and Edge. While WWE is trying to push new stars into the spotlight, these typically tend to be younger stars. Truth, like MVP, will most likely fade into nothing and I'll be glad. In fact, i hope it comes sooner rather than later (preferably before he's in another backstage promo)

Additional note: On Wikipedia, R Truth's profile hasn;t even been updated since he went to Raw. That's how much people care.
He's a year older than edge. Also if WWE are going to keep R-truth around they are going to need to do some serious work with him. Promos, real fueds, the whole nine. Turn him heel and see what happens.
He's like every other wrestler out there. He's either one or the other. IE good on the mic, but bad in the ring or good in the ring and bad on the mic. He's definitely a better wrestler. That being said again like most wrestlers he is never given a chance. Most could impress with a shot and I think he would. It's the ladder effect of the WWE. I'm sure he'll get a chance and then the E will bump him back down.
He's a year older than edge. Also if WWE are going to keep R-truth around they are going to need to do some serious work with him. Promos, real fueds, the whole nine. Turn him heel and see what happens.

Yeah, but Edge has been an established eventer in the WWE for years. What I meant was, why bother pushing someone like R Truth who is 38, when the current crop of established main eventers are younger (or around a similiar age.)

And why should the WWE go the whole nine on R Truth? Yeah he's had a crappy gimmick and shit feuds, but that's because he doesn't do anything with them. If he had charisma, not so many people would be bashing him on this thread, and he would be given better feuds. Why waste effort and time on him when there are younger superstars who are showing their worth?

And PLEASE don't do 'turn him heel' thing, that's so overdone. There needs to be faces, and there needs to be midcarders. R Truth can stick to that, he's not worth having the midcard heel-face ratio unbalanced, and he's not talented enough to move up the card.
Calm down people. R-Truth isn't gonna become some major star in the WWE unless they decide to completely repackage him. Just look at his forgettable US title reign. The only three problems I have with R-Truth right now are his rap gimmick, his finisher and his lack of promo skills. He's quite athletic and although I enjoyed him more back in his TNA days, he's not the worst mid-carder you'll see. He just needs to incorporate a few more of his old moves or even new moves into his repertoire and feud with somebody. The crowd used to love him whenever he came out to his old entrance theme. He's good at interacting with the crowd. Hell, I have no problem with him just picking up a few upset victories every now and then. It keeps him in a good spot.
Wow alot of hate from the IWC on R-truth with all the negatives that were said here are some facts for you

R-truth gets the the 3rd biggest face pop and raw behind orton and cena

He has a unique style in the ring so everyone wants to go and say his inring skills are shyt, not everyone needs to be a power house or a mold of daniel bryan, unique styles are good for matches especially in todays wrestling where their is a lack of it.

R-truth really has not had a 1 vs 1 feud in forever he had a small feud with ted and had a couple matches with miz when they traded the U.S. title. And he still gets cheered and gets a reaction more than morrision or Daniel bryan and both of those guys are in story lines with Sheamus and Ziggler.

Everyone is taking a shit on R-truth's mic skills, well if he is so terrible name me a mid carder who has decent mic skills who isnt named dolph ziggler. Better yet name me a FACE mid carder who has decent mic skills?

morrison? NO
Daniel Bryan?NO
Santino? comedy act not a mid card competitor
Christian? yes, but he is injured

So his mic skills are pretty much even as every other face on the mid card they are crap, at least he gets reaction from the crowd, and can put on a decent match with mid carders and has the size and speed to create a good matchup scenario against maineventers.

The IWC might not like him but from watching Raw every monday he is still over with the crowd and is essentially roaming free on the show with no storyline so that is saying something.

I see r-truth as someone who is going to stay in the midcard until he is put in a legit feud, he is a face and is most likely going tostay a face because he gets a reaction from the crowd, its alot easier to get a crowd to hate you then cheer for you r-truth gets the crowd to cheer for him, their are a shortage faces and none of them have mic skills, hence why we see them in feuds against top competition see bryan v ziggler, sheamus v morrison

Rtruth simply needs someone legit to feud with so his in ring ability can show and his mic skills can be hidden. Guys with unique styles tha dont really have mic skills can still get over look at rvd, booker t, jeff hardy. None with great mic skills all had good feuds at the mid card rvd vs lynn, as well as rhino, booker t in his best of 5 against beniot, jeff hardy has had plenty of feuds were he showcased in the midcard agaisnt morrison, matt hardy, umaga.

So i percieve rtruth on the same level as every other midcarder who is face except christian, and I expect him to be in the ME scene when he comes back, is all about how he is used the next few weeks the past couple of PPVs with Nexus vs wwe and SD vs Raw have left ceratin guys with a blank slate
R-Truth can hold a match in the ring, but he has been given a ridiculously lame role of rapping and he has very poor mic skills. He sounds so fake on the mic and not believable at all. His gimmick makes no real sense. He should have just wrestled under Ron Killings and been a normal black guy. The sad thing is he also wrestled with Road Dogg under K-Kwik and was no different so it seems that thats all thats going for this guy.

However, like Cena, R-Truth is over with the kiddies and hes a superface which is probably good for the PG environment but not for smarks.
Okay the OP must be reading my mind i as going t do a truth thread today but its something a little diffrent. well pay attention people you know how everyone is on this john cena turning heel (which is pretty stupid btw) and how wade is winning the title and whatnot and how there is going to be this big swerve or schmoz at the sseries thie year? well i do belve there will be a heel turn but i feel like its r truth. i know it seems stupid but think about this when cena turned heel who was the first one to talk to cena on Raw? r truth. then last night who was sturring the pot and being a messanger boy? r truth. it seems kinda stupid and if you think so im sorry but deep down inside i just have this feeling like hes about to do soemthing nw to whom thats still remains to be seen.i just..idk..i feel like hes in on it somehow
R-truth isn't the GREATEST wrestler, but come on people lets face it he IS one of the better mid carders, plus with his segments throghout the Cena/Nexus feud there seems like he maybe getting a role in probably the biggest storyline in the wwe right now, so maybe this can give the wwe/ r truth a chance to rise into at least a memorable mid carder, hell maybe even a ME if they get despeart for faces in the ME scene on raw.

I think they should drop his rapper gimick, turn him into a tweener, and pair him up with someone else who isn't doing anything, such as JTG,Sha, MVP, Mark henry,big z, vlad, hell even rey mesterio.(sorry if i offened anyone here, and to anyone who thinks im trying to be racist, these guys came to mind first.) Also let jim johnson give/make a song for him(his new one sucks ass, and the first one was annoying at first, but was chatchy) since we can all agree Jim Johnsonation can do a way better job then R-truth did, but that might not be his fault.

I think its still abit early to say anything about him, or to implay that he is the worst thing to happen to the wwe, I mean do you people remember santino's title reigns, the kahli kisscam,or when kane elimated santion i ONE FUCKING SECOND at the royal rumble. I mean give him a shot to prove his worth, and if he fails then you can rub your shit in his face for all i care.And if he does to prove his worth, then maybe he'll actually get SOME People to stick up for him around here, and I mean atleast 30% of the people here.
R-Truth has the potential to be the greatest heel the WWE would never promote. He missed the boat about 13 years ago, when the Nation of Domination was a big thing.

Truth can be good on the mic, if given the right gimmick. The tireless "Hey guys, I got a new rap for ya'll to sing along to" gimmick is beyond old and boring. I think this is evident enough by pointing out how many fans still haven't adapted to his "Get Crunk" theme. What he needs, is a heel turn in which the people aren't subjected to sing and dance to his stupidity.

The (racist) words "Cracker," "Honky", and "White Supremist" need to be added to his vocab upon a heel turn, to make him one of the most hated individuals the Company will have seen since Sgt. Slaughter during the war.

Maybe I'm just reliving his TNA days and hoping that he'll return to that form, in which the WWE obviously seen something and wanted him back. As of right now, it seems like a heel turn is up-coming, but in likely the PG tone - which will work in the opposite way, and ultimately phase Truth back out of the Company.
I'm a black man and I am quite insulted that the WWE creative team can't think of anything else for a black man other than a rapper. Quite honestly, I hate rap music for the most part. I think his gimmick is quite "coonish" and it reminds me of a time when blacks were mocked and protrayed as some sideshow act. I know these children go ga-ga over him which proves my point more. The fact that R-Truth keeps coming out with the rapping gimmick only appeals to children, who for the most part, are white. Nothing against white people whatsoever and I don't mean to make this a racial issue but let's just say for the sake of arguing that it's not assuming in the least bit and every single time he comes on I turn and never turn back until his match is over. It's an instant turn off. If they'd make him more serious instead of some Master P wanna be then maybe he'd get over more. Nobody's buying it except the children.
Yes. Tag Team work would do wonders for this guy. However, it'd end up being a PG era of Too Cool and most likely fail. I just want him to join a team that just wrestles. Just gets in and performs. Later, they can talk and go from there.

But, the main event.... too soon.
Yeah i agree he would be better in the tag team div and his perfect partner would be JTG! Both of them dance when they come to the ring and both of them basicly have the same attire (Baggy jeans with boxers showing with dreadlocks in there hair).But it doesnt stop there because both of them have similar moves. R truth has the spinning 4 arm, JTG has the spinning neckbreaker, R-Truth has the axe kick and JTG has the leg drop from the second rope. R-truth used to be a gangster and JTGs gimmick is a ganster lol.I think they would be great together Plus Both of them aint doing anything major atm or in the near future so why not! mabey they could outshine crime time!
R-Truth is a fucking jackass. His dancing to a song that sounds like a pediphile version of the Cookie Monster is ******ed. Eve looks like an even bigger idiot doing it. In the ring, he just jumps and spins around. He sounds weak and fake on the mic. Theres nothing great about him. I cant figure out how he has a single fan. I turn the match anytime he is in the ring. I'm from North Carolina too, and I would never cheer for him.

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