How Do You Perceive R-TRUTH?


Brilliant Idiot
What do you think of his current role? What do you think of his skills? What do you think of his overall run in the WWE limelight (so to speak)?

Personally, I think he is decent in the ring, but I don't see much else anywhere else. He's not impressive on the mic to me, I think his rapper gimmick is tired (plus he sucks as a rapper) and I just don't see the IT factor with the guy.

What about you guys?
Honestly, I think R-Truth is 100% absolute, total dogshit.

It's kind of sad, but I only recently took on this point of view. Prior to his entrance theme changing, I actually thought he was good for the product. He was a black man with lots of charisma that was able to shine through a killer catchphrase that went along with his entrance theme music. However, they took that theme away and replaced it with the worst music I have ever heard.

Truth is mediocre in the ring, at best. His mic skills are atrocious. His look is very biased. And I still don't really understand his gimmick. At first, he was brought it as a man who had many hardships growing up in the Carolinas... now that seems to be a faint memory. The only purpose he serves now is as a muscular, athletic, colored man who dances and sings during his ring entrance and barely holds his own in the ring against the top stars of the program. You can easily see him getting outshined by everyone that he faces in the ring.

I kind of feel bad for R-Truth. Never, in a million years, did I think that entrance music could a wrestler's gimmick. Thanks for proving my theory wrong, WWE. Now R-Truth is just another stereotypical, mediocre, black wrestler that people are slowly forgetting about.
I have to say that to me, R-Truth is just a wrestling version of Flava Flav. His new entrance is even more god-awful than the "What's up?" crap he came down to before, his moveset is the worst among the "high-flying" talent and he sounds like he gargles with hot asphalt. There is nothing interesting about him in the least. The only use he serves to me would be if he jobbed out on Superstars every week. Otherwise, he could just go away. I'd be fine with that too.
He is talented in the ring at times....alot of the time i see him getting gassed like he is an old man...he sells too much at times, I dunno if its because he doesnt know what to do or whatever but do something...His mic skills are probably the worst in WWE...he sounds like he is truly reading off a script...I guess he has poor memory or whatever I dunno but he needs to get this stage I dont even think he cares or WWE cares...funny how he ripped on WWE and Cena in a rap on youtube, but now he works for them shucking and jiving around like stereotypical black guy (I am black so dont call me racist)...I mean he cant have another gimmick?
That's what I hate about WWE sometimes. You can never just be on your own and black. You either have to be "hip" or "cool" and super black, or you have to to be a monster destroyer. There's never any depth. I just don't understand it.

WWE will come up with the weirdest shit for everyone else, but black guys have two options.

That's why I had high-hopes for the Shelton Benjamin run. He was a well-accomplished amateur athlete trying to make it big. A nice, little underdog story. It was fun to watch. Unfortunately, Shelton was pretty bad on the mic. But, it was something different at least.

That's why The Rock gets a lot of respect from me.
I was just discussing R-Truth with my brother last night due to listening to him talk on Raw and wow! I had no idea how much he was lacking in mic skills until last night because I never paid attention to him. I hate his black guy rapper gimmick (i'm black btw) because it seems a bit stereotyped and he can't rap.
If they were to pair him with someone else he would be a good tag team champ, his ring abilities aren't *that* bad but he does need more work before I would want to see him in the main event.
I was just discussing R-Truth with my brother last night due to listening to him talk on Raw and wow! I had no idea how much he was lacking in mic skills until last night because I never paid attention to him. I hate his black guy rapper gimmick (i'm black btw) because it seems a bit stereotyped and he can't rap.
If they were to pair him with someone else he would be a good tag team champ, his ring abilities aren't *that* bad but he does need more work before I would want to see him in the main event.

Yes. Tag Team work would do wonders for this guy. However, it'd end up being a PG era of Too Cool and most likely fail. I just want him to join a team that just wrestles. Just gets in and performs. Later, they can talk and go from there.

But, the main event.... too soon.
R-Truth has been shown a lot lately on Raw. They could make his appearances less and maybe he would get a better reaction. I was never really a fan of Truth. He is a decent worker and has probably had a hard life. The guy is just really annoying to me. His singing and Eve's robotic dancing are hard to stomach. The fans do give him decent reaction. R Truth is like the Koko B Ware of 2010 without the bird, accept he has only one catch phrase and 2 songs.
I like R-Truth. He is more than "mediocre" in the ring. If he wasn't I am pretty sure the WWE wouldn't have brought him back. And he did pretty good last night in his tag match and last week against the Miz. But his mic skills....... ugh yeah they aren't pretty. He would be the perfect guy to start bringing back managers. He would really benefit if he had a manager.
I personally don't care for R-Truth and never really have. At first I never really had an opinion on him, he was just there. But seeing him over the past weeks has made me from indifferent to disliking the guy. As has been said, his mic skills are complete crap. That was made ever more clearer last night with his segments with Orton and Cena. The guy sucks. His matches are ok, although I think it has more to do with his opponent than with him. And then of course there is his terrible entrance. His music sucks, as does his rapping and Eve's dancing.

its also looking like he's losing the fans. It may be the new theme or something, but I don't hear the reaction I use to. But as I said, I have gone from indifferent to disliking. Whatever he is suppose to be right now just isn't working.
I'm not a fan. I used to be, in his original return to the WWE. But dude just got stale, and really, between the pretty ricky thing and the fact that he's had no feuds, no major changes or anything at all happen means I've soured on the guy big time. :disappointed:
I didn't really watch wrestling from about 2001 under recently, so when I turned on Raw and saw Truth, I said "is that K-Kwik? And he has the same gimmick as he did nine years ago?" He's a passable worker and the crowd seems to like him, but his mike work leaves me bored and uncaring. My attitude towards him can really be summed up by an Edge and Christian promo from when they feuded with K-Kwik and Road Dogg: "Road Dogg and K-Kwik, you think you're cool because you come out here and rap?" Truth is supposed to be inherently cool because he raps. That's it. And when that's the entire basis for a character, it gets stale pretty quickly.
I'm a fan of R-Truth and I have been since his first run years ago in the WWE and was disappointed when they released him back than.

I find he is very talented in the ring, but yeah his Mic skill could use a bit of an upgrade and I have never been any kind of rap, so yeah the part when he is coming to the ring singing bores me to death. But once he is wrestling I usually enjoy his matches

He also has to ditch Eve dancing to the ring with him, as she is a terrible dancer
I think R.Truth's problem is his gimmick. Last night he looked really good in the ring, and the crowd was really into him. But that is the only time he is cared about.... His promo skills are just awkward because you wouldn't picture a man like Truth saying things that he says about "friends". Like come on! His rapping needs to stop, I think its extremely annoying and stupid i usually change the channel to MNF when i see his entrance music hit. I think he still has what it takes to stay on Raw but I think a personality change/ heel turn would be awesome.
He is improving and it seems hes gonna get another push hopefully in the right direction now it seems as though however that a feud with him a cena is drawing nigh lets just wait n see.
I do agree, R-Truth, the rap gimmick is a bit, stale. Plus, he needs to get rid of his backup dancer. But besides that, I am trying to figure out why he's suddenly such a 'friend' to John Cena when he has said before he supposedly didn't like him in such a public manner and had a very public argument with him at some point in the past? And why is it his duty to see to it that Cena leaves WWE and that Orton is suddenly aware of Cena's every move? I know Orton is a smart guy, and Cena's a grown up, they will run into each other in the locker room. I say R-Truth just needs to turn heel and come clean with what his 'real intentions' are. Forget Cena's swerve to heel, I think the only person Randy should be cautious of is "The whole truth and nothing but the Truth." I think Truth is probably realizing that nice guys finish last, and may be realizing that if he wants to get a shot of the gold, he's probably got to play the same game that RKO has done before, and that Barrett is doing now, but unfortunately, Truth is not as good as they are in doing that.
I like R-Truth. He is more than "mediocre" in the ring. If he wasn't I am pretty sure the WWE wouldn't have brought him back. And he did pretty good last night in his tag match and last week against the Miz. But his mic skills....... ugh yeah they aren't pretty. He would be the perfect guy to start bringing back managers. He would really benefit if he had a manager.
yea man i think he needs a manager and surprisingly instead of letting eve dance you should let her talk for him she cut a good promo against the miz. I to me hes more that decent in the ring WWE needs to change hes second finisher though the lie detector is absolute rubish its could work as a normal move or nice build up move but as a finisher nahhhhhhh he needs to just come out to his music and wrestle and let someone else talk.
I think he is terrible. Decent in the ring is a nice way to put it. Hes averagish I guess. Everything else is just bad. His rapping is horrible. I honestly cant even understand his mumbling. He look is boring. I don't understand why he would be over with anyone.
I was hoping that when he was rapping last night, Wade would big boot his face in. That would've made my life.

I think Truth is incredibly charismatic. That's it.

His rapping might be the biggest crowd killer on Raw (until LayCool shows up). No one cares about getting crunk or what's up or whatever the heck he is saying. He doesn't even know what he is saying most of the time. In the ring, he is all over the place. He has good strikes and all, but he just comes across as so damn forced. Like does he ALWAYS has to do something 'extra'? Case in point, when he is evading a hit, the guy has to do a fucking backflip or splits. It is just annoying as all kinds of hell.
I have to say that to me, R-Truth is just a wrestling version of Flava Flav. His new entrance is even more god-awful than the "What's up?" crap he came down to before, his moveset is the worst among the "high-flying" talent and he sounds like he gargles with hot asphalt. There is nothing interesting about him in the least. The only use he serves to me would be if he jobbed out on Superstars every week. Otherwise, he could just go away. I'd be fine with that too.

"Gargle with hot asphalt" LMFAO priceless. But i guess one issue everyone agrees on is his new theme is terrible, also whats hurting him is he never has any real fueds. His in ring skills aren't that bad for what the allow him to do, he doesn't botch often. If WWE would've put more time into developing some mic skills for him and real fueds, things would have been different for R-Truth.
Now Ima tell u like this, I like R-Truth. Ain't my favorite Wrestler but I like him. Behind the character he seems to be a relaxed and laid back kinda guy. And yeah he gots lots of Charisma. But with R-Truth, if anyone remembers like around 2000-2001 when he first debuted as Road-Dogg's Tag Team Partner K-Kwik, he wasn't the best wrestler, wrestled more on a Jobber's status. But look at him now after time spend in TNA with the 3 Live Krew, he's a whole lot better than he was when he was K-Kwik. Can he improve yes. But I won't say he sucks. And as far as the mic skills, it's wrestling people either u can wrestle or u can't. And as for Eve's dancing, I ain't worry bout her skills cause Eve is Hot. lol But Tag Team is great for him. He excelled in it before. He had Road Dogg, Konnan, and John Morrison as Partners. And Morrison and RD had success in the tag team ranks. But as far as the perfect partner for R-Truth, he needs somebody kinda young with a spicy moveset. Morrison is a perfect choice, but I don't think WWE used them to their fullest potential as a tag team. But yeah R-Truth can improve. And if and when he does improve u may see another US Title Reign.
I have said this before in previous Truth bashing threads... he sucks, plain and simple. I have never quite figured him out when it comes to his character. He has the same tired ass gimmick he had as K-Kwik and he is shit in the ring, still. He's stiff as hell, can't sell a move and I agree with someone on here who said that he tries to do something extra like the leg splits and such, when there is no need too. He has no mic skills, he sounds like he is an asthmatic when he talks and I've said it before he dances around like a ******ed chicken. His entrance music sucks, he doesn't know the words to his own song (he mumbles through half of it), and his "what's up" schtick is worse than any cheap pop in the history of wrestling (even Mick Foley). One thing that always soured me on Truth, besides him being 'turrible' is his entrance.
i cant stand black wrestlers with stereotypical gimmicks ala MVP. We all know R truths character is going no where and hes going to end up being a mid card jobber or being completely repackaged.
i think he is ok but i hate how they want us to believe he is good. he needs a new finisher, that corkscrew elbow should jus be a signature move cause it can't finish anyone. idk why he would change his song when it was the songthat got him over, its annoying but catchy lol i would rather hear swagger say she sells sea shells down by the seashore than truth :rolleyes:
R-Truth needs to die in a forest fire.

He lives up to the black stereotype.

Fuck his music (current and previous). Fuck him again for it being rap.

Fuck his dancing.

Fuck his clothes.

Fuck his merchandise. Fuck people who wear his merchandise.

He has nothing of substance to contribute.

Is "truth" his gimmick? Fuck him for committing logical fallacies every time he preaches it. Fuck him for cheapening the word.

Fuck him for asking "What's up?" all of the time without weight and meaning.

Fuck him for having a criminal record.

Fuck him for regurgitating the cliche of a black having a hard childhood.

Fuck his hair.

Fuck his piercings.

Fuck him for bringing John Morrison down.

Fuck his accessories.

Fuck his smile.

Fuck his ability to smile. He should get the illness that JR has (Bell's palsy).

Fuck his glove.

Fuck him for being hard on the eyes.

Fuck him for making Eve look more trashy than she already does. (Seriously, she looks like someone who walks the corners. Like hell R-Truth strode past the street stage; he's clearly regressing.)

Fuck how his name in the bottom titantrons is written in graffiti.

The only thing he's good for is showing how many idiots are in the crowd, by extension of gauging how many other simpletons actually cheer his idiocy on. Oh, and fuck them, too.

Go look at his new titantron video. Notice how only chavs and neanderthals approve of him.

Oh yeah, and fuck whoever encouraged him/didn't discourage him when he first started "singing". Look at what you enabled, dickwads. As if his regular voice wasn't diarrhea to the ears.

Fuck R-Truth.

Additional note: On Wikipedia, R Truth's profile hasn;t even been updated since he went to Raw. That's how much people care.

Literate people don't care about him.

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