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Holy Shit TNA is so fucking hot!

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I've seen one episode of TNA, and I got bored after the opening promo. This was last week. However, talk of this brawl makes me want to check it out next week, and possibly even watch the whole episode. I'd mainly watch it for Foley, but if the brawl was as good as everyone says and next week's episode is good too, they might just win a new fan.

TNA Impact has a Saturday morning replay on Spike at 9:00 AM, if you wanna check it out.
Well as far as doing the job goes, off top of my head. Angle as put over Lethal, Joe, and AJ. Booker T has put over Joe, and AJ. Nash has put over Joe, Steiner has put over Joe, Sting has put over Abyss.

That's just the ones I remember so I'm sure there are at least a few more, but at the same time jobbing isn't the only way to put over talent. Just by Brutus Magnus climbing into the ring with Sting this week on Impact, and being able to stand toe to toe with him (ie not a squash match) Brutus comes out looking better. The reason being is that he stood in the ring with a world famous wrestler. A legend that is still booked as dominate, and even though he didn't win, he was able to hang in there.

So, just by being in the ring with Sting for 5-10 minutes, Brutus comes out looking better? So when Angle beats up Lethal and Creed, he makes them look better? I am not talking squashing the older guys, I am talking about making it a back and forth match that proves that the younger guys can hang with the older guys. And honestly, it doesn't even have to be older guys. When Lashley fist started in WWE, he was squashing Vito and Nunzio every week on Smackdown, and I thought, " he's just a big goof with power moves who will go nowhere". Then Lashley fought Finlay to a no contest in a great match that put Lashley over, and he got better from there. Another expample is Orton. I never liked Orton. From his first face run, to Evolution, to winning the belt from Benoit, to his second ill-advised face run, up until he fought Edge 2 or 3 years ago, after Team RatedRKO, and it was a great match, and Orton hasn't looked back. When Angle came in, I was hoping for great matches with Joe, AJ, and the rest of the younger guys. Not dominating the shows like he owns them, with every backstage segment involving him or his wife, and making AJ his bitch. Did that get AJ over??? Or when they changed world belts from NWA to TNA, and Joe fought Kurt after a good build, and Kurt won. WHAT THE F? I just knew Joe would win the belt and start a new TNA, but Kurt won and took what heat Joe had chasing the title. Just because you wrestle someone like Kurt or Nash or Booker, I don't believe that is putting them over. I even remember a match in WCW where Flair, for some reason that escapes me, had to wrestle Mysterio for the belt, and it was an awesome match because Flair put over Rey with most of the offense coming from Mysterio and too many nearfalls to count. Flair won in the end, but it was a back and forth match that elevated Rey and Flair lost nothing. On the flip side, there was the 'Taker vs Jeff Hardy laddermatch where Jeff should have won (on several occasions), but 'Taker won and somehow gave Jeff the rub? Sometimes older guys need to lose to put over younger guys.
As for Sting putting over Abyss, where? Sting has been in the main event since, and Abyss just gets tacks all over his body and wrestles in shit hardcore matches. But I guess Abyss is over, with all of his title reigns? and main event spots? His feud with Morgan has elevated Morgan to possibly fighting for the title and main eventing shows, and Abyss is fighting "Dr. Stevie" with a taser in 10,000 tack matches, but yeah, Sting put Abyss over, just like Flair did for Sting.

Ok um so pretty much every young talent that faces someone like Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, or Sting and doesn't win then they aren't over? I'm pretty sure any young talent would be thrilled to be in a program with these wrestlers win or lose. Flair did put Sting over, he won the world title didn't he? He also beat Flair at the last Nitro in 2001. Wouldn't it be great to see a retirement match between these two at Bound For Glory.. Anyways Abyss gimmick is a hardcore monster.. why should he have a title? Not every wrestler has to have a damn title to be worthwhile. I'm pretty sure Angle has jobbed to half of the TNA roster including Joe when Joe won the title from him at Lockdown last year. I'm sure Nash, Booker T, and Steiner have jobbed to lots of young talent in TNA. Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles is like Hillbilly Jim vs. Randy Orton at Summerslam? the sad thing is Dusty Rhodes did go against Randy Orton at Great American Bash about a year or two ago. Kurt Angle isn't washed up and to compare him to Slaugher or Hillbilly Jim is ridiculous. Kurt is younger then most of the main eventers on WWE right now. The sad thing is with WWE you might not see Hillbilly Jim against Randy Orton at Summerslam but you probably will see them on Raw since they have guest hosts every week.
TNA is ok at best, I watched Impact this week and i have to say i turned off, the reason behind this is due to the fact that TNA is attempting to create a huge heel group with the MEM and the World elite, IMO this smells like a bad NWO angle, its just getting sillier by the minute, and the brawl was the worst part because of the fact that it just looked silly total caos in an attempt to get everyones storyline over, Impact is becoming congested in regards to the fact that their are too many heels.

Too much is happening at once at the moment and is driving me absolutly nuts and where is the TNA x division title, they have basically fased it off of this weeks show just so they can exhibit the main storyline of the mem and elite vs everybody else, its getting to the point that if something doesn't change soon TNA will suffer the same fate that WCW once did and go out of business.

I don't think TNA will be going out of business anytime soon. I think everyone that hasn't seen Impact and watches two minutes of it can be the worst critics. They see MEM in the ring and automatically think NWO. World Elite aren't in MEM they are just on the same page. At least Eric Young and the rest of the World Elite are doing something instead of backstage promos with Jarrett. The riot may have went on a little long and yes it didn't help matters with the Spoilers, which is why TNA needs a live show. But still it was new, entertaining and a breath of fresh air compared to what you are used to seeing with Triple H and Cena vs. Legacy every week. Don't worry about the X Division, Joe is going against Hernandez at the PPV, and they are having a number one contender's match in a steel asylum as well. I believe TNA is getting better week after week, and in a few years who knows they might be real competition. Competition is a good thing, especially in wrestling.
Everyone thinks NWO when they see the MEM. When the NWO came around I felt it was a cheap way to try to recreate the Original 4-Horsemen. But then they made 3/4 of the roster and added them to the NWO and made it so consuming it just didn't work for me.

The difference between the World Elite/MEM angle is that the newer one is set up as a business deal to make both groups become bigger. The NWO was just a bunch of guys who wanted the money and power it would bring. What is the difference between Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner from their NWO days. Scott Steiner is off steroids now and Nash is no longer a main event quality performer. So it isn't the same in that regard. It isn't a cheap knockoff of the NWO because there is more substance behind the World Elite's motives than there was the NWO's.
Everyone thinks NWO when they see the MEM. When the NWO came around I felt it was a cheap way to try to recreate the Original 4-Horsemen. But then they made 3/4 of the roster and added them to the NWO and made it so consuming it just didn't work for me.

What in the world are you talking about? Since when did the NWO have anything in common with the Four Horsemen? I don't see any similarities at all besides they were both stables and used gang warfare, but that can be said about any stable. The Outsiders came in as invaders, the nwo wanted to conquer the wrestling world, the nwo was everything opposite of what the Four Horsemen stood for.

The reason people see the nwo when they see the MEM is because the MEM has blatantly ripped off aspects of the nwo, and they've even done similar storylines that WCW did with the nwo.

The difference between the World Elite/MEM angle is that the newer one is set up as a business deal to make both groups become bigger. The NWO was just a bunch of guys who wanted the money and power it would bring. What is the difference between Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner from their NWO days. Scott Steiner is off steroids now and Nash is no longer a main event quality performer. So it isn't the same in that regard. It isn't a cheap knockoff of the NWO because there is more substance behind the World Elite's motives than there was the NWO's.

Scott Steiner is off steroids? Are you kidding me? :lol: Scott Steiner's the most roided up man in the wrestling business ever, and that hasn't changed.

And what does the World Elite's addition to things have to do with the MEM being a complete knockoff of the nwo? It doesn't change the fact that the MEM is a complete knockoff of the nwo, just with a few different names making them up and a slightly altered agenda. And that's perfectly fine! But people shouldn't pretend like they're doing something original. If anything, the MEM are closer to knockoffs of the Four Horsemen then the nwo ever was.. since the MEM all wear suits and take the appearance the Horsemen did, and they all play up themselves as the elite of wrestling and the best in the business, which is exactly what the Four Horsemen were about.
There are some similarities between the ORIGINALHorsemen and the start of the NWO. The biggest one would be that they were comprised by some of the industries biggest stars of the time. Horsemen had the premiere Tag Team at the time "The Minnesota Wrecking Crew" while the NWO had "The Outsiders" in that role. Their leaders were the biggest star in the business at the time in Flair for the Horsemen and Hogan for the NWO.

After that however the similarities end. However Bischoff started the NWO in a way that mirrored the Original Horsemen in that way.
I thought it was Homocide vs Samoa Joe, not Hernandez?

Anyway, I think the last 2 weeks of impact have been pretty good and the brawl was brilliant. I think the security camera feeds really added to the gang warfare feel of it and was a nice touch. Also nice to see the MCMG get involved.

One thing I don't understand is why the MEM would align themselves with the WE? I guess I can understand it on a basic level, but with Kurt Angle and Steiner being All Americans, I can't see how they don't have a problem with them.
Wouldn't it be great to see a retirement match between these two at Bound For Glory.

Just my opinion but

Um Flair is already retired and has done about 4 times now lol.
Sting should've retired years ago. If he keeps going he'll be another Kevin Nash. way over the hill walking around with a walker and spending most of the match on the apron cause he can't compete for more than a few minutes and then when he does he gets injured again.

I'd love to see them go at it again in there hayday if we could turn back the hands of time, they were awesome then.
"I really find it funny when people complain about some of the wrestlers in TNA being "too old" (MEM) and they claim that it is a problem in TNA. Yet at the same time I never really see anyone complaining about the "old men" on the WWE's roster.

Undertaker is in his mid 40's, Triple H is in his early 40's, Shawn Micheals is in his early 40's, Ric Flair is over 60 and was still active a year ago. Batista is in his early - mid 40's, Kane is right around 40, and there are a few others. People need to realize that wrestling closer resembles acting / stunt work that any real sport, and unlike most athletes they don't need to retire by a cretin age."

You also failed to say that Flair although 60 still could go a 30minute match and make it look good, Taker has evolved over the decades so now he isn't is agood arobically he puts more emphasis on submission stuff and he can still run, HBK still is top of the pile everytime he steps foot in the ring.

Kane OK i'll give ya that one he is not good, but then again he isn't in the main events so it doesn't matter.

Batista's likely retiring within a year or so that was a mute point, and anyway he is still in peak physical condition, whether thats steroids or not.

Triple H well no point saying anything about him, cause i'll just get flamed. But he can still go toe to toe with the young guys.

Sting, is exhausted within 5mins
Nash can barely walk as it is
Steiner is barely surviving from week to week if he isn't already addicted to painkillers he will be
Foley hasn't been competent physically in years, but atleast he could cut a decent promo and can be really funny, that is til he went to TNA and briefly went heel.

They are my only 3 that i think aren't doing justice to themselves or the little for the visual product
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