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Holy Shit TNA is so fucking hot!

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Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Excuse me everyone, I need to take a minute to do something that I haven't done in a very long time. Let me put on my kayfabe goggles, because I am going to "mark out".

I used to hate TNA. I thought it was a WWE rip off. Somewhere along the line they said, "Fuck the WWE, let's do our own thing", and they started doing it. Also some where along the line, WWE started to put complete shit on the television. So one day me and my wife are bored on a Thursday night and decide to watch TNA and make fun of the WWE rip off. Next thing you know I'm hooked. This shit is so fucking hot. Tonight they had an all out brawl that was just awesome, TNA vs MEM and WE. Awesome, just fucking awesome. Good guys vs. Bad Guys, from the top to the bottom.

Tenay and West went off, and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time they brawled. I thought to myself, "How the hell is this going to end?", and they fucking bring the COPS out! I said, "OH MY GOD" this is just awesome. They are not afraid to take risks. They are not afraid to try something new. You can say this is like the nWo angle of WCW but it is not. This is probably not on that level, but this is one of the best angles I have seen since then.

Think about it, everyone in the wrestling community discusses the Main Event Mafia. This is a big memorable angle. This is now a point in wrestling history that we will refer to. Monster stables, nWo, DX, Evolution, MEM...and it FITS.

They also had a promo that said they are starting a "Revolution" and to "Cross The Line" on tonights show. I'm thinking, with the WWE blowing balls right now with the PG era, the original WWE fans are going to look for what they've come to enjoy....an old school wrestling show with edgy off the wall angles. And they are going to get that from TNA. Very soon TNA will be a REAL LEGIT competitor, that will have to have the WWE starting to rethink their strategy.
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TNA did look way better than it has been in it's time on television, but their are a few problems. First off, the brawl was better than I expected. But you know how I knew it was going to happen? Not from spoilers, not from a disgruntled fired employee. No, I realized it from a commercial on Spike telling me that it was going to happen. Tonight was an amazing show, but it would've been better had I not known that it was going to happen. They should've just advertised this show as "The MEM and World Elite try to dominate TNA".

Also, TNA's storylines are improving, but their look needs to get more professional. I like the whole "TNA vs. MEM Elite" thing they have going on, but their entrance themes sound like cartoon theme songs. They don't have to get a total redo, but just get a real band to do a little editing on all of the songs and it'll be fine. They should also get the band to redo the opening theme with the same lyrics. And maybe create an opening graphic sequence, like Raw has the red, orange, and grey, Smackdown has the blue and white, etc. TNA could have red, silver, and yellow. Also do some advertising in primetime. If you show the X-Division doing sick moves that make people say Wow!, Kurt Angle, Bobby Lashley showing off their starpower, etc. Unlike you, I don't think the WWE is 'stale', but I do think that if TNA continues at the rate they're going, then in 2 or 3 years, they could be considered real competition for the WWE. All in all, TNA should be very successful in the future if they get a more professional look, and hire some more free agents (Mr. Anderson, Umaga Fatu, etc.).
I agree. That was a twenty minute RIOT. Bubba and Brutis Magnus were dueling with chairs like they were swords, the machine guns were working in tandem with Daniels, Sting and Foley looked like they had been a tag team for years, hell, Kyoshi even looked like a star. It was pure madness. Then the ROAD AGENTS even got involved. Mick looked like he turned back the clock 20 years.Everybody looked like badasses, they didn't have enough cameras to cover it, they had to use security cameras mounted to the walls. I mean I am still sorting it out in my mind it was so damn good.

Then at the end of the show there was another brawl and Supermax came out swinging a friggen loggers chain at everyone. I was on my computer doing play by play for my buddy.

Even the matches and promos had heat. The Knockouts were even going for the jugular. This reminds me of the NWA in 1986 at the rise of the Horsemen Era when every interview, every match, every segment was just slit your throat intense. This, this will draw TNA fans and though I don't like what is going on behind the scenes I am loving the end result.

Just think that the show is this good now. Matt Morgan and AJ Styles are still doing their best to get into the championship match yet. They weren't even involved in the insanity tonight. Just wait until they choose sides.

I think TNA may have turned a corner tonight.
I totally agree with the first post. I applaud TNA for having the balls to stray from the norm. I love where TNA is heading so far and look forward to any further initiative taken by this more entertaining, up and coming, AND more adult oriented brand of wrestling.
TNA still has a long way to go but, like you, I have been hooked in by the MEM storyline.

BUt when I really look at it I have to say that it's just the idea of all those huge names from my childhood days of watching wrestling. Nash, Sting, Booker T, Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle. They were my guys. They were the guys I had on posters in my room. I can open up my cupboard in my old bedroom back home and see all the tapes I made with their names and their matches on the cases.

This is very, very similar to what WWE were trying to get with the ECW Originals thing. I just didn't buy into it because I never watched ECW. I cared little about the Sandman and Sabu and to be honest, I only really knew of Terry Funk from his Chainsaw Charlie days. When that's the first gimmick you're introduced to someone as, it's very hard to see past it.

This is working better now, simply because WWE had that minor flaw that they wanted to tone down the mindless violence and so ECW matches became not so extreme. MEM is a bunch of wrestler and fighters... not innovators of violence. So it works because their playground remained the same. Sandman in a normal match just isn't quite entertaining enough. Same for Funk and Sabu... or Tommy Dreamer.

MEM is also benefiting from the X-Division. TNA have a big thing on high flyers adn that will lead to some amazing matches between the old school heavys and the new and fresh lightweights.

Lets face it, who wouldn't rather see AJ Styles or Samoa Joe than Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder. Even MVP, Mr Kennedy or Kofi Kingston don't impress me as much as Sabin, Shelley and and Kazarian. The only two up and comers worth talking about in WWE are Swagger and Evan Bourne and unfortunately both have huge flaws in their booking. Swagger has a great heel persona but then has ridiculous taunts and entrance music that just do not suit his character. What's that chest pound thing he does all about? He also needs to be booked as the kind of guy who can back up his words before they give him the 'heel backs away when challenged' thing. I'd personally like to see him in the John Cena mindset of 'Come get some.' Bourne is just been given the Mysterio stick. Why? Because he is small and flies through the air. Batista doesn't get called on comparisons to Brock Lesnar though. It's very annoying. Shawn Michaels is small for a heavyweight but they don't and never have played on that. It's key to his success. Rey Mysterio himself is (was) a one off so it worked for him too. With bourne... he has to do something else.
Dude, I started watching wrestling regularly a couple of years ago because...TNA hooked me in. Yes, I like the originality. People being heels and faces by degree and not one or the other. I love the King of the Mountain matches. All of the KOs are excellent and hardcore. When is the last time WWE had a divas cage match or ladder match. I did not like JJ and that seems corrected now. Ultimate X and the 6-sided ring show that TNA is not affraid of making changes and taking risks. Talent like EY, AJ, Hernadez, and Sting are fun to watch. Dixie has freed up TNA's creative to use talent to look amazing.
looked good could use some production imagine in a big arena and not in what looks to be a back yard wrestling school and if yoyr gonna go with the whole old wwe/wcw guys why not get them all ie: scott hall syxpac buff bagwell and shit why not hogan and we can do the tnawo
looked good could use some production imagine in a big arena and not in what looks to be a back yard wrestling school and if yoyr gonna go with the whole old wwe/wcw guys why not get them all ie: scott hall syxpac buff bagwell and shit why not hogan and we can do the tnawo

Rehashing old ideas is a bad idea. WWE has taught us this. NWO will never happen again. I'd rather see David Arquette make a comeback
Difference this time is you have alot of young talent involved. World Elite is full of young stars that could be big, and the Fight broke down as the TNA Originals vs the Main Event Maifa/World Elite, and it look like the Originals came out on top.
What show are you guys watching? I thought TNA was on Spike TV on Thursday nights 9-11pm. TNA is hot???? TNA couldn't get hot if they were in an oven. This is the same show with Nash, Steiner, Booker T, Jarrett, Angle, WE, Morgan, that has sucked since Kurt came in? I guess I shouldn't expect much from guys with Carlito and Miz banners in their posts. TNA right now, is on par with ECW on SyFy, maybe lower. I remember watching the MEM guys 10+ years ago, when they were in their 30s(and 40s), now their old and washed up, yet they dominate the shows every week. I can see wanting a little nostalgia every now and then (Steamboat), but I don't want Hillbilly Jim challenging Orton at SummerSlam or HHH fighting Harley Race. I said it was time for the MEM to walk away with some dignity and some sort of carreers last year. Now it's just getting sadder each week when Foley, Kurt, and Sting wrestle? each week in the main event of a wrestling show with guys like Joe and AJ(who built TNA and Impact) fighting each other or Nash and Steiner. TNA has a good women's division and X division, but the rest of their current main event roster sucks, with a few exceptions (Lashley?, Joe, AJ). And don't tell me that they need Kennedy and Umaga in the fold, cause they don't. EVER. Both those guys sucked in WWE, and I am glad I haven't seen them in a couple of months. Adding them to TNA would be like pouring salt on a gunshot. Anyone over 37 should be fired immediately from TNA with no regard for human life. And they should have to take the "Legends" belt with them. And the British guys. And Don West's current gimmick. And the "Dr. Stevie" angle. And anymore "Keys to the office on a pole" matches. And anyone WWE fires over failing drug tests or trying to injure Orton. Or anyone who won a date with ODB. Or anyone who is going to make AJ their bitch(Christian, Kurt). And AJ's crown. Or any male from any reality show. Or anyone who was there for the last year of WCW. And Bubba's bald spot in his fau-hawk. And anyone who thinks Bobby Roode would make a great babyface. And Joe's current gimmick. And Taz(z). And Slick Johnson coming out of the shower topless. And Tera's spider (EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!) And Borash's interview after every match, commercial, move in the ring, after every second word out of Tenay's mouth, every shot of the crowd, every .................................. At best, TNA is not ice cold.
OK PAL, CALM DOWN....take a deep breath......ok are you good now?

What show are you guys watching? I thought TNA was on Spike TV on Thursday nights 9-11pm. TNA is hot???? TNA couldn't get hot if they were in an oven. This is the same show with Nash, Steiner, Booker T, Jarrett, Angle, WE, Morgan, that has sucked since Kurt came in?
Yes, you got the timeslot right...but as far as your assessment of the show, you are wrong. Regardless of your opinion of the show, Impact has improved by leaps and bounds since Angle arrived. Hell, even before that, when Christian (Cage) arrived. Production values...ratings...storylines....it seems to be getting sleeker week by week, in my view.
I can see wanting a little nostalgia every now and then (Steamboat), but I don't want Hillbilly Jim challenging Orton at SummerSlam or HHH fighting Harley Race. I said it was time for the MEM to walk away with some dignity and some sort of carreers last year.
OK why don't you tell them to hang up their boots? Unless you already did, which obviously they didn't listen. They are there to help the young guys progress, and eventually put them over. It can't just happen overnight. If Kiyoshi pinned Kevin Nash clean, he wouldn't immediately win the World Title on the next Impact. This shit takes time, sometimes it's the talent's fault, sometime's it's creative's fault...but it seems they are on the right track....just look at TNA a year ago, at the careers of Hernandez, Matt Morgan, etc...they have improved into major players in TNA.
Now it's just getting sadder each week when Foley, Kurt, and Sting wrestle? each week in the main event of a wrestling show with guys like Joe and AJ(who built TNA and Impact) fighting each other or Nash and Steiner. TNA has a good women's division and X division, but the rest of their current main event roster sucks, with a few exceptions (Lashley?, Joe, AJ).
No shit? Joe and AJ built TNA? Wow it seems like someone has watched them from the beginning...hmmm...And if you watched tonight's Impact, Kurt and Foley didn't even compete in a match, they were involved in a huge brawl and weren't even booked in matches. Yes, Sting was in the main event, but he wrestled a young guy, Brutus Magnus...Magnus got in some pretty good offense, but it would have been useless for him to go over because of the direction of the storyline...like I said, grooming the young talent for the main event takes time, not just one or two matches.
Anyone over 37 should be fired immediately from TNA with no regard for human life. And they should have to take the "Legends" belt with them. And the British guys. And Don West's current gimmick. And the "Dr. Stevie" angle. And anymore "Keys to the office on a pole" matches. And anyone WWE fires over failing drug tests or trying to injure Orton. Or anyone who won a date with ODB. Or anyone who is going to make AJ their bitch(Christian, Kurt). And AJ's crown. Or any male from any reality show. Or anyone who was there for the last year of WCW. And Bubba's bald spot in his fau-hawk. And anyone who thinks Bobby Roode would make a great babyface. And Joe's current gimmick. And Taz(z). And Slick Johnson coming out of the shower topless. And Tera's spider (EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!) And Borash's interview after every match, commercial, move in the ring, after every second word out of Tenay's mouth, every shot of the crowd, every .................................. At best, TNA is not ice cold.
Ok, that was just complete and utter fucking gibberish. I'll just save myself some typing here...this thread was started to discuss the progress TNA made with the recent Impact...not to list and bitch and moan about everything you think is wrong with the program.

I personally think TNA has made huge progress over the past year or so with the MeM storyline. It just took a while to come to fruition. If they continue along the current trend, I believe they can make some intriguing, and yes, hot...programming.

It all comes down to that old-ass saying...if you don't like it, don't fucking watch it.
Overall, I was very pleased with Impact tonight, and I have to admit, that TNA is beginning to grow on me. I think if you were a fan of the Attitude Era, and give TNA an honest chance instead of allowing your bias in favor or WWE to cloud your judgment, you will see that TNA is a product that much more closely resembles the Attitude Era as opposed to what you see on WWE television today.

If you forget the simple fact that the name of the company who is doing this is "TNA" and not "WWE", and you disregard the brand image that has been cast on TNA, you will enjoy the product much more than WWE ... again if you are a fan of storylines and characters mixed with wrestling.

TNA is doing a much, much better job at the moment with building storylines and feuds, compared to WWE at the moment.

My only critique with tonight's show was that the riot went on for a little too long. If they cut it a couple minutes shorter, I think it would have been better. But it was an interesting idea, and I'm glad they tried it.

I also have to admit that Jeremy Borash for the first time cracked me up when he was interviewing Abyss. Abyss, who has a ransom placed on his head by Dr. Stevie, called Borash over saying that he "didn't know who he could trust", then pauses and asks Borash what he was hiding behind his back ...... Borash had a hammer (lol). When Abyss asked Borash what he was doing with it ... Borash simply stated that "you never know when you are going to need a hammer". Funny stuff.

TNA, you are starting to win me over. Keep up the good work.
Anyone over 37 should be fired immediately from TNA with no regard for human life. And they should have to take the "Legends" belt with them. And the British guys. And Don West's current gimmick. And the "Dr. Stevie" angle. And anymore "Keys to the office on a pole" matches. And anyone WWE fires over failing drug tests or trying to injure Orton. Or anyone who won a date with ODB. Or anyone who is going to make AJ their bitch(Christian, Kurt). And AJ's crown. Or any male from any reality show. Or anyone who was there for the last year of WCW. And Bubba's bald spot in his fau-hawk. And anyone who thinks Bobby Roode would make a great babyface. And Joe's current gimmick. And Taz(z). And Slick Johnson coming out of the shower topless. And Tera's spider (EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!) And Borash's interview after every match, commercial, move in the ring, after every second word out of Tenay's mouth, every shot of the crowd, every .................................. At best, TNA is not ice cold.

Man, am I glad that you don't run any wrestling companies. The fans would be so screwed. By your account, there would be nobody to wrestle!
What show are you guys watching? I thought TNA was on Spike TV on Thursday nights 9-11pm. TNA is hot???? TNA couldn't get hot if they were in an oven. This is the same show with Nash, Steiner, Booker T, Jarrett, Angle, WE, Morgan, that has sucked since Kurt came in? I guess I shouldn't expect much from guys with Carlito and Miz banners in their posts. TNA right now, is on par with ECW on SyFy, maybe lower. I remember watching the MEM guys 10+ years ago, when they were in their 30s(and 40s), now their old and washed up, yet they dominate the shows every week. I can see wanting a little nostalgia every now and then (Steamboat), but I don't want Hillbilly Jim challenging Orton at SummerSlam or HHH fighting Harley Race. I said it was time for the MEM to walk away with some dignity and some sort of carreers last year. Now it's just getting sadder each week when Foley, Kurt, and Sting wrestle? each week in the main event of a wrestling show with guys like Joe and AJ(who built TNA and Impact) fighting each other or Nash and Steiner. TNA has a good women's division and X division, but the rest of their current main event roster sucks, with a few exceptions (Lashley?, Joe, AJ). And don't tell me that they need Kennedy and Umaga in the fold, cause they don't. EVER. Both those guys sucked in WWE, and I am glad I haven't seen them in a couple of months. Adding them to TNA would be like pouring salt on a gunshot. Anyone over 37 should be fired immediately from TNA with no regard for human life. And they should have to take the "Legends" belt with them. And the British guys. And Don West's current gimmick. And the "Dr. Stevie" angle. And anymore "Keys to the office on a pole" matches. And anyone WWE fires over failing drug tests or trying to injure Orton. Or anyone who won a date with ODB. Or anyone who is going to make AJ their bitch(Christian, Kurt). And AJ's crown. Or any male from any reality show. Or anyone who was there for the last year of WCW. And Bubba's bald spot in his fau-hawk. And anyone who thinks Bobby Roode would make a great babyface. And Joe's current gimmick. And Taz(z). And Slick Johnson coming out of the shower topless. And Tera's spider (EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!) And Borash's interview after every match, commercial, move in the ring, after every second word out of Tenay's mouth, every shot of the crowd, every .................................. At best, TNA is not ice cold.

Funny, AJ Styles was in WCW the last year it was open. Personally I have no problem with TNA's current roster. I am enjoying what looks like Stings final few months with TNA, and the MEM storyline has had a few bumps along the way, but over all it has entertained me more than anything in WWE over the last few years.

I really find it funny when people complain about some of the wrestlers in TNA being "too old" (MEM) and they claim that it is a problem in TNA. Yet at the same time I never really see anyone complaining about the "old men" on the WWE's roster.

Undertaker is in his mid 40's, Triple H is in his early 40's, Shawn Micheals is in his early 40's, Ric Flair is over 60 and was still active a year ago. Batista is in his early - mid 40's, Kane is right around 40, and there are a few others. People need to realize that wrestling closer resembles acting / stunt work that any real sport, and unlike most athletes they don't need to retire by a cretin age.

Kevin Nash is older and slower than he was 10 years ago, but he can still be useful for a company like TNA. The man has given the rub to Shelly, Sabin, Lethal, Styles, and Joe so far since coming back. Remember you don't have to beat a big name to get the rub from him, you can get the rub just from association. Here is an example I posted on another forum. If Al Snow would have faced Stone Cold Steve Austin back in 1998, and damn near beat him, wouldn't you think that Snow was a contender in the Main Event?

Kurt Angle, Sting, Jarrett, and Booker T are all veterans that can still go. So not only can they do everything that Nash can do, but they can still deliver exciting matches as well.

You know, the best part of all this is that back in the late 90's WWF were the ones who started picking on WCW for hiring and pushing older wrestlers, while WWF had the young talent. They would joke in TV skits that WCW was for wrestlers over 40, or the old folks home. (remember the Billionaire Ted Skits?) Well that line of thinking caught on with the net, and you started seeing more and more people bitching about ages.

Now as I pointed out before, WWE's roster has it's fair share of 40+ year old Main Event stars. (Triple H and Shawn, I remember your DX promos bashing the boys down south for being old men. Who's the old men now?)

The point is that way of thinking is a load of crap. Lou Thez, Buddy Rodgers, Ric Flair, Terry Funk, Bruno Samartino, The Undertaker, Jushin Thunder Lyger, The Great Muta, El Santo, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan and many other legends have wrestled full time well past their "prime" (and I use that term loosely). Because wrestling is not a sport, the wins aren't real, and getting older and slower does not mean the end of your career. If your body can take the bumps, and you still draw, then you can continue as long as you want.

And before anyone jumps in to say that someone like Nash, Steiner, or Sting don't draw anymore, I say prove it, because my mother (who hasn't watched wrestling in years) started watching TNA for those guys alone, and now she is a big fan of AJ Styles. I started watching TNA every week when I found out that Sting was coming back because he has been my favorite wrestler since 1988 when I first laid eyes on him, and finally I've been able to get one of my friends who hasn't watched wrestling since the early 2000's to start tuning into TNA because of Mick Foleys Full Time (sorta) return to the ring.

TNA isn't going to satisfy everyone, hell no wrestling company will ever do that, but they are doing well. They are if nothing else, bringing in disgruntled fans who stopped watching wrestling when WCW closed it's doors, or grew tired of the same ole same ole WWE. And finally, every member of their roster is earning their paychecks and their spots one way(excitement) or the other(name value).
I totally agree. TNA has really been entertaining the past couple of weeks. I have always loved the show, but they have really upped the anti so to speak these past couple of weeks. One thing though, as much as I loved the riot, there were a couple of things I enjoyed a little more. One being Eric Young. I had no idea how good he could play a heel role and I am really digging this push. Another being the Robert Roode promo. I had never seen him display that kind of emotion before, and it came through very well. Finally, Hernandez is getting a push. I truly believe this dude is the best big man in the business today, and I am glad to see him making some waves. All in all TNA has become the wrestling show I look forward to seeing every week, and I hope it keeps going like this. I got excited watching wrestling, that never happens anymore.
What show are you guys watching? I thought TNA was on Spike TV on Thursday nights 9-11pm. TNA is hot???? TNA couldn't get hot if they were in an oven. This is the same show with Nash, Steiner, Booker T, Jarrett, Angle, WE, Morgan, that has sucked since Kurt came in? I guess I shouldn't expect much from guys with Carlito and Miz banners in their posts. TNA right now, is on par with ECW on SyFy, maybe lower. I remember watching the MEM guys 10+ years ago, when they were in their 30s(and 40s), now their old and washed up, yet they dominate the shows every week. I can see wanting a little nostalgia every now and then (Steamboat), but I don't want Hillbilly Jim challenging Orton at SummerSlam or HHH fighting Harley Race. I said it was time for the MEM to walk away with some dignity and some sort of carreers last year. Now it's just getting sadder each week when Foley, Kurt, and Sting wrestle? each week in the main event of a wrestling show with guys like Joe and AJ(who built TNA and Impact) fighting each other or Nash and Steiner. TNA has a good women's division and X division, but the rest of their current main event roster sucks, with a few exceptions (Lashley?, Joe, AJ). And don't tell me that they need Kennedy and Umaga in the fold, cause they don't. EVER. Both those guys sucked in WWE, and I am glad I haven't seen them in a couple of months. Adding them to TNA would be like pouring salt on a gunshot. Anyone over 37 should be fired immediately from TNA with no regard for human life. And they should have to take the "Legends" belt with them. And the British guys. And Don West's current gimmick. And the "Dr. Stevie" angle. And anymore "Keys to the office on a pole" matches. And anyone WWE fires over failing drug tests or trying to injure Orton. Or anyone who won a date with ODB. Or anyone who is going to make AJ their bitch(Christian, Kurt). And AJ's crown. Or any male from any reality show. Or anyone who was there for the last year of WCW. And Bubba's bald spot in his fau-hawk. And anyone who thinks Bobby Roode would make a great babyface. And Joe's current gimmick. And Taz(z). And Slick Johnson coming out of the shower topless. And Tera's spider (EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!) And Borash's interview after every match, commercial, move in the ring, after every second word out of Tenay's mouth, every shot of the crowd, every .................................. At best, TNA is not ice cold.

It's True, it's damn true

Thouth i will say some aspects of TNA are far better than they were, but overall the product is just average, even the most boring WWE stuff is just as good.
I totally agree. TNA has really been entertaining the past couple of weeks. I have always loved the show, but they have really upped the anti so to speak these past couple of weeks. One thing though, as much as I loved the riot, there were a couple of things I enjoyed a little more. One being Eric Young. I had no idea how good he could play a heel role and I am really digging this push. Another being the Robert Roode promo. I had never seen him display that kind of emotion before, and it came through very well. Finally, Hernandez is getting a push. I truly believe this dude is the best big man in the business today, and I am glad to see him making some waves. All in all TNA has become the wrestling show I look forward to seeing every week, and I hope it keeps going like this. I got excited watching wrestling, that never happens anymore.

(FYI...I'm still in mark out mode, excuse my presentation, but this is the only way I can discuss this topic right now.)

I know right! They haven't had a dull moment in a couple of weeks now on TNA. The Riot sent me through the roof...I was thinking to myself..."Holy shit! This is EXACTLY what I want to watch!"

Then at the end it starts all over again lol. They start another brawl, and I'm like "How the hell is this one going to end!" and then Hernandez comes out swinging a chain like a fucking barbarian and my wife and I said, "Oh my God" and just starting dying laughing because we were so entertained. Hernandez came out and said, "Fuck all this bullshit, who wants to get hit with this goddam chain."

And the Dr. Stevie bounty on Abyss? So creative man! Who writes this stuff? Now Abyss has to watch his back because anyone can be out to get him. There's just so much going on, I am going to explode, because this is EXACTLY what I want to see, EXACTLY. Off the wall shit, non stop action, exaggerated storylines, and mayhem and chaos. Everyone says, "Fuck that, I don't want honor or glory, I just want to beat your ass."

Everyone is in a feud. Everyone has an angle. Everyone gets TV Time. EVERYONE is important. Promos, the fans, the announcers, the angles, everything. TNA is the shit. I am a fan, and I am hooked. I'm not going to say Fuck the WWE, but I'm going to tell the WWE to fuck off and get their shit straight if they want me back. I'm a grown man who works 5 days a week with a wife and children. I'm not watching no PG watered down bullshit, point blank period, and I've been following the WWE since 1986! I was at SummerSlam for the Match Made in Heaven and the Match Made in Hell in Madison Square Garden. Now? I've crossed the line.

(Ok, mark out mode done. I will now post objectively until next Thursday when Impact! sends me over the edge again with all of the awesome shit they have been doing.):lmao:
"I really find it funny when people complain about some of the wrestlers in TNA being "too old" (MEM) and they claim that it is a problem in TNA. Yet at the same time I never really see anyone complaining about the "old men" on the WWE's roster.

Undertaker is in his mid 40's, Triple H is in his early 40's, Shawn Micheals is in his early 40's, Ric Flair is over 60 and was still active a year ago. Batista is in his early - mid 40's, Kane is right around 40, and there are a few others. People need to realize that wrestling closer resembles acting / stunt work that any real sport, and unlike most athletes they don't need to retire by a cretin age.

I am not saying that everyone over 40 in the wrestling business should retire. 'Taker is older than (everyone) on WWE's current roster, and yet wrestles better in the last 4 years than almost anyone in WWE or TNA. His match with Michaels at WM was, unfortunately a double edged sword. On one hand it showed that they both have a lot of gas in the tank left, but on the flip side, it gave guys who are still hanging on wayyy tooo long (Nash, Booker, Steiner, etc.) the feeling that "if they can do it, so can I". There is just one problem, Taker is in better shape than guys half his age, and Michaels is, well, Michaels. If Nash, Booker, or Steiner were in as good as shape as either of those two (with the maybe exception of Booker), I wouldn't have a problem with them wrestling a little longer. But when you can time Nash down to the ring with a sundial, and Steiner can't bend over to tie his shoe, it's time to go. And as far a the older guys in TNA putting over the younger guys, show me where that has happened. The MEM has ridden roughshod over the "Frontline" ever since this "feud" started. I guess the storyline is for the MEM to go over on the "Frontline" for about 2 years+, which builds to a "grand" PPV, where nothing is settled, and we do it again until Vince realizes the huge mistake he made in "letting" Angle, Nash, Booker, and Steiner go, and calls them back to WWE, where they "help put over" Cena, Orton, Batista, Punk, Jeff Hardy, Mysterio, etc.
I am fine with older guys coming in to do JOBS to put younger guys over, but not a show built around old guys, while AJ and Joe wait their turn. Foley was a god damn announcer in WWE when he left, and a couple of months into his TNA run, he's world champ? In what universe does that make sense?????
And for all of you "if you don't like it, don't watch it" haters out there, I've watched every TNA show since early to mid '03, and just like WWE, they've had good shows and horrible shows (200th Impact), but I'll continue to watch because for some reason, I have hope that they will turn a corner, and AJ, Joe, Hernandez, Homicide, Suicide, The MCMs, Daniels, Red, AMW(please), the "real" Jay Lethal, and the Knockouts will dominate the show, and all of the old guys will ride(or be carried) off into the sunset.
TNA has improved so much in the last 2 months, think about it the MEM used to be made fun of now it's being called one of the best stables in history everyone on the roster is being used and being used effectlively here's from what i understand every angle that's happening, Mick Foley, Sting, and the TNA original are taking on the MEM this is their big angle right now, then there's AJ vs. Morgan for the best of three which will end next week, there's Alyssa Flash and Sarita, The beautiful people 'cleansing' the Knockouts division and my personal second favorite Abyss vs. the world even Borash was involved in this angle adn helped it. I wouldn't say I've completely crossed the line becaseu I still like WWE slightly more but I am starting to like TNA a lot more. I hope they don't fuck it up 'cause their gold right now if they do this next I will have crossed the line.
I am not saying that everyone over 40 in the wrestling business should retire. 'Taker is older than (everyone) on WWE's current roster, and yet wrestles better in the last 4 years than almost anyone in WWE or TNA. His match with Michaels at WM was, unfortunately a double edged sword. On one hand it showed that they both have a lot of gas in the tank left, but on the flip side, it gave guys who are still hanging on wayyy tooo long (Nash, Booker, Steiner, etc.) the feeling that "if they can do it, so can I". There is just one problem, Taker is in better shape than guys half his age, and Michaels is, well, Michaels. If Nash, Booker, or Steiner were in as good as shape as either of those two (with the maybe exception of Booker), I wouldn't have a problem with them wrestling a little longer. But when you can time Nash down to the ring with a sundial, and Steiner can't bend over to tie his shoe, it's time to go. And as far a the older guys in TNA putting over the younger guys, show me where that has happened. The MEM has ridden roughshod over the "Frontline" ever since this "feud" started. I guess the storyline is for the MEM to go over on the "Frontline" for about 2 years+, which builds to a "grand" PPV, where nothing is settled, and we do it again until Vince realizes the huge mistake he made in "letting" Angle, Nash, Booker, and Steiner go, and calls them back to WWE, where they "help put over" Cena, Orton, Batista, Punk, Jeff Hardy, Mysterio, etc.
I am fine with older guys coming in to do JOBS to put younger guys over, but not a show built around old guys, while AJ and Joe wait their turn. Foley was a god damn announcer in WWE when he left, and a couple of months into his TNA run, he's world champ? In what universe does that make sense?????
And for all of you "if you don't like it, don't watch it" haters out there, I've watched every TNA show since early to mid '03, and just like WWE, they've had good shows and horrible shows (200th Impact), but I'll continue to watch because for some reason, I have hope that they will turn a corner, and AJ, Joe, Hernandez, Homicide, Suicide, The MCMs, Daniels, Red, AMW(please), the "real" Jay Lethal, and the Knockouts will dominate the show, and all of the old guys will ride(or be carried) off into the sunset.

Well as far as doing the job goes, off top of my head. Angle as put over Lethal, Joe, and AJ. Booker T has put over Joe, and AJ. Nash has put over Joe, Steiner has put over Joe, Sting has put over Abyss.

That's just the ones I remember so I'm sure there are at least a few more, but at the same time jobbing isn't the only way to put over talent. Just by Brutus Magnus climbing into the ring with Sting this week on Impact, and being able to stand toe to toe with him (ie not a squash match) Brutus comes out looking better. The reason being is that he stood in the ring with a world famous wrestler. A legend that is still booked as dominate, and even though he didn't win, he was able to hang in there.

It's not an instant push by any means, but it is a slow build that will push him top the top, or at least as high as he is able to go since every wrestler isn't able to be pushed to the top no matter what you do.

Now on the other hand if Kurt Angle for example came in and just started jobbing to AJ, Joe, Shelly, Abyss ect. They would ruin Kurt Angle. The fans would perseeve him as weak, and those jobs wouldn't really amount for much. On top of that he wouldn't be able to continue to put people over because after those first few losses he would be perceived as weak and a win over him would be considered no big deal.

Nash, Steiner, Sting, and Foley are considered big names of the past, but in order to put people over they first needed to be built up. The average fan hadn't seen most of them in a while. Foley has been retired for close to a decade. Nash has been out of the lime light since his run against Triple H 4 or 5 years ago, same for Steiner.

Let me point out an example with Randy Orton and the WWE. During the Evolution angle Randy Orton was working the legend killer gimmick, and was slowly beating legends as they came in. At one point he challenged and beat SGT. Slaughter. It really didn't mean much because Slaughter had not wrestled full time since the early 90's. So what if Slaughter would have had a mini return first? What if Slaughter had came out and cut a promo stating that he was returning to wresting full time(for whatever kayafabe reason) and started doing well, and winning matches? Of course it would be surprising at first, but he would quickly build a rep for still having what it takes to perform. After a few key wins over some enhancement talent (see Bob Holly and Great Kali) Have Randy pick the fight and set up the match. Then Randy could have ended Slaughters return to wrestling in that match, and Randy would have got more of a rub from it.
Well as far as doing the job goes, off top of my head. Angle as put over Lethal, Joe, and AJ. Booker T has put over Joe, and AJ. Nash has put over Joe, Steiner has put over Joe, Sting has put over Abyss.

That's just the ones I remember so I'm sure there are at least a few more, but at the same time jobbing isn't the only way to put over talent. Just by Brutus Magnus climbing into the ring with Sting this week on Impact, and being able to stand toe to toe with him (ie not a squash match) Brutus comes out looking better. The reason being is that he stood in the ring with a world famous wrestler. A legend that is still booked as dominate, and even though he didn't win, he was able to hang in there.

So, just by being in the ring with Sting for 5-10 minutes, Brutus comes out looking better? So when Angle beats up Lethal and Creed, he makes them look better? I am not talking squashing the older guys, I am talking about making it a back and forth match that proves that the younger guys can hang with the older guys. And honestly, it doesn't even have to be older guys. When Lashley fist started in WWE, he was squashing Vito and Nunzio every week on Smackdown, and I thought, " he's just a big goof with power moves who will go nowhere". Then Lashley fought Finlay to a no contest in a great match that put Lashley over, and he got better from there. Another expample is Orton. I never liked Orton. From his first face run, to Evolution, to winning the belt from Benoit, to his second ill-advised face run, up until he fought Edge 2 or 3 years ago, after Team RatedRKO, and it was a great match, and Orton hasn't looked back. When Angle came in, I was hoping for great matches with Joe, AJ, and the rest of the younger guys. Not dominating the shows like he owns them, with every backstage segment involving him or his wife, and making AJ his bitch. Did that get AJ over??? Or when they changed world belts from NWA to TNA, and Joe fought Kurt after a good build, and Kurt won. WHAT THE F? I just knew Joe would win the belt and start a new TNA, but Kurt won and took what heat Joe had chasing the title. Just because you wrestle someone like Kurt or Nash or Booker, I don't believe that is putting them over. I even remember a match in WCW where Flair, for some reason that escapes me, had to wrestle Mysterio for the belt, and it was an awesome match because Flair put over Rey with most of the offense coming from Mysterio and too many nearfalls to count. Flair won in the end, but it was a back and forth match that elevated Rey and Flair lost nothing. On the flip side, there was the 'Taker vs Jeff Hardy laddermatch where Jeff should have won (on several occasions), but 'Taker won and somehow gave Jeff the rub? Sometimes older guys need to lose to put over younger guys.
As for Sting putting over Abyss, where? Sting has been in the main event since, and Abyss just gets tacks all over his body and wrestles in shit hardcore matches. But I guess Abyss is over, with all of his title reigns? and main event spots? His feud with Morgan has elevated Morgan to possibly fighting for the title and main eventing shows, and Abyss is fighting "Dr. Stevie" with a taser in 10,000 tack matches, but yeah, Sting put Abyss over, just like Flair did for Sting.
For everyone who says fire the old-timers, well then TNA would fail. No matter what you'd like to think, nobody in TNA other than the "old-timers" can match the drawing ability of even ECW's main eventers, let alone Raw or Smackdown. TNA is fine. Like I said in my other post, as long as they keep going in the direction they are going in, then they will be competition for the WWE soon. Hopefully they can carry this momentum into next week.
TNA is ok at best, I watched Impact this week and i have to say i turned off, the reason behind this is due to the fact that TNA is attempting to create a huge heel group with the MEM and the World elite, IMO this smells like a bad NWO angle, its just getting sillier by the minute, and the brawl was the worst part because of the fact that it just looked silly total caos in an attempt to get everyones storyline over, Impact is becoming congested in regards to the fact that their are too many heels.

Too much is happening at once at the moment and is driving me absolutly nuts and where is the TNA x division title, they have basically fased it off of this weeks show just so they can exhibit the main storyline of the mem and elite vs everybody else, its getting to the point that if something doesn't change soon TNA will suffer the same fate that WCW once did and go out of business.
TNA is shit, but it ain't hot.

I think people are really exaggerating things here, those saying TNA will soon be competition for the WWE, or that TNA is doing something revolutionary and its just amazing. I give TNA credit for trying to do something different, for trying to push the envelope, but it really isn't anything original or groundbreaking. It was entertaining enough, it looked entirely fake, and its not exactly going to skyrocket them to ratings. I enjoyed it for the most part, but I do think if they're going to go with this realistic direction with the riot, the cops showing up, and everything else then they need to go full out with it. They can't just go part way and have it end with the cops breaking everything up and nothing more happens after that, they should push it further and have management in TNA and those who run the company get involved and portray the entire thing as realism, as there being repercussions for things like that.

And people are taking this as if its not been ripped off of the nwo storyline like so many other things about the MEM storyline has been. The least TNA could do if they want to push the envelope and start making their product edgier, and certainly if they're going to be running commercials about TNA doing something "revolutionary" is to do something that’s never been done, and do something that actually revolutionizes the business and not just rehashed things from the past that were done FAR better in the past, and then making hollow claims. Seriously. I give credit to TNA for trying and they're at least doing something somewhat interesting and attempting to DO something which is far better then WWE settling for the same stale stuff all the time and not even trying to think outside the box or do something different.

If nothing else for TNA, though, at least the wrestlings good! :lol:
I've seen one episode of TNA, and I got bored after the opening promo. This was last week. However, talk of this brawl makes me want to check it out next week, and possibly even watch the whole episode. I'd mainly watch it for Foley, but if the brawl was as good as everyone says and next week's episode is good too, they might just win a new fan.
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