Hogan wins title from Abyss Hulkamaina runs wild new & refreshed from back surgery?

This is a terrible idea having Hogan win the title or even having a regular match with Abyss because the man is beyond any shape to be wrestling in a ring again. I know he may still have that "passion", but if his whole point was to come to TNA to push the young talent and to put TNA on the map then him winning the world championship is just a big slap in the face to the fans and to TNA. I seriously don't think I could even watch TNA after seeing Hogan beat Abyss or anyone else for the world title. I don't think many fans even in Florida will be for it either.

The sad thing is I can see it happen. Even if Hogan is on crutches, I can see him going to the ring and getting demolished by Abyss only to come back and give him the big boot for the win. The man has rarely jobbed to any young talent whatsoever. Maybe Hogan can prove us wrong but I doubt it. I wouldn't mind a Hogan and Abyss match so much as long as it wasn't for the title. Abyss is the last person that needs the title right now. I would rather see Bischoff as the TNA champion then Hogan at this point.
I don't think this would happen at all. At the rare chance that it ever did happen, there's not a chance in hell that i'd ever watch TNA again. Wouldn't matter if the rest of the storylines were gold.
No. No, no, no...No...wait for it...no!

Hulk Hogan's title reigns brought in ratings and viewers...in the 90s. And later on he brought in people when he made his returns, because people were excited to see a guy they only saw every once in awhile. But it's 2010, and he's the "brains" behind TNA, and everybody knows he's there. I know that if Hogan had his way, he'd probably become champion believing that it'll help the project. But honestly, nobody cares about him anymore. I was excited in 2009 when I heard he had partnered with Dixie, because I knew he could bring in talent and draw some ratings. But the ratings are no better than when this all started, and the talent he brought in are sitting at the top of TNA, holding down all the guys that should be getting their pushes. 3 out of 4 of this weekend's World Title match competitors are the new guys Hogan brought in, and the other one is the monster that Hogan gave a Hall of Fame ring to... Seriously?

If Hogan gets his hands on the TNA World Title, nobody is going to be happy. He can NOT wrestle, with or without surgery any longer. He almost killed himself wrestling Flair in Australia, remember? A Hogan title reign is not what the company needs. It won't help things, and yes, it may hurt ratings. If nothing else, it will just keep other guys from getting their shot.

"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero needs the next push towards the title, because he's probably the most over guy in TNA right now. They need to build a consistant product and push new guys to main event status. They don't need to keep bringing in a bunch of big names, expecting it to improve the ratings. It should, theoretically work, but it's not... RVD, Mr. Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bishoff...and no ratings increase. Mark Madden would claim that TNA is dead and isn't going anywhere. Because if those guys can't increase the ratings, with others like Kurt Angle, Mic Foley, and Sting already on the roster...nobody can.

Hulk Hogan is not doing it for TNA ratings, and him with the title is just beating a dead horse while its down. I personally, still think TNA is an entertaining product. But they need to realize that what their doing isn't going to allow them to compete with WWE. They need to stop with the shock and awe, and work with the great product they already have. They have some of the best athletes and superstars in the world, and they need to keep the fans like me that they already have happy with some quality action and interesting stories. Hulk Hogan...is not the answer. He may have been 20 years ago, but today...Hulkamania...is dead.
I Think That Hulk Hogan Had His Run In Professional Wrestling and For Him To Win The TNA World Heavyweight Championship At His Age and In His Condition Is Just Crazy. I Felt The Same Way About WWE Hall of Famer Bret "The Hitman" Hart Winning The WWE United States Championship From The Miz. Even Though I Respect Them Both and Like Them Both As Professional Wrestlers, I Think They Had Their Time In The Ring and I Think It's Time For The New Era Of Wrestlers To Shine
Id like to see Hogan vs Abyss but I wouldnt risk making it the main event for the title. Hogan is limited and Abyss is not the greatest worker. But there are ways to hide that, maybe have a Street fight and a couple run ins. Bound for Glory is in Hogans home state and there is good story line between two so Id say book the match. Abyss is the monster heel type of wrestler Hogan's worked with through out his career
No way in hell would Hulk even think of the height of being World Champion on him. Especially when he's inactive. He had suffered for the idiotic mistake of wrestling in Australia. He's having back surgery. Not a drink of holy water with God and Zeus at the Fountain Of Youth. He can't wrestle anymore and that has sinked into him. He's come out and attacked Abyss with steel chairs. A slap from Eric Bischoff was way more effective. We saw AJ Styles dominate him. Noway would it be believable that Hulk could take a guy like Abyss at this point. Ric leveled Abyss once by low-blowing him and hitting him with brass knucks, but even so, Abyss got up and finished Flair off. Hulk needs to thing of furthering the product if he want's his pay now. Getting in the ring is a larger detriment than a gain of any kind.

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