Everything Punk said about Hogan was true

I will admit that I don't think in the long run the older guys coming in will help. A handful like the outsiders and MAYBE the nasty boys, sure. But not every single person they can get their hands on and then some. And what's the deal with Jeff Hardy? Has he even made more then 1 appearance since his debut?

HOWEVER, TNA has done something right, this thread is proof. People are actually paying attention to whats going on in TNA now. I used to never really pay attention, but the last few weeks I've been following the results very closely, and while I'm not overly impressed, I AM hooked, just like most of us are with RAW. So they are obviously doing something right, ain't they?

The marks think everyone is out to talk smack about TNA & they cannot have an intelectual talk about the subject. The truth is everyone wants to see TNA succeed. I want them to be big and develope stars that is why we get so mad when we see what went on with the PPV, The Ring and flood of Old stars getting so much time. They need to understand we don't want TNA to get run down to ground and want it to survive as much as they do, but it needs to be done differently.

One more thing the biggest problem before Hogan was not the stars it was the poor writing.
I hope I dont offend anyone or dissapoint anyone, but what Hogan & Bischoff ar edoing with TNA is disgusting. This is coming from a wrestling fan not a WWE fan. Look I love wrestling I have been watching since I was five years old. I have seen the good, the bad & the ugly. This we are witnessing is ugly. Hulk Hogan has gotten TNA and made Hogan Pro Wrestling. He is giving time to guys like Bubba, Hall, Nash, Pac, The Nasty Boyz & old WWE rejects. Taking away time from the future of the Business and releasing quality wrestlers. He goes on a radio show and call his best women wrestler a female dog, the most unprossional thing I have seen. Decide to make Daniels job. Doesn't give Samoa Joe a match at the PPV and is surronding TNA around himself.
Im sick to my stomach and it is driving TNA right to the ground. We had hope Hogan would come in a rid TNA of all the old guys with maybe a Flair, Foley, Anle & Sting here and there. I had hope he would bring in guys like Cabana & Hero after they tried out for TNA, but no. I have to see the Nasty Boyz, I have to see the Outsiders, I have to see Orlando Jordan in a fued with DeAngelo Dinero, after Dinero was actually making progress. I have to see Val Venis bin Daniels one of the best wrestlers today. I have to see Ken Anderson beat Abyss and as a true wrestling fan it hurts me.
As much as we critize Vince, he knew if he didn't start developing new stars he was gonna drive the WWE to the ground & what have we gotten. We have CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre & hopefully more. Vince is starting to sign guys from ROH like Bryan Danielson & we could have even seen Nigel if he had past his test. Im not trying to make the WWE sound like it is better, because they themselves have there own flaws. What Im saying is that if TNA is not gonna develope young talent they are done.
Everyone wants to see Styles, Daniels, Joe, Wolfe, Dinero, Sabin, Sheley, Beer Money, Generation Me, Red & the Divas Division. Why couldn't Hogan do that. I tell you why it is cause he is selfish. He wants his own nursing home buddies & thinks by giving WWE rejects a push he is gonna better TNA.
I say BS and if there is not a change TNA will be driven to the ground. You thought Kong & Flash leaving were bad. Wait to they can convice Joe or Daniels to stay.


You are so right...so right...If Dixie Carter was taking TNA down the drain...Then Hogan has literally put it in the sewer and crapped on it...
Look...like the man said, i am a wrestling fan...have been since i first saw Dusty Rhodes at the florida armory....Have definately seen the good...the bad...and the oh so ugly of wrestling....But wht Hogan is doing to TNA is sad...very sad...Miking it for all the money he can at the expense of young and very talented wrestlers...

Look ppl Hogan is just in this for the money...sad but true..Look at what he has just been thru..Divorce...his son's major accident...lets face it...Hogans money isn't long like it used to be...And what better way to pad his bck pocket now...Go run TNA into the ground...And make as much as he can cause he's Hulk Hogan...

Come on ppl..TNA has a chance to do what WWE did to WCW in the attitude era...Take WWE's yunger talent and mak them stars ala the way WWE did with Jericho, Benoit, and Eddie...But no, Hogan wants to turn TNA into the final years of WCW...The Old Folks Home...

For some reason Bischoff and Hogan feel like the fans actually want to see old WWE gerriatric rehashes...I know that the WWE is a little lacking right now...but i mean come on...at the least young guys do have 3/4 of a chance to shine...as compared to the now 1/8 chance for the youg guys in TNA now that Hogan is there...

Unfortuntley ppl, we see Hogan as being selfish...but lets call a spade a spade...Hogan just sees TNA as a cash cow right now...and he's gonna milk it for all he can...I mean it is what it is..Hogan needs money...Look at it...if he pushes the younger talent...it cuts into his profits...so he pushes his cronies and makes it all about him...Classic Hogan when he's in a financial jam...

I feel bad for TNA...They just got thrown from the fryin pan into the fire...

But when it boils down to it...Isn't the name of the game money?:banghead:
The first thing I ask is for all the TNA marks to stop insulting people who don't share your same opinion. If not I will personally ask the mods to close the thread.

Well, if you can't stand the heat, don't turn heel.

Second, I never said that some veterans should not be sprinkled in. All Im saying is they are making Daniels & Dinero lose to the wrong people. Third I have alot of respect for Flair, Angle (somewhat), Sting, Foley & Team 3D, thats does not mean they are not old.

Flair and Sting are old, granted, but why you lump in Angle, Foley and 3D, four guys that have done nothing but work very, very hard to take TNA to the "next level", is beyond me. How can losing to someone be "wrong" if the angle ends in them going over?

In fact, isn't Team 3D (Bubba) about the same age as Daniels?

Anyway, you confuse "have worked for a long time in the big leagues" with "being old".

I think Nash is a good booker & Hall has an excellent mind for the business when he is not all liquored up, they should be behind the camera where they belong. They time in the ring came and left.

You do realize that Nash and Hall were two of the guys behind the infamous Fingerpoke of Doom, right? How in the hell do you justify thinking Nash is a good booker? Granted, I don't want Nash on my screen anymore than you do, but I don't want him running the book either - I want him retired.

Im gonna tell you what I like so far and what I hate and why I think guys like Hero & Cabana should have been included instead of guys like Morley & Jordon.

Guys that no one outside the IWC and indy circuit has ever heard of or cares about? Or, they could bring in guys with some name value (such as Morley - though I can't agree more with you on Orlando Jordan), that ADDS something other than another spot monkey for the X-division.

The roster I put up was to make a point of how much older talent there is and how it looks like the Hogan tour and not the TNA roster.

Here is what I like to see them do, I have no problem of them trying to build Dinero, Daniels & Wolfe. The is exactly what need to be done. Fact is I like the new make over Wolfe got and Dinero is light years ahead of where he was in the WWE. My problem is I would have rather seen Daniels vs Foley who is established or maybe against Sting, same goes for Dinero. I see no point in why Venis or Jordan or why even Lashley is still lingering. They were never nothing more then mid carders or Vince's flavor of the month. Come on even Daniels vs Raven would have been better then seeing them trying to build him over with Morely. Also when was the last time Jordan wrestled in the states last I heard was that he was kissing men who looked like boys and wrestling overseas. Go out and sign yourself a Hero, a Tyler Black and Colt Cabana. Guys who are awesome on the mic & on the mat. Just mentioned 3 guys I cannot stand seeing in TNA and are taking roster spots and time from the young guns.

First of all, Foley is involved in the ownership angle, so that wouldn't work.

Secondly, both Morley and Jordan were excellent mid-carders and did their job very good - more so Morley than Jordan in my opinion, but that's subjective.

Bobby Lashley is an awesome athlete and has worked very hard to come to the point where he is now, and to simply dismiss that as him being "Vince's flavor of the month" is disrespectful not only to him, but to the god damn wrestling business as a whole. Is he the best mic worker? Hell no, but he is excellent athletically in the ring, barely ever botches and can go with anyone that can carry him through the psychology (which is another weak point).

If you want to be a homophobic bigot, that's up to you, but the constant bashing of Orlando Jordan's sexual preferences is getting real old, real fast. I don't care if he shags arse or sucks dick, as long as he entertains me in the ring and nor should you.

Signing Tyler Reks, Colt Cabana and Hero would be better why, exactly? They have no name value and would have to be built from the ground up, while Morley and Jordan both are fairly entertaining given a chance, solid in the ring, hard workers and already have established characters.

Let me clear something on Morely, he is another good guy with an excellent mind for the business who has no business being in the ring. He could have been an excellent booker or a jobber, but seeing him win against Daniels make my stomach turn.

So, basically, you want to toss Daniels' salad and when someone gets a kayfabe win over him on a kayfabe show, in a kayfabe manner, you get all pissy? Blind marks so often miss the larger picture, which is that in all likelihood Daniels will get the rub from Morley in one way or another and hopefully go over Morley down the line. Judging an angle from the first match is like ruling out a team in the NFL because they lost their first match... there's a whole season ahead. Have some patience.

Pac & The Nasty Boys must go, period. Have Team 3D put over the young guys or even Beer Money who I think are established.

Pac, yes. As fast as possible. He can't go in the ring and he's awful on the stick. If he's being used in a way that puts someone else on the roster over until then, that's fine.

The Screw Job, Hogan did was pitiful and it sucked and Hogan's promo are not the best. Also if Hall, Pac, Morely, The Nastys & Jordan just coming and going then why are they on the official roster. I thought the storyline was Hall & Pac did not have contracts.

The entire thing was based around the fact that we DON'T KNOW whether Hogan was responsible for the screw job or not. Why are Hogan's promos not the best? Could you break it down a little, other than "it's Hogan, so they must suck, 'cause Hogan sucks"?

They have roster pages because it's a good idea to put your workers over, no matter how long or short their stay. It's rarely a good idea to bury them or give away storylines by not adding/removing them to/from the roster page.

The one thing I think they did good was getting Kendrick who is a great talent, but letting Kong and Flash get away cost them.

They didn't let anyone get away, both of them quit. It's their choice and we should focus on those who are left and try to appreciate them, instead of mourning over what we don't have.

The Jeff Jarrett angle is the worst TV I have seen in weeks, can they get rid of him as well.

So, they should fire Jarrett because you don't understand how a long-term angle works? Before they've had a chance to let the angle gain some momentum? Wow. Just... wow. On that note, the Mike Tyson face turn angle was worse. The "The Flame" guest host match angle was worse. The Bret Hart return angle is worse, so far anyway, but hopefully it picks up speed...

TNA take two steps forward & then they take five steps back, that is why it is so fruastrating and that is why I get so pissed. I want to see them do good, but it is hard to see any progress.

Then you haven't watched the last few iMPACTs or Genesis, because progress is all over the place. Pushes are happening, storylines are forming and EVERYONE has got an angle or character arc happening. We move from clusterfucks and Dusty Rhodes-like booking to something fluent, coherent and complex and you bitch and whine as if there's nothing going on? Good God, you've been reading too many forums.

BTW and something that has not been mentioned is why in blue hell did they not get rid of freaking Russo who is a cancer for this company. That is why I mentioned Heyman and critic Heyman all you want, but the guy knows how to take no names and make them in to stars.

Because Russo has more creative knowledge, business acumen and wrestling savvy in his foreskin than you will ever accumulate in your entire lifetime. Russo is getting way more shit than he deserves. Period.

Paul Heyman's adventures are being put over by the IWC like he's some kind of wrestling god, when in reality he hasn't done jack shit for wrestling in the past ten-odd years.

What people focus on with Russo are the negatives. With Heyman, it's all about the positives. Heyman ran an organization of similar size and popularity to TNA into the fucking ground so hard it came out on the other side of the planet and kept plummeting towards fucking Jupiter, but that's dismissed as "well, he's not very good with money", but when Russo creates tons of good angles, matches and storylines, everyone keeps calling him a FUCKING MORON for making a few bad calls more than TEN YEARS AGO.

Selective memory, I hear it's this year's fad.
I want TNA to not suck. I believe in their talent.

I am not being shown how good it can be.

For every moment done pitch perfect on an Impact or PPV, there are 4 segments that make me pull my hair out, or more importantly, turn off the tv. It doesn't have to be this way.

AJ can be a heel, I don't mind. I think it's too fast, too soon, but if they back him up with proper creative and booking support it should be fine. But, stop forcing Angle vs. AJ every week. It'd be great if the quality of their matches didn't drop each following week. Angle vs AJ mid-2009 was stellar. Angle vs AJ end of 2009/beginning of 2010 was great. Angle vs AJ last night was boring until the end.

Bischoff and Hogan....I get it, ok. They're playing off of the popular of opinion of two and leaving them as heelish-faces. This creates drama and can provide some great moments. But they talk the "anti-sports entertainment" talk, but certainly don't walk the same walk. They have lifted the WWE playbook blatantly. As I have said elsewhere, this would be fine if they didn't also criticize McMahon for the direction of his company, and have the fans on air asking for "less crap, more wrestling!".

And what is up with this booking? A screwjob? Really? And before I get hacked up for knocking TNA for a "screwjob" story, I'll state this: it's just as stupid each time WWE goes back to it. It actually get more stupid each time WWE does it. But in the case of TNA, it's just sad. First of all, "Bret screwed Bret" worked because not only of the events leading up to it, but because IT WAS LIVE. TNA is taped, sometimes weeks ahead of time, and Bischoff of all people should know that they would never get the kind of reaction he was looking. I mean, go read Impact spoilers and the tapings cover 1 1/2 Impacts, which includes the "screwjob", and the resolution the following week is right after it! And secondly it smacks of unoriginality and only highlights the parts where WWE still kicks TNA's ass.

Old cronies...I have to admit it's a load of fun to see the Nasty Boys on tv again. They don't look like they've aged a day since I first saw them when I was 8. I don't think they'll be around for too long. But Sean Morley? Orlando Jordan? If TNA wants them for "enhancement talent", they better be planning on elevating a few guys out of their already expansive pool o' jobbers. Lethal Consequences, anyone? Don't get me started about Hall and Pac; anything I could say about them has already been stated all over these forums since 1/4. Mr. Anderson? I'm leaving myself to be impressed by him since I didn't get to see him in WWE. It was corny, but the segement with him and Abyss last night was one of my favorites of the show. But I need to see more of him.

Do I see an effort being put forth to increase production values? Slightly, yes, but a certain cameraman still does an amateurish zoom-in-zoom-out-zoom-in trick that kills the immersion into any match.

Do I see an effort being put forth to new talent? Yes and no, as long as that talent is simply new-to-TNA. Firing Borash, replacing him with Bubba? Stupid, and a sure way to drive off some of those older TNA fans already miffed about the ring switch.

Do I see an effort to bring an alternative to the fans? Again, yes and no. The alternative really isn't any different from the original, but it's still there and is still technically an "alternative". Take away the blunt sex appeal of the Knockouts, the use of hard language (with filters), and the blood and what you have left is the same blueprint WWE uses. Not TNA's fault so much, as there's only so much you can do with men in tights fighting for belts, but don't call yourself the revolution unless you are doing something revolutionary (and no, bad mouthing McMahon is NOT revolutionary).

I am not happy with what TNA has been like. But I am giving them more of my time to show me what they got. I don't expect it to be perfect out of the gates, but I'd say that January has been a bit of a disaster for them. Fire Bubba, and slowly walk away from this Jarrett/Hogan/Bischoff angle that A: only smarks are going to understand anyway because all of last year it was Angle that was shown as the one "keeping the kids down", and B: it's hitting a little too close to home on Hogan's history of selfishness and his history in WCW, and if I was TNA I'd want to be avoiding that kind of shit. The last 3 weeks have been defended by the marks as "trying to get under you skin" and "getting people excited and talking", and keeping "lovers and haters all watching TNA". To me, it smacks of vintage Bischoff tactics, which bore me. I'm supposed to wet my panties over Val fucking Venis? I mean, I laughed it up, but it didn't make me want to buy Genesis at all. Orlando Jordan, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson.....Bischoff goes back to his basics, which is create controversy.

You see, Easy-E once said "Controversy creates cash". But right now, unless TNA can move forward and create something of substance, that "controversy" will make me keep the channel on WWE.
the nasty boyz i would think would have trouble getting a job wrestling at a local highschool...hogans loyal to his friends i guess...its really pathetic that tna panders to hogan and insults their fanbase by putting the nastys on tv to be taken seriously.
I was being nice, but now Im coming out swinging. Just cause you don't know who Hero, Tyler Black, Colt Cabana, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong are does not mean the rest of the wrestling world does not. Whoever is a true wrestling fan knows about ROH, Chikara, Dragon Gate Pro Wrestling Respect, etc. Those names are not part of the Indies does name are from ROH. ROH who goes on every Monday Night and has the best one hour of wrestling from start to finish. ROH who does not need a Hogan or half the WCW roster to survive. ROH who TNA has stripped for talent because they cannot make any of their own. ROH who gave TNA guy slike Styles, Daniels, Joe, Wolfe, Sabin, Shelley & now Generation Me.

So for you guys who keep saying Hero is a no name, Cabana is a no name, Tyler Black is a no name. Please dont be sniffing their jocks when they are on TNA if and whenever this infection of nursing home wrestlers leave.
Hogan and Bischoff are working up interest in TNA from marks and smarks of all affiliations through creating discussion on forums such as these with the apparent direction they are taking the company in.

They get heel heat from the smarks, they get face heat from the marks that love Hogan, they get mixed reactions from just about anyone, but...

... they're getting a reaction. No matter how corny and Cena-esque it might sound, it's the reaction that matters. They are working the smarks and IWC by purposely making changes to create controversy, and they are spreading "news" and "rumors" on forums, dirt-sheets, Twitter and Facebook to further incite interest.

If it happens on TV, it's a work. I even think Bischoff has said as much in some interview or other. There are rare, rare exceptions (SS97 comes to mind), but other than that, it's all worked until the opposite is supported by SOLID observational evidence. (Such as Bret Hart not returning to the WWE for 12 years... that's pretty solid observational evidence).

But nah, the clever smarks of the IWC couldn't possibly get worked by such FUCKING MORONS as Russo, Bischoff and Hogan, right? Because the smarks know EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW about the wrestling business and most importantly KNOW HOW TO DO IT RIGHT!

Ye gods, the gullibility and naïvity of the oh so wrestling-educated IWC is absolutely laughable. Have you all totally forgotten what the Monday Night Wars were like? Have you all totally forgotten the fundamental of pro-wrestling that is kayfabe?


So they're trying to create more interest in the product so that I'll be more likely to watch? That's the bad thing? Sure, they're making changes that some people don't like, but I can honestly say that TNA is more interesting now than at the same time last year. I appears I am being "worked" by Hogan and Bischoff, and I'm fine with it.

I know some people are big WWE fans, and that's fine, but if you have watched both companies over the last month or so, you can't tell me TNA hasn't been the better show.
Wow dude, calm down. Most fans of TNA will know who Hero (my personal favorite), Black, Cabana, Aries and Strong are. Like stated previously TNA fans are the hardcore wrestling fans that enjoy indie wrestling as well. All of my friends who watch TNA know who ROH guys are. But the casual fan does not. The casual fan who has no idea why Bryan Danielson coming in is huge to fans. That's who TNA is trying to get a hold of. As much as I love ROH you can't say that everyone knows them. Alot of WWE fans do not because it's not on a channel that everyone has.
heyy im quite new to the forum thing here but felt like posting a response to the criticism of tna if y'all dont mind...

personally i do not watch tna,i keep up with whats goin on with their website and if it happens to be on i'll watch it...but to be quite honest with u i am not an avid fan.

however i do keep up with it regularly cus u need to know wats goin on elsewhere and from what i have seen tna is doin somethin more positive now than a year ago. the old guys are in and sure its a problem if they get put over ahead of the younger talent, but thats not really wats happenin. remember its part of the process to put over a younger guy by feuding them with a veteran...its happened for years e.g. hart-austin,angle-triple h,jericho-rock and more recently kofi-orton

if you're gonna try and put sumone over in a company it makes sense to put them with a veteran, and it takes time to put someone over especially if you are going mainstream. it doesnt happen overnight,and im sure that guys like wolfe and dinero will be better off if its done right.

however dont forget,hgan has a huge ego. in wcw it was all about him, remember HE did not want to put over sting clean at starrcade,and the majority of guys who left wcw to become huge stars in wwe felt hogan was holding them down. they said that under hogan they wud never get their chance and the guys im referring to are chris jericho,chris benoit and eddie guerrero. history has a habit of repeating itself,although i hope i am wrong cus i want tna to succeed and pose more of a threat...it would be great for wrestling and the fans

patience is all that is required with this right now
I was being nice, but now Im coming out swinging.

Aw, that's adorable.

Just cause you don't know who Hero, Tyler Black, Colt Cabana, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong are does not mean the rest of the wrestling world does not.

I do. I'm saying that the crowd that TNA is trying to attract does not. You know, the kind of crowd that doesn't go online for a wrestling fix, watch ROH or even know the difference between Japanese Strong Style and Lucha Libre. As some would put it: "casual" fans. I'm talking about name value with the general population, not wrestling nerds (a category which incidentally includes myself).

Whoever is a true wrestling fan knows about ROH, Chikara, Dragon Gate Pro Wrestling Respect, etc. Those names are not part of the Indies does name are from ROH. ROH who goes on every Monday Night and has the best one hour of wrestling from start to finish.

A true wrestling fan? Now you're just being an elitist jerk, mate. Whenever you separate an audience in those who are "true" - what, "false" fans? - and those who are not, you are entirely missing the point: if you watch it, you are equally fans. Then there are those who take an interest in wrestling aside from whichever promotion they are currently invested in - but they are not the norm, nor the only people who buy tickets and merch.

Also, ROH, Chikara, DGPWR, NWA in all its incarnations, CZW, Gouge and whatever else you may be able to abbreviate are the indies. A televised show does not a mainstream promotion make. Would you consider NWA Anarchy a mainstream, major promotion? No? But their shows are also televised!

Indy would indicate a federation that is not know among the masses - the mainstream. This includes all those you mentioned and many more medium-sized promotions all over the US.

ROH is getting there, but not yet. The WWE is definitely as mainstream as you can go in US wrestling today, while TNA is definitely breaking through the mainstream wall and getting there fast. A cult following does not equal mainstream, either.

ROH who does not need a Hogan or half the WCW roster to survive. ROH who TNA has stripped for talent because they cannot make any of their own. ROH who gave TNA guy slike Styles, Daniels, Joe, Wolfe, Sabin, Shelley & now Generation Me.

Wow, where to start...

Firstly, ROH survives because of a cult following, similar to the one ECW had. ECW didn't need Hogan to survive either... but then again, they went bankrupt faster than the banks dropped in 2009 when they tried to expand.

Secondly, ROH is minor league - the indys, if you will - and they will be "stripped" of talent, because they serve as the farm league for the larger promotions. It has nothing to do with TNA's ability to make or break talent - AJ Styles and Samoa Joe were mainstreamed thanks to TNA, not ROH. If they had stuck with ROH, they'd ended up like Danielson - great talent, fanatic following... but no one cares, except for those whose world is the size of, I dunno, Chicago.

So for you guys who keep saying Hero is a no name, Cabana is a no name, Tyler Black is a no name. Please dont be sniffing their jocks when they are on TNA if and whenever this infection of nursing home wrestlers leave.

They are no names in the eyes of the people that matter - the general population. 20 000 smarks knowing a name and throwing it around 'cause it makes them seem "in the know" and to get themselves over is not the same as being a star.

Next I'm sure you'll claim Charlie Haas is the greatest star of the wrestling world, yeah?


General Disarray said:
So they're trying to create more interest in the product so that I'll be more likely to watch? That's the bad thing? Sure, they're making changes that some people don't like, but I can honestly say that TNA is more interesting now than at the same time last year. I appears I am being "worked" by Hogan and Bischoff, and I'm fine with it.

I know some people are big WWE fans, and that's fine, but if you have watched both companies over the last month or so, you can't tell me TNA hasn't been the better show.

Wait, what? I think you're misunderstanding me. I never implied it's a bad thing and I'm absolutely loving the fact that they do it. I'm just flabbergasted that people are eating the work up in the way they do. They know that Bischoff loves to fuck with the IWC and yet they buy into the kayfabe as if it was real.

The work is that they "piss people off" - they're getting heel heat. To me it's like someone coming onto these forum and shitting all over CM Punk because he said that someone's favorite sports team sucks!

I'm not a huge WWE fan, on that note. I absolutely hate a lot of things they put on and I've been dreaming of a real alternative to get my wrestling fix and that is what TNA hasn't managed to do up until when Hogan and Bischoff came on screen and business started to pick up. TNA has absolutely had the better show for the past few weeks.

I'm a little confused with what exactly it is you're disagreeing with, or why, but I think it's mostly a misunderstanding; I love the way TNA is working the IWC and the smarks, but I'm amazed at the people going "omg I hate Bischoff and Hogan, they're ruining everything!" - just like you'd be amazed if someone started screaming that HHH should be imprisoned for assaulting Randy Orton at home!
first of all cm pucke is an idiot he needes to let me know when he is just one-quarter of the star hogan is i guess he can keep shaving pepoles heads until then(how entertaining) hogan is a wresting god and he is brillant he has made tna better in less than a mounth then hillbilly jarrett could in 8 years all i got to say is great work hogan keep it up tna is way better than wwe now thank you

in hogan we trust
Says the guy with Hogan is the Greatest in his Name. At least CM Punk can actually move unlike your boy Hogan but thats another story. What TNA did was hideous taking something from WWE History (mind you) and trying to make it their own. I wish Angle would leave TNA and go back to WWE,be nice anyway. If thats the best they can do is rip off something from WWE then they are in trouble IMO. They will never be competition no matter what they try to do.
At first I thought that Hogan joining TNA and teaming up with Dixie Carter was a good idea. But it seems like he's rubbing people the wrong way. He badmouths Jeff, his first match on Monday night had people screaming "This is bull****!", He changed the 6 sided ring, according to the folks here and other forums online he doesn't seem to be using Somao Joe at all and then there's the Montreal rehash which may not be as bad as people think but certainly took people by surprise.
Says the guy with Hogan is the Greatest in his Name. At least CM Punk can actually move unlike your boy Hogan but thats another story. What TNA did was hideous taking something from WWE History (mind you) and trying to make it their own. I wish Angle would leave TNA and go back to WWE,be nice anyway. If thats the best they can do is rip off something from WWE then they are in trouble IMO. They will never be competition no matter what they try to do.
news flash idiot they are already putting on better shows than wwe has done in quite some time and im sorry if i dont put much faith in a second rate wrester who is a mid carder at best because he couldnt make it as a maineventer and the best thing he can come up with is shaving somebodys head if i want to see that i will go sit at the barber shop all day no thanks i think i will stick to the greatest of all time instead the wrestling god 5 years from now cm puke will be lucky if anybody even remembers who he is unlike hogan whos name will still be going strong like now and like the last 25 years if these remarks were coming from a legitmat star they mite mean something but since they are coming from a 2nd or third rate want to be that never drew a dime than it dont mean much sorry cm puke thats rite i said puke but i dont know what comes to mind first when i think of him punk or puke but anyway like i when he is one quarter or the wreslter and icon hogan is than try to tell me something until then he can try taking a bath for starts

Hogan and friends are trying to do what they have to do, to make the company to compete with WWE. However, what they are trying to do, is make a brand new miniature WWE. These are storylines we saw with WCW 2000, and the old attitude era. It's interesting, and maybe just a little more exciting then Raw, but guess what? The ratings are lower then them.

Overall, this is why Hogan going to TNA won't pan out in the long run. Let's compare Hogan going WCW in the mid 90's. They had some stars. They had Sting, and Flair, Vadar, Arn Anderson, a line up that could compete with the WWF/E. Some of the guys I mention, are legends in the business. Some of the other guys in the business, were young legends to boot. Hogan was able to not also push them over the top, but made the company huge. Wrestling fans were torn apart.

When you say TNA, I don't think of any good talent that they were working on before Hogan got their. Yea, AJ Styles, and Daniels, maybe Morgan and Hernadez, but none of them really been in the business to make them well known. In fact, not really deserving of any big time marketing. The reason I say that, is cause This company never did anything to really reach out to the fans. They are still stuck in the impact zone, with 3 or 4 shows a week.

The Change that is needed, is that TNA is too damn lazy for it's own good. They don't want to film out of the impact, they don't want to work more then 5 days a week. They just want to play grab ass in the Impact zone. Even if it's only 1000 person arena or something, go to city to city, and create that live experience, that professional wrestling is known for.

Call me nuts, but being in a 1000 person to a 1500 person event is a lot funner, then a giant stadium filled with Boring people. If you can do that 300 times a year, in different areas, you can reach the fan base they want. You can't reach the fan base by staying in one spot, and signing big name after big name. It doesn't help. They are a small company, go out, and reach the small market. Take the subway approach to this. First they were the underground sandwich store that made good sandwiches. Now they are the number 1 fastest grown fast company in the world. Start off small and smart. Get out of the Impact ZONE! It's not helping.

On top of that, leave the Old School WCW formula at home. Don't be grabbing WWE talent, and putting them on Impact. Jeff Hardy didn't get me excited, but got me to thinking. He was a main eventer in WWE and was making good money, so he left to make less money? He has had breaks from Wrestling before, so how can he be burn out? I don't remember Orlando Jones, Bobby Lashley quit to join MMA, and now wants to do it again. Mr. Anderson and Sean Morley are really the two decent talents they got in the free agency. Yeah I said it, Mr. Anderson and Sean Morley have good mic skills, and ring skills, and have a good look, the other guys just needed money. The "Band" is just goofy, it really is. We have seen these guys reunite 5 or 6 times previously before. It's old news, I can't stand it.

Last but not least! Get Flair off TV. I don't want to see him anymore. He retired gracefully in the WWE, with one of the best matches of his career I might add. He got to go out at Wrestlemania, the Superbowl of professional wrestling. He said his good bye to the business, not a dry eye in the stadium. He is done, we don't need him anymore. We may want him, but we don't need him, and should leave him a lone, and he should do to us. It makes the show look tacky, and stupid when someone comes out of retirement, and makes it worse when it's the 3rd of 4th time. You may disagree with it, but you can to respect that idea, because he isn't going to help.
Some good points by both sides in the debate.

I certainly don't like Hogan and I don't like everything that he's doing in TNA. But you should remember a couple of things:

1. There is no going back for TNA. It was an unsustainable business funded by a non-wrestling family and a non-wrestling company, and it needs to turn a profit and meet the expectations of it's backers. It wasn't doing that, and that's why Hogan and Bischoff were brought in in the first place.

2. TNA has done a lot of stupid crap in the past. General Dissaray is right about the Sewall/Daivari feud, for example. And does anyone remember the 'kings of wrestling'? Or AJ as Kurt Angle's sidekick?

3. A lot of the talent acquisitions that came in with Hogan come with a built in expiration date. Bubba is too big of a tool with too big of a mouth to last long in the wrestling business. Waltman and Hall will get themselves fired within a matter of weeks. The Nasty'z themselves probably won't last long. Orlando, Venis, and Kennedy can all bring something to the roster.

Don't get me wrong; I think Hogan's a tool. I think he's an unprofessional aging frat-boy. I think that his comments regarding Kong were completely inappropriate for a boss to say about an employee, and that he's certainly using TNA to promote his own loyalists (and eventually his family...just wait). But the Carters and Bischoff will not let Hogan hurt TNA for the sake of his own agenda. Most of the overtly bad ideas or stars that Hogan tries to push on us will fail. And not everything he's doing is bad. TNA's ratings have improved, and at the very least the show is getting a lot of attention. The companies proven stars like AJ and Joe are still in strong positions, and the rest are no worse off than they were this time last year. Right now and probably for the next few weeks, things are going to be very rocky with the promotion. They are still trying to figure out what will work and what won't (and Hogan's seeing how far he can push his people), so don't expect any of the booking decisions being made now to be very indicative of what TNA will look like long-term.

My recommendation? If the show is pissing you off at the moment, than don't watch for a month or so. This will allow you the dual benefits of bypassing the worst of TNA's growing pains, and of conveying your dissatisfaction with the companies direction. By the time you tune back in, we should have a much better idea of where the company is headed, without the conjecture or assumptions.
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All I want to say is given Bischoff and Hogan's track records I definitely think it's a mistake taken them into the company.For god's sake they basically put a company with a billion dollar backer out of business.What are they gonna do to tna?I think we all know and it's not good.Hulk Hogan no one cares about you anymore this is not 1989.And of course I keep hearing how these guys are gonna straighten up the story line fiasco in tna.They had nothing to other in terms of story lines in wcw after nwo got old they had nothing, no creativity at all or no organization at all it was chaos that's tna's future!
I'm tired of everyone marking out over their beloved tna talent. People are pissed that morley beat daniels? Fuck Christopher Daniels! Is he gonna generate some ppv buys? Wasn't he playing curry man a short time ago? All you marks want hogan to push the tna originals but that is not gonna do a Damn thing for them, bringing in a bunch of roh guys, please. Useless. They need to get a far away from the impact zone as possible, its a bush league arena flat out. They are gonna get nowhere relying on scrawny spot monkeys like Daniels. I've seen people complaining about ken beating abyss, another near nobody. Tna needs more talent and better production ifthey ever want to compete.
Fuck Christopher Daniels! Is he gonna generate some ppv buys?

If not he, then who? Could you shine your light of wisdom upon us mere mortals, and grant us the privilege of your views?

All you marks want hogan to push the tna originals but that is not gonna do a Damn thing for them, bringing in a bunch of roh guys, please. Useless.

And who do you propose they push instead? Knobbs as a singles competitor? Clearly, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and that lot are worthless in the ring, on the mic and in everything they do, so please give us some examples of where to recruit from and whom to recruit.

They need to get a far away from the impact zone as possible, its a bush league arena flat out.

Well, point one is that it's not an arena, but a sound stage. Point two is that they can't get away from the iMPACT Zone as that is the area surrounding the ring. Wrestling in a back yard somehow feels more bush league than in front of 1 500-odd people, but maybe that's just my logic failing me.

They are gonna get nowhere relying on scrawny spot monkeys like Daniels. I've seen people complaining about ken beating abyss, another near nobody.

Alright, who should they rely on then? And how do you define a spot monkey? Someone who does submissions and chain-wrestling? Is that it? Am I close? Do I get a cigar?

Tna needs more talent and better production ifthey ever want to compete.

Where should they get the talent from, and what people should they sign, that are currently not on the roster? Should they sign complete unknowns to fill out their roster?

How would they go about getting a better production? The pyros are awful, but what else can they improve on? What do you approve of? What do you dislike?

Is there ANYTHING you do not know? :worship:
Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of tna guys(and I'm posting from my phone so I'm trying to condense) but just kills me how guys are saying hogan is ruining everything. The extra talent is being brought in and guys don't appreciate it. They either want the same old tna roster or they want them to destroy all the new guys. That is not help tna make money. Which is what they need to do to survive. And I'm not saying don't push any of them but you've gotta mix it up. And I always kinda liked val bye the way, and if you compare their careers he's probably accomplished a little more than Daniels, too bad he was buried by wwe for so long.
WWE and TNA are both building their talent well. WWE does it better in my opinion, but TNA is just bringing in fans. WWE built up Evan, Kofi, and John Morrison exactly right, and those guys still have a lot of growing room. But I think WWE messed up when they put Sheamas on top of the world. Just two months ago, he was licking Goldust's cock jobbing him. Now hes the MFIC. But how is Kofi not a world champion yet? It just doesn't make sense to me. I hope Kofi comes out on top at the RR, I think he damn well deserves that title, hes jobbed, and fought out with Randy Orton while Sheamas was jobbing.. Now i'm getting off track, but TNA built up their stars like The British Invasion, Eric Young, those guys, around last year with that Front Line vs MEM storyline. DiNero got very exciting and is an upper mid card fighter, but still has some proving to do. Hogan will give him a shot, don't worry, it will take time. Mr. Anderson... we'll I loved seeing him at Genesis, I think they will put him where Daniels, DiNero, and those guys are right now, upper mid card. I would expect him to be in the running for the X-Division Title. The match with him and Abyss should have ended cleanly, but whatever. With Anderson winning that match, it just shows he will not start from the bottom. Onto Hardy and Shannon, I think if they do sign a year deal with TNA, they would be a great tag team, and I would love to see them rival MCMG. TNA should pick up some higher ratings before Mondays too, and as we heard from Brooke Hogan, they are doing the Monday night again. They took a dump on their ratings, but I think they did better than WWE. I just don't want to hear about any more screw jobs, or fighting over arguments from 15 years ago.
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TNA has the young talent like I have said & hope what all of you are saying is right about Morely, Jordan, The Nastys & the Outsiders. That they are all one shot deals who will leave after they get enough of a fan base, but what I have seen does not suggest.

I have seen TNA not give a match to one of its biggest names in Samoa Joe at the recent PPV. I have also seen them have all the old guys and ex WWE rejects win their matches. For you guys who saying they are buildig up the young talent I want to remind on this past impact There was no Joe, no Wolfe, no Daniels, no Generation Me, no Jay Lethal & no X Division. Not even Beer Money. SO for the sake of TNA guys I hope you are right, cause right now it is not looking good.
Guys from day 1 Hogan has played a heel. He hasn't milked the crowd once, hes wearin full black and shades, even the NWO theme music. I dont understand how anyone can be shocked he's acting like a total ass. Its intended.
Wait, what? I think you're misunderstanding me. I never implied it's a bad thing and I'm absolutely loving the fact that they do it. I'm just flabbergasted that people are eating the work up in the way they do. They know that Bischoff loves to fuck with the IWC and yet they buy into the kayfabe as if it was real.

I see, they way you said it I thought it was just someone else bithcing about something. We see that a lot around here.

The work is that they "piss people off" - they're getting heel heat. To me it's like someone coming onto these forum and shitting all over CM Punk because he said that someone's favorite sports team sucks!

The whole thing is rather confusing when you think about it, eh? There's a big difference between the smarks and non smarks when it comes to the way they view things. I don't think it's possible to make both groups completely happy.

I'm not a huge WWE fan, on that note. I absolutely hate a lot of things they put on and I've been dreaming of a real alternative to get my wrestling fix and that is what TNA hasn't managed to do up until when Hogan and Bischoff came on screen and business started to pick up. TNA has absolutely had the better show for the past few weeks.

Was that me who typed that? It appears not. Just someone with the exact same thoughts. I can't comprehend how anyone can say WWE has been better recently.

I'm a little confused with what exactly it is you're disagreeing with, or why, but I think it's mostly a misunderstanding; I love the way TNA is working the IWC and the smarks, but I'm amazed at the people going "omg I hate Bischoff and Hogan, they're ruining everything!" - just like you'd be amazed if someone started screaming that HHH should be imprisoned for assaulting Randy Orton at home!

It was a misunderstanding, blame my reading comprehension skills, or you can just blame Hogan and Bischoff if you wish.
This is totally amazing. I just noticed that in the forum listings page, 15 are viewing the WWE discussion section. TNA...291! I'll take that as an indication of which organization is the most popular at this moment, regardless of ratings. There is nothing earth-shattering in WWE happening. Everything is shattering with TNA.

I also noticed that a few posters mentioned "indy" feds in either positive or negative light. Don't forget that (yes it's true) the WWE is an indy fed as well. It just happens to be the biggest one there is.

Prior to the 1960's, the 'Big E', which then was the WWWF was a part of the NWA and their territory was the New England area. Vince, Sr. didn't agree with the NWA Board of Directors as to who the World Champion should be so he pulled a stunt similar to what Paul Heyman did years later by dumping the NWA belt and naming his own top guy as World Champion. Having a larger TV market in the New York area helped him to get his product out to more homes when television sets were still few and far between. At the same time as Vince Senior there were also a number of southern state branches of the NWA which eventually combined through buy outs and acquisitions. The NWA had Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair as their top draws and champs in the 70's and in the 80's they decided to leave the NWA, becoming WCW and became the 2nd largest independant promotion behind the then WWF.

Fast forward to the 1990's and the "Monday Night Wars". Both companys were drawing ratings in 1.0 to 2.0 range. WCW began taking a lead over the WWF. WCW had, shall we say, attitude. Vince was still putting a show out based on cartoon characters and actually going so far as to put a Saturday morning cartoon show on Tv called "Hulk Hogan and Friends".

What did Vince do to counter WCW? He started stealing their ideas. He created a Cruiserweight division and Title, which WCW had done a year or 2 earlier. He started dropping the cartoonish characters such as Doink, the Brooklyn Brawler and the famous Gobbledy-Gooker and tried his hand at an edgier product. He started snapping up WCW talent that were seemingly being over-looked, such as a young man by the name of Steve Austin and a ham and egger he re-named "Hunter Hearst Helmsley" and gave him a character which was a rip-off of the same character he had been playing in WCW as the tag partner of Lord Steven (William" Regal) and another guy known in WCW as "Mean Mark Callous". He actually copied a the business model of WCW and according to his revisionist history "created" the "Attitude" era.

Vince McMahon has never created a "Star" of any meaningful proportion. Every star he had came from the AWA, WCCW, GCW or WCW and he merely continued the same characters they had portrayed in those companies, right down to the hero Sgt. Slaughter.

Yeah, Vince is a genius...crap.

Well i dont know what you have been smoking but what a load of twaddle!!!!!!!
The Undertaker, Hulk hogan, Ultimate Warrior to name but a few have all made the big times through WWE. Sure they may have been on other orginisations before WWE and sure , they may have brought their personas with them but they made their names famous under the WWF, WWE banner. Vince may have had cartoon character wrestlers on the rosta but has had far more superstars formed Whilst in WWE. If you are going to make comments like yours, at least try and back it up with factual information first !!!! WWE has made more stars and whether you like it or not, will out last TNA as it did over WCW and ECW. Hogan was not the megastar he is today and never would be without WWE money and marketing. Im not standing on Vince's coat tails or kissing his arse as he too has done some dirty dealings but as an orginisation and promotor, He is a genius and can produce megastars.

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