Hogan wins title from Abyss Hulkamaina runs wild new & refreshed from back surgery?


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Does anyone else see this happening?

Abyss wins the tittle at the up and coming PPV.... Hogan heals up from back surgery......

Hogan vs Abyss for the tittle

Hogan wins...... new era starts for the company.... and all the angles start to come 2gether

This can be good and bad for the company.

bad cause alot of people dont want to see the tittle on older wrestlers and think young talent deserve the tittle.

But also consider that whenever Hogan holds a tittle it brings the company to a whole new level. His interviews when he is a champion alone makes people tune in....

So what are your thoughts could Hogan being the Champ be just what TNA needs 2 make there dreams come true?

Do u see this happening at all?

Or if it does happen.... would it hurt the company???

ur opinion?
As for Abyss winning the title only for Hogan to miraculously recover from his back injury to defeat him, totally. I've never really thought it would go any other way. There was that moment when I thought Flair would get the world title, but that's passed now.

Hogan becoming champion won't benefit the company, but I could imagine some people will stop matching TNA. Not a significant number by the way, but a couple of thousand.

At the very least Hogan vs. Abyss will happen at Bound For Glory and people will be asking themselves what the point of pushing Abyss was.
I think that most everyone would agree that this would be a huge step backwards and is something that no one wants to see. Even Hogan knows that he can barely move in the ring anymore. Hell, he's said himself that it's hard enough for him to walk down the ramp most of the time. I'd like to think that not even Hogan is this selfish, but then again, I think about who the hell I'm talking about here. If this were to happen, I think I'd need to take a little break from TNA.
First, Abyss has to win that title at Victory Road, but you never know this very well could happen.

At this point, I don't know how to react to such a scenario. Personally, and this is coming from someone who grew up loving what Hogan did, I still don't want to see it happen. However if there is a good story built into it, i.e. it gets dropped right back to Abyss and it's scripted as a convincing defeat, you never know. Granted Hogan was 17 years younger when he won the WWF title against Yokozuna in that impromptu match at WrestleMania IX, but the payoff to him losing to Yokozuna the next PPV paid off incredibly well. Yoko ran roughshod as a heel champion for almost a year, and then Bret Hart worked his way back up in the storylines and got the title back in a dramatic fashion. Now I don't want to hear people talk about the whole notion of him refusing to job to Bret Hart. Don't get me wrong, I love Bret Hart's in ring ability and grew up watching the guy just like I did with Hogan and I am not saying that Bret's an outright liar but all three sides in that matter, Hogan, Bret and Vince have never spoken together about this on TV to address the issues regarding the original plans for King Of The Ring, if there were any. While Bret winning the title from Hogan could have probably been bigger who really knows, after all Bret already won the title once. I could see if this was a scenario where Bret finally made it to title contention but considering he was already champion at one time, I don't think the match would have had the same meaning. With Yokozuna it definitely did though, because even though Yokozuna lost the title, he lost it controversially and even though Hogan was the good guy, it worked out very well because during the whole match at King Of The Ring, the announcers played right into the storyline, questioning whether Hogan truly could beat Yokozuna.

Anyway, I am on a tangent here, but as long as there is a payoff in the storyline with Hogan going for the title I say in many ways why not. As long as it sets up the opportunity for Abyss to come back and get that title right out of Hogan's clutches it could work. I mean just this year, Bret Hart won the United States Title, granted it was a secondary title and not the World Title but still WWE gave the title to an over 50 performer, who by all accounts for his own safety should've been very careful about getting back into that ring.

But all that aside, my personal opinion of how such a match should go down if the rumors are true is this way, Hogan gets the title shot at Abyss if Abyss wins the title, but I think it would be a better idea if Hogan just loses to Abyss right out and they don't trade the title back and forth. I say it would be interesting if it ended like the Lesnar and Hogan match where Lesnar just beats Hogan soundly in that ring. Even though Hogan's pushing 60 years of age, Abyss brutalizing him would be great to see and it would allow for Abyss to explain the storyline that he was using Hogan all along and that he was setting him up for this. Gives him more cred as the reawakened monster and it would look better for Hogan to do so.

Hogan seems to be high on Abyss from all accounts, i.e. what he has said about him in interviews and what you have seen of them in storyline. I would be massively disappointed if Hogan does get the TNA title, but for the sake of formality I am very prepared for such a move despite how I disagree with it. Who knows TNA and Hogan might just want to have Hogan set a pseudo-record as being the oldest World Heavyweight Champion in wrestling ever...which I think belongs to Vince McMahon was of right now when he won the WWF Title back in 99. (I don't think they counted the ECW Title anymore as a World Title when he won it from Bobby Lashley in 2007, but I could be wrong). Which when you think of it really is no worse than Hogan going for the TNA Title, but that's not to say it's any better.
Words cannot describe how regressive and bad this idea is.

I'm against Hogan getting back in the ring full stop, way to spoil your own legacy.

But putting the title in the picture for no good reason, then having Hogan win it would literally kill TNA, right there and then. All credibility would be lost, and there would be no point in going on.

In the words of the ECW fans at One Night Stand... - "If Hogan wins, we riot".
I don't know if I've ever see two worst ideas thrown together in all of mankind. Well... there was Bob Saget on Full House AND AFHV for a while.....

ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? Abyss is fucking useless. Poor man's Mick Foley. Even poorer man's Kane. Sorry folks I've NEVER been a fan of this guy and I don't want to see him stink up the TNA World Title. They have much better choices than this schmuck.

HOGAN as Champ? The fucking guy shouldn't even step foot in a ring to make announcements never mind wrestle. Hogan isn't over the hill, he's crossed the next valley and is half way up the next ridge. FUCK NO!
Yes Hogan WAS great. Yes he's the most recognized name in wrestling history. He USED to be relevant. Not no more. Hogan should NEVER hold a title again. It's a disgrace to whatever title it is....even the Knockouts title.
Use Hogan for the name and face value. He can still cut a promo. I'd rather see Hogan finally do good business and be the mentor, the coach, the leader....not the champ.
Wrestling is a young man's game. Hogan knows this yet refuses to bow out. It's way past time that he not be in the ring.
I truely feel that this would hurt TNA more than help. They have to build thier guys. Make them THE stars of wrestling. Make Thursdays THE night to watch wrestling. Fuck what WWE is doing, concentrate on what they can do well and put that product out. TNA needs not to look at the past, but at the present and future.
This can't possibly be good for the company, man – ratings have risen over the weeks, and in those weeks, Hogan has – rather conveniently – been featured less. One of the biggest complaints coming from TNA fans for months was too much Hogan, and rightfully so – TNA had become Total Nonstop Hogan, not Total Nonstop Action.

Putting the WHC on Hogan now would be the equivalent of when WCW put it on David Arquette – I'm serious. An absolute travesty. I don't care that Hogan has decades in this business or that he's the most important/popular wrestler of all-time – he's damn-near 60-years old (57) right now and is in terrible shape (ring-wise). Unless this surgery is actually the fountain of youth, I vote hell no to Hogan ever winning any title in TNA, let alone the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Besides, what does that say about all the talent in the company – what, none of them could stop Abyss, but Hogan could? Please...
Are you serious with this? Abyss----MAYBE....but Hogan? :lmao:He has stated several times he has no plans on getting in the ring and competing on a regular basis, due to his health, and letting the younger guys carry the company---he's just a "face" to be seen. He hasn't even competed in the ring in the last three months (with the only memory being that god-awful tag match with Flair and two others that names escape me at the moment). Of course him not competing has never stopped him or any other wrestler who thinks they deserve a title shot (the list is endless). I don't see Anderson winning because I don't think he's over JUST yet...almost.....Hardy? .....doubtful, because it'll be the beginning of the Anderson/Hardy fued. I think for now, RVD will still hang onto the belt until Angle makes his way up the ladder.
Aside from this being a dumb thread I will defend the concept to a degree. If Hogan goes heel the heat he could get from defeating Abyss with the help of a bunch of stooges would be something insane. It seems like everyone is determined to hate him anyway so why not play into that? However, dumb idea anyway for a million obvious reasons.
Aside from this being a dumb thread I will defend the concept to a degree. If Hogan goes heel the heat he could get from defeating Abyss with the help of a bunch of stooges would be something insane. It seems like everyone is determined to hate him anyway so why not play into that? However, dumb idea anyway for a million obvious reasons.

Which is exactly why this would be no different than Arquette (or even Russo himself) winning the WHC all those years back – just a pathetic representation of shock value for shock value's sake. No redeemable qualities come from putting the title on a guy who's ability to function in a kayfabe fight with men twice his size, you can't possibly suspend your disbelief about.

It's one thing to put it on someone like Amazing Red, and have him attempt to be a Heavyweight Champion, but it's something entirely different to put it on someone who obviously can't go anymore. Imagine Bret hart as the WWE champion, or Lex Luger as the TNA champion? Just an awful, awful idea...
Which is exactly why this would be no different than Arquette (or even Russo himself) winning the WHC all those years back – just a pathetic representation of shock value for shock value's sake. No redeemable qualities come from putting the title on a guy who's ability to function in a kayfabe fight with men twice his size, you can't possibly suspend your disbelief about.

It's one thing to put it on someone like Amazing Red, and have him attempt to be a Heavyweight Champion, but it's something entirely different to put it on someone who obviously can't go anymore. Imagine Bret hart as the WWE champion, or Lex Luger as the TNA champion? Just an awful, awful idea...

I am not suggesting babyface hogan waltz into the ring and beats monster heel abyss clean one on one and have a 6 month reign. I am saying shady, egomaniac hogan defeating Abyss with a pack beatdown would draw all kinds of heat and produce quite a pop a few weeks later when someone defeats him for the title. Hogan still has plenty of size compared to practically anyone who is not Abyss in TNA but of course has the age issue. Would I do it? Hell no. For some reasons you mentioned and many others. Do I think there is a scenario where it would at least work to a degree? Yes. That involves Hogan taking on more of a Vince McMahon role opposed to a Hollywood Hogan role leading up to it though. Something that seems unlikely.
I am not suggesting babyface hogan waltz into the ring and beats monster heel abyss clean one on one and have a 6 month reign. I am saying shady, egomaniac hogan defeating Abyss with a pack beatdown would draw all kinds of heat and produce quite a pop a few weeks later when someone defeats him for the title. Hogan still has plenty of size compared to practically anyone who is not Abyss in TNA but of course has the age issue. Would I do it? Hell no. For some reasons you mentioned and many others. Do I think there is a scenario where it would at least work to a degree? Yes. That involves Hogan taking on more of a Vince McMahon role opposed to a Hollywood Hogan role leading up to it though. Something that seems unlikely.

Which would also mean yet another face-turn for Abyss, which wouldn't make much sense. I understand what you're saying, but from all long-term points of view, that type of swerve would be senseless. It's senseless to have Hogan win for reasons I've already described earlier, and it's even more pointless to have Hogan go heel on Abyss, who just recently went heel himself. Odd little dance, that would be.
Which would also mean yet another face-turn for Abyss, which wouldn't make much sense. I understand what you're saying, but from all long-term points of view, that type of swerve would be senseless. It's senseless to have Hogan win for reasons I've already described earlier, and it's even more pointless to have Hogan go heel on Abyss, who just recently went heel himself. Odd little dance, that would be.

Do we really know Hogan is a face right now? If it turns out he is not then is Abyss really a heel (kind of like the sting scenario)? And wouldn't such an event further a hogan taking over tna story and his character? It is not like Hogan is going to be able to wrestle soon anyway and such a story as I was suggesting would require build after that, so this is no time soon. If it was a swerve it would be dumb beyond belief. Bottom line though is they have much better candidates for the main event so just leave it alone.

I do think people think they screwed up the Abyss character when it was made a face. That was not the problem. They screwed it up when they took the monster out of it. A monster that is not evil can still be a great character. I actually think Abyss is best as more of a tweener and arguably that is true of most monster characters. It adds to the haphazard nature of the violence you would expect from a psychopath.
If this scenario happens, it would be a great way to prove Sting was right, we were all duped, and might be one of the better story arcs in wrestling. Have Abyss drugged or gang beat right before the match, and enter Hollywood Hogan. I don't understand all the hate on the back bone of wrestling, Hogan ANd Flair, because with out them, wrestling would still be a carnival/state fair attraction like like the Freak Shows and pie eating contests. Hogan and Flair still have better mic skills than 99% of all wrestlers everywhere, which draws.
Do we really know Hogan is a face right now? If it turns out he is not then is Abyss really a heel (kind of like the sting scenario)? And wouldn't such an event further a hogan taking over tna story and his character? It is not like Hogan is going to be able to wrestle soon anyway and such a story as I was suggesting would require build after that, so this is no time soon. If it was a swerve it would be dumb beyond belief. Bottom line though is they have much better candidates for the main event so just leave it alone.

I do think people think they screwed up the Abyss character when it was made a face. That was not the problem. They screwed it up when they took the monster out of it. A monster that is not evil can still be a great character. I actually think Abyss is best as more of a tweener and arguably that is true of most monster characters. It adds to the haphazard nature of the violence you would expect from a psychopath.

I agree, actually – I think the biggest issue for Abyss was losing Mitchell, to be honest – he seemed to lose a lot of his direction once Mitchell didn't return, though even his feud with Judas Mesias was actually memorable.

The real downfall for Abyss came not when he went face, but when he started wearing that evil nurses outfit if ya ask me – it was at that point they really started fucking with his "monster" tendencies by having him develop a fear of weapons, and start cowering to men much smaller than him.
The real downfall for Abyss came not when he went face, but when he started wearing that evil nurses outfit if ya ask me – it was at that point they really started fucking with his "monster" tendencies by having him develop a fear of weapons, and start cowering to men much smaller than him.

Exactly. He was still big but his character became entertaining in more of an old school EY type of way, which was a questionable choice for basically their only legit big man of the time. The transition back has been a rough one at points for sure but right now he seems to have recaptured some of the magic. If he plans on letting someone hit him with that nailboard at some point ... just sick. Might not even be able to watch.
Exactly. He was still big but his character became entertaining in more of an old school EY type of way, which was a questionable choice for basically their only legit big man of the time. The transition back has been a rough one at points for sure but right now he seems to have recaptured some of the magic. If he plans on letting someone hit him with that nailboard at some point ... just sick. Might not even be able to watch.

I can't really see anyone striking him with that – not even Abyss is that crazy. I can see someone using it to rake him, though – just like they've done historically with barbed-wire baseball bats.

The bat itself has three-inch nails sticking out of it, which is basically to say it's an infection waiting to happen.

I do think, though, if they did manage to have him use that in some fashion, the monster of old would really start to come through again. To be honest, I think he did a fantastic job with it last night during the main event, especially after taking the Vandaminator to the face, only to get up even angrier as iMPACT! went off the air.

I'm no fan of Abyss, but if I'm to watch him, I want to do so while he's a psychotic monster, not a cowering super-tard.
I'm no fan of Abyss, but if I'm to watch him, I want to do so while he's a psychotic monster, not a cowering super-tard.

This for one thing.

Anyway, if Hogan wins the title, then the whole point of him showing up means nothing. If Hogan is supposed to be there to put people over, how in the world does him winning the title work? Back in 2002 it was one thing when he wasn't even 50 yet and he was getting ridiculous reactions. That simply isn't the case now. It was still a bad idea back then and now it would be even worse. TNA can't make any big mistakes at the moment, and putting the belt on a guy that is almost the age of my grandmother would just make them look ridiculous. Are we supposed to believe that a guy Hogan's age is the best in the company at this point? That he's better tahn AJ or Wolfe or Angle for that matter? Hogan's segments got very low ratings already. Imagine if he was said to be the best there. Oh and pay no attention to the fact that he's had I believe three televised matches in the last 5 years or so.

Finally, how weak does it make the MONSTER Abyss look if he can't beat up a 57 year old man?
This for one thing.

Anyway, if Hogan wins the title, then the whole point of him showing up means nothing. If Hogan is supposed to be there to put people over, how in the world does him winning the title work? Back in 2002 it was one thing when he wasn't even 50 yet and he was getting ridiculous reactions. That simply isn't the case now. It was still a bad idea back then and now it would be even worse. TNA can't make any big mistakes at the moment, and putting the belt on a guy that is almost the age of my grandmother would just make them look ridiculous. Are we supposed to believe that a guy Hogan's age is the best in the company at this point? That he's better tahn AJ or Wolfe or Angle for that matter? Hogan's segments got very low ratings already. Imagine if he was said to be the best there. Oh and pay no attention to the fact that he's had I believe three televised matches in the last 5 years or so.

Finally, how weak does it make the MONSTER Abyss look if he can't beat up a 57 year old man?

So would you say this would be more ridiculous than Bret Hart winning the US Championship? Was I supposed to believe Bret was one of the best wrestlers on RAW? That he was better than the Miz or all those that failed to take the belt off of Miz? Oh pay no attention to the fact Bret Hart had zero televised matches in a long time. When there was intrigue about Hogan he brought a big rating. Would this be intriguing? Probably not enough but you never know.
last night I watched TNA for the first time in 2 years and it failed to impress me, and I saw why I stopped watching in the first place. Hogan, Flair, Bischoff and Russo are all more reason not to watch.

Sure, Abyss winning the title would be a fresh surprise but Hogan winning it? Really? Why let a washed up old fart, trying to hold on to his past glory (which is impossible in a second-rate-at-best company like TNA). Sure, see him win it then have a 45 minute botch fest with Flair in the Impact Zone. Oh! I smell ratings plummeting already.

I think guys like Anderson or The Pope should get the title, since they didnt get a shot in WWE. Keep the fossils off TV, seriously. Flair is coming out of retirement for the 57th time? Pathetic.
I love people that think that just because I bash hiTNA a lot I think WWE can do no wrong.

For one thing, Bret was five years younger when he won the title. Hogan is about a month and a half away from 58 and Bret just hit 53. Yeah it's a stretch, but it's a DAMN big age gap. Also, Bret won the title with about 9 run ins and handed the title over less than a week later. His segments were well received and he was getting great reactions. Yes, it was better than Hogan would be.

That being said, it was still freaking stupid. Oh and just because I like proving that you're an idiot, he had a match about a month before that. It was at some no name show called Wrestlemania.

And you're right: Hogan brought in a big rating. As in one time. Other than that it's been the same as it was before he got there.
For one thing, Bret was five years younger when he won the title. Hogan is about a month and a half away from 58 and Bret just hit 53. Yeah it's a stretch, but it's a DAMN big age gap. Also, Bret won the title with about 9 run ins and handed the title over less than a week later. His segments were well received and he was getting great reactions. Yes, it was better than Hogan would be.

So Hogan cannot have run-ins? Why exactly? I'll take 58 without a stroke over 53 with. The sad truth is Hogan can wrestle circles are Hart right now amazing as that might sound given their past. Five is DAMN big? If that is what your girlfriend told you she is lying. If in spite of all these faults the segment was well-received then why could Hogan not pull it off? Or is it just the wwe sheep that were baahing and it would not work elsewhere?

That being said, it was still freaking stupid. Oh and just because I like proving that you're an idiot, he had a match about a month before that. It was at some no name show called Wrestlemania.

What a "match" that was. I thought you were talking about non-ppv matches. Hogan did pin Orton in 06. More smart wwe booking. I do find it interesting that this is something wwe actually did while we are talking about something tna is unlikely to do yet TNA is the one putting over past stars at the expense of new ones. Ah, to have the logic of the flockers.
This idea is so stupid that you could actually see WCW (sorry, they call themselves TNA these days don't they??) doing it. Hell, it could even make some degree of sense if they were to do it right.

It could even end up being quite good.

Have Abyss win the title in a hard fought match, then have Hogan declare another match immediatley for the title.

Hogan hits the Big Boot (possibly even reaching as high as Abyss' thigh lol) before dropping the big leg.

Hogan could then cut a promo saying either 'you were nothing but a disappointment, so I had to show you how it's done' or 'I was just using you to get myself to the top.

The rest of Team Hogan then keeps Abyss at bay for a few weeks until Bischoff makes a match at the next PPV. Abyss destroys Hogan and spends the following few months doing the same to anyone else who challenges him.

If Abyss can give Hogan a big enough beating then maybe you could take him off TV by saying he's injured. Then everybody wins lol
So Hogan cannot have run-ins? Why exactly? I'll take 58 without a stroke over 53 with. The sad truth is Hogan can wrestle circles are Hart right now amazing as that might sound given their past. Five is DAMN big? If that is what your girlfriend told you she is lying. If in spite of all these faults the segment was well-received then why could Hogan not pull it off? Or is it just the wwe sheep that were baahing and it would not work elsewhere?

As one of the biggest WWE marks here, I'd point you to the line where I said what I thought about Hart. Since that's too complex more than likely though, here it is again:

That being said, it was still freaking stupid

Sure Hogan can have run ins. And if/when he wins the world title, not the midcard title mind you but the top title in the company, in the main event of a PPV mind you rather than a match on TV, it will be different and far stupider.

What a "match" that was.

I know. I thought it was great.

Hogan did pin Orton in 06. More smart wwe booking.

I know. I ripped that apart so much it was usable confetti. But I'm a WWE mark so that never happened.
First of all, I don't want to see Abyss hold the title..

As for Hogan, his days are gone, long gone...if he was in TNA back in 2003 and won, then it would be different, if he wins now, he will going against everything he said on Jan 4th...About the younger talent getting the opportunity...

This can't get TNA viewers, if anything, it will lose them customers...and people just don't want to see Hogan wrestle...No I myself, don't mind seeing a Hogan vs Abyss fight, because the way things are going, it looks like we're going to get one...but no titles will be involved..

Seriously, how did you come up with this idea!!

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