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Hogan VS the Streak?


Dark Match Winner
Hear me out on this one. If the rumors are true, that Hogan will be involved at Wrestlemania XXX, how about having the Hulkster be a surprise entrant into the Rumble. Have him enter 25-30th, and win the Rumble. The following night on Raw, Hogan announces that he has done it ALL in the WWE, but there is one thing he hasn't done------ face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania! The WWE can go back through the history between the Hulkster and Taker, going back to 91 at Survivor Series, the Tuesday in Texas, etc. Heck maybe even bring Ric Flair in to lead Taker to the ring for old times sake.
The promos from Hogan would be classic. It would be interesting to see how the crowd responded to Hogan vs Taker. Who would they cheer? Just a curious thought heading into the holidays and the road to Mania XXX.
Good grief, where do I even start....

First of all.... Hogan is not going to win the Rumble. He's already done that and there are countless names on the roster who should win it instead. Hogan should do a cameo legends spot, possibly participate in the match, and nothing more. As if Hogan winning the Rumble was not bad enough.... Why in the hell would you suggest he use the Rumble win to challenge Taker's streak? That is one of the dumbest ideas that ever gets thrown around on this forum.

Does anyone seriously want to see this match? Hogan can no longer work a good match. Taker has had phenominal matches for the past 7 Wrestlemanias. There is no way a match with Hogan would touch the quality of any of them. Lastly, neither one would agree to lose the match. Taker knows better than to have his legendary streak ended by someone who is two decades past his prime. Hogan is notorious for wanting to be booked to win, so if neither agrees to lose then the match won't happen. I am 100% against this being a Wrestlemania match. Maybe if it took place 20 years ago, but it's not the early 90's anymore. Give Taker a match with Cena, Jericho, or Sheamus. Hogan should do a legends cameo appearance and not work a match at all.
Adding on to what Dagger said, Hogan simply can't be perceived as a threat. He's 60 years old, and nowhere near as threatening as he was in the 80's and 90's, where he took the wrestling world by storm. It might have been a good idea maybe in 2003 as opposed to the forgettable handicap match that Taker had, but not 11 years later.

Hogan winning the Rumble would be absurd by the way. Why rob others of the opportunity of challenging for the title after winning the Rumble when Hogan can casually throw it away and challenge the Undertaker? An appearance and maybe an elimination of a Jinder Mahal would be nice for a nostalgia moment, but he's in no shape for extended wrestling matches, especially at Wrestlemania with the Undertaker.

At the end of the day, Hogan and Taker will draw, but Lesnar and Taker or Cena and Taker will draw just as well, and they'll be good matches as well.
I do not want to see this match. This is why non wrestling fans look down on wrestling. When is it enough? Hogan just retire once and for all and no more teasing one match. What appeal is there in 2013 and heading into 2014 for a Hulk Hogan vs Undertaker Wrestlemania 30 match? I have nothing against Hogan but he never goes away and has pretty much destroyed his legacy.
I'm sorry but this an awful idea; in so many ways that have been explained above. Hogan has issues with his back and I doubt he can wrestle. He would be a bad choice to a) win the Royal Rumble and b) face The Undertaker at WM30.

I will, however, meet you halfway. If everything is sorted between Hogan, TNA and the WWE then I do think that Hogan should be in the 2014 Royal Rumble and should feature at WM30. For the RR, simply him coming in as a surprise entrant and eliminating one or two wrestlers could be a fantastic moment. Hogan would get a fantastic pop from the crowd and I think a lot of people want to see that. For WM30, a match is probably off limits but him being involved in an in-ring segment with 3MB or something has its value. Moreover, he deserves one last moment as long as Vince, not Hogan, decides what it is.

If Hogan is willing to be involved, he is too much of a big name not to use him. Just not in the way you described.
:headscratch:To put it kindly: NO WAY. hogan would pass out or suffer a heart attack or something. He's way to old, and his style is out of date. His leg drop wouldn't do diddly squat on 'Taker. This match would be so dang boring, hogan would hog the spotlight, it's just a bad idea.
I'm cool with Hogan being in the royal rumble... definitely not winning it, though.

He should come in number 15, toss out every member of 3MB and then get eliminated by Fandango.

At WrestleMania, he can come out and beat up Fandango in a non match ring segment where Fandango is kicking a puppy or doing something equally evil. That's it, no match.
I in a way like this idea. Not winning the rumble, but facing taker at wm.

But. But. I think perhaps if the stars alligned and hell froze over, have sting in it as well. A triple threat match. That way each old fart can have a break and isnt the central focus.

People shit on hogans back and his injuries, well shit, taker has surgery every damn match. Probably blows out his hip anytime he farts.
Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania? No ta!

Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker at another PPV? Yes please. It'd be interesting to see if Hogan would attempt to steal some of The Undertaker's heat. Which would be a losing move if somebody were to try that with The Undertaker today.
I know that there are still a ton of Hulk Hogan marks around. I also know that a good many of said Hogan marks allow nostalgia to interfere with common sense, but I honestly don't know why.

It's been said in this thread by others already and it's been said in numerous other threads speaking on the possibility of Hulk Hogan wrestling time & time again: Hulk Hogan is no longer capable of wrestling anything approaching a decent match. He's just not physically able to do it. Oh, I'm certain he could get into the ring and throw some punches, maybe an eye gouge or two here & there, but is he honestly capable of putting on a wrestling match that anyone who isn't a blind Hogan mark would enjoy? Absolutely not.

Hogan wrestling on a WWE ppv, especially WrestleMania, would draw some buys. Why? Just for the sheer novelty of seeing Hulk Hogan in a wrestling role on a WWE ppv for the first time in more than a decade. When it comes to the actual wrestling in the actual wrestling match, however, even the hardest of hardcore Hogan marks won't be able to ignore how lousy the match would actually be. It'd be a waste of Taker's streak, it'd be a waste of money for people who still thought Hogan could go & bought the show and it'd be a waste for WWE to pay Hogan what would probably be an ludicrously big paycheck.

The past 5 years, Taker has wrestled some of the most acclaimed matches of his career at WrestleMania against Shawn Michaels, Triple H & CM Punk. Anyone who honestly believes that Hulk Hogan can remotely deliver that sort of competitive outing against The Undertaker is either a complete fool or truly needs to be medicated.
Hogan in a match, especially a high profile match, is a terrible idea. I know the guy is a competitor and in his heart believes he still has it in him but for the sake of his health and overall entertainment he needs to stay on the sidelines. The E should simply sell Hogan as a WM Special Guest.

If they decide to go in the direction of a title vs. title unification there are two scenarios that would fit Hogan perfectly. One, they toss some decent change at Warrior to have him appear in the ring with Hogan pre match. This would play off WM VI title vs. title match. Two, bring in Flair to work the same situation with Hogan as Flair was the greatest WHC of all time. Warrior/Flair hold the WHC during the introductions and Hogan the WWE. We get a memorable Hogan moment at WM with zero embarrassment.
Here is all the issues I see with that match:

1) Hogan is 60 and can barely move not to mention he doesn't have the physical tools to wrestle a competent, typical Hogan match (I question if he could do a leg drop without injuring himself).

2) Taker is 48 and although can have a good match he can't be expected at his age to carry Hogan

3) Fan interest could go one of 2 ways. On paper Taker vs. Hogan would be an easy sell but the fact of the matter is you are having a match against a guy almost 50 and a senior citizen. At this point a Hogan vs. Taker match could turn more fans away then it could bring in.

4) With Lawler's on-air heart attack WWE would have big issues taking a risk like having Hogan get injured or having health issues in the middle of the match. They know Taker can keep it together but Hogan?

5) Hogan has ****ed himself out and damaged his name greatly over the last 5-6 years since he last left WWE. People will always cheer for Hogan but will people still shell over good dough to watch him wrestle again after all he's been through?

6) Legends like Hogan are best when they aren't seen on a regular basis. Sure, Hogan hasn't been in WWE for a long while but he does show in pop culture quite a bit and anyone who watched his TNA run would be beyond sick of him at this point. His lack of WWE television lately aside he hasn't been gone long enough to where I miss seeing him.

7) Convincing either Taker or Hogan for this match would be a tough sell. Taker knows this match wouldn't be very good and helps no one and Hogan may have an issue putting over someone way past his prime on his first WWE match in 8 years.

8) Having Hogan win the Rumble is essentially telling the fans that Hogan at 60 is better than the entire WWE locker room, many of them are less than half his age. Is that really the message you want to give the fans? That a senior citizen is better than the top WWE superstars?

There are so many things that could go bad putting those 2 together and the risk isn't worth it really. Most of all a Taker program with Lesnar or Cena would be MUCH better business wise, match quality wise, program wise, and in both cases the risks are greatly lessened. When you got Lesnar and Cena at your disposal why take the risk with Hogan?
Hogan entering the Royal Rumble should damn certainly not happen..The proposed match between Hogan and Taker at Wrestlemania 30 also should never happen...If Taker Chokeslams Hogan this time around, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it broke Hogan's fake hips..Not to mention that it's a given that the match would end controversially..All of the Hogan/Taker matches had controversial endings to them, whether it's Flair helping Taker, Hogan throwing urn dust into Taker's eyes, or McMahon's stooges interfering in the match, the proposed Hogan/Taker Wrestlemania 30 match wouldn't end well..

As others have said, Hogan is over 60, can't take any bumps anymore and probably can't hit the Legdrop without breaking some bones(or his fake hips). I enjoyed the Taker/Hogan feud when it ORIGINALLY happened back in 1991, especially when Taker beat Hogan with Flair's help at the 1991 Survivor Series to win the WWF Championship...For anyone who thinks that Taker/Hogan at Wrestlemania 30 would be even a decent match, then please watch the entire Hogan/Taker Judgment Day 2002 Championship match

NO! Absolutely NOT! Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker have a permanent place in my top ten favorite list of all time when it comes to professional wrestlers. However, the mini-feuds they had in the early 90s and early 2000s were enough for me. Not to say I didn't like the storylines that surrounded those feuds, but we are now over 10 years removed from their last meeting. Hogan has shown he's well behind his best days in the ring as a competitor. Coupled with the fact that the years are catching up with The Undertaker, I just don't think it would be in the best interests of either to ever meet.

With that said, even someone like Hulk Hogan, I don't want to see end the streak. It just shouldn't happen. I'm in the "Taker keeps The Streak" camp, not to take anything away from Undertaker, because he's just plain awesome period, but when it's all said and done, if The Undertaker stays undefeated at Mania, and they don't book him to lose, that's something he'll have that no other icon in the history of wrestling and in particularly WWE ever had.

To even entertain the idea of Hulk Hogan who's got his own set of accolades to be booked to take that distinction away from The Undertaker is ludicrous. I can't even entertain that insanity. Hell, I wouldn't even want to try that on WWE 2K14, let alone actually see it happen in real life.

Again, I just can't be more adamant about how opposed I am to this notion. NO THANK YOU. And this is coming from someone who marks out for The Hulkster on a regular basis.
I reached the point once TNA let Hogan go that he is no longer able to go. It has been over two years since he fought Sting. He's had plenty of time to heel and plenty of reason to fight again but he didn't. It has to be because he can't, and understandably so. He's 60 years old and battered from years of abusing his body in more ways than one. I don't care how big his arms still are, the knees, hips, back and brain need to function as well.

If Hogan could still fight Dixie's daddy would have thrown him the money to face Bubba Ray Dudley or Brooke Hogan. But he can't and he won't. If he gets thrown out of the Rumble his hips would shatter, if he faces the UT at WM a chokeslam would slip every disc in his back. It sucks but I believe it to be true.
I didnt know so many doctors posted on this forum.

Hogan knows his body, just as much as i know how all of you "phd's" backs, necks, knees, and hips feel. If he can pass a physical, have maybe a practice match at the performance center, then why not let him wreste?

HOWEVER, he must not end the streak, and this is coming from a huge hogan fan.

Flair, HBK, they all got their Wrestlemania send-off, why shouldnt hogan be allowed one more mania match?
IF HH could give us a match like he could say six or so years ago i would be ok with it as long as it wasn't takers last match. I know some reports say he has a match or two left in him but i am not so sure.
If you seriously believe a 2014 Hulk Hogan could be a credible threat to the The Streak, then you need psychiatric help. Need proof? Go to YouTube and watch Hogan VS Sting from BFG 2011. That's a "big match" for TNA's flagship PPV, and Hogan could barely move around and "compete" (using that word very loosely) with a 50+ year old Sting. That was in 2011. Common sense tells me I have no reason to believe things would change or improve in 2014.

Sorry, but a bar for excellence was set for The Streak after the five star classic at Mania 25 with Shawn (a shame the Mania 17 match with HHH is forgotten/ignored). You can't just lower those expectations for a one night only nostalgia buzz.

Plus, Hogan doesn't need to have a match at Wrestlemania XXX. Remember the moment with Hogan coming to Eugene's aid at Wrestlemania 21 to save him from Muhammad Hassen and Daivari? Everyone went nuts, and Hogan received an incredible ovation from the crowd. WWE could easily recreate this scenario with Hogan ( the true Real American) coming to the aid of some comedy face during an attack from The Real Americans. Real American hits, Hogan takes out Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger, and Zeb Coulter. Crowd goes nuts, and Hogan will get his standing ovation, guaranteed. No need whatsoever for him to go after The Streak.
As it has been said no way no how! Hogan is 25 years past his prime this match if it were to have happened should have happened years ago. In no way shape or form should hogan be even allowed near a wrestling ring. That guy is beat up beyond belief as no one would even give him clearance to wrestle. Undertaker remember was rumored to have lose at WM21 against Orton,but Orton axed the idea out of respect for the streak.

Do you see Hogan doing that? I sure as hell dont.. Hogan is 60 years old no way should he even wrestle at WM.. The streak is too precious to have end at the likes of Hogan! Im a Hogan Mark but no way should he be the one to do it..
Hogan and to a lesser extent Undertaker are popular names in pop culture lore from the 80s and 90s. Does that mean that nostalgia freaks will watch this match at the Granddaddy of them all? Ummmm nope. If this match is on the card I will not buy it at all. Hogan should be done with wrestling, he has became a joke. From reality to shows to sex tapes to whatever else he does, he has became a marketing tool, and has made a huge joke of himself. I for one never want to see him in a ring again. The idea of him winning the Rumble, is such a horrible idea. Ending the streak even worse
The Hulkamaniacs would probably love to see that but everyone else would just be thinking "what the fuck".

I thought it would be a cool idea for Hogan to challenge the streak 10 years ago and it would be a huge match and everything but Hogan was already too old then.

Most people see Undertaker as really old but if you go back 10 years, Hogan was older then than the undertaker is now.

I'm not big on the idea of Hogan being in the Royal Rumble either. I worry that if he gets thrown over the top rope, something could go wrong the legendary champion might never walk again.

I think Hogan could still do a tag team match and younger fans can be involved by having him team with one of the young guns like CM Punk or something. Hogan can join the fight against the Heyman guys.

If Hulk were to wrestle a singles match he needs an opponent who can do everything for him, like what Shawn Michaels did and I can't really think of anyone like that anymore.
Okay, wait a second. Maybe not Hulk Hogan, but having the Royal Rumble winner challenge the Undertaker does free up the WWE and World Championship for a unification match at WrestleMania. The catch would be, the winner of the Royal Rumble would have to be a former WWE / World Champion. This way, passing on a WWE / World Title opportunity to face the Streak would be believable and storyline acceptable. What do you think??
Okay, wait a second. Maybe not Hulk Hogan, but having the Royal Rumble winner challenge the Undertaker does free up the WWE and World Championship for a unification match at WrestleMania. The catch would be, the winner of the Royal Rumble would have to be a former WWE / World Champion. This way, passing on a WWE / World Title opportunity to face the Streak would be believable and storyline acceptable. What do you think??
I honestly wouldn't mind this, but only if its done ONE time. If this happens every year it will become a joke just like MITB is becoming. I think there is only one option if you are going to attempt this and that option is John Cena. Let me explain, there are only four full time wrestlers on the current roster that should even be in the ring with Taker and that is Cena, Punk, DB, and Orton. DB's storyline with HHH and Orton about being a B+ player would make him turning down a WWE title shot not make any sense at all. Punk is out because we dont want to see Punk vs Taker 2 this year. That leaves Orton, and I just cant see his heel character doing this, plus he is the current wwe champ and has already gotten a shot at the streak. So by default, Cena is the only choice here that makes sense. He's been champ so many times that I could buy him turning it down for a shot at the streak.
The only way I could handle seeing Hogan involved in Takers match at wrestlemania 30 is .
Being a ref , or some kind of outside enforcer aka Chuck Norris at survivor series 1994
No, just no.

They had a match almost 12 years ago that was god awful. Its not gonna be any better now. Hogan can barely walk to the ring anymore much less work a Wrestlemania quality match. Undertaker can't carry this match on his own.

They're both in the stage of there careers where they should be working with younger talent that can make up for their short comings in the ring.

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